View Full Version : 10 Things We Can Learn From Egypt SHTF

1st February 2011, 07:08 PM
Just a good overview of what we already know.

Article has links in it.

10 Things We Can Learn From Egypt About Preparing for Economic and Societal Collapse


We should be closely watching what is happening in Egypt.
Gates is in Israel and NeoCons are not happy about all this.

1st February 2011, 07:37 PM
A lot of great comments following the article too. I'm still reading them.

1st February 2011, 07:56 PM
Here's a chilling one (comment from the OP link):

Mardochee and WW,

Good statement. There are simply not enough of us (LEO”s) to go around rounding people up and taking there preps or guns. Not to mention, there are an awful lot of us who stand by the US Constitution and will not be participating. If things are bad enough, and we do show up for work in lieu of being with our families, we will stand by our oaths to ‘protect and defend the constitution’. From what I have seen, LEO in the western half of Michigan and the UP definitely have a harder leaning to the right and are believers in the 2nd Amendment, avid hunters, and the right of people to carry concealed weapons.
I found this interesting in talking to a fellow LEO. We are both vets, active and National Guard, though I do not know what particular NG unit he is with, in Michigan or not. His unit is scheduled for a rotation through Iraq or Afghanistan in the next year, but oddly enough, they are not training for this during the 2 week annual drill this summer. Their training will focus on Field-Force, civil disturbance, and riots.

2nd February 2011, 06:46 AM
A lot of great comments following the article too. I'm still reading them.

I didn't read the comments, there is links too,
I saved some news links regarding state tactics.
IMO we can learn a lot from this and you can
be pretty sure there are Western military and
intelligence people in the country helping to
coordinate and study, taking notes.

Notice they can't do that much to the people and
the top is crumbling, will that happen in the USA
or the UK, those two in particular, engineers of
the NWO, it is a very real possibility of serious
false flags and destruction of people on purpose,
before they give up power if ever.

2nd February 2011, 07:04 AM
Here are my cherry picks on news about riotsm, instead of opening separate threads.
These are not regular daily news reports but state tactics and concerns mostly.

Egypt Cuts the Net, Net Fights Back - Slashdot

Egyptians using Vancouver company's website to bypass internet blocks
http://www.vancouversun.com/technology/Egyptians+using+Vancouver+company+website+bypass+i nternet+blocks/4187839/story.html

Eyewitnesses say state sponsoring vandalism | Al-Masry Al-Youm: Today's News from Egypt

About those looters at Unreported

Looters included undercover Egyptian police, hospitals tell Human Rights Watch

Audio: Phonecall With Protester in Egypt Just Recorded | War Is A Crime .org

Israel evacuates envoys' families in Egypt

PressTV - Israeli embassy staff evacuate Egypt

19 private planes arrive in Dubai from Egypt

PressTV - Prince warns S. Arabia of apocalypse

Authoritarian governments start stockpiling food to fight public anger - Telegraph

The Egyptian government has expelled Al Jazeera.

Egyptian Activists Distributed This 26-Page Guide On How To Fight Riot Police

Egypt riots escalate; political prisoners shot - Israel News, Ynetnews

Egyptian Police Have Opened Fire On Thousands Of Egyptians Outside The Interior Ministry


Egypt protests: U.S. advises all Americans to leave and 30,000 Brits are stranded | Mail Online

Mubarak's deputy linked to secret CIA program

Jews are worried.

Clinton: US Won’t Support Mubarak’s Ouster -- News from Antiwar.com

Richard Cohen - A democratic Egypt or a state of hate?

Cairo regime change could make IDF boost forces

Could US abandon Israel too? - Israel News, Ynetnews