View Full Version : Ken O'Keefe: Rise People Rise – The Global Revolution is Upon Us!

29th January 2011, 01:14 PM
Rise People Rise – The Global Revolution is Upon Us! (http://kenokeefe.wordpress.com/2011/01/28/rise-people-rise-the-global-revolution-is-upon-us/)


I have for many years lived with the knowledge that we, the masses, the working class, the poor, the white, the black, the brown, the immigrants, the Christians, the Muslims, the atheists, the soldiers/ex-soldiers, the peaceniks, the communists, the anarchists, the students, the people, across the spectrum, we all have a common cause. And yet, we have so tragically allowed ourselves to be duped, to be pitted against each other, fighting each other, finding a million ways to divide ourselves, or simply to be indifferent to each other. In this the tyrant’s smile, they laugh and they joke, about how complete their control over us is. They have been laughing for far too long.

I know how this happens, growing up in my white middle-class Californian life; I was a mindless idiot like most, I had no idea that we in the West were living on the back of the blood sweat and tears of countless people around the globe. I was clueless about our reaping the benefits of the plunder of the world. I too was living in that bubble of indifference, a bubble that is finally bursting. I wonder if the billions who have suffered for our indifference can forgive us? I wonder if we will be honest about our criminal complacency which has resulted in an unfathomable amount of suffering and death?

Ah but alas, the American empire is crumbling, it is rotting from within, like every single empire before it. And how poetic that its accelerated demise was ignited by the rage and desperation of one Mohamed Bouazizi (http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/dec/28/tunisia-ben-ali), one of the countless victims meant to be just another statistic; no no, this statistic just kicked off a global revolution.

Think about it, if a street vendor can do that, imagine the power of the people united, intelligent, fearless and indomitable.

And the people of the world are beginning to realize that all the bribe money, all the weapons, all the sleazy tyrants and their minions are nothing, they are spineless fleeing cowards, running away as cowards do. Let them run to the grotesquely corrupt hosts who will receive them, their day is coming soon as well. Soon there will be nowhere to hide, no gold for them to steal, no court to shield them and no stolen land to live on.

Moving forward with this revolution I am sure many such scoundrels will come home to America, the most corrupt land of them all, by virtue of the seeds of corruption it has sowed across the globe… America, possessor of the most disgusting, servile, traitorous government of them all, will soon play host to all its servile tin pot dictators.

America… the land of illusions, with the veneer of civility and prosperity, in truth the essence of destitution and lunacy. I know this land; it is my birth nation, I was indoctrinated in this nation and made insane, like the vast majority of its population. And yet I am blessed for my insanity because I have survived it, and more importantly I remember it, thus I can look at all my lost brothers and sisters and see myself.

I realized upon awakening that it was the height of arrogance to expect everybody else to awaken in unison with me, and so I accept people, as they are, collectively insane but capable of retaining their humanity. I knew for sure that if I could break free, anyone can. I remember how crazy and stupid I was, I remember believing my nation this and my nation that, and I remember pledging my allegiance to The United States of Hypocrisy by reciting the words “with liberty and justice for all”; what a bunch of bullshit! But I believed it.

I owe brother Malcolm X an incredible debt of gratitude for teaching me how stupid I was. I owe my native American brothers and sisters for teaching me of the genocidal history never mentioned in school. I owe my Hawaiian (kanaka maoli) brothers and sisters for teaching me true love of the land and the sea, as well as respect for my elders and the beauty of an extended family.

I owe the United States Marine Corps massively, for providing me my first real taste of injustice; undoubtedly the most critical event of my life. They gave me the rage, for having done the right thing and being punished, they connected me to everyone who knows injustice. How ironic… how beautiful.

I thank one president above all, thank you Dubya, my brother George W. Bush. You more than any other president taught my fellow Americans a lesson that I had known for years. I thank you Mr. President for uniting people around the world, like no other president in my lifetime. But most of all I thank you for forcing Americans to ask themselves, honestly; “do I live in the greatest nation on Earth?” And if so, how is it possible that “my president” is a silver spoon suckin, idiot Yale graduate, Skull & Bones tapped, cocaine snorting, Vietnam disserting, un-elected asshole?

Bill Clinton killed a good million and half Iraqis through inhuman sanctions, including 500,000 plus children. But Americans remained in their coma, oblivious to Clinton the mass-murdering war criminal; but then came George, thank you George, no president did more to wake Americans up, you were the turning point.

People were engaged with Dubya, he stirred them from their slumber, but Obama put them back to sleep. “It’s all good, there is a black man in the White House, everything is cool again!” What a joke. Meanwhile Americans sat by, waving flags and losing their jobs, losing their homes and making a bonfire of their Constitution and Bill of Rights. American sons and daughters turned into psychopaths and sacrificial lambs yet again. America, a nation of and for war criminals. America, making orphans by the millions. America, fighting and “leading” a farcical “War on Terror.”

America became some horrible B-movie, one big B-movie set in Fantasy Land, produced by Zionist lackeys (http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/commentary/la-oe-stein19-2008dec19,0,4676183.column). Only a nation and a world gone insane could have believed the movie was reality. Power to the prostitutes of propaganda, they did all they were ever called on to do. Meanwhile the working class continued working hard, bought their tickets and watched the movie, just so they could go further into debt by gifting the bankers trillions and trillions of dollars. “God bless America!”

Remember this my fellow Americans, a street vender from Tunisia kicked your ass; how beautiful is that? Somehow your slave masters could not manage to stop a single, insignificant man from knocking over the first domino and igniting the fire to which you shall soon be engulfed, literally. If you know what’s good for you, you will see your traitors on Wall Street, in the Congress and the White House for who there are, fast.

Speaking of which, let me say to Hillary Clinton and the other prostitute politicians calling for “restraint” in Tunisia and Egypt; fuck you and fuck restraint. Remain angry my brothers and sisters and channel that anger until the result is achieved, a revolution resulting in a dictators flight. He has shamed the Egyptian people for far too long, bought and paid for by the American taxpayer; there is no “reform” absent his departure. Let Egyptian rage manifest in the form of that cowardly, pathetic excuse of a man fleeing Egypt to join some pathetic and corrupt regime suitable of hosting him. I am not alone in waiting for the news that Israel and America’s Pimpdaddy Mubarak, and all his prostitutes, are fleeing Egypt for good.

And I am loving the “financial crisis, loving the fact that people are suffering in Europe and America, let it get worse and worse, please God I pray for a storm of discomfort. Let the middle and upper class people of the West in particular live like the Bedouins of Gaza I met today, nothing will jump start their conscience more. Let them feel a fraction of the pain and suffering we have dealt to the rest of the world. Soak it up, embrace it, live in the street, go hungry and homeless and get beaten for seeking shelter in the wrong place. Then look in the mirror and see the world you created in your own eyes.

Let us realize once and for all the truth, we are all connected, we, the working class, the un-employed, no matter color, religion, sex, nationality, we are the masses, we have the power. And if we have any sense at all we will see any and all attacks on fellow human beings as an attack on ourselves and our family. With this attitude we will crush any so-called leader/politician who even thinks to bamboozle us with the same bogus game that has played out for far too long.

Enough is enough, the world we created has been horrid, let us thank profusely those who fought while sat on our lazy, indoctrinated asses. Let us now stand together, brothers and sisters, with the people of Tunisia and Egypt in particular. Let us turn the page on the nicey nice social gathering protests that serve to diffuse our rage and absolve us of guilt by allowing us to say; “I protested.” No it is time now for much more effective measures. Direct Action is my chosen method, but general strikes are called for big time. It is time for the workers to bring the slave masters to their knees and to seriously, meaningfully, express solidarity with the people of every occupied nation, including but not limited to, Palestine, Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan and my beloved Hawaiian nation.

It is time to fight fire with fire if necessary and make clear to our police and military that if they turn on the people, then they will feel the wrath of the people.

Every government should be made to fear the people and respect the people, period. Let that be our credo, let us shed the fear and instill fear in every tyrant. The Tunisians and Egyptians have put the fear of god in their governments, so should we; our Western governments are every bit as corrupt.

And if our revolutions begin to be replaced by another form of tyranny, we shall rise again the moment it reveals itself.

As for irony, how about this, let us use the words of a despicable institution (The United Nations) and manifest the meaning of the words;

“Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,…” – Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Let us live these words and draw a line in the sand. Either you live these values and protect these values or you are an enemy of the people. The bullshit war on terror and all who support that farce must be exposed and put in their place. Wars of aggression and occupation must end immediately. Those that rationalize and justify war and occupation must be exposed and recognized as enemies of the people. Banking, the fractional reserve system and the Federal Reserve, the central banks and the entire ponzi scheme they enslaved us with must be completely destroyed. Every secret society conspiring to benefit the few at the expense of the many must be exposed and destroyed.

Behind every empire remains the hidden powers and the removal of Ben Ali and Mubarak is merely the removal of their puppets; they have countless more so it is the powers in the shadows that we must finally see. These anti-humans care nothing for the religions or nations that the masses are so wedded to. They can slither from one place to another. Like a chameleon they can change color or camouflage themselves. They must be seen, the truth tellers are doing their part; we need only open our eyes. And open your eyes for this one, the greatest animated film ever made, The American Dream. Watch this 30 minute cartoon, get angry and get real.

I say again, if a street vendor can kick off a global revolution, imagine the power of the people united, intelligent, fearless and indomitable. We can achieve any damn thing we commit to. I say we destroy the banking system and replace it with genuine currencies of real value serving simply as a means for fair and ethical trade. I say we default on all of our loans to the criminal banks, both personal and national, and start over. I say we make criminals of the merchants of death who produce weapons of mass-destruction. And I say we sail to Palestine by the thousands and turn Israel’s ruthless, mass-murdering, fourth largest military in the world into an impotent irrelevance.

Why not?

Let us realize once and for all, that we the people are one, that we are human, that our most precious gift is that of our humanity. Let us never sacrifice it again. Together we are unstoppable. We are the sleeping giant, we are the waking lion, we are fierce and we are fearless.

If you the tyrants, the bankers, the prostitutes of propaganda and politics, if you are very fortunate indeed we will give you amnesty. But if you seek such mercy, then step down and speak honestly of the crimes against the people to which you aided and abetted and/or committed. Maybe, just maybe, you will become human again. And you can thank us all for being human with you.

If you are the police, the army, the servant of the tyrants, know that you are one of us, and you have the opportunity to serve your true purpose, which is to serve the people. Do this and you will be welcome. Remember, you are commanded by God and/or conscience to serve your fellow human beings; do so at the very moment your traitorous superiors order you to turn on the people. At that moment in which you are being ordered to sacrifice your humanity, put down your weapons and join the people; WE WILL EMBRACE YOU. You will transform from a vassal of tyranny to a hero. You have been placed in your position for this role, do not reject it.

To the tyrants, it matters not what you do to any one of us, we are the people, we are the true power and we are reclaiming it. Do not stand in our way.

To my brothers and sisters in Tunisia and Egypt, my deepest love and respect goes out to all of you. Thank you for showing us the way. May we follow in your footsteps, and without delay; I for one am with you 100%.


Also see:

In Conversation With Ken O'Keefe (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/in-conversation-with-ken-o%27keefe/msg173553/#msg173553)
This guy has a lot of great views on the world and Zionism. A true patriot of the world!
1 Hour video here

29th January 2011, 02:12 PM
great "music video accompaniment" which osoab posted in another Egypt thread,


BTW O'Keefe's vid at the end of the OP was a little pie-in-the-sky; IE we're not all going to head to Egypt and truck through cement bound for gaza. But I like O'Keefe's spunk though.

30th January 2011, 11:46 AM
This is a terrific, insightful interview which took place Friday- host Kevin Barrett interviews guest Alison Weir of If Americans Knew: What Every American Needs to Know About Israel/Palestine (http://www.ifamericansknew.org/). Of course the hot news was Egypt's going MUMMYOUT (http://karthik3685.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/mummies.jpg?w=353). Kevin opened the show noting that Egypt is the 2nd largest recipient of US-taxpayer foreign aid, after Israel. But the rub is, the moneys to Egypt are effectively further Israeli "aid", because the Egypt $ is really bribe money to get the Mubarak regime to play along with Izzy's wishes, help Izzy to successfully genocide the remaining Palestinians, etc. Besides discussing USraeli/Egyptian/Palestinian real-politiks, One of the most interesting parts of the show was where they ask, how did the zionists get so powerful? Alison reviews the laundry list of zionist interest groups operating in the US, how they operate, and the machinery behind why the average American holds such a warped/lopsided view of MidEast affairs. Obviously, USrael's PTB has an enormous stake in how the Egyptian Revolution shakes out.

Show description reads:

Alison Weir: "If Americans Knew".... (http://truthjihadradio.blogspot.com/2011/01/alison-weir-if-americans-knew.html)
Truth Jihad Radio Fri.. 1/28/11, 1-3 pm Central, American Freedom Radio

Second hour: Alison Weir, If Americans Knew, setting the record straight on the Palestinian-Zionist conflict. Several of Alison Weir's articles have been included in anthologies, and she has given briefings on Capitol Hill, presentations at the Asia Media Summit in Kuala Lumpur and at the Jerusalem Media Center Conference in the West Bank, and lectures at Harvard Law School, Yale, Stanford, Berkeley, the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, the Naval Postgraduate Institute, Georgetown, and numerous other campuses.

Direct MP3 Download (http://www.americanfreedomradio.com/archive/Truth-Jihad-32k-012811.mp3): 2 hrs 27 MBs, Alison Weir is on in the 2nd hour, so advance the MP3 to the middle, AKA the top of the 2nd hour, to listen to this interview. First hour is re chemtrails.