View Full Version : Poll: Pole Smoker Anderson Cooper punched 10 times by Mob in Egypt

2nd February 2011, 12:55 PM
With huge apologies to the OP - General of Darkness.

(But I could not help myself.)

2nd February 2011, 01:07 PM
I also apologize

General of Darkness
2nd February 2011, 01:17 PM
With huge apologies to the OP - General of Darkness.

(But I could not help myself.)

LOL, no need to apologies, that was funny as hell.

mick silver
2nd February 2011, 02:37 PM
i just dont see it . if the people are that mad he would not be telling this crap of a store i was punch 10 times give me a f break

2nd February 2011, 02:47 PM
i just dont see it . if the people are that mad he would not be telling this crap of a store i was punch 10 times give me a f break

There were a few other reporters that were attacked. I think one was from Al Jazeera and another from some Arab station I don't remember. The later was missing for a while and found beat up pretty good.

If I read the story correctly, Cooper was attacked by the pro-Mubark "protesters". They were probably paid thugs. I have seen that the pay is 17 dollars a day versus the 2 dollars a day average.

I almost wonder if this wasn't staged. One would think that abuse to reporters would be a poor image to display.

Is A.C. in need of a ratings boost?

2nd February 2011, 03:04 PM
maybe someone should tell the Egyptians that he's related to the Vanderbilts

one of the original " robber barons "

2nd February 2011, 03:09 PM
You forgot the "who gives a shit option"....

2nd February 2011, 03:53 PM
maybe someone should tell the Egyptians that he's related to the Vanderbilts

one of the original " robber barons "

He's "former" CIA too...

Although I'm pretty sure the CIA is like Hotel California... "you can check out anytime you like; but you can never leave".

2nd February 2011, 09:11 PM
maybe someone should tell the Egyptians that he's related to the Vanderbilts

one of the original " robber barons "

He's "former" CIA too...

Although I'm pretty sure the CIA is like Hotel California... "you can check out anytime you like; but you can never leave".

AC was born a member of the permanent ruling elite in the US.

From his Wikipedia page:

Anderson Hays Vanderbilt Cooper was born on June 3, 1967, the younger son of the writer Wyatt Emory Cooper and the artist, designer, writer, and heiress Gloria Vanderbilt, and is a great-great-great-grandson of Cornelius Vanderbilt of the prominent Vanderbilt shipping and railroad fortune.

During college, he spent two summers as an intern at the Central Intelligence Agency. Although he technically has no formal journalistic education, he opted to pursue a career in journalism rather than stay with the agency after school

2nd February 2011, 11:09 PM
Why do these "ruling elite" SUCK DICKS???

3rd February 2011, 07:34 AM
You forgot the "who gives a shit option"....

Well said - darnit - I cannot add after the poll was opened!

3rd February 2011, 07:55 AM
I don't even know who this ass-clown is.

3rd February 2011, 08:11 AM
Related to the Jewish domination of the media: Mel Gibson's Jewish-dominated interview with Anderson Cooper about his new film, Apocalypto

This is an interesting interview. It’s interesting because it provides another example of how Jewish issues dominate the media. (That’s because the media is dominated by Jews).

(To view it, after you click on the above link, you must click on the “browse” feature, and then search for “Mel on Mel.”)

The interview is about Mel Gibson’s new film Apocalypto; but, as you will see, Anderson Cooper (after talking a little about Mel’s new film) continually brings it back to the Jews and “anti-semitism.” Mel Gibson gets visibly exasperated by the constant harking back to the Jews and “anti-semitism.” Mel obviously expected to be interviewed about his new film. Mel gets so annoyed by Anderson Cooper’s constant reference to Jews and anti-semitism that he finally says: “…life is about something else.” What he meant and could have said was: “There’s more to life than the Jews, Anderson.” This is particularly interesting because, in the past (see below), we pointed out that of the four anchors featured in CNN’s anchors picture, 3 out of the 4 are known Jews. The only one we haven't confirmed to be Jewish is Anderson Cooper. However, it’s highly probable that he is Jewish. His line of questioning in the interview – not to mention his not-so-friendly demeanor and countenance when Mel doesn’t show as much interest in the “Jewish issue” as Anderson would like him to show – further suggests such.

I couldn't find the video.
