View Full Version : Something on China from The International Forecaster

2nd February 2011, 06:14 PM
China with $2.85 trillion in foreign exchange reserves has by far the largest such reserves in the world. We expect China will continue to use US dollar profits, as well as US Treasury holdings to buy a variety of things worldwide as well as influence, as we have just seen with their lending to sick European countries. Eventually they will work off the majority of US dollar investments. The reply will be, as pointed out just a week ago, that the US dollar isn’t worth the paper it is written on. In time the Chinese will de-peg from the dollar and make their currency even cheaper. It has already stopped using the dollar in trade with Russia. Next it will be with many more nations forcing world trade to use the yuan and not the dollar. They believe that will eventually lead to the supremacy of the yuan, which will be accompanied by gold backing. Under those circumstances the dollar will in fact become a second rate currency and its eventual destruction will be guaranteed. That is why converting all dollar assets into gold and silver shares and coins is so important. What the communist nations could not do militarily they are now doing financially. The only answer to this policy is tariffs on goods and services, not only for China, but also for all nations, which have been doing the same thing to a lesser degree.

Official Chinese inflation is 5.1%; some economists believe it is more than 10%. Our reports have it over 30%. Just leave Guangdong and shop in Hong Kong and you will see the difference. We published a letter this past week written by a Chinese woman that had just returned from China. It explained the extremely high inflation and the inability of the average Chinese to feed themselves properly. Due to government spies everywhere the terrible situation is never discussed in public, only among family and behind closed doors. If you are heard discussing such real issues you are sent to a retaining camp to learn the error of your ways. That can last as long as 15 years. China is still a totalitarian state.

In an effort to suppress unemployment whole cities have been created with no one living in them. Although not official you are limited to one child in order to suppress population growth. These are the people American elitists have opened our society to via transnational conglomerates. This we are afraid has been deliberately done to pursue a path to World Government.

Over the past 2-1/2 years china used a page from Keynesian economics and poured $2.5 trillion into the domestic economy to avoid its collapse just as the US and so many other countries did. Thus, china is faced with the same monetary and financial problems that the US and so many others face. This means China will face the same economic collapse as other nations. Even the increasing of banking reserves and higher interest rates has been ineffectual. This should not go unnoticed at the Fed. The only eventual outcome can be collapse. The remedy of higher rates and bank reserves won’t work this time. Western nations are dependent on the largess of the Fed, perhaps in time China will as well. How long can the Chinese central bank and the Fed keep up the charade? We don’t know and neither does anyone else. All we are sure of is eventual collapse of the entire world financial system. At that time the elitists expect to implement world government. We have news for them. There are too many people who know what they are up to and it is not going to work. Obama and Hu are front men who do exactly what they are told; everything is totally scripted.


2nd February 2011, 06:31 PM
I am curious if any one here can find a quote by someone who is actually in charge or an integral part of the fiat system, where they actually let the cat out of the bag concerning the collapse of the fiat system. Have any of the bankers or their henchemen i.e. Fed chairman or like, ever intimated that a collapse of the fiat system is 'baked in the cake'? Of course such a statement would undermine public faith in 'fiat'.

2nd February 2011, 07:04 PM
more from the article...

The US and states within the US do not realize that the design is to get America dependent on other nations. That reduces the US’s ability to maneuver in relation to other nations. While America descends into austerity the Fed is not only propping up the US economy, but that of Europe as well. China is doing the same thing domestically. All such efforts are doomed to failure and the players know that. This is not stupidity and incompetence. This is the way that the game is to be played out. China knows they are an integral part of this policy.

I think Bob Chapman has it exactly correct. But I also believe that the timeline is much slower than most expect. I think we have at least 7 and more likely something beyond mid next decade before the attempt to form a full-on world financial govt with broad global powers to fully enslave the world's workers materializes.

The defacto global financial system is pretty well controlled by the elite and pretty broad in it's powers and abilities to control the workers of the world right now. So I believe they will hold off on the final act until they are certain of their victory. When the workers of the world, after years of pain and suffering and after their further dumbing down into apathy and impotence - only then, when the majority are very willing to be branded with a number for access to a credit card to buy much needed food for their children, will TPTB pull back the final curtain.

2nd February 2011, 07:21 PM
more from the article...

The US and states within the US do not realize that the design is to get America dependent on other nations. That reduces the US’s ability to maneuver in relation to other nations. While America descends into austerity the Fed is not only propping up the US economy, but that of Europe as well. China is doing the same thing domestically. All such efforts are doomed to failure and the players know that. This is not stupidity and incompetence. This is the way that the game is to be played out. China knows they are an integral part of this policy.

I think Bob Chapman has it exactly correct. But I also believe that the timeline is much slower than most expect. I think we have at least 7 and more likely something beyond mid next decade before the attempt to form a full-on world financial govt with broad global powers to fully enslave the world's workers materializes.

The defacto global financial system is pretty well controlled by the elite and pretty broad in it's powers and abilities to control the workers of the world right now. So I believe they will hold off on the final act until they are certain of their victory. When the workers of the world, after years of pain and suffering and after their further dumbing down into apathy and impotence - only then, when the majority are very willing to be branded with a number for access to a credit card to buy much needed food for their children, will TPTB pull back the final curtain.

They seem to be doing everything in their power to foster interdependence. This of course is the enemy of auto-determination or autonomy. A divide and conquer scheme turned on it's head and tricked-out; A unite and conquer strategy. World wide slavery is close. Go tell it on the mountain......

2nd February 2011, 07:27 PM
Revolutions aren't fought by the majority........


2nd February 2011, 07:46 PM
Revolutions aren't fought by the majority........


Now that's a sig-worthy quote!! Bravo.

2nd February 2011, 08:13 PM

China used to be cheap. According to figures the World Bank uses to calculate Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), in 2003, a dollar’s worth of currency bought nearly five times as much in China as it did the U.S. A bag of groceries, or a hairdo, or a hotel room that would have cost $50 in the U.S. cost only RMB 90, or roughly $11, in China.

Talk to anyone in China, though — local or expatriate — and they’ll tell you that, lately, things have been getting a lot more expensive. When I went back to the U.S. a few months ago, I had the strange sensation — for the first time — that a lot of things were actually cheaper there than in Beijing.

The bloggers at Caixin magazine, one of China’s leading financial publications, must have had the same feeling, because they called some friends in the U.S. and put together a chart directly comparing prices for the same goods in Hangzhou and in Boston (which happen to be sister cities). They found, for a shopping list of groceries and fuel, that the total bill was actually larger in China ($217.37) than in the U.S. ($199.70). The price of a dozen eggs was over twice as expensive, and a liter of milk was nearly three times as costly, in China as in America.

3rd February 2011, 09:07 PM
Revolutions aren't fought by the majority........

We are a long way from any kind of revolution. We are many times further away from any kind of revolution that would change things in a meaningful way.

Look at all the current uprisings. Are those revolutionaries asking for an end to taxation? Are they asking for an end to central powers, central govts influenced by global corporate and banking interests? Are they demanding a move to autonomy and full local control based around individual personal responsibility? Are they asking for honest money and the rejection of all the fully corrupt fake paper products and mediums of exchange?

I think woodman is closer to reality. The workers of the world are very uneducated. They look to the same people that caused their troubles to be the ones to fix them.

One thing is clear: The Founding Fathers never intended a nation where citizens would pay nearly half of everything they earn to the government. - Ron Paul

No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine. - J Edgar Hoover

One man with a gun can control one hundred without one. - Vladimir Lenin

The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit. The second is to look things in the face and know them for what they are. — Marcus Aurelius

4th February 2011, 12:07 AM
Revolutions aren't fought by the majority........

We are a long way from any kind of revolution. We are many times further away from any kind of revolution that would change things in a meaningful way.

Look at all the current uprisings. Are those revolutionaries asking for an end to taxation? Are they asking for an end to central powers, central govts influenced by global corporate and banking interests? Are they demanding a move to autonomy and full local control based around individual personal responsibility? Are they asking for honest money and the rejection of all the fully corrupt fake paper products and mediums of exchange?

I think woodman is closer to reality. The workers of the world are very uneducated. They look to the same people that caused their troubles to be the ones to fix them.

One thing is clear: The Founding Fathers never intended a nation where citizens would pay nearly half of everything they earn to the government. - Ron Paul

No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine. - J Edgar Hoover

One man with a gun can control one hundred without one. - Vladimir Lenin

The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit. The second is to look things in the face and know them for what they are. — Marcus Aurelius

Great post FM. The fact is most people need to know the facts about their slavery. They know something is wrong and want it fixed but they are asking the criminals to write the rules. Excellent quotes by the way. I'm incorporating them into my quotes file.

4th February 2011, 05:15 AM
Revolutions aren't fought by the majority........

We are a long way from any kind of revolution. ~

Revolutions take on many forms and come in many sizes.

We've been in a "progressive" revolution for over 130 years now and it's coming to a head.

The "liberty" counter revolution is taking shape and propagating. Although it lacks focus, it is moving foward.


Hatha Sunahara
4th February 2011, 10:45 AM
I saw pieces of a Bernanke press conference held yesterday. Bernanke said that there won't be any significant inflation, and that the problem is not with the US dollar. The problem, according to Bernanke is that the currencies of other nations with strong economies are undervalued against the dollar, and need to be revised. In effect Bernanke is challenging China to revalue the renminbi upwards, and indirectly for other nations to adjust the value of their currency upwards. He is asking them to raise prices for stuff they export to the US. This has the same effect as if the dollar was devalued, but he would not have to take the blame for that.

I'm a big fan of Bob Chapman. He usually gets to the truth of what is happening, and points out the evasions and frauds of the major players. I suppose that is why he is such a strong advocate of owning PMs--because he's showing us all the corruption and how it is going to affect us all. PMs are an insurance policy that will make you immune to the societal crumbling that is coming.


5th February 2011, 02:14 PM
PMs are an insurance policy that will make you immune to the societal crumbling that is coming.

Not quite sure about totally immune. But they will definately deflect many of the symptoms that otherwise would destroy one's financial well being.

Still, an attack on the middle classs, and upon the workers of the world in general, is coming and will continue to come in many ways. Most of the workers are not protected financially, there are way too many people tied at the hip to the govt and the corrupt financial systems. Stocks, cash, the medium of exchange in use, amazingly high taxes and regulations too numerous to count have the workers of the world surrounded. They are under attack, and what can't be taken from them by way of these things just mentioned and by the always present inflationary pressures rotating through the sectors of the economy could, under many situations, be outright stolen from them. In many places of the world, armies and police simply confiscate from the working class as they see fit.

Then beyond the financial attacks and the outright thefts, you have the deterioting education capabilities and protection abilities of the workers. It is already up to individuals to provide for their own education and that of their children if they want anything meaningful, despite the fact that the govt supposedly spends huge sums on education. Soon things like private individual security at home and in the workplace, fire protection services, health care of any quality, a descent retirement, and many other things will become the full burden of the workers themselves regardless that many of them supposedly already paid for and continue to pay for these things.

PMs are only one aspect of what individual workers must have and do if they want to survive the catastrophe which is coming toward them. Mostly they don't have nearly enough of PMs and very little of the rest to deflect even a raindrop of the storm on the horizon. This will only make matters worse for the rest of us that do have some layers of protection already in place. Those who are able to get beyond tha massive suffering due to come could become a target. Property rights, already minimal and heavily taxed, could be further destroyed. Govt laws and their criminal, corrosive agendas might pick up and could be even embraced as solutions by the uneducated workforce faced with amazing levels of stress and seeking someone to make their pain go away.

Other than hiding out in an iglo in Alaska or something very extreme, I don't see a lot of hope. The revolution that Carl is talking about has never really worked in the past and beyond the lessons of history, logic itself is pointing toward a very bad time coming - not only for the average worker's financial situation but for freedom and liberty too.