View Full Version : Chinese Horoscope 2011 the Year of the Rabbit

29th January 2011, 12:46 AM
A placid year, very much welcomed and needed after the ferocious year of the Tiger. We should go off to some quiet spot to lick our wounds and get some rest after all the battles of the previous year.

Good taste and refinement will shine on everything and people will acknowledge that persuasion is better than force. A congenial time in which diplomacy, international relations and politics will be given a front seat again. We will act with discretion and make reasonable concessions without too much difficulty.

A time to watch out that we do not become too indulgent. The influence of the Rabbit tends to spoil those who like too much comfort and thus impair their effectiveness and sense of duty.

Law and order will be lax; rules and regulations will not be rigidly enforced. No one seems very inclined to bother with these unpleasant realities. They are busy enjoying themselves, entertaining others or simply taking it easy. The scene is quiet and calm, even deteriorating to the point of somnolence. We will all have a tendency to put off disagreeable tasks as long as possible

Money can be made without too much labor. Our life style will be languid and leisurely as we allow ourselves the luxuries we have always craved for. A temperate year with unhurried pace. For once, it may seem possible for us to be carefree and happy without too many annoyances.

Chinese Horoscope 2011 the Year of the Rabbit

By SunSeven
2011 Chinese Horoscope

We all know what 2010 the year of the Tiger had in store for us. Now the time has come to look forward to the future and contemplate what fortunes 2011 the Year of The Rabbit will bring us. Acccording to the Chinese Astrology and Lunar Calendar, the horoscope is divided into twelve cycles, each with its own animal. The year 2011 will be the Year of the Rabbit, which is from 03 February 2011 to 22 January 2012. Know the fortunes that the future holds for you in the coming year. We shall now explore and analyze your Chinese Horoscope based on the 12 Chinese Zodiac signs and its predictions for Chinese New Year 2011:

If you are unsure about the zodiac animal attached to your birth year refer to How to Find your Chinese Zodiac Animal.

Chinese Zodiac Sign The Rat
The Rat

People born in the Year of the Rat, will see considerable improvement in their energy and luck in the year of 2011 compared to 2010. Events will be smoother this year for all age groups. You will be lucky in love and romance, with even chances of being blessed with babies! It is also possible to settle down this year if you already haven’t. You will do well in business, career, social life, and romance too. However, take care not to indulge too much in the known vices and be cautious about gossip and vile words from others. Wise investments will bring in great harvest as your wealth luck is superb in 2011. Time to rejoice even more this year with favorable stars shining upon you!

Chinese Zodiac Sign The Ox
The Ox

Those who are born in the Year of the Ox need to be real patient in 2011 as this year may not be your best year. Be mentally prepared and do not think too negative about the uncertainty of the future. Save often, as your wealth luck is at a low ebb this year. Conflicts in marital life should be avoided, business rivalry can cost you dearly, do not start new ventures without careful analyzis and planning, do not make haste in decisions on any front. Students got to work harder to to acquire more knowledge and skills this year. Be in control of your emotions and show love, care and kindness for family, friends and loved ones. Your luck will improve towards the middle of the year.

The Tiger
The Tiger

If you were born the Year of the Tiger, you can relax knowing that your lucky stars are gathering together to stabilize your luck towards the end of 2011. However there will still be impediments in your business plans. Think twice before starting any new ventures. Try to keep a low profile as gossips may hit you hard. Take care of your health and try to go for your regular checkups. Take good rest and do not overwork. Be careful when playing in pools and rivers. Work and career progress may be slow, do more networking and be cautious about what you speak to others. This may not be the year to find your true love. Those who are already together, try to be more compassionate towards your partner. Everything will be brighter and pleasant by the end of the year.

Chinese Zodiac Sign The Rabbit
The Rabbit

This is the Year of the Rabbit. For those who are born under this zodiac, things may not be very rosy, as evil stars can cause much obstacles in your life in 2011. Although this may be your year, your wealth luck is not strong. Do not get into arguments, drive safely, manage your finances well, avoid risks in all fronts, curb your anger and be more considerate towards your loved ones. Make new friends, focus your thoughts, and be prepared for all impediments in your path. But do not despair, there will be spikes in your luck from time to time.

Chinese Zodiac Sign The Dragon
The Dragon

Those born in the Year of the Dragon, will experience much better luck and life in 2011. The lucky stars will guide you to safety. Take chances, swim upstream, your mainstream income will be sufficient for most. Those who are in love or married will have a wonderful time of life in general. There will be great leaps forward in your career, business, and there will be some pleasant surprises all along. You will gain fame and money this year. But remember to avoid known perils. Avoid water themed games and eat only healthy food.
Chinese Zodiac Sign The Snake
The Snake

If you are born in the Year of the Snake take extra care this year on your health and investments. Remember that taking too many a medical leave will effect your appraisal! You need to be extra cautious with new investments. Do not make rash decisions. Although there will be challenges at work, take them in your stride as 2011 will be a good year for your career. Do not bring home your workplace issues. Balance your finances and do not overeat. Your wealth luck will be at its peak towards the last quarter.
Chinese Zodiac Sign The Horse
The Horse

Great news for those who are born the Year of the Horse! Your lucky stars are shining bright this year. As your luck is stable there is no need to switch careers. But take care to not to fall for scams and traps set by evil people. Businessmen should take good care of their subordinates. Business will be hectic, so, make sure you take a proper diet every day. Be careful with your actions and words during business or social networking sessions, as competitors will try to take advantage of them. Enjoy yet another year of good fortunes.
Chinese Zodiac Sign The Goat
The Goat

2011 will be a mixed bag for those who are born in the Year of the Goat. There will be great opportunities as well as obstacles in your career path. Invest in properties as you have great wealth luck this year. Its difficult to find sincere people to stand by you, even though you will be surrounded by friends of the opposite gender. There will be increased activity in your business, but may not really be very fruitful. Be patient and alert always. You may get hurt by sharp objects. Singles will get many chances to find mates.
Chinese Zodiac Sign The Monkey
The Monkey

You have to let go of your feelings. Make peace with your inner self. Those who are born on the Year of the Monkey will get affected by common illnesses like flu and other seasonal sicknesses easily. Be a little stringent and reign in your urge to spend more than necessary. Try to live a healthy life. You may be confused with the selection of mates, leave all relationship matters to fate. Take care of your valuables and residence, avoid dark alleys, be careful about slipping and falling from high places. Your wealth luck will be relatively stable in 2011.
Chinese Zodiac Sign The Rooster
The Rooster

Almost like a follow up on last year, 2011 also is not going to be a very pleasant year for those who were born on the Year of the Rooster. You need to be in harmony with everyone. Scandals, gossips and lawsuits may follow you around. Your valuables might get damaged easily, your relationships might go through patchy times, and your wealth luck will be rugged. Although your health will be ok, little illnesses will trouble you. Try to stay happy and keep your spirits high. Get some exercise. Be more proactive with your loved ones. Things will start looking up towards the middle of the year. Save for rainy days, and remember that harmony is the key to your success!

Chinese Zodiac Sign The Dog
The Dog

This is going to be one of the best years for those who were born on the Year of the Dog with lucky stars surrounding you! Students will do brilliantly, business plans will go through smoothly, health is better, there will be harmony in family life, and your wealth luck will be excellent with wise investments bringing in great returns. Career and business growth will be high. However, being a little cautious while participating in outdoor games will be a good idea. Ease up on indulgence while social networking. Do not forget to spice up your life with your partner by enjoying a vacation some time in 2011. Enjoy!
Chinese Zodiac Sign The Pig
The Pig

In 2011 lucky stars will be weakened for those who are born on the Year of the Pig. Spend less, avoid direct confrontations with anybody, always be on guard against vile persons, try to be calm and composed, put major investments on hold, relationships will be troubled by gossips and scandals, and health will also be weakened. Guard against breath related illnesses. Laugh often. Students study harder. Be more understanding in love. Reign in your bad temper. Save while you can and do not take loans. Things will definitely get better towards the end of the year.
Wish You All A Very Happy 2011

These are the predictions for 2011 - the year of the Rabbit, according to Chinese Astrology. It is up to you to decide whether to believe these guidelines or completely ignore them. The horoscope is put forth in a generally positive tone.

So, go ahead and try to follow the advice given for the upcoming year. You got nothing to lose! Good luck for a bright and prosperous Chinese New Year 2011, friends!
