View Full Version : Armed Forces Association- leeches worse than panhandlers

3rd February 2011, 06:01 AM
Way to piss me off first thing in the morning.

Got a call from these scammers......

"Hello Mr Spectrism. I am calling you from the Armed Forces Association where we help soldiers coming back from war and those still active with care packages. Would you mind if I send you an envelope to help them out?"

S: "How is sending me an envelope going to help them out?"

"Well you would put a donation in it and send it back."

S: "What is your management fee?"

"Just a minute. I have a manager here.... fee..."
"Hello, hello?" comes the official voice of a manager.

S: "You claim to be an organization helping American soldiers. What is your management fee?"

"The charity gets 20% and 80% is used for fund raising and to run the organization."

S: "Is this a profit organization?"


S: "You all can suck sea weed. You are freekin leeches!"

3rd February 2011, 06:04 AM
I should also note that there are many of these that use some name to their benefit- Like "special olympics". I once worked in a boiler room telemarketing company for a short time. For using the name "special olympics", they would send 10% to special olympics and pocket the rest. These scumbags running these schemes are professional panhandlers who only want to take YOUR money.

3rd February 2011, 06:09 AM
I should also note that there are many of these that use some name to their benefit- Like "special olympics". I once worked in a boiler room telemarketing company for a short time. For using the name "special olympics", they would send 10% to special olympics and pocket the rest. These scumbags running these schemes are professional panhandlers who only want to take YOUR money.

says a lot about the special olympics that they would allow their name to be tarnished like that just for cut of the action.

3rd February 2011, 06:11 AM
I should also note that there are many of these that use some name to their benefit- Like "special olympics". I once worked in a boiler room telemarketing company for a short time. For using the name "special olympics", they would send 10% to special olympics and pocket the rest. These scumbags running these schemes are professional panhandlers who only want to take YOUR money.

says a lot about the special olympics that they would allow their name to be tarnished like that just for cut of the action.

I know, right?

What are they, a bunch of retards?

3rd February 2011, 06:12 AM
I should also note that there are many of these that use some name to their benefit- Like "special olympics". I once worked in a boiler room telemarketing company for a short time. For using the name "special olympics", they would send 10% to special olympics and pocket the rest. These scumbags running these schemes are professional panhandlers who only want to take YOUR money.

says a lot about the special olympics that they would allow their name to be tarnished like that just for cut of the action.

I know, right?

What are they, a bunch of retards?

i probably shouldn't have laughed at that, but i did.

3rd February 2011, 06:19 AM
Another one I get is the "Policemen's Benevolent Association". When they ask for money for those brave policemen and their families, I ask:

don't they get paid?
don't they have medical coverage?
don't they have pension plans?
don't they have insurance coverage?

I don't have nearly as much as they do and I am already paying their way. Why don't you send me a donation?

3rd February 2011, 06:26 AM
Very good response.

Two thumbs up!


Way to piss me off first thing in the morning.

Got a call from these scammers......

"Hello Mr Spectrism. I am calling you from the Armed Forces Association where we help soldiers coming back from war and those still active with care packages. Would you mind if I send you an envelope to help them out?"

S: "How is sending me an envelope going to help them out?"

"Well you would put a donation in it and send it back."

S: "What is your management fee?"

"Just a minute. I have a manager here.... fee..."
"Hello, hello?" comes the official voice of a manager.

S: "You claim to be an organization helping American soldiers. What is your management fee?"

"The charity gets 20% and 80% is used for fund raising and to run the organization."

S: "Is this a profit organization?"


S: "You all can suck sea weed. You are freekin leeches!"

3rd February 2011, 06:28 AM
I should also note that there are many of these that use some name to their benefit- Like "special olympics". I once worked in a boiler room telemarketing company for a short time. For using the name "special olympics", they would send 10% to special olympics and pocket the rest. These scumbags running these schemes are professional panhandlers who only want to take YOUR money.

says a lot about the special olympics that they would allow their name to be tarnished like that just for cut of the action.

I know, right?

What are they, a bunch of retards?

i probably shouldn't have laughed at that, but i did.

I probably shouldn't have posted it, but I knew it'd garner a laugh!
