View Full Version : Should I worry about the Government confiscating everything ?
30th January 2011, 10:15 AM
Hi there
I see so many people investing so much Silver / Gold on Youtube, we are talking over 500oz!!!
Should people investing in PM's worry about the Government confiscating all your hard earned savings?
Like to hear what you guys think of this?
30th January 2011, 10:21 AM
Hi there
I see so many people investing so much Silver / Gold on Youtube, we are talking over 500oz!!!
Should people investing in PM's worry about the Goverment confiscating all your hard earned savings?
Like to hear what you guys think of this?
Do you own any gold and/or silver?
Most here just talk about owning gold and silver. We believe that the dollar is as good as gold. ;)
30th January 2011, 10:27 AM
I found this link, looks good, have fun
30th January 2011, 05:14 PM
I found this link, looks good, have fun
Seems there's a few boating accidents in that thread.
I think what you'll find Robert, is a lot of folks seem really smart online with great advise. Yet, a lot of us are just plain stupid and can't seem to hang on to our silver because of accidents.
Just yesterday, I was feeding some ducks. I couldn't figure out why they were looking at me strange and quacking. Turns out I was tossing them silver dimes, instead of bread...They weren't happy, I wasn't either, and if they had a middle finger to give me I'm sure they would have.
30th January 2011, 07:01 PM
Robert, don't worry about confiscation. Government confiscation would be an admission that their printed currency is not legitimate. That's the last message they want to send.
30th January 2011, 07:10 PM
Yeah PMs are risky. I'd own 401ks, municiple pensions, and Social Secruity. None of those would ever be stolen by governments, taxation, inflation, or bankers... I can't keep a straight face ;D
Nothing in life is risk free.
1st February 2011, 12:40 PM
Yeah they will take everything including your self-respect if you will give it to them. If you are worried about gold and silver specifically you might try cotton. I hear it floats for a short while anyway. ;D
Or of course, they have never confiscated palladium or platinum, you could load up the boat with those.
1st February 2011, 01:34 PM
It's easy for the government to confiscate a bank account, retirement account, safety deposit box, etc. It's hard to confiscate a jar of coins buried in the back yard, that is, if they even know you have it.
1st February 2011, 02:53 PM
Hi there
I see so many people investing so much Silver / Gold on Youtube, we are talking over 500oz!!!
Should people investing in PM's worry about the Government confiscating all your hard earned savings?
Like to hear what you guys think of this?
500 ounces? :ROFL:
1st February 2011, 03:05 PM
Hi there
I see so many people investing so much Silver / Gold on Youtube, we are talking over 500oz!!!
Should people investing in PM's worry about the Government confiscating all your hard earned savings?
Like to hear what you guys think of this?
500 ounces? :ROFL:
hey hey... there are noobs in every discipline... :D
1st February 2011, 06:12 PM
Wish I had 500+ ounces. I lost all mine in a fiery rocket ship crash a couple years ago.
Now all I have are some really sweet war nickels. Who needs anything other than some war nickels?
2nd February 2011, 03:45 AM
"500 ounces?"
:) dont mean to be rude, but why the laughing? Is 500 ounces too much? Be interested to know :)
2nd February 2011, 07:55 AM
"500 ounces?"
:) dont mean to be rude, but why the laughing? Is 500 ounces too much? Be interested to know :)
i'm just giving you a hard time. ;)
in answer to your question however, most of the people here have x,xxx ounces or more. 500 ounces is a starter kit for most GS-US posters.
2nd February 2011, 08:24 AM
really 500 oz as a starter!! wow thats amazing, wish I knew about the shortage 2 years ago, I dont know if Silver is a good price to buy now?
but thanks chad !! :)
2nd February 2011, 07:18 PM
"500 ounces?"
:) dont mean to be rude, but why the laughing? Is 500 ounces too much? Be interested to know :)
i'm just giving you a hard time. ;)
in answer to your question however, most of the people here have x,xxx ounces or more. 500 ounces is a starter kit for most GS-US posters.
That’s just great Chad, bragging about our big bulging humongous piles of silver bullion! Now the FBI will be sending all our collective IPs to their S.R.U. analysts to compile a list of our names and addresses for future use; you know, when a national emergency is declared because of the future strategic silver shortage requiring seizure of private silver hoards in the name of national security bla bla bla. Now that you’ve painted a big bulls eye on each of our foreheads, I'm heading over to the Mogambo’s bunker with a pepperoni pizza and some tacos. I hope he takes the bait and let’s me enter, for my sake. :soap :redfc :boom :mad
2nd February 2011, 08:12 PM
Not to worry Mamboni...;topic=20800.0;attach=601 4;image
3rd February 2011, 05:34 AM
"500 ounces?"
:) dont mean to be rude, but why the laughing? Is 500 ounces too much? Be interested to know :)
i'm just giving you a hard time. ;)
in answer to your question however, most of the people here have x,xxx ounces or more. 500 ounces is a starter kit for most GS-US posters.
That’s just great Chad, bragging about our big bulging humongous piles of silver bullion! Now the FBI will be sending all our collective IPs to their S.R.U. analysts to compile a list of our names and addresses for future use; you know, when a national emergency is declared because of the future strategic silver shortage requiring seizure of private silver hoards in the name of national security bla bla bla. Now that you’ve painted a big bulls eye on each of our foreheads, I'm heading over to the Mogambo’s bunker with a pepperoni pizza and some tacos. I hope he takes the bait and let’s me enter, for my sake. :soap :redfc :boom :mad
fish tacos + anchovies, my friend. might want to bring a tin of sardines for good measure!
3rd February 2011, 05:49 AM
you guys are funny, I like the way you have no care/fear, I worry about this, hope it never comes true
big country
3rd February 2011, 09:49 AM
many here have 1,000s of Ozs. I personally do not, I "only" have a few Ozs of gold and somewhere around 100ish Ozs of silver. I don't care who know what I have, I'm not paranoid like some here. Though I also don't speak out too much against the Jews, PTB, Etc (even though I mostly agree with those speaking) so I figure I have less of a target painted on me.
I would NEVER willingly turn them in, just like my guns, and if they ever come to confiscate...well, I wont be needing either where I would be heading after that...
Just get what you can afford, and be happy with the thought that even a little PMs is better then a lot of FRNs when the time comes...
3rd February 2011, 12:30 PM
Not to worry Mamboni...;topic=20800.0;attach=601 4;image
Ah Ximmy, you have the face of an angel and a heart made of gold! ;D
3rd March 2011, 10:51 AM
3rd March 2011, 11:26 AM
3rd March 2011, 11:39 AM
you guys are funny, I like the way you have no care/fear, I worry about this, hope it never comes true
I tell you they will need to pry my 4 clad dimes out of my stiff dead hand, but before that I will try and negotiate an amnesty, by informing the government where people like Chad and Ponce, has hid their enormous silver treasures... I have nothing personal against these guys, but I like my clad dimes, and my EPNS cutlery...
6th March 2011, 04:01 PM
Most here just talk about owning gold and silver. We believe that the dollar is as good as gold. ;)
you can pry my Archie comics out of my cold dead hands. ;D
silver solution
7th March 2011, 12:52 AM
I lost my gold on boating trip on the Crooked river In Maine.
A fishing trip caused this loss. Big fish in that river in the spring. I wish I had stayed home that day. Don't mix business with fishing.
I sunk the boat and lost the gold and other valuable snuff I was taking up the river.
If you find this gold I would like back this one little pinky ring with sweet diamond for telling you it is in there.
Please message me here and I will pay a small finders fee for the little ring you keep the rest. The gold is about three miles up from the locks.
Good luck in your search as I really would like that ring back.
I will talk about silver I lost after I get that ring back. I hate some rivers and boats.
7th March 2011, 05:41 AM
Just get what you can afford
Rather get what you NEED. What you actually need is a sum slightly over $20. Actually $21 is a good number because that is all you need to establish a remedy at jury by trial. I used my $21 to record a silver bond which I then offer to individuals/agencies/companies. They invariably accept my offer but never seem to attempt to redeem it. Such a pitifully small sum doesn't appear to be worth the effort now does it?
Now say I wanted to come up with a $1,000 silver bond. Do you suppose I have given them much greater incentive to attempt to collect. In addition this tells them I have that much specie on hand. Why would you willing give a crook information like this?
Holding anything over what you need is just speculation.
Care to start a thread about your use of "silver bonds"?
7th March 2011, 06:58 AM
Care to start a thread about your use of "silver bonds"?
Ok. Easily done.
Here's the thread:
7th March 2011, 07:04 AM
many here have 1,000s of Ozs. I personally do not, I "only" have a few Ozs of gold and somewhere around 100ish Ozs of silver. I don't care who know what I have, I'm not paranoid like some here. Though I also don't speak out too much against the Jews, PTB, Etc (even though I mostly agree with those speaking) so I figure I have less of a target painted on me.
I would NEVER willingly turn them in, just like my guns, and if they ever come to confiscate...well, I wont be needing either where I would be heading after that...
Just get what you can afford, and be happy with the thought that even a little PMs is better then a lot of FRNs when the time comes...
Paranoid is what they call you when they want you to let your guard down.
big country
7th March 2011, 08:29 AM
many here have 1,000s of Ozs. I personally do not, I "only" have a few Ozs of gold and somewhere around 100ish Ozs of silver. I don't care who know what I have, I'm not paranoid like some here. Though I also don't speak out too much against the Jews, PTB, Etc (even though I mostly agree with those speaking) so I figure I have less of a target painted on me.
I would NEVER willingly turn them in, just like my guns, and if they ever come to confiscate...well, I wont be needing either where I would be heading after that...
Just get what you can afford, and be happy with the thought that even a little PMs is better then a lot of FRNs when the time comes...
Paranoid is what they call you when they want you to let your guard down.
Well I didn't mean anything by it so read into it however you want. Is there annother word I should have used to make the same point without being anything more then that'?
7th March 2011, 09:22 AM
Well I didn't mean anything by it so read into it however you want. Is there annother word I should have used to make the same point without being anything more then that'?
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you...I just like the quote and believe that it's true. Maybe I shouldn't have quoted you, probably my fault.
silver solution
9th March 2011, 11:48 PM
Hi there
I see so many people investing so much Silver / Gold on Youtube, we are talking over 500oz!!!
Should people investing in PM's worry about the Government confiscating all your hard earned savings?
Like to hear what you guys think of this?
The real ? is. Is the government scared of you and Tar, Feathers, and Rope.
11th March 2011, 06:09 AM
Robert, don't worry about confiscation. Government confiscation would be an admission that their printed currency is not legitimate. That's the last message they want to send.
they're confiscating all over the place.
they do it under the guise of "The Drug War", among other things.
true, they want to keep pushing the "America is a land of opportunity, where private property rights are protected."
my guess is, a time may come when web traffic on a forum such as this will perk up the interest of the Soviet Commissars who now run the US government.
i hope JohnQ has a nice big "DELETE DATABASE" button on his web-server.
18th March 2011, 04:52 PM
They have confiscated the country already...... :oo-->
18th March 2011, 04:53 PM
I found this link, looks good, have fun
Yea kitco is a lot of fun thats why we are all here....... ;D
20th March 2011, 07:28 AM
If the Government comes for your PM's, treat them like you would any other COMMON CRIMINAL that breaks into your home to steal your private property.
So are you going to claim, stand upon and defend your RIGHTS, or cower in the corner and call the 'Kops' to help you?
20th March 2011, 12:38 PM
Not to worry Mamboni...;topic=20800.0;attach=601 4;image
Ah Ximmy, you have the face of an angel and a heart made of gold! ;D
Yep, I googled "Ximmy" pics, and this one came up:
21st March 2011, 12:21 PM
If the Government comes for your PM's, treat them like you would any other COMMON CRIMINAL that breaks into your home to steal your private property.
So are you going to claim, stand upon and defend your RIGHTS, or cower in the corner and call the 'Kops' to help you?
common criminals come in 1's and 2's.
US government criminals come in 5's and 10's. American Jack-booted thugs travel in packs.
the trick is finding an effective defense that will stop them in their tracks, without putting Vouz or Moi in jail or pushing up daisies.
the Monty Python defense - "I fart in your general direction" - will not work. not unless you have a trained army of 500 Skunks. sort of like the Monty Python Killer Rabbit.
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