View Full Version : 1,500-Year-Old Church Uncovered In Israe.

3rd February 2011, 07:08 PM
I like the way that like to insinuate that below there is one of "their" churches.
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1,500-Year-Old Church Uncovered In Israe.

1500 Year Old Church, Israel.

Israeli archaeologists presented a newly uncovered 1,500-year-old church in the Judean hills on Wednesday, including an unusually well-preserved mosaic floor with images of lions, foxes, fish and peacocks.

The Byzantine church located southwest of Jerusalem, excavated over the last two months, will be visible only for another week before archaeologists cover it again with soil for its own protection.

The small basilica with an exquisitely decorated floor was active between the fifth and seventh centuries A.D., said the dig's leader, Amir Ganor of the Israel Antiquities Authority. He said the floor was "one of the most beautiful mosaics to be uncovered in Israel in recent years."

"It is unique in its craftsmanship and level of preservation," he said.

Archaeologists began digging at the site, known as Hirbet Madras, in December. The Antiquities Authority discovered several months earlier that antiquities thieves had begun plundering the ruins, which sit on an uninhabited hill not far from an Israeli farming community.

Though an initial survey suggested the building was a synagogue, the excavation revealed stones carved with crosses, identifying it as a church. The building had been built atop another structure around 500 years older, dating to Roman times, when scholars believe the settlement was inhabited by Jews.

AdvertisementHewn into the rock underneath that structure is a network of tunnels that archaeologists believe were used by Jewish rebels fighting Roman armies in the second century A.D.

Stone steps lead down from the floor of church to a small burial cave, which scholars suggest might have been venerated as the burial place of the Old Testament prophet Zecharia.

Ganor said the church would remain covered until funding was obtained to open it as a tourist site.

Israel boasts an exceptionally high concentration of archaeological sites, including Crusader, Islamic, Byzantine, Roman, ancient Jewish and prehistoric ruins.


3rd February 2011, 08:02 PM

Israel boasts an exceptionally high concentration of archaeological sites, including Crusader, Islamic, Byzantine, Roman, prehistoric ruins and nothing Jewish.


fixed it

3rd February 2011, 09:32 PM
They have found only two pieces of "evidence" that Jews were ever in Palestine and both of them were fabricated and planted to be found by "archaelogists".

3rd February 2011, 10:26 PM
They have found only two pieces of "evidence" that Jews were ever in Palestine and both of them were fabricated and planted to be found by "archaelogists".

Any links to this?

3rd February 2011, 11:22 PM
John? that was from about two years ago.......one was called the box of Joseh, or something like that, and the other one was a tablet that was supposed to come from Solomons days.

4th February 2011, 05:57 AM
326 AD Constantine built the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, known as the Church of the Resurrection (Anastasis) to Eastern Orthodox Christians, is a church in the Old City of Jerusalem that is the holiest Christian site in the world. It stands on a site that is believed to encompass both Golgotha, or Calvary, where Jesus was crucified, and the tomb (sepulchre) where he was buried. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre has been an important pilgrimage destination since the 4th century.


Everywhere you did in Israel it is Hellenic and Roman finds.
The Philistines were the original inhabitants of the coast
and area, even the Old Testament records how the Jews
warred on them and wanted their cities. During the time
of Jesus the area was full of Hellenic cities. Jesus even
came from this area. The Romans, later, governed many
peoples, the area was never " jewish ", they were only
one major group SW and inland of most of the Hellenic