View Full Version : i just killed somebody's dog

1st February 2011, 07:43 AM
was on the way home from getting gas, country road, this golden retriever jumps out from behind a snowpile + runs out in the road right in front of me. hit him going about 50 mph. there's no way i could stop in time.

went to the house to tell the guy. he flipped out, said he's calling the sheriff to prosecute me. can you be prosecuted for hitting somebody's dog?

i feel bad for the dog + the guy. that sucks.


1st February 2011, 07:45 AM
was on the way home from getting gas, country road, this golden retriever jumps out from behind a snowpile + runs out in the road right in front of me. hit him going about 50 mph. there's no way i could stop in time.

went to the house to tell the guy. he flipped out, said he's calling the sheriff to prosecute me. can you be prosecuted for hitting somebody's dog?

i feel bad for the dog + the guy. that sucks.


Sorry Chad that sucks, I don't think they can prosecute you, it was an accident and the dog should have been under the owners control.

1st February 2011, 07:45 AM
At least you did the right thing. I grew up out in the country and have had 4 dogs hit by cars.


Feel good that you at least stopped and did the right thing. Even if the guy was a dick to you about it. I would of at least thanked the guy for stopping, that's more than anyone else has done.

1st February 2011, 07:46 AM
Tell him you'll have him prosecuted for "dog running at large".


It's just one of those things... sometimes shitty things happen.

When you let your dog run around, you take the chance that it could get hit by a car.

1st February 2011, 07:48 AM
it was a beautiful dog too. i didn't know if he was dead or not, figured i could pay for a vet bill if he was still alive.


General of Darkness
1st February 2011, 07:51 AM
it was a beautiful dog too. i didn't know if he was dead or not, figured i could pay for a vet bill if he was still alive.


The owner is at fault here. He's irresponsible for allowing his dog to run around loose and should pay you for any damages to your vehicle. What would have happened if his dog would have bitten someone because he was running around loose? See my point.

Sorry to hear about the trouble Chad.

big country
1st February 2011, 07:52 AM
it was a beautiful dog too. i didn't know if he was dead or not, figured i could pay for a vet bill if he was still alive.


Should have made sure to back up as well if you weren't sure the dog was dead the first time. No vet bills.

EDIT: in case it isn't clear I'm totally kidding.

1st February 2011, 07:52 AM
I hit a dog once.... someone was walking it, and it got loose from the collar/leash and dashed under the front tires of my car.

I felt terrible too, even though I slammed on my brakes as soon as I saw the little dog had got loose, so there was nothing I could do.

I did stop and get out and apologized to the distraught woman who was walking it. I don't think she blamed me, and she didn't get mad at me, but she was still very upset and I hated that I had to be in the situation at all.

I just wished the damn leash had stayed on the poor little thing. It was alive when I left, but it was little and hurt so I'm not sure if it survived.


1st February 2011, 07:53 AM
it was a beautiful dog too. i didn't know if he was dead or not, figured i could pay for a vet bill if he was still alive.


The owner is at fault here. He's irresponsible for allowing his dog to run around loose and should pay you for any damages to your vehicle. What would have happened if his dog would have bitten someone because he was running around loose? See my point.

Sorry to hear about the trouble Chad.

thanks for the input general, i know you're a dog guy, so i appreciate your view.

i feel totally shitty. you could tell kids live there, and now they're going to come home from school to find out their dog is dead.

1st February 2011, 07:55 AM
it was a beautiful dog too. i didn't know if he was dead or not, figured i could pay for a vet bill if he was still alive.


I had some old lady yell and scream at me when I was a teen. Before the age I could drive, I would ride my bike everywhere. This lady had like 3 dogs, all mutts who would chase me and my brother. So I took an old broom my father threw away and cut it down to about the size of a billy club. Tucked it under my seat and went to the park to go play basketball with my friends. Sure enough her dogs come chasing after me, I take out the club and whack 2 of them across the head, both run away yelping the 3rd turned around after the other 2 ran. Lady gets off the porch and screams at me for hitting her dog. Calls the county cops, officer comes over. Looks at me, looks at the lady and said did he come on your property to hit your dog? She says no he was riding his bike in the road and hit them. He ask me, were the dogs chasing you? I said yeah they always chase me and nip at my legs as I go by. He said look lady the kid was on a public street your dogs were being a nuisance and he had a right to defend himself. If you don't want them hit keep them out of the road.

Same goes in your situation, although just a bit different. The road is public property. Actually if you really wanted to be a dick you could sue him for damages to your vehicle.

1st February 2011, 07:56 AM
I hit a dog once.... someone was walking it, and it got loose from the collar/leash and dashed under the front tires of my car.

I felt terrible too, even though I slammed on my brakes as soon as I saw the little dog had got loose, so there was nothing I could do.

I did stop and get out and apologized to the distraught woman who was walking it. I don't think she blamed me, and she didn't get mad at me, but she was still very upset and I hated that I had to be in the situation at all.

I just wished the damn leash had stayed on the poor little thing. It was alive when I left, but it was little and hurt so I'm not sure if it survived.


You are not at fault - the dog owner is. I can't tell you how many times I've had to dodge my neighbor's dog while driving in or out of my driveway. I have told my neighbor firmly and clearly that she is irresponsible, it is not fair to the animal, and there is going to be a tragedy caused by this dog when a driver moving fast tries to avoid hitting it and slams into a tree or another car. :redfc :redfc :redfc

1st February 2011, 07:58 AM
My wife ran over a dog in the neighborhood. The dogs were under the supervision of a dogsitter for the family. The dogsitter had let the dog get away from her and was searching the neighborhood for it when my wife hit it and was searching for the owner to notify. Needless to say the dogsitter was horrified especially since the owners were literally less than 5 minutes from returning home. The owner handled it well, although obviously not celebrating. The dog ended up losing a leg but did survive. Whenever we walk the neighborhood we frequently see the dog and owner outside and we always stop and chat. No hard feelings have been held.

1st February 2011, 07:59 AM
it was a beautiful dog too. i didn't know if he was dead or not, figured i could pay for a vet bill if he was still alive.


The owner is at fault here. He's irresponsible for allowing his dog to run around loose and should pay you for any damages to your vehicle. What would have happened if his dog would have bitten someone because he was running around loose? See my point.

Sorry to hear about the trouble Chad.

thanks for the input general, i know you're a dog guy, so i appreciate your view.

i feel totally shitty. you could tell kids live there, and now they're going to come home from school to find out their dog is dead.

I know... when you hit a loose dog with your car, you are a victim too. Actually, more of a victim because the owner may have chosen to let his dog run around.... You didn't make a choice to hit the damn thing.

General of Darkness
1st February 2011, 08:04 AM


General of Darkness
1st February 2011, 08:08 AM
Additional information.

Dog owners liable for personal injury costs

Dog owners need to be aware that they are liable to pay compensation if their dog causes a car accident.

[ClickPress, Mon Oct 03 2005] Site: www.wheelsatonce.com
Press release
Release details: Immediate
Date: 23 September 2005

Dog owners liable for personal injury costs

Dog owners need to be aware that they are liable to pay compensation if their dog causes a car accident. This news may come as a surprise to dog owners who would never imagine that they would have to pay for the cost of an incident involving their pet. For most animal lovers the thought of hitting a dog or cat whilst driving is abhorrent and for the owners the risk of their animal being hit and maybe even killed is certainly a significant concern.

If however it can be proven that the accident was unavoidable from the drivers’ point of view then the dog owner is liable to pay compensation to the driver for the damage to their car and personal injury compensation if they have been hurt. This can all add up to thousands of pounds. This is worrying as many dog owners do not realise that they are liable to pay for damages caused in an accident and fail to take out pet insurance. In fact over 500,000 dog owners may be unaware that they are responsible. In the event that someone made a compensation claim against them they would not be covered for costs.

When asked, more than 48% of people said that they would be prepared to sue a dog owner, whose dog caused an accident or injury, including a road traffic accident. 2.4 million drivers have had an accident involving a dog running in front of their car and more than 190,000 drivers have sought costs to repair their damaged vehicles. Additionally, the cost of treating injuries suffered by an animal in a road accident is around 50 - 70 per cent higher than the average vet's bill.

Donna McCann from www.wheelsatonce.com has this to say about insuring your dog and claiming compensation:
‘If you’re a dog owner make sure that you’re covered for the possible actions of your dog. If it causes an accident and someone’s injured then you will be liable. If you have been injured in a car accident that was caused by a dog then you are entitled to claim compensation if the accident can be proven to have been unavoidable.’

1st February 2011, 08:20 AM
I'm sorry you are going through this. The guy will calm down. Accident happen, but people tend to really get close to their dogs.
They are family.

If he takes legal action, counter-sue. I will pray that this guy calms down and everything goes smooth for you.

1st February 2011, 08:27 AM
He can try to sue, he will lose or not ever make it to court. He is at fault. As the General posted, you could sue him and win damages, if you so chose.

It's a tragedy. Sorry to hear about it Chad.

1st February 2011, 08:29 AM
Someone told me a story a couple of months ago, and for the life of me I can't remember the context of the conversation but this story jogged my memory.

Long story short....

Father is driving down the road in the neighbourhood and sees son on sidewalk and honks horn. Son looks up, waves, and steps off the curb to approach father and is struck and killed by passing vehicle. :'( Life can be tough. Be thankful for every moment of peace in your life.

Sorry about your troubles chad.

1st February 2011, 08:31 AM
Someone told me a story a couple of months ago, and for the life of me I can't remember the context of the conversation but this story jogged my memory.

Long story short....

Father is driving down the road in the neighbourhood and sees son on sidewalk and honks horn. Son looks up, waves, and steps off the curb to approach father and is struck and killed by passing vehicle. :'( Life can be tough. Be thankful for every moment of peace in your life.

Sorry about your troubles chad.

"God works in mysterious ways"

1st February 2011, 08:40 AM
I can't imagine how awful you feel, chad.


I bet the dog owner is really mad at himself, which is the most difficult to recognize. Don't take it to heart. He's grieving, and he was probably worried about the kids grieving, just as you are.

1st February 2011, 08:40 AM
Someone told me a story a couple of months ago, and for the life of me I can't remember the context of the conversation but this story jogged my memory.

Long story short....

Father is driving down the road in the neighbourhood and sees son on sidewalk and honks horn. Son looks up, waves, and steps off the curb to approach father and is struck and killed by passing vehicle. :'( Life can be tough. Be thankful for every moment of peace in your life.

Sorry about your troubles chad.

"God works in mysterious ways"

Truth. I wouldn't tell that to the father though. I think I would just put a hand on his shoulder.

1st February 2011, 08:42 AM
It is a shame that the dog had to pay for his owner not taking proper care and control of him. Legally the guy does not have a leg to stand on, since you were driving and the dog was not supposed to be in the road.

1st February 2011, 08:45 AM
Someone told me a story a couple of months ago, and for the life of me I can't remember the context of the conversation but this story jogged my memory.

Long story short....

Father is driving down the road in the neighbourhood and sees son on sidewalk and honks horn. Son looks up, waves, and steps off the curb to approach father and is struck and killed by passing vehicle. :'( Life can be tough. Be thankful for every moment of peace in your life.

Sorry about your troubles chad.

"God works in mysterious ways"

Truth. I wouldn't tell that to the father though. I think I would just put a hand on his shoulder.

No, the father wouldn't want to hear that.... even though that horrible event was "God's will", right?

People like to think that God "cares"... and maybe he does... just not about man.

God is ambivalent.

midnight rambler
1st February 2011, 08:46 AM
Loose dogs and cars don't mix, car always wins. Don't want your dog run over by a car? Keep a handle on it - no excuses.

1st February 2011, 08:50 AM
Someone told me a story a couple of months ago, and for the life of me I can't remember the context of the conversation but this story jogged my memory.

Long story short....

Father is driving down the road in the neighbourhood and sees son on sidewalk and honks horn. Son looks up, waves, and steps off the curb to approach father and is struck and killed by passing vehicle. :'( Life can be tough. Be thankful for every moment of peace in your life.

Sorry about your troubles chad.

"God works in mysterious ways"

Truth. I wouldn't tell that to the father though. I think I would just put a hand on his shoulder.

No, the father wouldn't want to hear that.... even though that horrible event was "God's will", right?

People like to think that God "cares"... and maybe he does... just not about man.

God is ambivalent.

I thought you were being genuine in your post. It's obvious now you were trolling. If you want to have a discussion about something in the future, be up front and I will be glad to exchange ideas.

1st February 2011, 09:05 AM
Someone told me a story a couple of months ago, and for the life of me I can't remember the context of the conversation but this story jogged my memory.

Long story short....

Father is driving down the road in the neighbourhood and sees son on sidewalk and honks horn. Son looks up, waves, and steps off the curb to approach father and is struck and killed by passing vehicle. :'( Life can be tough. Be thankful for every moment of peace in your life.

Sorry about your troubles chad.

"God works in mysterious ways"

Truth. I wouldn't tell that to the father though. I think I would just put a hand on his shoulder.

No, the father wouldn't want to hear that.... even though that horrible event was "God's will", right?

People like to think that God "cares"... and maybe he does... just not about man.

God is ambivalent.

I thought you were being genuine in your post. It's obvious now you were trolling. If you want to have a discussion about something in the future, be up front and I will be glad to exchange ideas.

I just started two new thread in General Discussion.

I would love an up-front discussion.

However, I was sincere that "God works in mysterious ways"....

but he also doesn't heal amputees.

FWIW, I believe in that which men have come to call God, but I don't think he's some big man in the sky calling shots and feeling sorry for us.

General of Darkness
1st February 2011, 09:16 AM
Come on guys. ;)


mick silver
1st February 2011, 09:17 AM
like g o d said . he can be made to pay to fix your car . if my cow get out an a car hit it i would have to fix the car . i know it not easy hitting a dog but the dog should have not been running loose

1st February 2011, 09:19 AM
Come on guys. ;)


yeah yeah, I started a couple new threads to atone for my derailing.

Now... back to dead dog discussions.


1st February 2011, 09:23 AM
Come on guys. ;)


I was on topic, G.

General of Darkness
1st February 2011, 09:23 AM
Come on guys. ;)


yeah yeah, I started a couple new threads to atone for my derailing.

Now... back to dead dog discussions.


I found you a new avatar.


1st February 2011, 09:39 AM
In my state, at least, this would be a no fault accident.

1. Chad would not be at fault for hitting the dog because it was on a public street.

2. The owner would not be at fault for damage to the car UNLESS - 1. The dog had a history of being on the street AND 2. The owner had been officially notified of the problem and had taken no steps to fix the problem.

1st February 2011, 09:41 AM
i'm going to let the damage go. it's an old, shitty landrover that i beat on anyway. if they guy starts being an asshole about it, i'l pull it out. at this point, i just feel bad i killed the family dog.

Shorty Harris
1st February 2011, 09:42 AM
Guess the owner didn't love the dog toooo much. If he did, they would of made sure it was safe and secure. I have dogs and even when they do get lose accidentally, which is going to happen, I will go get em. All Part of being a responsible owner.

Not to mention that around here if a dog was to get lose and find the neighbors chickens, rabbits or other farm critters you are well within your right to practice the 3 S's.

1st February 2011, 09:57 AM
Could have been worse.

You could have ran over your own dog. (I know from experience)

willie pete
1st February 2011, 10:11 AM
you stated the dog was in the road when you hit him, that's no fault of yours...I ran over a cat one time under the same situation...my second thought was "I hope it's dead", because I didn't want anyone coming out and taking it to the vet and running up a $1000 bill

1st February 2011, 12:05 PM
Most dumb dogs have dumb owners.

It sucks that the dumb dog owner is putting you through this.

1st February 2011, 01:03 PM
I recall one late Sept night a few years ago, I was blasting N on I-25 through Wyoming, 75 mph or so, and I'd swear I was being tormented by suicide-jackrabbits. I nailed 3 of them in maybe a an hours time. They'd just come dashing out full sprint, timed perfectly so that there was nothing you could do to avoid them. The first 2 I tried the knee-jerk swerve to avoid them, but there was the telltale thump when our trajectories collided anyways. So I'm thinking, maybe swerving is what's causing the hits, maybe it's actually foiling the jackrabbits' precise calculations somehow, and if I just do nothing instead, they'll magically escape unscathed. Sure enough, some time later that 3rd suicide rabbit comes darting out, I do nothing, but sure enough THUMP. Couldn't win. At least they're little enough that there was no damage to the rental car. :)

1st February 2011, 03:42 PM
The dog owner is very much misinformed.

If your car is damaged in any way by a dog running loose into a roadway off the owners property, it is you that can sue the owner.

If he contacted the police, I'm sure he has found this out by now.

1st February 2011, 04:11 PM
you didn't do anything wrong.

he can call the cops all he wants. i very much doubt the cops would pursue any criminal anything against you.

it was an accident. it sounds like it was traumatic for you, too.

since this is America, he could pursue civil litigation, aka "sue". but if you have car insurance it should cover that.

1st February 2011, 05:34 PM
I doubt that owner feels any self-incrimination or responsibility. If he does try to give you any grief, fight back. Counter sue for emotional distress and any penalty that the court will allow. Be the animal lover who was forced into a horrible situation by an irresponsible "animal abuser". I have little tolerance for pin-heads and such a one blaming you for using a public roadway is a pin-head.

1st February 2011, 08:12 PM
You should prosecute him for having unsecured dogs running around on the roads. Did it do damage to your car?

Of course, this is rhetorical, but maybe mention to him.

1st February 2011, 09:30 PM
This sucks. For you and for him. I lost my dog that way two years ago when a neighbor hit him on the road. It wasn't her fault and it's not yours either. Try to cut the guy some slack though as he was probably just distraught by the news. You did the right thing in talking to him.

1st February 2011, 09:44 PM
Maybe that was simply the owner's reaction, based on emotional desperation. That was a horrible situation for both of you.

Aren't you in Massachusetts, Chad? Don't all towns here have a leash law?

Just remain compassionate, which you genuinely are, and let the chips fall where they may. Most authorities would understand the inherent danger associated with these snowbanks. I'm afraid to ask how 50 mph compares to the speed limit...

1st February 2011, 10:31 PM
They were only needed for the Olympics.

Toronto Star: 100 sled dogs killed in B.C. ‘massacre’ (http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/article/930749--100-sled-dogs-killed-in-b-c-massacre)

Feb.1, 2011

VANCOUVER—The killings took place over two days. The dogs were rounded up, shot or stabbed and left in a mass grave.

As the slaughter went on, the animals made “guttural sounds” and had “fear in their eyes,” according to WorkSafe B.C. documents.

Nearly 10 months after the dogs were killed in Whistler in what the B.C. SPCA has called “an absolute massacre,” the RCMP is investigating and the Vancouver Humane Society is calling for an immediate ban on all dog-sled tour operations in the province.

In the documents, which were obtained by radio station CKNW and the SPCA, the general manager of Outdoor Adventure Whistler gave disturbing descriptions as to how he killed 100 healthy sled dogs after the tourism industry in the ski resort took a downturn following the Olympics last year.

The killings, which came to light after the employee filed a claim saying he was suffering post traumatic stress disorder, have sparked outrage from as far away as Peru and Australia...

“One dog named Susie had the left side of her cheek blown off.”

Another dog named Nora, severely injured, attempted to crawl out of the mass grave, but the worker climbed down to kill her.

2nd February 2011, 03:58 AM
I was driving near my home one day and a dog dashed out in the road. He broke away from the girl who was walking him. I hit him and broke his hip. Took him and the girl to the vet. The mother was notified and on her way to the vet, so I left. The girl was terrified about her mother finding out. I thought her outright terror was strange.
Next morning I get a horrible, screaming wake-up call from this lady who got my ph # from the vet. I hang up on her. About half an hour later a knock on my door. She and her daughter found my house, identified my car. I open the door to see who it is and she comes in like a wild banshee attacking me and scratching my chest. She was small but strong. I finally force her part way out the door and close it on her. I am a fair size guy but she was crazy-strong and I didn't want to punch her lights out. My girlfreind at the time calls the police. They finally come and take her away. Whew!

Someone's dog jumps in front of me again, I keep driving.

Road Runner
2nd February 2011, 05:05 AM
Sorry for your accident. I was just glad it wasn't a child. It is hard to either lose or have an accident like yours with a pet. I think people who naturally react in anger need time to cool down like others have mentioned. Since you don't know me my opinion probably means nothing to you but as far as calling police or filing lawsuits of any sort, I would say DON'T GO THAT ROUTE.... In my lifetime I have seen far better results in handling things yourself instead of getting law involved.

2nd February 2011, 06:32 AM
I've always kept my dogs in a fenced yard. I think it's idiotic to let dogs run free unless you're out in the middle of nowhere like I am now.
I had a neighbor once who let his dogs run loose in a residential area. One day he told me someone ran over his dog and killed it. "He didn't even stop" he told me, all choked up. It was the third dog he lost in a couple years. It was all I could do to hold my tongue. His yard was mostly fenced, but he was too lazy to secure it. Dipshet.

Years ago I had a motorcycle and my girlfriend liked to ride on the back and cruise country roads. One day we were riding along a remote country road near Fredricksburg, Texas and a squirrel darted out into the road. It ran to the left of me, the right and the left again in about a half-second, then placed it's skull directly under my front tire. It went "pop" and I thought "oh shet, I'm not gettin laid tonight".

The road of indecision is paved with flat squirrels.

2nd February 2011, 07:38 AM
I've always kept my dogs in a fenced yard. I think it's idiotic to let dogs run free unless you're out in the middle of nowhere like I am now.
I had a neighbor once who let his dogs run loose in a residential area. One day he told me someone ran over his dog and killed it. "He didn't even stop" he told me, all choked up. It was the third dog he lost in a couple years. It was all I could do to hold my tongue. His yard was mostly fenced, but he was too lazy to secure it. Dipshet.

Years ago I had a motorcycle and my girlfriend liked to ride on the back and cruise country roads. One day we were riding along a remote country road near Fredricksburg, Texas and a squirrel darted out into the road. It ran to the left of me, the right and the left again in about a half-second, then placed it's skull directly under my front tire. It went "pop" and I thought "oh shet, I'm not gettin laid tonight".

The road of indecision is paved with flat squirrels.

Well, you probably wouldn't have gotten laid if you'd swerved for the squirrel and went skidding off into a tree, either.

2nd February 2011, 07:44 AM
Well, you probably wouldn't have gotten laid if you'd swerved for the squirrel and went skidding off into a tree, either.
That's exactly what I thought. I was an inexperienced biker and not about to try to out swerve a squirrel riding two up. Girlfriend took it well, anyway.

2nd February 2011, 07:48 AM
Maybe that was simply the owner's reaction, based on emotional desperation. That was a horrible situation for both of you.

Aren't you in Massachusetts, Chad? Don't all towns here have a leash law?

Just remain compassionate, which you genuinely are, and let the chips fall where they may. Most authorities would understand the inherent danger associated with these snowbanks. I'm afraid to ask how 50 mph compares to the speed limit...

i'm in wisconsin. not sure if there are leash laws out in the country. at any rate, i think i would have heard something by now. the guy only lives about 2 miles down the road, so he definitely knows where i am if he was going to "send somebody over."

i still feel bad about it, but after reading al of the comments here, i feel a little less guilty.

2nd February 2011, 08:29 AM
If it makes you feel better, I ran over 2 squirrels and a duck in the last year. None of which I could aviod. The feel under your tire is grating when you know what just happened. Previously I hadn't run over any animal in more years than I can remember.

Maybe it's all part of the judgement of God on America, what with all the animals dying lately :conf:

2nd February 2011, 11:25 PM
VancouverSun: Premier Campbell assembles task force to review sled dog deaths (http://www.vancouversun.com/technology/Update+Premier+Campbell+assembles+task+force+revie w+sled+deaths/4211853/story.html#ixzz1CsWOX0JH)

FEBRUARY 2, 2011
“We want to get the facts and act and make sure it doesn’t ever happen again. The tragic and disturbing details that have emerged around how these dogs were inhumanely treated are not acceptable to British Columbians or to their government.”

Campbell said he doesn’t believe the dogsledding industry is properly regulated at present and this is something where “people would like to see more oversight.”

Postal workers save mailed puppy from certain death (http://www.vancouversun.com/technology/Postal+workers+save+mailed+puppy+from+certain+deat h/4212185/story.html#ixzz1CsXbwgf8)

3rd February 2011, 06:06 AM

"God works in mysterious ways"

This reminded me of an episode on the Red Green Show where he explains how to break the news to kids that their dog is dead.

He told his kids that god wanted their dog in heaven with him.

Then Red says "Now their mad at God"!