View Full Version : Rumour of Pole Shift 15 March
4th February 2011, 11:00 PM
Have no idea about any of this except the rumour is out there........and it gets About 392,000 results (0.29 seconds) on google
OK there have been videos posted about this guy recently
here is his latest one , which explains where he got his info for
the march pole shift, apparently he was listening to alex jones live stream
last friday and a caller claimed to be from the white house and disclosed
info saying that there would be a pole shift in march, alex jones , soon cut
to commercial break, and never talked about the caller, and his stream edited
4th February 2011, 11:25 PM
I take ALL with a grain of salt anymore.
SO much shit out there... I say fuck it, lets just get it over with already.
5th February 2011, 02:15 AM
With 99.999% likelihood, man can not induce a pole shift, and with 99.9 % likelihood not accurately determine when a pole shift is due, so most likely this is bullshit!
I would be interested to know what creates a pole shift though. Is it a slowing down or speeding up of the rotation of the iron core of the earth. As I understand it the electric charge that create magnetism is due to friction of the iron core vs the mantle iow it rotates either faster or slower than the mantle, for the electric charge to change direction the core should then move from rotating faster to slower than the surrounding mantle, or vice versa. As I understand it pole shifts happens with some regularities, so that should mean that the speed of the core is oscillating, between faster and slower than the mantle...
What does the scientific minds of GSUS think about this?
5th February 2011, 03:21 AM
With 99.999% likelihood, man can not induce a pole shift, and with 99.9 % likelihood not accurately determine when a pole shift is due, so most likely this is Bullshit!
I would be interested to know what creates a pole shift though. Is it a slowing down or speeding up of the rotation of the iron core of the earth. As I understand it the electric charge that create magnetism is due to friction of the iron core vs the mantle iow it rotates either faster or slower than the mantle, for the electric charge to change direction the core should then move from rotating faster to slower than the surrounding mantle, or vice versa. As I understand it pole shifts happens with some regularities, so that should mean that the speed of the core is oscillating, between faster and slower than the mantle...
What does the scientific minds of GSUS think about this?
its not magnetic but physical which apparently is worse.....
something to do with a comet....
Yes most likely bullshat but when you have a few different sources saying the same thing it is strange.....
Silver Shield
5th February 2011, 03:45 AM
I tend not to look into stuff like this but I watched the Road again yesterday and my senses are on hig alert.
So what causes a pole shift?
What will happen?
Either way we probably cannot do shit about it and until it happens the collapse of the dollar will remain the biggest threat to humanity.
5th February 2011, 03:47 AM
The OP admits his source was a crank call to a radio show?
If it does come from whitehouse I'd expect it to happen April 20th. 8)
5th February 2011, 04:07 AM
With 99.999% likelihood, man can not induce a pole shift, and with 99.9 % likelihood not accurately determine when a pole shift is due, so most likely this is Bullshit!
I would be interested to know what creates a pole shift though. Is it a slowing down or speeding up of the rotation of the iron core of the earth. As I understand it the electric charge that create magnetism is due to friction of the iron core vs the mantle iow it rotates either faster or slower than the mantle, for the electric charge to change direction the core should then move from rotating faster to slower than the surrounding mantle, or vice versa. As I understand it pole shifts happens with some regularities, so that should mean that the speed of the core is oscillating, between faster and slower than the mantle...
What does the scientific minds of GSUS think about this?
I've read something along these lines. Not sure I quite follow the whole idea though, probably because I didn't read it in full. But what it is generally describing is a reverse generator.
For a generator to work you need 2 components....magnetic field and conductor. Passing the conductor through the magnetic field at varying angles produces charges of proportial amplitude. So charge really becomes a third component which is created out of the condition.
For this to apply to the earth then as a reverse generator, we need 2 out of the 3 variables (conductor and charge) to create the 3rd (magnetic field).
I would say that if the core and the mantle (conductors) do in fact have opposite charges (positive and negative), and they move about relative to the other, what you would end up with is a magnetic field.
I'm no scientist though....I would double check that math. ;)
5th February 2011, 06:53 AM
Doesn't matter if you have magnetic pole shifted or not,
electric engine/generator ,will work
What it is --is wires loops spinning around magnet -that’s all what electric engine is, even after "possible” magnetic shift you still have the same situation
5th February 2011, 07:10 AM
does this have anything to do with the big Porn march in Washington DC on March 15 ?
5th February 2011, 07:34 AM
Doesn't matter if you have magnetic pole shifted or not,
electric engine/generator ,will work
You are only looking at one part of electromagnetic theory. Yes, you are correct in stating that passing wires through a magnetic field will induce voltage, of which current is a result when given a path and a load. But the earth works more like an electromagnet as far as I can tell by what I've read.
The electro part is the two dissimilar charges interacting with one another ie.) mantle and core spinning in a given direction.
The magnet part is the flux lines/feilds that are produced as a result of current. These flux lines will have an orientation based on how the current is is not a random orientation. That is why an engineered electromagnet has predictable properties of magnetism, and you can set up a rotor in this predictable field to generate electricity.
It stand to reason that if the interaction between the mantle and the core changes orientation, the resulting flux fields will also. It would be akin to laying an electromagnet on a table vs. standing it on end. The flux pattern will change orientation.
One thing also, that I would assume, but do not know for certain....the mantle and the core interaction might not be consistant, in that it would not be like one solid ball moving within and outer shell. If that were the case, you would think that magnetic lines of flux would be perfectly consistant, which it is not, as seen in magnetic declination. But then again, that might just be due to the construct of the earths mantle ie) segments that are more conductive or inductive reactive than others.
Not hard science by any means.....just some thoughts based on a little knowledge.
5th February 2011, 07:48 AM
Doesn't matter if you have magnetic pole shifted or not,
electric engine/generator ,will work
What it is --is wires loops spinning around magnet -that’s all what electric engine is, even after "possible” magnetic shift you still have the same situation
The earths magnetic field can reverse, it would be not good for a lot of equipment , mainly instruments such as compasses , plus all the critters that depend on the flux lines for navigation.
But for things like generators and motors, I am fairly sure that they would not be effected by the earths magnetic pole changes. The reason is our planets magnetic field is strong in a global sense but weak at the
local level.
And with generators and motors the magnetic fields they generate or produce are very strong at the local level
and the earths magnetic fields at the local level are too weak to effect them.
5th February 2011, 07:54 AM
Doesn't matter if you have magnetic pole shifted or not,
electric engine/generator ,will work
What it is --is wires loops spinning around magnet -that’s all what electric engine is, even after "possible” magnetic shift you still have the same situation
Andy.....maybe I thought you were also referring to Neuro's post on the basic theory of the idea. Looking at Dogmans post leads me to believe you may have been posting a response to the op, which would make more sense. I can't view the op. Does it mention that electric motors won't work in a pole shift? In that case I would totally agree with you......a motor or generator is stand shouldn't care what the earths magnetic field is doing.
Sorry for any confusion. :P
5th February 2011, 08:24 AM
Sorry for confusion, my response was only TO SUBJECT of generator
Large Sarge
5th February 2011, 08:28 AM
comet entering the solar system, creating electrical discharge, causing pole shift (per mccanney)
I do not know if that is happening now or not.
pole shifts in the past were sudden, vioent, and almost instantaneous, so predicting them is??? hmmm.... tough
and lets be real "a caller from the whitehouse"
need a little more science and proof than that
5th February 2011, 08:31 AM
beware the Ides of March!
5th February 2011, 08:35 AM
not to change subject but kind of related
5th February 2011, 08:56 AM
in the end of part 3 hi is talking about pole shift
and this
6th February 2011, 02:28 AM
since this was first posted the guy has been arrested ect,blah,blah here it is here.............................................. ........
6th February 2011, 03:55 AM
With 99.999% likelihood, man can not induce a pole shift, and with 99.9 % likelihood not accurately determine when a pole shift is due, so most likely this is Bullshit!
I would be interested to know what creates a pole shift though. Is it a slowing down or speeding up of the rotation of the iron core of the earth. As I understand it the electric charge that create magnetism is due to friction of the iron core vs the mantle iow it rotates either faster or slower than the mantle, for the electric charge to change direction the core should then move from rotating faster to slower than the surrounding mantle, or vice versa. As I understand it pole shifts happens with some regularities, so that should mean that the speed of the core is oscillating, between faster and slower than the mantle...
What does the scientific minds of GSUS think about this?
I've read something along these lines. Not sure I quite follow the whole idea though, probably because I didn't read it in full. But what it is generally describing is a reverse generator.
For a generator to work you need 2 components....magnetic field and conductor. Passing the conductor through the magnetic field at varying angles produces charges of proportial amplitude. So charge really becomes a third component which is created out of the condition.
For this to apply to the earth then as a reverse generator, we need 2 out of the 3 variables (conductor and charge) to create the 3rd (magnetic field).
I would say that if the core and the mantle (conductors) do in fact have opposite charges (positive and negative), and they move about relative to the other, what you would end up with is a magnetic field.
I'm no scientist though....I would double check that math. ;)
A "reverse generator" is also known as a motor. :)
After reading neuro's post, I had an idea similar to your post.
If the magnetic pole is moving, that means the core of the earth, which is generating that field, is exerting a force on the crust of the earth, which has a residual field which is now somewhat opposing the global magnetic field. In other words, the core of the earth is like a giant electromagnet, and the crust of the earth is like a giant permanent magnet surrounding it. What happens when the fields aren't aligned? The permanent magnet will rotate into alignment.
I still don't understand how gravity from an external body could rotate the crust of the earth. Its a complex problem...we don't know how fixed the crust is to the lower parts. Its a rotating system and the oblateness of the earth has to be factored in. Also, I've always imagined that the massive amounts of ice that continually build up on the poles could cause some sort of instability.
mick silver
6th February 2011, 04:34 AM
would all this shifting of the poles cause earthquakes .... just thinking
6th February 2011, 02:13 PM
First two clips of OP not working any more.....
General of Darkness
6th February 2011, 02:46 PM
What would happen if this happened? Because if this interupts IDOL or Dancing with the Stars, I expect a 100% chimpout, TSHTF and worse.
6th February 2011, 05:24 PM
The way I picture the earth is this:
A solid spherical gyroscope inside of a hollow spherical gyroscope, each with dynamic and interacting energy fields: magnetic, time/space/mass/gravity.
We experience a magnetic field because there is a fluid inner core spinning at a different rate than the outer crust and each have sufficient ferrous and conductive qualities to generate fields from their relative motions.
The fields are determined by the variance in speeds between the inner and outer components.
Consider the forces- purely physical, on both of these components. Atmosphere- may be considered a third component although a much less dense one. The atmosphere is hit by solar wind, meteoric fallout and space dust. The numbers must be enormous but still not near the forces between the crust and core. The force between the atmosphere and the crust is significant. Consider the eastward wind constantly pushing on the oceans and land. This is caused by solar heating. As the sunlight hits the ground/oceans, air is heated to rise. Filling in for that rising air is the cooler, yet-unheated air from the west. This is the source of prevailing winds.... west to east.
My guess is that the crust moves a little faster than core for that reason.
But now let's consider the interraction between the crust and the core. Much friction. As time went on, we would expect with that great force of friction that the core & crust would eventually rotate at the same speed. If that were to happen, the magnetic field would be shut down... at least the dynamic part- that part generated by movement of one component against another. But there is another factor. Permanent magnetism of aligned ferrous compounds want to perpetuate the previous motion. This then takes on a spring-like push and pull. When the core gets close to the crust speed, the permanent magnets want to push the crust faster and the core slower. There is an oscillation or cyclic ebb & flow that occurs. - until, an external force changes the dynamic.
Earthquakes? Hell yeah. We are about to see the impacts of external forces, earthquakes and volcanoes.
6th February 2011, 07:09 PM
Earthquakes? Hell yeah. We are about to see the impacts of external forces, earthquakes and volcanoes.
Well, given all this new information, do we still sink our gold and silver in a boating accident?
I'm so confused... ???
Silver Rocket Bitches!
7th February 2011, 07:26 AM
I wonder if this somehow ties in with Comet Elenin.
General of Darkness
7th February 2011, 07:54 AM
I wonder if this somehow ties in with Comet Elenin.
I think you might be on to something.
7th February 2011, 07:56 AM
comet entering the solar system, creating electrical discharge, causing pole shift (per mccanney)
I do not know if that is happening now or not.
pole shifts in the past were sudden, vioent, and almost instantaneous, so predicting them is??? hmmm.... tough
and lets be real "a caller from the whitehouse"
need a little more science and proof than that
The comet's that McCanney refers to are planet sized and not the puny ones most people think of when thinking about comets. A planetary sized comet just has to pass nearby and that is the basis of Velikovsky's books worlds in collision an event that saw Venus pass near the earth causing the pole to shift by a large amount.
7th February 2011, 07:58 AM
First two clips of OP not working any more.....
can somebody summarize the talking points of these videos (the creepy girl). i have limited bandwidth and can't load them. TIA
Hatha Sunahara
7th February 2011, 10:08 AM
There is a fellow named Charles Hapgood who wrote a book in the 1970s called The Path of the Pole. I haven't read the book yet, but I've read about it.
Here is a discussion of Pole Shifting that might stimulate some thinking on this issue.
7th February 2011, 01:16 PM
Planet X / Nibiru 2012 Flyby Scenarios - February 2009 Report
This vid is about a year old. Kind of makes you think that this is the stuff the gov does not want you to know.
7th February 2011, 03:23 PM
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