View Full Version : Rand Paul: End 'welfare' to Israel

5th February 2011, 08:27 AM

By JENNIFER EPSTEIN | 2/4/11 8:10 AM EST Updated: 2/4/11 5:20 PM EST

Tea party-backed Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) isn’t sure that congressional Republicans have the guts to make the big budget cuts they’ve promised and, he said, members of the movement are becoming frustrated.

“There’s a disconnect between Republicans who want a balanced budget but aren’t maybe yet brave enough to talk about the cuts to come,” the freshman senator said in an interview with ABC News, responding to the spending plan released Thursday by the House Budget Committee chairman, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), which would cut non-defense discretionary spending by $58 billion for the rest of fiscal 2011.

“I go to a tea party, and you know what they say to me? ‘It’s not enough. It’s not enough. Where’s the other trillion you need?’” Paul said. He’s offered his own budget plan that would cut spending by $500 billion this year, including an end to all foreign aid and a dramatic reduction to the U.S. Department of Education’s budget.

Paul, son of libertarian Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), said he is a “true believer,” determined to stand by his tea party values and not get bogged down falling in line with the GOP.

“There are always problems in our nation’s capital that are more important than party affiliation, and I will always believe that,” Paul said. “It’s not necessarily tea party versus Republican Party, but I would say that if you ask me what’s more important — tackling our nation’s deficit, our nation’s debt problems or being a Republican — I would say tackling the debt.”

Paul also defended his calls to end aid to Israel, saying they’re just part of his bigger efforts at fiscal responsibility. “I’m not singling out Israel. I support Israel. I want to be known as a friend of Israel, but not with money you don’t have,” he said. “We can’t just borrow from our kids’ future and give it to countries, even if they are our friends.”

And, he said, giving money to the country is especially unwise considering Israel’s relative wealth. “I think they’re an important ally, but I also think that their per capita income is greater than probably three-fourths of the rest of the world,” he said. “Should we be giving free money or welfare to a wealthy nation? I don’t think so.”

5th February 2011, 08:59 AM
...an "unfortunate accident" in the future for mr.paul??
dont worry, when they take him to the hospital dr. Goldberg will finnish the job.

5th February 2011, 10:05 AM
I don't get it, Rand Paul was defending the state of Israel and talking for them when he was going for the senate........and now he is talking against them?........I believe that the state of israel themselves is behind all this in order to lock the door faster before the American people themselves comes up with the idea.......is like starting a back fire to prevent a bigger fire from spreading.

Nothing is ever "simple", till you look behind the curtain, because there is always a plan behind the plan.

mick silver
5th February 2011, 10:09 AM
he a good man . i meet him once and what i can tell he will work for what right in this country . i just hope he remeber we put him in office

5th February 2011, 03:22 PM
He isn't talking against them, He just doesn't want to send them money we don't have. In fact his plan
is to stop ALL foreign aid. It's just them whiney jews thinkin' that we're picking on them ;D ;D

5th February 2011, 03:50 PM
Goldleaf? you should know better than that, anything that does not benefit them (for free) is to be against them......is their way.

5th February 2011, 04:21 PM
I don't get it, Rand Paul was defending the state of Israel and talking for them when he was going for the senate........and now he is talking against them?........I believe that the state of israel themselves is behind all this in order to lock the door faster before the American people themselves comes up with the idea.......is like starting a back fire to prevent a bigger fire from spreading.

Nothing is ever "simple", till you look behind the curtain, because there is always a plan behind the plan.

He wasn't really "defending israel" so much as he was pandering to christians to get elected.

Now that he has been elected, he is doing exactly what the people elected him to do.

Of course he had to play politics when he was in campaign mode, but now it is time to get serious and down to business and he is no compromiser, as he said in his maiden senate speech.

Look at their vote records. They are the best fuckin' guys in the cesspool known as Congress.

5th February 2011, 04:23 PM
Goldleaf? you should know better than that, anything that does not benefit them (for free) is to be against them......is their way.

Yes, which is why when he proposed to cut $500 billion from the budget, the only thing the (jew-owned/run) media is focused on is his cutting of funding to israel.

7th February 2011, 10:14 AM
Israeli Economists Agree with Rand Paul: End Foreign Aid


9th February 2011, 09:09 AM
written by EPSTEIN :lol