View Full Version : SUPER BOWL XLV: Packers v. Steelers
4th February 2011, 09:08 AM
SUPER BOWL XLV: Packers v. Steelers
The Packers have won a record 12 NFL championships, including three Super Bowl titles, while the Steelers’ six Super Bowl victories are more than any other franchise. The Packers are 2 1/2-point favorites to win by odds makers.
:dunno this Sunday guys...
4th February 2011, 02:11 PM
Interesting breakdown of the game. I don't really have a dog in this hunt, but I am leaning towards the Steelers just based on their recent experience having been there and done that.
It'll be kind of weird though seeing all those cheese-heads and terrible towels in Dallas Stadium. LOL!
4th February 2011, 02:21 PM
I don't really give a rats ass about the SB myself but I did hear something today curiously funny. It seems that for only the 2cnd time in SB history there will be no cheerleaders and the natives are pissed, LMAO! All these dudes are raisin' hell about it and I'm asking them, WTF?, I wish yaw'll cared this much about your country. :redfc
4th February 2011, 05:55 PM
I'm thinking that this is the big story for the SB week.
Dallas Reportedly Facing Stripper Shortage for Super Bowl (,0,2604709.story)
Granted this story has not gotten enough attention.
Why Was Cowboys Stadium Exempt From Blackouts? (
4th February 2011, 06:07 PM
I'm thinking that this is the big story for the SB week.
Dallas Reportedly Facing Stripper Shortage for Super Bowl (,0,2604709.story)
Granted this story has not gotten enough attention.
Why Was [b]Cowboys Stadium Exempt From Blackouts? ([/)
I saw headlines on Drudge (I believe it was) that HOSPITALS in TX were subject to the same blackouts....
Priorities, doncha know??
big country
4th February 2011, 06:42 PM
I don't think we can count Championships in a post-superbowl world. I mean if you're going to do that, then we live in a world where the CLEVELAND BROWNS have 8 championships....THE BROWNS! Just count superbowls and be done with it!
I'm rooting for the Packers, but my gut says the Steelers will win. Also I read an article that said Vegas and the Odds makers have been wrong 8 of the last 10 years on their "favorite"
mick silver
4th February 2011, 07:46 PM
5th February 2011, 06:43 AM
Bump. One day left to stockpile snacks and beer.
5th February 2011, 06:49 AM
'Cause the Steelers are all Joos...
5th February 2011, 07:06 AM
5th February 2011, 07:15 AM
CNN ( or ESPN ( ?
5th February 2011, 07:41 AM
CNN ( or ESPN ( ?
Mark Sanchez makes more money on his day off than I do in 3 months performing an essential service for the people of my local community.
The NFL and all it's overpaid professional distractors can suck my schlong.
I'll be doing laundry, washing my car, and rooting for the kid with the rock on Sunday.
5th February 2011, 07:59 AM
I'll be in NFL hell for the next two days with every one and their brother asking me " who ya got for the big game?", several hundred times. I'm not looking forward to it and can't wait till its over. There will be many incredulous reactions when I reply IDGAF.
5th February 2011, 08:05 AM
5th February 2011, 09:15 AM
Bump. One day left to stockpile snacks and beer.
wish i was in town stop goin for green bay here.
5th February 2011, 10:21 AM
Steelers will win. Just like everything else its all controlled. I got the inside scoop ;)
5th February 2011, 11:00 AM
I think I would rather study Caligula's reign.
You can learn lots from history.
It's basicly the same thing and the outcome is going to be the same.
5th February 2011, 11:57 AM
Seven people were injured, one critically, after ice fell from the roof of Cowboys Stadium this afternoon, the site of this year's Super Bowl.
NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said many of the stadium entrances have been closed today due to safety concerns.
"The ice and snow melting off the Cowboys Stadium roof has caused several sliding snowfalls onto the plaza," McCarthy explained.
6th February 2011, 07:04 AM
Packers, Steelers Find A Bunch Of Fucked-Up Shit While Exploring Cowboys Stadium
February 3, 2011 |
ARLINGTON, TX—After spending several hours exploring the facilities, Green Bay Packers and Pittsburgh Steelers players reportedly discovered a ton of insanely fucked-up shit in Cowboys Stadium Tuesday, including a functioning crematorium, a creepy boys choir, and a gallery filled with nude sculptures of former Dallas players. "This place is just wrong," said Packers cornerback Charles Woodson, adding that Steelers tight end Heath Miller stumbled across an armory packed with ammunition and assault rifles as well as a concrete bunker lit by a single bare bulb and containing only a portrait of Jerry Jones on one wall. "I really wanted to check out the brand-new weight room, but all I could find was this dungeon thing filled with all this crazy bondage gear, like ball gags and stuff, but like, really small. For small people." Though he was reportedly disturbed by the stadium's sub-basement chamber in which Andy Warhol's Blow Job was playing on loop, Steelers nose tackle Casey Hampton said he was most sickened after discovering a glass display case containing quarterback Tony Romo's exquisitely preserved corpse.
Linky (,19053/)
6th February 2011, 07:16 AM
Packers, Steelers Find A Bunch Of fucked-Up shit While Exploring Cowboys Stadium :o
Great find Book. I notice how the MSM always tries to down play those truth detectors. That news source and website should be required reading for every school aged child.
6th February 2011, 03:21 PM
Alex Jones's Superbowl Special: Responds to white house's Friday blocking ( Promises to phone Homeland Security at the end of the show.
Yet the whole tizzy not told is that both are flagged for Holding. Hold back knowledge of fossil energy peaks.
6th February 2011, 03:34 PM
I am going to make 7 layer dip, drink beer, eat wings and watch the Superbowl. It will be the first and only football game I have seen this season.
I am rooting for the Steelers, because if I don't pick a team, I just end up cheering for whoever has the ball. I understand and have enjoyed football, but I have to pick a team to root for - so, it shall be the Steelers - better colors. :P
Yes, bread and circuses and all of that. We're all above it, blah blah, but I am looking forward to getting my dumb on, darn it! For a few hours . . . I can be a sheep.
General of Darkness
6th February 2011, 04:23 PM
I am going to make 7 layer dip for GoD, drive to L.A. and put a smile on his face.
6th February 2011, 05:05 PM
I am going to make 7 layer dip for GoD, drive to L.A. and put a smile on his face.
Too far!
6th February 2011, 05:22 PM
Anyone else think this is the worst half-time show ever?
This is the first football game I've watched all season too, k-os.
6th February 2011, 05:41 PM
Aren't stealers and packers just another way of saying thieves and sodomites? Just askin'....
6th February 2011, 05:54 PM
Aren't stealers and packers just another way of saying thieves and sodomites? Just askin'....
I dunno...
Couldn't a "packer" be a "hoarder"?
6th February 2011, 06:06 PM
Anyone else think this is the worst half-time show ever?
This is the first football game I've watched all season too, k-os.
You know what, I think it was the best half-time show I have seen. . . ever. I was really happy that they picked a band with members under 70 years old. ;D
6th February 2011, 06:12 PM
You know what, I think it was the best half-time show I have seen. . . ever. I was really happy that they picked a band with members under 70 years old. ;D
Good point! ;D
Good game too, it's good to dumb down on occasion. I'm enjoying the game!
1970 silver art
6th February 2011, 06:57 PM
The Super Bowl is ok based on what little I watched of it so far. I am a Tennessee Titans fan and I do not care for the Steelers nor the Packers.
EDIT: I turned it off after the Steelers scored their last TD (Score was 21-17 when I turned it off).
6th February 2011, 07:10 PM
I've watched golf tournaments that were more exciting..
6th February 2011, 07:14 PM
who won?
6th February 2011, 07:15 PM
who won?
The multi-million dollar marketing firm.
6th February 2011, 07:17 PM
Ok smarty,
I guess I will have to go to msn to find out.
Looks like it was the Packers.
6th February 2011, 07:18 PM
Green Bay
6th February 2011, 07:27 PM
Ok smarty,
I guess I will have to go to msn to find out.
Looks like it was the Packers.
You're right... I should have been clearer. The winner was the multi-billion dollar marketing industry. They remain undefeated in the Super Bowl.
The funny thing is that the losing team keeps showing up every year to get their asses handed to them.
willie pete
6th February 2011, 07:29 PM
what did you guys think of the SB commercials?
6th February 2011, 07:55 PM
I'm so sad my Steelers lost:(. My 9 year old was crying, poor kid:(. I know it is just a football game but I guess it's just all the build up and it's just such a let down to lose the Super Bowl!
6th February 2011, 07:57 PM
Anyone else think this is the worst half-time show ever?
This is the first football game I've watched all season too, k-os.
You know what, I think it was the best half-time show I have seen. . . ever. I was really happy that they picked a band with members under 70 years old. ;D
Who was it?
I don't care for any football and I was playing with my daughter so I did not see it.
big country
6th February 2011, 08:02 PM
Anyone else think this is the worst half-time show ever?
This is the first football game I've watched all season too, k-os.
You know what, I think it was the best half-time show I have seen. . . ever. I was really happy that they picked a band with members under 70 years old. ;D
Who was it?
I don't care for any football and I was playing with my daughter so I did not see it.
Black eyed peas, usher, and slash from guns and roses.
Also, Christina Agulera (sp?) messed up the national anthem at the beginning....
1970 silver art
6th February 2011, 08:07 PM
I'm so sad my Steelers lost:(. My 9 year old was crying, poor kid:(. I know it is just a football game but I guess it's just all the build up and it's just such a let down to lose the Super Bowl!
Hey Sunshine, FWIW the Titans did not even make the playoffs and had a losing record this season. That hurts me a lot since I am a Titans fan and I had big expectations for them. Epic fail for the Titans this season. Oh well, I am waiting for next season.
7th February 2011, 01:44 AM
The sound engineer should be thoroughly tanked right about now and contemplating a new job. It's the Super Bowl. It's the biggest farken bread and circus of the whole year and the sound guy can't run a board?
I was laffing my ass off as the black eyed band in a box (Auto-tune the Super Bowl News?) spun the monkey handle and pop goes the weasel - it's Slash - the last Amerikan guitar hero (that the sheeple know about) to play without a band (because he is currently unemployed and without a band) with some white chocolate bitch trying to sing Axl Rose as if it was coming from the First Baptist Church of wiggers United. To make it more fun, Slash, whose ONLY job was to show up and not fall over, attempts to play a guitar solo, and the SOUND GUY farks up the mix and you can't even hear it. Then he pops goes the weasel back down off the stage never to be heard from again.........
And all the damned alien glowing men......metrofaguals with neon suits, quasi gangster half football shoulder pad police state outfitted SARAN WRAPPED chimp singing the AUTO TUNE......cuz they told him - "you are the robot guy. We will put you on auto-tune because YOU CAN'T SING!"
Hmmm. Dunno about that Usher crap.
Let's get retarded in here. They did flash the OK 666 at the end, so it's all good.
Where's the band?
Prince was the best halftime I have seen a long while. He puts on a show. He has a band. They actually play their music. They hire competent sound engineers.
Last thing - Before they started the whole monkey show (the Super Bowl itself, not half-time) - They had like a moment of silence commemorating the Declaration of Independence - - - - - -
And they played TAPS?
Don't even get me started on the Cowboys and Aliens shit......
That's some otherworldly brokeback mountain meets raiders of the lost Arse going on there..
Overall a pretty good show for the Chinese and everyone else to laugh at.
7th February 2011, 05:42 AM
what did you guys think of the SB commercials?
Fox/NFL opened up the Superbowl with a reading of the Declaration of Independence. I thought it was done well and I am not sure yet what to make of it.
During the reading, my GF leaned over and asked me if I think this was directed at Bernanke - LOL!
7th February 2011, 10:08 AM
That was the best part of the time spent on the boob tube. Game OK. Entertainers--really sad.
what did you guys think of the SB commercials?
Fox/NFL opened up the Superbowl with a reading of the Declaration of Independence. I thought it was done well and I am not sure yet what to make of it.
During the reading, my GF leaned over and asked me if I think this was directed at Bernanke - LOL!
7th February 2011, 02:16 PM
i left at half-time.
i heard the Packers won.
so what was the score ?
7th February 2011, 02:43 PM
31-25 pack. christine aguelerra pulled a lt. Frank Drebbin.
7th February 2011, 02:46 PM pridem, ex quo suffragia nulli
uendimus, effudit curas; nam qui dabat olim
imperium, fasces, legiones, omnia, nunc se
continet atque duas tantum res anxius optat,
panem et circenses
7th February 2011, 02:51 PM
christine aguelerra pulled a lt. Frank Drebbin.
It would have been better if she had pulled a Janet Jackson. ;D
7th February 2011, 03:10 PM pridem, ex quo suffragia nulli
uendimus, effudit curas; nam qui dabat olim
imperium, fasces, legiones, omnia, nunc se
continet atque duas tantum res anxius optat,
panem et circenses
Bread and Circuses becomes a apt description of television, and its tendency to drop to the lowest common denominator
1970 silver art
7th February 2011, 04:15 PM
This so-called Bread and Circus might end if the NFL players and owners cannot agree to a new collective bargaining agreement.
Possible NFL Lockout (
The storm clouds are gathering and it could get ugly if there ends up being an NFL Lockout. Everybody loses if this happens. My gut feeling tells me that there will be an bargaining agreement. I hope I am right on this because I would be very upset if I cannot see the Tennessee Titans play next season on TV.
7th February 2011, 04:33 PM
Don't the Titans "epic fail" most seasons ?
I am not thrilled with this 18 game season crap, the owners need to get off this issue.
7th February 2011, 05:18 PM
Anyone else think this is the worst half-time show ever?
This is the first football game I've watched all season too, k-os.
That is because the Black Eyed Peas have virtually no talent.
7th February 2011, 06:01 PM
111 Million viewers :o
7th February 2011, 06:07 PM
someone payed hundreds of dollars for this crappy seat
7th February 2011, 07:26 PM
111 Million viewers :o
I was not among that number.
Feels nice.
7th February 2011, 07:36 PM
hahahahhahhaa just heard the messed up National Anthem.
She messes the lyrics up in the second verse, but really, the whole song is garbage.
Pretty funny really.
willie pete
7th February 2011, 08:12 PM
^^^ she didn't sing it, she screamed it, then forgot the words :D was really Eff'd up :D
8th February 2011, 07:04 AM
Anyone else think this is the worst half-time show ever?
This is the first football game I've watched all season too, k-os.
That is because the Black Eyed Peas have virtually no talent.
and there clothes were strapped on tighter than a wetsuit.
so, no wardrobe malfunction.
8th February 2011, 07:24 AM
Fox/NFL opened up the Superbowl with a reading of the Declaration of Independence. I thought it was done well and I am not sure yet what to make of it.
I agree. It tugged at my heartstrings and swelled me with USA Pride. Very well produced. But later it occurred to me just how hypocritical it all was: All the folks at the Super Bowl got groped by government goons before they could enter the stadium. What can get you arrested at Cowboys Stadium ( Notice that they chose mostly our glorious military brothers and sisters to read passages from the Declaration of Independence and not these civil servants:
8th February 2011, 07:57 AM
111 Million viewers :o
I was not among that number.
Feels nice.
You and me both, Brother!
(high five smiley goes here)
8th February 2011, 08:37 AM
111 Million viewers :o
It is actually heartening to know that almost 200 million Americans were not watching this nonsense.
8th February 2011, 10:41 AM
111 Million viewers :o
It is actually heartening to know that almost 200 million Americans were not watching this nonsense.
I thought the same.
Then I thought that the 111 million viewer figure might just be the number of TVs tuned to the game.
The other 200 million were probably watching at parties the 111 million were throwing.
8th February 2011, 09:56 PM
This county's culture is like a day-old Dorito: stale, full of genetically modified foodstuffs that guarantee death, and extremely distasteful. Furthermore, it arose not because one was compelled to adopt it, but rather because the dim-witted people stuffed it into their gaping pieholes like the rest of their garbage.
When one looks at present events, it is not that these are things done by a few people, but rather with quite a few of the many as accessories.
The many, through both action and inaction took a dump on this country, and I shed no tears when the shit tree they planted starts dropping fruit. I have a golden umbrella and a second passport ;D
9th February 2011, 07:02 AM
111 Million viewers :o
It is actually heartening to know that almost 200 million Americans were not watching this nonsense.
I thought the same.
Then I thought that the 111 million viewer figure might just be the number of TVs tuned to the game.
The other 200 million were probably watching at parties the 111 million were throwing.
That has to be the case. There is no way to calculate (that I know of, and I admittedly don't know much) how many people are watching any given viewing device at any one time. All the parties, sports bars, etc... does anyone really believe that 2/3 of the population opted out of watching that game?
Please. If you didn't watch, you are in a minuscule minority. (Heh... I just learned that it's not spelled "miniscule")
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