View Full Version : Muslim Brotherhood: ‘We are against Zionism’

4th February 2011, 08:33 AM
Muslim Brotherhood: ‘We are against Zionism’
Spokesman for the Egyptian group says it won’t commit to maintaining peace treaty, recognition of Israel.

A spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt on Thursday evening repeatedly refused to commit to maintaining the peace treaty with Israel, or even recognizing Israel, if the Brotherhood becomes a player in the future governance of Egypt.

Asked on CNN if his organization would support the maintenance of the Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty, Mohamed Morsy, a spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood, dodged a direct answer but said Israel had failed to honor the treaty. He said it would be up to the Egyptian parliament to decide on the fate of the treaty, and that the parliament would reflect the will of the people.

Muslim Brotherhood: With Israel, no agreement is eternal
Suleiman: Muslim Brotherhood invited to meet with gov't

Asked next if an Egypt with a Muslim Brotherhood component in government would even recognize the state of Israel, Morsy again evaded a direct answer despite being pressed several times. “It’s ridiculous to ask about the future,” he said at one point, and then responded with the question: “Does Israel recognize a Palestinian state?”

He also accused Israel of “shedding the blood of the Palestinians for more than 60 years.”

Morsy added that the Brotherhood “are not against the Jews. We are against Zionism. We are against torturing the Palestinian people.”

Morsy also said the Muslim Brotherhood opposed violence. “We do not use violence against anyone,” he said. But what was happening on “Palestinian land,” however, he said, was not violence but “resistance. And resistance is acceptable by all mankind. And it is the right of people to resist imperialism,” he said.


4th February 2011, 09:11 AM
They can't be all that bad.........can they?.........an enemy of my enemy becomes my friend?, or something like that.

4th February 2011, 10:16 AM
That's an upcheck in my book.

4th February 2011, 12:09 PM
Well, they got my vote...although I wouldn't be surprised if Super Muslim Bros. havent already been infiltrated by CIA/Mossad... :conf:

4th February 2011, 12:17 PM
Sounds like the Muslim Brotherhood is in full agreement with Rabbi Weiss.


Zionists have a great propaganda machine, but it's all lies, along with fox news B.S.

4th February 2011, 12:45 PM
You should totally fucking join! No....seriously...join. 'Cause they hate them fucking "Joos".

4th February 2011, 12:52 PM
If I knew for sure that it was only against the "Jeoos" I would join them......but.......we have done so much damage agains them that I would not blame them if they were to do something agaisnt us........Kregener? by the way that you wrote that I can tell that either you are one of "them" or for them.

4th February 2011, 12:53 PM
Hatred just for the sake of hatred is asinine to the nth degree, and denotes a low intelligence level.

4th February 2011, 02:24 PM
You should totally fucking join! No....seriously...join. 'Cause they hate them fucking "Joos".

Few if any here would be in the least bit interested in joining. I could be wrong, but I think you need to be Muslim, either way, I'm not interested.

4th February 2011, 09:45 PM

The following is taken from http://www.redmoonrising.com/Ikhwan/BritIslam.htm

The Muslim Brotherhood spread throughout the Muslim world and has evolved into something like a Muslim equivalent of the West's Masonic brotherhood. ...

"According to CIA agent Miles Copeland, the Americans began looking for a Muslim Billy Graham around 1955... When finding or creating a Muslim Billy Graham proved elusive, the CIA began to cooperate with the Muslim Brotherhood, the Muslim mass organization founded in Egypt but with followers throughout the Arab Middle East... This signalled the beginning of an alliance between the traditional regimes and mass Islamic movements against Nasser and other secular forces."

4th February 2011, 10:03 PM
What other choices do they have? Zionism, or Zionism lite. You here act like fucking assholes. When all your countries are Zionist tools. The peanut gallery strikes again, it's nothing new.

4th February 2011, 10:21 PM
Kregener? you said it, and that's why more and more people are becoming anti Zionist instead of anti Semate......

"When the truth comes into the light, the lies will hide in the dark"... Ponce

4th February 2011, 10:27 PM
Kregener? you said it, and that's why more and more people are becoming anti Zionist instead of anti Semate......

"When the truth comes into the light, the lies will hide in the dark"... Ponce

How will we become free ourselves?

4th February 2011, 10:53 PM
As we are, little by little the anti Zionist movement will grow bigger and bigger .........however.......to get rid of the Zionist we must first get rid of the present government and then present a new one who would be willing to go against them.........like Ron Paul......all that he needs is backing of the people.

Silver Shield
5th February 2011, 04:36 AM
Morsy added that the Brotherhood “are not against the Jews. We are against Zionism. We are against torturing the Palestinian people.”

Book take note.

It is not all Jews.

It is not intellectually honest.

It is individuals and ideas they use to abuse power that are at the root.

Zionism is a Rothschild racist, genocidal and some would say Satanic movement.

Not every Jew is a Zionist.

Not every Zionist is a Jew.

In fact on another board my nemesis over there describes himself as a Christian Zionist. (like that blind, black kkk guy on the Dave Chappelle show.

The Muslim Brotherhood is not going to get trapped into the anti Semitism trap.

They know that if this is portrayed as another Holocaust and 'never again'.

And see the best way to undermine and defeat anyone is to destroy their ideology and their proponents.

5th February 2011, 05:16 AM
Book take note.

It is not all Jews.

It is not intellectually honest.

It is individuals and ideas they use to abuse power that are at the root.

Zionism is a Rothschild racist, genocidal and some would say Satanic movement.

Not every Jew is a Zionist.

Not every Zionist is a Jew.



Scroll up and notice that I didn't even post in this thread.

But since you insist...look real hard and study these photos of Israel carpet bombing apartment buildings in Lebanon in 2006. Block after block of bombed-out apartment buildings. Obviously jews believe in "collective punishment" and murder innocent women and children while going after the so-called evil terrorists. Obviously the jews themselves don't agree with Silver Shield The Academy. They don't bother separating the good muslims from the so-called evil terrorists. They carpet bomb everybody. Everybody. Women and children living in apartment buildings. So why should anyone bother to sort out the so-called "good" jews from the so-called zionists?


5th February 2011, 05:33 AM
Silver Shield

Forget about it. Some can’t differentiate between a mouse and a rat either.

5th February 2011, 07:01 AM
Hatred just for the sake of hatred is asinine to the nth degree, and denotes a low intelligence level.


Dear Friend:

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5th February 2011, 08:08 AM
How many here have spoken to men of Islam and their women? Do they agree how the JewsMedia portrays them?

A guy I was talking to a few weeks ago make a statement that intrigued me. We were talking about immigration and such and he commented Muslims by and large don't emmigrate....they settle. Looking at the condition of Europe in general and the push for Sharia Law, he may have a good point.

However, the same may be said about numerous other groups down through history. Christianity comes to mind. Being a Christian does not preclude me from recognizing the blight that the Inquisition and such has been on history. But in that light I would also contend that that did not represent true Christianity either. Christ never said to take the world by storm or by the sword, but to spread the word of his offer of salvation.

Maybe many moderate Muslims feel the same about the more stringent forms of Islam.

5th February 2011, 08:19 AM
I have the utmost respect for Islam, being a social concervative but there is no such thing as Palestinians.
Please list the names of Palestinian kings, the names of the Palestinian currencies and maybe care to mention how difficult Palestinian language is.

5th February 2011, 10:00 AM
I have the utmost respect for Islam, being a social concervative but there is no such thing as Palestinians.

Yeah...only your tribe and the goyim exists. You already referred to yourself as a "zionist" pro-Israel jew in other threads.


5th February 2011, 10:24 AM
I have the utmost respect for Islam, being a social concervative but there is no such thing as Palestinians.

Yeah...only your tribe and the goyim exists. You already referred to yourself as a "zionist" pro-Israel jew in other threads.


only SWIM could refer to himself as a Zionist. I refer to myself as an ultra-Zionist. A huge difference there. UltraZionists love Jews so much that they are willing to risk their ass to rid the planet of the zionist plague (meaning Zionist political power, not that we wanna kill anyone). We only use internet media to spread our message. Zionists are murdering everyone, including Jews, they are about to destroy the planet on which Jews live.
UltraZionists therefore, are just as against the sheenie bankers as any toothless redneck with a gold Eagle is.
We are offering our goym lesser brothers a chance to make an alliance with us so we all can survive and live happily ever after.
But never question our Jewish intellectual supremacy and the right to run the shithouse that this planet has become.

An example of an ULTRA-Zionist is Christ, another is Stalin.

5th February 2011, 10:29 AM
We are offering our goym lesser brothers a chance to make an alliance with us so we all can survive and live happily ever after.

You previously said you are only "half-jewish" so your lesser "half-goy" self must be a real embarrassment.


5th February 2011, 10:30 AM
only SWIM could refer to himself as a Zionist. I refer to myself as an ultra-Zionist. A huge difference there. UltraZionists love Jews so much that they are willing to risk their ass to rid the planet of the zionist plague (meaning Zionist political power, not that we wanna kill anyone). We only use internet media to spread our message. Zionists are murdering everyone, including Jews, they are about to destroy the planet on which Jews live.
UltraZionists therefore, are just as against the sheenie bankers as any toothless redneck with a gold Eagle is.
We are offering our goym lesser brothers a chance to make an alliance with us so we all can survive and live happily ever after.
But never question our Jewish intellectual supremacy and the right to run the shithouse that this planet has become.

An example of an ULTRA-Zionist is Christ, another is Stalin.
I now feel thoroughly qualified to say, "Now I've seen everything..."

5th February 2011, 10:45 AM
We are offering our goym lesser brothers a chance to make an alliance with us so we all can survive and live happily ever after.

You previously said you are only "half-jewish" so your lesser "half-goy" self must be a real embarrassment.


You don`t get it,being half-goy makes me an even better fighter against zionism and therefore a better Ultra-Zionist.

5th February 2011, 10:47 AM
only SWIM could refer to himself as a Zionist. I refer to myself as an ultra-Zionist. A huge difference there. UltraZionists love Jews so much that they are willing to risk their ass to rid the planet of the zionist plague (meaning Zionist political power, not that we wanna kill anyone). We only use internet media to spread our message. Zionists are murdering everyone, including Jews, they are about to destroy the planet on which Jews live.
UltraZionists therefore, are just as against the sheenie bankers as any toothless redneck with a gold Eagle is.
We are offering our goym lesser brothers a chance to make an alliance with us so we all can survive and live happily ever after.
But never question our Jewish intellectual supremacy and the right to run the shithouse that this planet has become.

An example of an ULTRA-Zionist is Christ, another is Stalin.
I now feel thoroughly qualified to say, "Now I've seen everything..."

At the very least SWIM is not boring...

5th February 2011, 10:48 AM
I have the utmost respect for Islam, being a social concervative but there is no such thing as Palestinians.
Please list the names of Palestinian kings, the names of the Palestinian currencies and maybe care to mention how difficult Palestinian language is.

Antonio? you know, as well as I do, that the Zionist is a political movement created by Khazar wanabee "Jews" that were kicked out of Central Asia and immigrated to norther Europe and to places like Russia and Poland, this political party was created in 1897 that after looking to move to different part of the world finally decided on Palestine.

But in answer to your question......the indians natives in Brazil have no formal government, no money, no tittle to the land, no kings, an not one language......and yet they have been there for hundred and hundred of years, does this means that they do not exist or that they don't have the right to exist?

I have seen many pictures of Palestine that dates way back before the Zionists came in and it shows the coexistance of the Arabs and the Semite Jews with nice houses, clean streets, food everywhere, beautifull gardens, big open markets, clean childresn ......and a lot more........NO EVIDENCE OF "JEWS" HAS EVER BEEN FOUND IN PALESTINE.........and the so called "Holy Wall?", nothing more that what remains of a Roman fortress.........read, study and learn, as I have.

5th February 2011, 10:55 AM
I have the utmost respect for Islam, being a social concervative but there is no such thing as Palestinians.
Please list the names of Palestinian kings, the names of the Palestinian currencies and maybe care to mention how difficult Palestinian language is.

Antonio? you know, as well as I do, that the Zionist is a political movement created by Khazar wanabee "Jews" that were kicked out of Central Asia and immigrated to norther Europe and to places like Russia and Poland, this political party was created in 1897 that after looking to move to different part of the world finally decided on Palestine.

But in answer to your question......the indians natives in Brazil have no formal government, no money, no tittle to the land, no kings, an not one language......and yet they have been there for hundred and hundred of years, does this means that they do not exist or that they don't have the right to exist?

I have seen many pictures of Palestine that dates way back before the Zionists came in and it shows the coexistance of the Arabs and the Semite Jews with nice houses, clean streets, food everywhere, beautifull gardens, big open markets, clean childresn ......and a lot more........NO EVIDENCE OF "JEWS" HAS EVER BEEN FOUND IN PALESTINE.........and the so called "Holy Wall?", nothing more that what remains of a Roman fortress.........read, study and learn, as I have.

No evidence of Jews in Israel? Ever hear of archeology? Do you know they are still digging out ancient synagogues etc, and there is no end in sight to this evidence. Did Hebrew originate in China?
Ponce, you either missed your morning coffee or you are on LSD (lay off that hippie shit and do heroin like a man).
And you know that I like and respect you a lot.

5th February 2011, 10:58 AM
I have the utmost respect for Islam, being a social concervative but there is no such thing as Palestinians.
Please list the names of Palestinian kings, the names of the Palestinian currencies and maybe care to mention how difficult Palestinian language is.

I'm with the 'Palestinians' or 'Semites'.

Better to identify a person by the place they live and/or their ancestors's lived for generations or prehistoric times than what particular mind control meme one is currently infected with.

While often times it is relevant, its a little gauche to focusing on labeling people by their disease.

As we know Antonio, you do like a focus on your disease. ;D