View Full Version : Honeyville Farms

mick silver
4th February 2011, 06:01 AM

From Thursday, February 3rd, 2011 thru Tuesday, February 8th, 2011 you'll get 10% off of every item in your cart*. Just order as usual and enter the coupon code ROSEBUD during checkout. The coupon code field is on the second page of the checkout process. Enter the ROSEBUD coupon code, click the APPLY button to the right, and the savings will automatically be calculated.

As many of you know we have been out of stock on our #10 cans of Powdered Whole Eggs and Egg Whites for about 3 months. This has been as a result of working with the USDA on plant and label approval with new stricter requirements with respect to eggs. We've endured numerous delays and setbacks throughout the process. About a week ago we had received approval to begin Production. We did so and even had product on UPS trailers ready to be picked up. We got a call from the USDA stating that they had put us through the wrong process and we would have to start over again. We had to pull all of the outbound orders and go back into a holding pattern. At this point we are moving through the process but have no idea when we'll be back in business with the canned eggs. It is a frustrating situation with one of our best sellers and we apologize for the delay. Just as soon as we have product ready to ship we will send out an email to all of our great Honeyville Customers. We appreciate
your patience.


mick silver
4th February 2011, 06:03 AM
it sad that the usda can hold up a company for this long . they have good eggs . i bet if theys eggs were coming from china this would not be going on

4th February 2011, 06:22 AM
i wonder if the usda payed them for all of their lost time.

4th February 2011, 08:37 AM
I guess they didn't study how Monsanto gets things fast tracked through the regulators, you either hire employees that worked for them or you plant employees in them