View Full Version : Just keeping it real - Jewish Influence In Our Government

General of Darkness
31st January 2011, 06:37 AM
It amazes me that they are 2% of the population but wield such influence.

Jewish Influence In Our government

Deputy White House Chief of Staff – Mona Sutphen
Special Presidential Adviser – David Axelrod
Secretary of Treasury – Timothy Geithner
Deputy Secretary of Treasury – Neal Wolin
Under Secretary of Treasury – Lael Brainard
President of the New York Fed – Carole Sonnenfeld
Economic Advisor to Obama-Biden – Robert Reich
Economic Advisor to Obama-Biden – Robert Rubin
Ambassador to Middle East – Dennis Ross
Director Centers for Disease Control – Douglas Shulman
IRS Commissioner – Richard Haass
Director of Management and Budget – Peter Orszag
Chairman of Commodities Futures Trading Commission – Gary Gensler
U.S. Solicitor General (Supreme Court Nominee) – Elena Kagan
Chief of Staff to Vice President Biden – Ron Klain
Chairman Council of Advisors on Science and Technology – Eric Lander
Co-Chair of Advisors on Science and Technology – Harold Varmus
Deputy Secretaries of State – Jacob Lew and James Steinberg
White House Director of Communications – Ellen Moran
Middle East Desk National Security Council – Daniel Shapiro
Chairperson Securities and Exchange Commission – Mary Schapiro
Chairperson Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) – Sheila Bair
Major Legal Advisor to Obama-Biden – Sally Klain
Special Envoy to Pakistan/Afghanistan – Richard Holbrooke
Head of Small Business Administration – Karen Mills
Chairman Federal Trade Commission – Jon Leibowitz
Chairman Federal Communications Commission – Julius Genachowski
Commissioner of Food and Drug Administration – Dr. Margaret Hamburg
Deputy Commissioner Food and Drug Administration?- Dr. Joshua Sharfstein
Assistant to President for Legislative Affairs – Phil Schiliro
National Finance Chair – Penny Pritzker
Chief of Staff for Michelle Obama – Susan Sher

Obama’s Czars:

Economic Czar – Larry Summers
Regulatory Czar – Cass Sunstein
Pay Czar – Kenneth Feinberg
Guantanamo/Military Jails Czar – Daniel Fried
Car Czar – Ron Bloom
Border Czar – Alan Bersin
Climate Czar – Todd Stern
TARP Czar – Herb Allison
Non proliferation Czar – Gary Samore
Terrorism Czar – John O. Brennan
Science Czar – John Holdren
White House Medical Czar – Ezekiel Emanuel
Environmental Czar – Carol Browner
Domestic Violence Czar – Lynn Rosenthal
Govt. Performance Czar – Jeffrey Zients

Federal Reserve Bank (Privately Owned):
1) Ben S. Bernanke: Chairman of the Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Term ends 2020.
2) Donald L. Kohn: Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Term ends 2016.
3) Randall S. Kroszner: Member of Board of Governors of Federal Reserve.
4) Frederic S. Mishkin: Member of Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Term ends 2014.
5) Kevin M. Warsh: Member of Board of Governors of Federal Reserve.
6) Paul Volcker: Chair of Economic Recovery Advisory Board
7) Alan Greenspan: Advisor to Board of Governors of Federal Reserve. Recent Chairman.

Federal Reserve District Bank Presidents:?

Eric S. Rosengren – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston?- Charles I. Plosser –
President, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia?- Jeffrey M. Lacker – President, Federal
Reserve Bank of Richmond?- James B. Bullard – President, Federal Reserve Bank of St.
Louis?- Gary H. Stern – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis?- Thomas M.
Hoenig – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City?- Richard W. Fisher – President, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas?- Janet L. Yellen – President, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Jewish Banks That Own The Federal Reserve System:
(NOW you know where all our money went..)

* Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin
* Goldman Sachs Bank of New York
* Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York/Shearson American Express
* Lazard Brothers Bank of Paris
* Israel Moses Sieff Banks of Italy
* Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Germany and Amsterdam
* Lehman Brothers Bank of New York
* Chase Manhattan Bank of New York (David Rockefeller)


Richard Holbrooke:Special Envoy to Pakistan/Afghanistan?- Stuart Levey: Under
Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence?- Lawrence Summers: Chairman,
National Economic Council?- Paul Volcker: Chairman, Economic Recovery Advisory
Board?- Jared Bernstein: Chief Economist and Economic Adviser,?- Peter Orszag:
Director, Office of Management and Budget?- Jason Furman: Deputy Director, Office
of Management and Budget?- Jeffrey Zeints: Chief Performance Officer to streamline
government and cut costs as well as Deputy Director for Management at the Office
of Management and Budget?- Gary Gensler: Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading
Commission?- Mary Schapiro: Chairwoman, Securities and Exchange Commission?-
Sheila Bair: Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation?- Karen Mills: Administrator,
Small Business Administration?- Jon Leibowitz: Chairman, Federal Trade Commission?-
Douglas Shulman: Commissioner, Internal Revenue Service?- Neil M. Barofsky: Office
of the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (“SIGTARP”)


James B. Steinberg: Deputy Secretary of State?- Jacob Lew: Deputy Secretary
of State for Management and Resources?- Jeffrey D. Assistant Secretary, Bureau
of Near Eastern Affairs (Includes Mideast)?- Lee Feinstein: Foreign Policy Advisor?-
Eric Lynn: Middle East Policy Advisor?- Dennis Ross: Special Advisor for the Gulf
(Iran) and Southwest Asia to the Secretary of State?- Mara Rudman: Foreign Policy
Advisor?- Dan Shapiro: Head of Middle East desk at the National Security Council

Former American/Israeli Zionist Dual Citizens in the American Government under
George W. Bush:

Attorney General – Michael Mukasey
Head of Homeland Security – Michael Chertoff
Chairman Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Richard Perle
Deputy Defense Secretary (Former) – Paul Wolfowitz
Under Secretary of Defense – Douglas Feith
National Security Council Advisor – Elliott Abrams
Vice President Dick Cheney’s Chief of Staff (Former) – “Scooter” Libby
White House Deputy Chief of Staff – Joshua Bolten
Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs – Marc Grossman
Director of Policy Planning at the State Department – Richard Haass
U.S. Trade Representative (Cabinet-level Position) – Robert Zoellick
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – James Schlesinger
UN Representative (Former) – John Bolton
Under Secretary for Arms Control – David Wurmser
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Eliot Cohen
Senior Advisor to the President – Steve Goldsmith
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary – Christopher Gersten
Assistant Secretary of State – Lincoln Bloomfield
Deputy Assistant to the President – Jay Lefkowitz
White House Political Director – Ken Melman
National Security Study Group – Edward Luttwak
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Kenneth Adelman
Defense Intelligence Agency Analyst (Former) – Lawrence (Larry) Franklin
National Security Council Advisor – Robert Satloff
President Export-Import Bank U.S. – Mel Sembler
Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families – Christopher Gersten
Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development for Public Affairs – Mark Weinberger
White House Speechwriter – David Frum
White House Spokesman (Former) – Ari Fleischer
Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board – Henry Kissinger
Deputy Secretary of Commerce – Samuel Bodman
Under Secretary of State for Management – Bonnie Cohen
Director of Foreign Service Institute – Ruth Davis
Executive Director of the 9/11 Commission – Philip D. Zelikow

31st January 2011, 06:42 AM
And that list doesn't even include Congress!


31st January 2011, 09:03 AM
Holly macro, that list shows to me that 1.9% of all "Jews" are in control of the US governmnet.

31st January 2011, 09:31 AM
:lol :lol :lolIt proves that they are so smart. That is why this country is doing so well and xtians are so well off :laugh:

31st January 2011, 09:37 AM
Holly macro, that list shows to me that 1.9% of all "Jews" are in control of the US governmnet.

is that cuban math?


31st January 2011, 10:09 AM
Holly macro, that list shows to me that 1.9% of all "Jews" are in control of the US governmnet.

is that cuban math?


No, just making fun of the numbers because I know that the % is really 14-17% of the population, like I said before "The majority of them always change their "Jewish" names to fit the country where they are in.

31st January 2011, 10:12 AM
Thanks for that OP, General. Nice one.

I find it odd that you're surpised, based on the history of government infiltration (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/england's-jewish-aristocracy/msg169886/#msg169886) that has been posted here.

31st January 2011, 11:02 AM
Your list is a bit skewed...

for example, Shulman is IRS Commissioner, and Haass is pres of the CFR.

Here's IRS Commissioner Shulman:


Now, THERE'S a face I'd trust my life to!
