View Full Version : Oz man goes to prison for criticising Judaism

30th January 2011, 07:07 PM
Thought this might be interesting.

What is happening with the hate speach laws here? I cannot keep up with the continual attempts to make opinion a jailable offense. This is truly becoming a frightening world when a persons opinion, when expressed can lead to a loss of freedom. The Jews really do rule the world.

30th January 2011, 07:20 PM
Mr O’Connell has been remanded in custody until sentencing submissions on Monday.

30th January 2011, 07:25 PM
Freaking idiot........he should had talked about the Zionist movement, that is a political party, and nothing would had happened to him and it would have had the same affect, and closer to the truth.

30th January 2011, 07:27 PM
I searched gootube for Brendan Lee O’Connell but no first-page hits. Funny, most of the "blasphemous" things he allegedly said, I know what he's talking about. Even the invasion thing, dajooz are looking at Tanzania Tasmania (off AU) and Patagonia (off Argentina) - is there something we should all know about the wisdom of being deep in the Southern Hemisphere, looking forward?

As to "What is happening with the hate speach laws here?", Rev Ted Pike is on it (http://www.truthtellers.org/index.html)... this is just a portion of a recent rense interview with Pike.


30th January 2011, 07:30 PM
I guess custody would mean jail and not prison at least till sentencing. I didn't know Australia had such tyrannical laws. From what I read, it didn't seem like the guy had really crossed any line. He wasn't painted, in the article, as having promoted violence or such.

Of course the Soviet Union and I'm sure Russia now, severely punishes any speech against the chosen ones. I read somewhere that it was a death sentence in Soviet Russia to stir up anti-Jewish sentiment.

Next we will have world-wide holocaust denial laws.

30th January 2011, 07:33 PM
I searched gootube for Brendan Lee O’Connell but no first-page hits. Funny, most of the "blasphemous" things he allegedly said, I know what he's talking about. Even the invasion thing, dajooz are looking at Tanzania (off AU) and Patagonia (off Argentina) - something we should all know about the wisdom of being deep in the Southern Hemisphere, looking forward?

As to "What is happening with the hate speach laws here?", Rev Ted Pike is on it (http://www.truthtellers.org/index.html)... this is just a portion of a recent rense interview with Pike.


Tazmania. A beautifull and unique land. Yes, they are bidding up real estate in the southern hemishpere. Hmmmm......

Thanks for the link Pat.

30th January 2011, 07:37 PM
Long ago I wrote about Patagonia and Tanzania in the old GIM.......the Zionist usually work in groups of five going around the world and buying land with the US taxpayers money.

30th January 2011, 08:00 PM
Tazmania. A beautifull and unique land. Yes, they are bidding up real estate in the southern hemishpere. Hmmmm......

Ah but alas it's spelled Tasmania... ;D

Here's ziopedia on both developing "little Izzys", for those curious, I think Adrian Salbuchi was saying road signs are already in hebrew around Patagonia.

Tasmania (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tasmania)

Patagonia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patagonia)

Pssst, hey indigenous in both locations, the Palestinians have an urgent memo for you!!

30th January 2011, 08:16 PM

In Taz that caused most guns to be confiscated in OZ


Over 5 gunman but a lone gunman was the official story, sound familiar?

31st January 2011, 03:59 AM
I had heard about the Port Arthur Massacre but hadn't realized it was on the island of Tasmania. Disarmament is a prelude to tyranny and genocide look what happened to the Kulaks and Germans.

Silver Shield
31st January 2011, 04:22 AM
Freaking idiot........he should had talked about the Zionist movement, that is a political party, and nothing would had happened to him and it would have had the same affect, and closer to the truth.
I have not watched the video yet but I have had many arguments here on this board when certain people here say, "it is all the Joos."

First and foremost, it is not intellectually honest.

Second, anti-Semitism is a well known trap. Heck even Ben Stein from Ferris Bueller tried to pin it on Ron Paul.

Third, it is so much more effective to attack ideas and the individuals promoting those ideas like NeoCon, Zionism, or the Talmund.

31st January 2011, 05:55 AM
Third, it is so much more effective to attack ideas and the individuals promoting those ideas like NeoCon, Zionism, or the Talmund.

Link us to where you The Acadamy ever once attacked the Talmud please.


31st January 2011, 06:00 AM
Freaking idiot........he should had talked about the Zionist movement, that is a political party, and nothing would had happened to him and it would have had the same affect, and closer to the truth.
I have not watched the video yet but I have had many arguments here on this board when certain people here say, "it is all the Joos."

First and foremost, it is not intellectually honest.

Second, anti-Semitism is a well known trap. Heck even Ben Stein from Ferris Bueller tried to pin it on Ron Paul.

Third, it is so much more effective to attack ideas and the individuals promoting those ideas like NeoCon, Zionism, or the Talmund.

I've said before and will again, that I am not against Jewish people. What makes them more special than any other group? Why should they, in their overbearing political ability as a group, be entitled to legislation protecting only them? I would not want and would actively fight legislation making criticism of my group, whatever that may be, illegal. It is my understanding that it can only foster further resentment toward those recieving said protection.

General of Darkness
31st January 2011, 06:19 AM
He's suppose to be sentenced today, I wonder what the sentence will be? 50 years of hard labor, or a fine?

General of Darkness
31st January 2011, 07:11 AM
Holy crap, they gave him 3 years, but the jew who's feelings he hurt says that's not enough.


31st January 2011, 07:38 AM
The Jews have been trouble for christians ever since they had Jesus beat to death and hung on a cross. I expect nothing to change. I think if you don't point out who's behind all the troubles in the world they win. All these terms you "should" be using for Jews just help them hide.

2nd February 2011, 06:47 PM
Here's ziopedia on both developing "little Izzys", for those curious, I think Adrian Salbuchi was saying road signs are already in hebrew around Patagonia.

Tasmania (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tasmania)

Patagonia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patagonia)

Pssst, hey indigenous in both locations, the Palestinians have an urgent memo for you!!

Israeli War Criminals in Patagonia (http://www.kawther.info/wpr/2009/01/30/israeli-war-criminals-in-patagonia)

Separately, here's latest from Ted Pike. It's a little disappointing that he appears to still see politics as left v right, and further he seems to be suggesting that Beck & Palin represent the "Christian Right"- I was trying to find some clue that he was being facetious, but he really seems to think that they're legit and being unfairly persecuted by dajooz. But otherwise everything he says about organized dajoozrey's ridiculousness, is spot on:

JEWRY'S "LINGUISTIC TERRORISM" AGAINST BECK (http://www.truthtellers.org/alerts/JewryLinguisticTerrorism.html)
By Rev. Ted Pike
1 Feb 11

2nd February 2011, 08:13 PM
What ever happened to stick and stones can break my bones but names can never hurt me?

What a pathetic joke.

I'd fine the guy for ever bringing idiocy like this to a court of law in the first place.

What?!? he called you a bad name? Oh my!