View Full Version : i've started getting dozens of credit card offers again

3rd February 2011, 01:48 PM
after the big debacle they all but stopped. i didn't get anything for almost 2 years.

this week alone (i have been keeping track) my wife and i have gotten:

2 citibank
2 discover card
1 amex
2 chase bank
2 mnba cabela's visa

that's 8 since monday's mail. lots last week as well.

what is up all of the sudden?

3rd February 2011, 01:56 PM
1. The Bernanke is trying to get the (consumer debt driven) economy jump started.

2. The credit card reform laws are pretty well understood now, the companies have had time to re-tool their marketing targets.

3. The new cards (generally) have much higher rates and penalties - they want you out of the old (and bound by contract) cards.

I admit - one offer gave 1-5% cash back on all purchases and zero interest for the first year (so long as the balance was paid off) - Naturally, I signed up for that one and maxed it out buying PMs - a zero interest loan for shiny metal - no brainer!

(Also I have that much cash on hand to pay off the balance immediately should the need arise. One should never borrow more than what can be paid off at the end of month.)

3rd February 2011, 02:10 PM
makes sense i guess. somehting must have been triggered in the last week or so, it was like BAM! all of the sudden they were there.

3rd February 2011, 02:36 PM
You can always Opt-Out! This really does work--I did it in 05 and just now started getting junk again. I guess it was on a five-year cycle if I remember. I should be back on the Don't Bother Her list by now again. ;D

I called the number printed on the back of an offer and it worked. 1-888-5OPTOUT

Here's a linky for more info: http://www.creditreporting.com/opt-out-prescreen-online.html

3rd February 2011, 02:58 PM
I only have one for online buying, online airline, check into a hotel and nothing more......anything paid at the end of the month......no interest in 40 years.

3rd February 2011, 02:58 PM
Oh good everything is back to normal,I was starting to worry...........

3rd February 2011, 04:39 PM
Yeah, I've been getting credit card apps again too.
After hiding under their rocks and hoarding their cash all this time, they have finally decided to come back out into the daylight and bleed people for more money.
Straight into the trash is where my applications go, or I write "God hates usury" on a note and drop it in the pre-paid envelope (I think someone here gave me that idea, or someone on the old GiM).

I'm debt free except for the house, and plan to keep it that way; I hate monthly bills.

3rd February 2011, 05:37 PM
You can only be buried if you dig your own hole..........