4th February 2011, 06:54 PM
Apparently the USA has been unhappy with Mubarak for a while.
Came across this, a bit of a hodge-podge but some interesting, 2009 and before, info, might help connect the dots.
According to Joel Beinin ( It's the Empire, Stupid: ), on 21 February 2008:
"In an uncharacteristically blunt criticism of the regime of President Husni Mubarak, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on February 13 that, "we have not been satisfied with Egypt's efforts" to control smuggling of weapons into Gaza through the tunnels under the border.
"Voices in and around the Israeli government have been beating the drums for a full-fledged invasion and reoccupation of the Gaza Strip as the only solution to this and other security problems."
Is the CIA going to use the Muslim Brotherhood to topple Mubarak? - Egypt's Opposition to Run in Elections (AP story doesn't seem to be available any more)
The Muslim Brotherhood, in 2005, won 88 seats in the lower house of parliament and became the country's largest opposition bloc.
The Muslim Brother is suspected by some of being a tool of the CIA and MI6. (aangirfan: The use of the Muslim Brotherhood by MI6 and the CIA in / aangirfan: The use of militant Moslems in Russia, China, India
Got other links to pre-January 2011 stories about CIA / Mossad etc. involvement with Egypt? Post 'em here...
Came across this, a bit of a hodge-podge but some interesting, 2009 and before, info, might help connect the dots.
According to Joel Beinin ( It's the Empire, Stupid: ), on 21 February 2008:
"In an uncharacteristically blunt criticism of the regime of President Husni Mubarak, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on February 13 that, "we have not been satisfied with Egypt's efforts" to control smuggling of weapons into Gaza through the tunnels under the border.
"Voices in and around the Israeli government have been beating the drums for a full-fledged invasion and reoccupation of the Gaza Strip as the only solution to this and other security problems."
Is the CIA going to use the Muslim Brotherhood to topple Mubarak? - Egypt's Opposition to Run in Elections (AP story doesn't seem to be available any more)
The Muslim Brotherhood, in 2005, won 88 seats in the lower house of parliament and became the country's largest opposition bloc.
The Muslim Brother is suspected by some of being a tool of the CIA and MI6. (aangirfan: The use of the Muslim Brotherhood by MI6 and the CIA in / aangirfan: The use of militant Moslems in Russia, China, India
Got other links to pre-January 2011 stories about CIA / Mossad etc. involvement with Egypt? Post 'em here...