View Full Version : $20 Fine Silver Commemorative Coin (2011)

4th February 2011, 02:17 PM
$20 Fine Silver Commemorative Coin (2011) (http://www.mint.ca/store/product/product_exchange.jsp?itemId=prod1040001&rcmeid=EMSx310x3391&EMS_MID=EMSx310x3391)

Exchange $20 for a $20 pure silver (99.99%) coin

• Strictly limited new edition
• Authorized by the Government of Canada
• Only 1 in every 175 Canadians can own one

This new Canadian silver commemorative coin is legal tender with a value of $20. It is available for the official price of only $20. You simply exchange $20 from your wallet for a $20 coin of pure 99.99% silver.


Mintage Limited to 200000 coins worldwide
Composition 99.99% pure silver
Finish specimen
Weight (g) 7.96
Diameter (mm) 27
Edge serrated
Certificate not serialized
Face value 20 dollars
Artist Cosme Saffioti (reverse), Susanna Blunt (obverse)

I get 78.14 Canadian dollars an ounce that this equates too. Any Canuks buying any?

4th February 2011, 02:27 PM
Seems to be a sweet deal...

How about the US gov. exchanging a 1 oz. $1.00 face value silver eagle for $1.00 cash paper money...

4th February 2011, 06:41 PM
I hope people buy these and start circulating them. Can you imagine a bunch of $20 silver coins circulating around? It would do a good job calling attention to the inherent worthlessness of fiat money.

4th February 2011, 06:59 PM
I hope people buy these and start circulating them. Can you imagine a bunch of $20 silver coins circulating around? It would do a good job calling attention to the inherent worthlessness of fiat money.

They are only making 200,000. I don't see much circulation occurring.

4th February 2011, 07:52 PM
I don't know what it is about those coins that is intriguing me so much, but I really want one now. Too bad on ebay they're going for over $40.

8th February 2011, 08:37 AM
8 stinking grams for $20?

bad deal.

8th February 2011, 01:09 PM
8 stinking grams for $20?

bad deal.

A fiat paper note with a face value of $20 in exchange for 8 grams of 999 silver with a face value of $20? How can you go wrong? Even if you change your mind later you still have $20.

10th February 2011, 11:07 PM
my thoughts are they should have made millions and millions of them and had them circulating everywhere. Then it would have been fantastic. As it is, people are likely to just tuck them away as overpriced collectors pieces. The true potential of the coin is in its $20 face value as an actual circulating coin

13th February 2011, 10:21 AM
8 stinking grams for $20?

bad deal.

A fiat paper note with a face value of $20 in exchange for 8 grams of 999 silver with a face value of $20? How can you go wrong? Even if you change your mind later you still have $20.

Because $20 fiat will not buy what it did a few years ago. So you get the fiat value constantly declining in value, and all you're left with is 8 grams of silver.