View Full Version : African country set to make breaking wind a crime

Twisted Titan
2nd February 2011, 01:35 PM
I thought this was from the onion.......



Breaking wind is set to be made a crime in an African country.

The government of Malawi plan to punish persistent offenders 'who foul the air' in a bid to 'mould responsible and disciplined citizens.'

But locals fear that pinning responsibility on the crime will be difficult - and may lead to miscarriages of justice as 'criminals' attempt to blame others for their offence.

One Malawian told the website Africanews.com: 'My goodness. What happens in a public place where a group is gathered. Do they lock up half a minibus? 'And how about at meetings where it is difficult to pinpoint 'culprits'?

'Children will openly deny having passed bad air and point at an elder. Culturally, this is very embarrassing,' she said.

Another said: 'We have serious issues affecting Malawians today. I do not know how fouling the air should take priority over regulating Chinese investments which do not employ locals, serious graft amongst legislators, especially those in the ruling party, and many more.'

The crime will be enforceable in a new 'Local Court' system which will also have powers to punish a range of other crimes in the bill set to be debated in the country's parliament.

These include insulting the modesty of a woman, challenging to fight a duel, and trespassing on a burial place.
It also outlaws pretending to be a fortune teller, according to local press in the country.

Opposition leaders complain the new courts will be 'kangaroo courts'.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1351174/African-country-set-make-breaking-wind-crime.html#ixzz1Cq7Ej7N9

General of Darkness
2nd February 2011, 01:40 PM
LOL. I think there's a lot more than farts that Africans need to be embarrased about.


General of Darkness
2nd February 2011, 01:43 PM

2nd February 2011, 01:46 PM
Not farting can have serious health effects.............

2nd February 2011, 02:01 PM
It is a distraction while the Chinese buy up the parts of the country they want and pay the rulers off.

2nd February 2011, 02:13 PM
"But locals fear that pinning responsibility on the crime will be difficult - and may lead to miscarriages of justice as 'criminals' attempt to blame others for their offence."

Ok...who cut the cheese?!?

:):D ;D :lol :ROFL:

Twisted Titan
2nd February 2011, 02:28 PM
The crime will be enforceable in a new 'Local Court' system which will also have powers to punish a range of other crimes in the bill set to be debated in the country's parliament.

No matter what happens gubbermint find a way to increase itself

2nd February 2011, 03:02 PM
The crime will be enforceable in a new 'Local Court' system which will also have powers to punish a range of other crimes in the bill set to be debated in the country's parliament.

No matter what happens gubbermint find a way to increase itself

And if you happen to fart in the court room................

2nd February 2011, 03:07 PM
Hmmm....how to determine guilt? The one who detected it, ejected it. The one who smelt it, dealt it. No one will ever notice flatulance again. Reminds me of when I was a kid. My parents proclaimed that whoever noticed the cat vomit on the floor first, should clean it up. Funny how the cat puke would sit on the floor all day unnoticed.

Road Runner
2nd February 2011, 06:20 PM
There was a bunch of news about the carbon emmissions of cattle I think in 2008 or 2009, here in the usa. They wanted to tax farmers/ranchers for their cattle burping and farting. Made me so mad to think of all the ridiculous stuff people come up with that I haven't followed it. I am sure the way things are going it is possible it may come to pass some day.