View Full Version : New US diet guidelines call for less salt

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31st January 2011, 04:19 PM
I will freely admit that I need to make some major changes to my diet to get under 1500 milligrams of salt a day but it is doable for me.


Posted at 10:00 AM ET, 01/31/2011
New federal dietary guidelines released
By Rob Stein

Federal officials Monday released the government's latest advice to Americans on what they should be eating, including specific new recommendations to limit salt intake.

The departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services jointly issued the first updated version of the federal government's official Dietary Guidelines for Americans in five years. They are required by federal law to be updated every five years.

Although most people have probably never read the guidelines, they have a broad impact on Americans' lives.They dictate what is served to students for breakfast and lunch. They influence the advice people on food stamps get for what to buy. They affect the information on nutrition labels that are ubiquitous at the supermarket. And they play a key role in the education materials that people get in community centers, doctors' offices and hospitals.

Because they are so influential, they are typically the focus of intense political lobbying every five years when they undergo official revisions. And this time around is no exception. Proposals to issue strict new warnings about salt intake have come under heavy criticism, for example.

But with so many Americans overweight and obese, experts are hoping the newest version might finally help get the message across about how to eat a more healthful diet.

"The 2010 Dietary Guidelines are being released at a time when the majority of adults and one in three children is overweight or obese and this is a crisis we can no longer ignore," said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack in a statement released with the new guidelines. "These new and improved dietary recommendations give individuals the information to make thoughtful choices of healthier foods in the right portions and to complement those choices with physical activity. The bottom line is that most Americans need to trim our waistlines to reduce the risk of development diet-related chronic disease. Improving our eating habits is not only good for every individuals and family, but also for our country."

The new guidelines include 23 specific recommendations for the general population and six recommendations for specific groups such as pregnant women.

Among the recommendations are:

-- No one should consume more than 2,300 milligrams of salt per day. Those who are age 51 or older and those who are African American or have high blood pressure, diabetes or chronic kidney disease should consume no more than 1,500 milligrams per day. This second group accounts for about half the U.S. population.

-- Everyone should consume less than 10 percent of their calories from saturated fats by replacing them with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

-- Everyone should consume less than 300 milligrams of cholesterol each day.

-- Minimize trans fatty acid consumption by limiting foods that contain synthetic trans fats, such as partially hydrogenated oils.

-- Reduce calories from solid fats and sugars added to food.

-- Alcohol should be consumed only in moderation, which means up to one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men.

-- Eat more fruits and vegetables. A good rule of thumb is that half the food on your plate should be fruits and vegetables.

-- Consume more fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products, such as yogurt and cheese.

-- Consume more seafood and replace some meat and poultry with seafood. Breastfeeding women should consume 8 to 12 ounces of seafood per week from a variety of seafood types. But breast-feeding women should limit their intake of white tuna to 6 ounces per week because of its high mercury content and not eat tilefish, shark, swordfish and king mackerel at all for the same reason.

"Helping Americans incorporate these guidelines into their everyday lives is important to improving the overall health of the American people," said Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in a written statement. "The new Dietary Guidelines provide concrete action steps to help people live healthier, more physically active and longer lives."

The guidelines were prepared by a special committee of experts that conducted an exhaustive review of the scientific literature about diet, exercise and health, as well as hundreds of public comments and testimony at a series of public meetings.



31st January 2011, 04:45 PM
The fedgov allows food processors to put MSG and neotame if our food without disclosing it and they want us to think about SALT???!!

Looky over here, don't look over there. Watch the bouncing ball while we kill you goyim.

31st January 2011, 06:45 PM
I buy all my food from 7-11 stores nationwide.
Slim Jims are my favorite meat byproduct,
although I'm always tempted by those
wrinkled hot dogs at 3 in the afternoon.
They go great with Red Bull and a pack of Lucky Strikes. :)

1st February 2011, 12:06 PM
Federal officials Monday released the government's latest advice to Americans on what they should be eating

I wonder what it would be like to have them leave us alone so we could eat whatever we want.

1st February 2011, 12:11 PM
Federal officials Monday released the government's latest advice to Americans on what they should be eating

I wonder what it would be like to have them leave us alone so we could eat whatever we want.

Consequences of Biblical Proportions!


1st February 2011, 06:26 PM
Celtic Sea Salt
Health Benefits

The many astounding health benefits of pure salt.
How we have deprived our body of this
simple basic need by feeding it toxins instead.


Types of salt

Salt is essential for the survival of all living creatures, including human. It is needed to regulate the water content in our body. We often hear bad press about salt, and indeed table salt which is refined, is extremely unhealthy and toxic. What our body really needs is natural pure salt. Taking the wrong type of salt is detrimental to our health.

In fact, without the right kind of salt, our body will encounter many kinds of problems. Is it any wonder then, by taking table salt, our body is actually deprived of the real salt and minerals. Here's only a small shocking list of what can happen when our body lacks proper salt:


High blood pressure

Accelerated aging cellular degeneration

Respiratory and blood sugar problems

Liver failure, kidney problems, adrenal exhaustion

Heart muscles tire and lacerate, causing fatal heart attack

There are many types of salt but I want to talk here about three types of the more popular salt.

Table Salt: Also known as common salt, is commonly used by most people for cooking and for food preservation. Table salt is refined (processed), removing 82 out of the 84 minerals in salt, leaving behind only sodium and chloride.

Over-consumption of table salt causes many untold health problems.

Read about the dangers of table salt.

Sea Salt: Sea salt is a general term that refers to salt derived directly from the sea. And that is what it is, except that it is refinedžsimilar to table salt.

Sea salt is thought to be healthier and more flavorful than table salt, but in actual fact it is actually processed and minerals and trace elements are removed.

Celtic Sea Salt: Refers to naturally moist salt harvested from the Atlantic seawater off the coast of Brittany, France. This type of salt are harvested using the Celtic method of wooden rakes allowing no metal to touch the salt.

It is naturally air and sun-dried in clay ponds and gathered with wooden tools to preserve its living enzymes. Because it is unrefined, it contains all of the 84 beneficial live elements found in sea water, with no chemical and preservatives nor any other additives

To Top

Minerals and Trace Elements Found in Celtic Sea Salt

Among the live minerals and trace elements found in Celtic sea salt are iodine, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium and zinc. The 84 trace minerals provide the necessary nutrients and protect the body from the harshness of sodium chloride that we consume from commercial salt.

The appropriate magnesium content ensures that unused sodium is quickly and completely eliminated from the body through the kidneys to prevent harm.

The Healing Virtues of Celtic Sea Salt

Celtic sea salt has tremendous healing virtues that have the exact opposite effects of refined salt. It helps to balance out and nourish our body with minerals that our body lacks. It is particularly helpful in helping with mucus elimination. Here are some conditions that Celtic sea salt is also good for:

Sinus and bronchial congestion: I have seen many times how Celtic sea salt when taken before sleep has helped the sufferer sleep through the night as it breaks up the irritating mucus, providing much relief.

Regulate blood pressure: We are right to say that salt causes high blood pressure but it is the toxic table salt that is the culprit. Celtic sea salt has been shown to actually normalize blood pressure. It literally goes around your body and 'scrounges' for the harmful sodium deposits and completely eliminates it from your body. If you have high blood pressure, pure salt will bring it down. But if you have low blood pressure, pure salt will bring it up. Only nature has been designed with the ability to do this.

Deeper and more restful sleep: When Celtic sea salt is taken with warm water before bedtime, it promotes a deeper and longer sleep that is both restful and refreshing. Nor does it cause you to wake up and wanting to urinate.

Water retention: We often hear that salt causes water retention. Again, this is only because the wrong salt was takenžtable/commercial salt. Celtic sea salt does the opposite by helping our body properly balance out the electrolyte minerals and releasing the retained water.

Kidney stones: Celtic sea salt has also been reported to actually dissolve kidney stones.

Building the immune system and aids healing: Celtic sea salt provides the rich minerals directly to our cells to enhance resistance to infections and bacterial diseases. It also helps our body heal quicker when there has been a surgery, sickness, burns, mental disorders, etc.

Prevent over-acidity in body: The rich minerals effectively eliminates unwanted sodium from the body, extracting excess acidity in the body, especially in the brain. The electrolytes are vital to the nerves for communication and information processing of the brain cells.

Helps control saliva: If you salivate (or drool) in your sleep, it could mean that your body is deprived of the right kind of salt, and that you are not drinking enough water. This condition may also lead to double chin as your saliva glands work doubly hard to lubricate your insides. Drink more water with Celtic sea salt to stop this condition.

Diabetics: Helps balance out sugar in blood in diabetics.

Muscle cramps: Providing essential minerals to the muscles and preventing muscle cramps.

Strong alkalinizer: Helps keep our body at the right pH. This is important as an over-acidic body creates many health problems and an endless list of degenerative diseases.

The most convincing fact that salt is critical to life
is that the amniotic fluid is salty !

How To Use Celtic Sea Salt

Now that you know that table salt is harmful, remove it from your kitchen shelf and replace it with Celtic sea salt. Use Celtic salt for all flavoring just as you would in place of table salt.

Generally, you would need only 2/3 of the amount you normally use. For example, if the recipe calls for 1 tsp of salt, then just use 2/3 tsp and it would give your cooking sufficient taste and flavor.

For therapeutic use, increase on your water intake. Preferably at least 2 liter of water a day. But to be more accurate, check how much water you should drink a day. For every 8 oz of water, stir in 1/8 teaspoon (or a pinch) of Celtic sea salt and drink. No, drinking Celtic salt water does not make you thirsty, only dead table salt makes you thirsty. Celtic salt is live food, and is nourishing to your body.

It is important that you increase on your water intake when taking Celtic salt as your body is very quickly eliminating toxins and water is needed to flush out the toxins through your kidneys. If your body is very toxic, rashes may appear. When this happen, just continue to take the salt with plenty water and the rashes should clear up pretty soon.

3rd February 2011, 01:01 PM
The fedgov allows food processors to put MSG and neotame if our food without disclosing it and they want us to think about SALT???!!

Looky over here, don't look over there. Watch the bouncing ball while we kill you goyim.

No shit. Eat less fat? Avoid cholesterol? Eat more grains and carbs? They are turning us into fat women, literally. Everything that is 'bad' makes you lean, energetic and raises testosterone. Everything that is 'good' is estrogenic, fattening, and stupefying. The 'healthy' alternatives(margarine, low-fat milk) are far worse than the real things.

Most people are truly living in bizzaro world. If one to simply do the opposite of whatever the crowd was doing, he'd be pretty well off.

Everything popular is wrong.
-Oscar Wilde

4th February 2011, 06:04 PM
Sea salt is great, but the problem is all the world's oceans have been contaminated by heavy metals/pollution. Here's the best thing both for cooking and health:


Mercola on Himalayan Salt:



