View Full Version : Pole Smoker Anderson Cooper punched 10 times by Mob in Egypt

General of Darkness
2nd February 2011, 11:59 AM
LMMFWAO. Maybe they don't like cock holsters in their country. :dunno The comments are pretty funny.

Anderson Cooper Attacked by Mob in Egypt

8:56 AM 2/2/2011 by Lindsay Powers
Ray Tamarra/Getty ImagesThe anchor was "punched 10 times in the head," CNN producer Steve Brusk Tweeted.
Anderson Cooper was attacked in Egypt Wednesday.

CNN producer Steve Brusk Tweeted, "Anderson said he was punched 10 times in the head as pro-Mubarak mob surrounded him and his crew trying to cover demonstration."

Cooper then escaped to the roof of a nearby building, where he said on air that he and his crew were trying to get to a neutral zone between protestors and pro-Mubarak supporters when they "were set upon by pro-Mubarak supporters punching us in the head. The crowd kept growing, kept throwing punches, kicks...suddenly a young man would look at you and punch you in the face."

Cooper told CNN's live blog that the attackers "pushed and shoved the CNN crew and punched them in the head... but no one was seriously hurt."

Added Brusk on Twitter, "Live images now of crowds on opposite side of trucks throwing rocks. A CNN reporter called earlier scene snowball fight with rocks."

CNN's Ben Wedeman told the blog that "he overheard a panicked army officer say the situation was out of control and there was nothing the army could do to restore order."

Cooper landed in the country Sunday night to cover the protests againt President Hosni Mubarak, who has been in power for 30 years.


2nd February 2011, 12:01 PM
it was the "pro" mubarek side i can tell :oo-->

2nd February 2011, 12:02 PM
I think he got off easy, that mob is reported to be Egyptian gov payroll.
They are trying to cause chaos and paint the demonstrators as criminals.

Imagine if an anti ZOG mob got a hold of him.

gunny highway
2nd February 2011, 12:31 PM
i call bullshit! no bruises, no video the attack, we just have to take Cooper's word for it.

2nd February 2011, 12:41 PM
Anderson Cooper :boohoo
bet you it was for vacination lie conducted recently

Twisted Titan
2nd February 2011, 12:58 PM
i call Bullshit! no bruises, no video the attack, we just have to take Cooper's word for it.


Dont you think it odd that a CNN news anchor cant produce video,audio or visual evidence of his attack???