View Full Version : Your thoughts on the NRA?

3rd February 2011, 06:37 AM
Are they a worth-while organization? Or are they just in it for the money?

Being in Canada, I haven't researched the outfit at all, but I bought some equipment and there was a pamphet with a $10 discount for a years membership, a year for $25.

Included suscription to the magazine, and some other goodies.

Is this NRA just a data mining organization, or are they seriously protecting the 2A right for the USA?

3rd February 2011, 06:42 AM
NRA is Bullshit.

They support the slow erosion of gun rights.

Gun Owners of America is better, but I am a gun owner and I'm not part of any organization like that.

3rd February 2011, 06:49 AM
That's all I needed to hear. Thanks guys.

3rd February 2011, 06:57 AM
GOA definitely.

I shop at a local gun store, and they had an NRA rep there trying to sign people up. He was going on about how they fought for this and that. I said ok, then why did the NRA compromise on the assault weapons ban? He said we worked towards it expiring in 2004. I said how about the 1986 automatic weapons ban? Where if I even say the words "auto sear" I am looked at by the ATF. He said that was "before his time" and didn't comment. Suffice it to say he didn't get many signatures or donations after I was done questioning him.

NRA should be NRRA - National Rifle Registration Association.

3rd February 2011, 06:59 AM
as far as i can tell, it's a front to sell you insurance, duffel bags, stickers, rifle cases, and shitty knives.

3rd February 2011, 07:00 AM
What does GOA mean?

3rd February 2011, 07:04 AM
The NRA is OK but I would not join them before or without joining the Second Amendment Foundation. SAF does much more to defend liberty and gun rights than the NRA.

In Liberty


3rd February 2011, 07:06 AM
What does GOA mean?

gun owners of amercia.


3rd February 2011, 07:07 AM
What does GOA mean?

"Gun Owners of America"


3rd February 2011, 07:09 AM
I support a local organization that works at my states level. I find it better bang for the buck.

midnight rambler
3rd February 2011, 07:15 AM
The NRA fully supported the National Firearms Act in 1934 which regulates full auto and assorted other guns such as sawed off shotguns and short barreled rifles along with suppressors with 'tax stamps' and full blown searchlight up your ass background checks, along with authorizing the govt. goons to drop by your abode anytime day or night to re-insert the searchlight up your ass.

The NRA fully supported the Gun Control Act of 1968 (and Charlton Heston aka Moses appeared before CONgress pushing it real hard with his celebrity status) which gave us the Form 4473 aka 'the yellow sheet' as well as outlawing the private shipment of guns.

The NRA was the primary driving force behind the g...d National Insta-Check System aka NICS where one cannot receive a gun from a 'dealer' (or even from a pawn shop where you have legally dropped off your OWN gun) without the official blessing of the Feral govt - in other words one has to 'ask permission'.

You should have thanked that NRA asshole for NICS, fucking bunch of traitors. Every time I heard someone proudly proclaim "I'm a lifetime member of the NRA!" I just want to beat the shit out of 'em.

3rd February 2011, 07:24 AM
Spot on the NRA may be big but they do not support our rights as well as SAF etc

3rd February 2011, 07:55 AM
I don't believe in joining groups . . . but I have donated to the 2nd Amendment Sisters when I've run across them at events.


They have the right idea:

3rd February 2011, 08:27 AM
There is nothing like telling the governmnet that you own guns by being a member of the NRA.

Twisted Titan
3rd February 2011, 10:59 AM
The NRA headquarters is in FairFax Virgina.

Across the Pond from Washington DC and Quantaco Virgina ( Home of the FBI)

Do you REALLY think they are goiing to be "fighting"for your rights???

3rd February 2011, 11:13 AM
Well I came in here with a sermon and found all the salient points already aired.
Thanks for saving my keyboard, guys! |--0--|

3rd February 2011, 12:36 PM
NRA = National rabbi Association.

GOA boss Larry Pratt is a Jew.

I have met the gal who runs 2 Sisters in person, nice enough goy but she's an Israel firster and freeper.

3rd February 2011, 12:39 PM
The best support group I've found are the folks that run the counter at my local gun shops and the folks who turn out at the public ranges. I've not seen the need to associate with anyone else on the matters surrounding my 2nd amendment rights being as they are not to be abridged which basically means STFU and GTFO if you don't like it.

3rd February 2011, 04:16 PM
The NRA are change-agents. Avoid them.

GOA is MUCH better.

3rd February 2011, 05:15 PM
Controlled opposition.

3rd February 2011, 05:26 PM
Who is this Jew?

3rd February 2011, 05:28 PM

Who is this one?


What is your fucking point?

3rd February 2011, 05:41 PM
What is your fucking point?
That GOA is no better or different than NRA.

1) Most organizations and institutions are run by Jews.
2) By controlling organizations, Jews define the terms and draw the lines of demarcation.
3) Gun control is a Jewish movement, just ask Schumer, Feinstein, Waxman, Boxer, Metzenbaum or Cellar.
4) GOA is run by Jews.

What else do you need to know? Really Kregener, this ain't rocket science.

3rd February 2011, 05:50 PM
It evidently is rocket science for you, since you appear to be on one well on your way to planet Omicron EvilJoos 9...

3rd February 2011, 06:00 PM
It evidently is rocket science for you, since you appear to be on one well on your way to planet Omicron EvilJoos 9...
Anyone who disagrees with Kregener is on his way to planet Omicron, whatever that is.

3rd February 2011, 06:03 PM
"ALL Jews are evil".

All guns are evil.

All atheists are evil.

All Christians are evil.

All underwear is evil.

Complete fucking nonsense.

3rd February 2011, 06:12 PM
"ALL Jews are evil".

All guns are evil.

All atheists are evil.

All Christians are evil.

All underwear is evil.

Complete fucking nonsense.
What's nonsense is when someone misquotes me by adding the "ALL" word. Your post is pretty meaningless without the "ALL".

3rd February 2011, 07:48 PM
A conservative or libertarian finds himself at odds with an established, well-funded organization. Naturally, he quits.

Liberals, find themselves at odds with an established, well-funded organization. Naturally, they join!

Of course the game is rigged. Don't let that stop you--if you don't play, you can't win.
--Robert Heinlein

3rd February 2011, 07:52 PM
What is your fucking point?

I believe his point is, while the GOA has a better track record for gun rights they still aren't to be trusted. If they were the big dog gun lobby like the NRA and the NRA was smaller like the GOA the roles would be reversed and the GOA would bend over compromising at every turn.

It's kinda like how when either of the 2 major parties aren't in power they talk a good game, once they are elected they do what the hell they want. So the GOA attempts to attract people who are fed up with the NRA's compromise and no action.

Twisted Titan
3rd February 2011, 08:11 PM
I concur with Nordic

Do you really believe Larry Pratt in going to go into smokefilled Washinton DC Back room and tell Big fish in there this is how its gonna be???

AND those Fish share a "common bond"???

Who the hell is fooling who???

If LP was any threat to those people he would already be in jail for the 5 GBs of Kiddie Porn found on his home computer.


midnight rambler
3rd February 2011, 08:58 PM
Controversy with the gungrabbers is good for GOA's coffers just as it is for the NRA, just not in as big of a way.

3rd February 2011, 09:05 PM

Anybody here send their money to the NRA then watch them build themselves this palace?


3rd February 2011, 09:36 PM
I write this as a former NRA member of many years. I think you shouldn't throw out the baby with the bathwater. I grew up going to NRA-sanctioned events. I took their hunting safety courses. The NRA taught me about the culture of rifles and how important it was to respect and care for them. The organization promotes and sponsors programs to encourage youth to be responsible and encourages them to improve their shooting skills. The NRA also hosts shooting championships and trains instructors. And through all this, millions of members join together with a common understanding that the 2nd grants individuals the right to bear arms. They have also won several important legal victories for gun owners. But the Board of Directors, leadership, manufacturers, and politicians have corrupted the association. What was meant to be the voice of the collective membership has become a venue for self-serving elites that broker bad deals and throw members under the bus. What used to be a no-compromise institution now horse trades political favor for it's own sake. These and other reasons have led to the downfall of the NRA. It was once a legitimate extension of our lives, now it is guilty of caving on the Brady Bill, NICS, Project Exile, DISCLOSE; not to mention working with the federal government to actually expand gun control under the guise of winning important victories for NRA-ILA. Sadly, the ordinary people who make the heart and soul of an organization are marginalized for the gain of the few at the cost of the many. In that sense the NRA is an American success story.

midnight rambler
3rd February 2011, 09:41 PM
What used to be a no-compromise institution

Gee, when was that? Sometime prior to 1934?

Sometimes the baby NEEDS to be thrown out - when it's the spawn of Satan.

4th February 2011, 12:20 AM
To hell with the NRA!

They previously upheld gun rights but they've compromised and have lost my respect for them when they supported a campaign finance restrictions bill.

4th February 2011, 01:21 AM
The best way to control the opposition is to lead it. -Lennin

midnight rambler
4th February 2011, 05:55 AM
They previously upheld gun rights

The NRA has NEVER "upheld gun rights", if they had they would have vigorously opposed NFA '34. No, the NRA has CONSISTENTLY always emphasized 'hunting and sporting pleasure' and never the real intend of the RKBA.

4th February 2011, 06:02 AM
They previously upheld gun rights

The NRA has NEVER "upheld gun rights", if they had they would have vigorously opposed NFA '34. No, the NRA has CONSISTENTLY always emphasized 'hunting and sporting pleasure' and never the real intend of the RKBA.
Then when those unconstitutional laws get passed they emphasize "enforcing existing gun laws instead of passing new ones".

4th February 2011, 06:27 AM
What used to be a no-compromise institution

Gee, when was that? Sometime prior to 1934?

Sometimes the baby NEEDS to be thrown out - when it's the spawn of Satan.

I clearly said I am a former member (quit in 2002). Let me ask you something: America is broken beyond repair, but it too has given us a number of positive things. Do we throw it out too lock, stock, and barrel? I am not here to defend the indefensible - perhaps if the NRA stuck to sports and education and dispensed with political activities it could regain its soul - it's "spawn of Satan" - but I still contend the organization has done some good. If you have ever done a family event with fellow members you would understand. "Leadership" is a common problem in American institutions - the ordinary people who are true to their beliefs get lost in the noise of corruption. This is ubiquitous and the NRA is not unique in this regard. If the root question of the thread is "should I join the NRA" then I would say not if you seek an umbrella to protect your gun rights. But the thread asked for our thoughts and I have given them. I don't expect you or anyone else to agree if you choose. I am merely saying my experience with them was not evil and I met many people who shared my enthusiasm for guns and good gun citizenship. Plus, if you've been around enough you would know my position on all this from my posts going back four years on the old GIM - I am the first to defend anyone's right to own guns. I also have a distaste for absolutes. As a 20+ year member I did not regret what I got out of the experience except the realization the NRA is a political problem looking for a solution. Whatever.

midnight rambler
4th February 2011, 06:48 AM
"There is no subjugation so perfect as that which keeps the appearance of freedom, for in that way, one captures volition itself." --Jean-Jacques Rousseau

The fifth columnists at the NRA thoroughly understand this concept and they fully incorporate it into their snake oil scam.

NRA = rotten to the very core with many useful idiots propelling it along. No amount of "good which the NRA does" will EVER negate the evil within that den of vipers. It's like saying "while the Republican party is compromised, it STILL does *some* good."

4th February 2011, 07:58 AM
Thanks guys. I got the info I was looking for and as usual, far more than that.

I now look at the NRA and the GOA the same way I look at the LRP:
Both controlled for an illusion of choice for people who think they have freedom.

mrnhtbr2232, I always appreciate your posts, and I wish you would post more often, but I have to say that all the things you mentioned, about community, appleseed type events, shooting matches, etc - All those thing can still be had without the NRA.

I am experiencing the same sense of community just from joining a local range and going out shooting as much as possible. Then I started training for IPSC and IDPA shooting, and have made new friendships with solid people.

All without the help of the NRA. (Granted, I'm in Canada)

The reason I wanted to ask about it here is because the membership of this forum is well rounded and pays attention, so I wanted to make sure I wasn;t supporting the NWO by joining, and IMO if I joined, I would be supporting the NWO.

So fuck that.
Thanks everyone.

4th February 2011, 08:09 AM
No, you have been mislead on the GOA.

'EvilJoos' automatons are insidious that way.

4th February 2011, 08:29 AM
No, you have been mislead on the GOA.

'EvilJoos' automatons are insidious that way.

Is there a jew at the top? OK then. No thanks.

You can let your defenses down if you choose.
I know better than that.

4th February 2011, 10:06 AM
No, you have been mislead on the GOA.

'EvilJoos' automatons are insidious that way.
Modus agendi and modus operandi are forms of proof. Perhaps not absolutely conclusive in themselves, but proof nonetheless.

What you see as "automatons" is people actually pointing out modus agendi and modus operandi. Perhaps you would like to silence them.

4th February 2011, 10:14 AM
Larry Pratt is NOT JEWISH.

Good grief...

4th February 2011, 10:47 AM
Larry Pratt is NOT JEWISH.

Good grief...
Jews control almost all organizations and institutions.

Jews frequently change their names and hide their ethnicity.

Jews dominate both sides of the gun rights debate.

Larry Pratt has Jewish features.

Larry Pratt is probably a Jew.

If you choose to disregard patterns that's your perogative.

I gave the GOA and the NRA money 15 years ago myself.

4th February 2011, 10:50 AM
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Pratt

In October 1992, at Estes Park, Colorado, Pratt addressed a three-day meeting of neo-Nazis and Christian Identity adherents organized by Pete Peters in the wake of the Ruby Ridge incident.[14][15][16] Pratt shared the stage with Richard Butler and Louis Beam.

In 2004, Pratt is accompanied by loyalist and paramilitary sympathizer Willie Frazer on a tour of South Armagh whilst calling for the the Protestant population to be routinely armed. [17]

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Pratt used his Committee to Protect the Family organization to raise $150,000 for the anti-abortion group Operation Rescue which paid $50,000 in court-imposed fines.[18][19]

However, Pratt is also affiliated with the Congress of Racial Equality, one of America's oldest civil rights organizations,[citation needed] and with Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. Anti-gun control advocate Rabbi R. Mermelstein stated, in response to an "Ask the Rabbi" question, that "Larry is a longtime friend of mine. The man doesn't have an anti-Semitic thought in his fertile, patriotic mind."[20] Pratt's wife is an immigrant from Central America, and they speak Spanish at home.

4th February 2011, 10:54 AM
Interesting. So I thought Pratt was jewish, but it ends up that is not a cold hard fact.
So I did a google search for "Larry Pratt jew"

YouTube - Larry Pratt on Alex Jones Tv 1/2: BATF & Austin Police ...
19 Jan 2010 ... Larry Pratt, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America, also makes an
appearance ... This American born from jewish parents loves my guns, ...

www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DUBCBKg1SKP0 - Cached - SimilarThe Media's Pratt Fall - Gun Owners Of America
"JPFO considers Larry Pratt to be cut of exactly the same cloth as the many
righteous gentiles who risked their lives during the Holocaust to rescue Jews ...

gunowners.org/larry.htm - Cached - SimilarMichael Novic, Patrick Buchanan, Larry Pratt, et al.
18 Feb 1996 ... Larry Pratt's association with Pat Buchanan goes back many years. .... Although
Pratt tries to use his membership in Jews for the ...

www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/45/085.... - Cached - SimilarLarry Pratt on the GOA, the Constitution and Gun Control
15 Aug 2010 ... Larry Pratt: That was very nice of him. I had been a long time colleague of his
and of Aaron Zelman and Jews for Preservation of Firearms ...

www.thedailybell.com/1291/Larry-Pratt... - Cached - SimilarAmerican Jewish year book - Google Books Result
Cyrus Adler, David Singer, Henrietta Szold - 1997
He spoke at the National Jewish Coalition meeting of the need to strengthen ...
He was promoted in far-right publications, and Larry Pratt, president of Gun ...

books.google.ca/books?isbn=0874951119Larry Pratt on the GOA, the Constitution and Gun Control ...
15 Aug 2010 ... Larry Pratt: That was very nice of him. I had been a long time colleague of his
and of Aaron Zelman and Jews for Preservation of Firearms ...

www.rightsidenews.com/2010081511367/u... - Cached - SimilarLarry Pratt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Larry Pratt was born in Camden, New Jersey on November 13, 1942. ... civil
rights organizations, and with Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Pratt - Cached - SimilarLarrt Pratt -- Judge Roy Moore Is Right
27 Aug 2003 ... Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was ... Larry
Pratt has been Executive Director of Gun Owners of America for ...

www.newswithviews.com/Pratt/larry11.htm - Cached - SimilarCLAY'S LATEST ARTICLE ON THE ATTACK ON THE TEA PARTIES BY THE ...
At a conference of another anti-Semitic group, Douglas once blamed Jews for the
September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Larry Pratt – Larry Pratt of Virginia ...

thcministriesofarizona.com/%3Fpage_id... - Cached - SimilarEast of Malta, west of Suez: Britain's Mediterranean crisis, 1936-1939 - Google Books Result
Larry Pratt - 1975 - 215 pages
... of creating the Jewish National Home in that country, and (b) the growing
number of Jewish immigrants in flight from European fascism.38 Within weeks an

Seems I might have to do some digging...

4th February 2011, 12:42 PM
Larry Pratt is NOT JEWISH.

Good grief...
Jews control almost all organizations and institutions.

Jews frequently change their names and hide their ethnicity.

Jews dominate both sides of the gun rights debate.

Larry Pratt has Jewish features.

Larry Pratt is probably a Jew.

If you choose to disregard patterns that's your perogative.

I gave the GOA and the NRA money 15 years ago myself.

That has got to be some of the deepest horseshit I have ever seen on the interwebs... ::)

4th February 2011, 12:47 PM
That has got to be some of the deepest horseshit I have ever seen on the interwebs... ::)

Anything Kregener disagrees with is horseshit. :oo-->

4th February 2011, 12:49 PM
How old are you Hoarder?


4th February 2011, 12:51 PM
How old are you Hoarder?

Ad hominem is the last refuge of the out argued.

4th February 2011, 12:53 PM
Anything Kregener disagrees with is horseshit.

Ad hominem is the last refuge of the out argued.


14? 15? 16...maybe?

4th February 2011, 01:00 PM
You guys think this site is any good? ;D



4th February 2011, 01:05 PM
You guys think this site is any good? ;D


They are good at shouting loud and clear "We are Jews and we're against gun control". The obvious question of course is why they make such a big deal about being Jewish. The answer to that question is that they know that the vast majority of gun control-supporting-legislation-introducing politicians are Jews....like Waxman, Cellar, Feinstein, Lautenberg, Metzenbaum and Schumer. Incidentally the latter do not shout load and clear "We are Jews and we want to disarm the stupid goyim".
Goys who visit the JPFO are not likely to discover this either.

4th February 2011, 01:06 PM
JPFO is a solid 2nd Amendment organization.

4th February 2011, 01:14 PM
JPFO is a solid 2nd Amendment organization.

Like the ADL is a solid 1st Amendment organization. Them jews are all about preserving our goyim freedom in America.


4th February 2011, 09:03 PM
I don't believe in joining groups . . . but I have donated to the 2nd Amendment Sisters when I've run across them at events.


They have the right idea:

SAS are alright in my book.
