View Full Version : Is anyone calling for the breakup of the Media Empires?
5th February 2011, 09:15 AM
Is anyone calling for the breakup of the Media conglomerates?
Any organizations that target the fact of 90+ per cent of Television, Radio,
Movie studios, Magazine and Book publishing etc. is owned by a very few people?
I am not aware of any organized call for the shake up and diversification of these things.
Anyone here heard of any?
5th February 2011, 09:16 AM
thats the mouthpiece of the beast, i dont see an organized resistance unfortunately.
5th February 2011, 09:17 AM
Nope but I'm sure they would get a lot of support to break them up.
Hatha Sunahara
5th February 2011, 09:38 AM
There are a lot of people urging everyone to turn off their TVs. I'm one of them.
Americans will reach a point, as Egyptians have, and Russians before them, where they all recognize the media is the Ministry of Propaganda, and they will get their news elsewhere. American mainstream media news is not much more than feel-good entertainment.
5th February 2011, 09:47 AM
well, is like I keep saying........
"They only tell you what they want, or what they cannot longer hide"... Ponce
So, what do you think?
First post on this beautifull day...........good morning to one and all.
5th February 2011, 09:50 AM
Mainstream media has been one sided for many years and although I grew up watching it I find that I watch it less and less because they don't even try and act as if they are reporting news versus creating news with a specific agenda.
They are talking right now on Al Jazeera about how the mainstream media is treating the revolution in Egypt totally about how it will effect the USA and Israel, very little mention about how it will effect the Egyptian people.
28th February 2012, 08:20 AM
This is an excellent question and one I wish appeared more in the debates/politics in general:
Break up the media empire oligopoly.
28th February 2012, 08:50 AM
Yes. The GSUS organization.
28th February 2012, 12:25 PM
I'm in.
28th February 2012, 03:05 PM
I'm for breaking up all media and corporations. Each business should be owned by a person or a group of people who you can confront and hold accoutable for their actions.
28th February 2012, 04:39 PM
The internet is the alternative to lamestream media. It's what the ruckus is all about!
28th February 2012, 04:44 PM
I'm hoping some candidate will make that a loud point in their campaign.
Remember when breaking up the Phone company was a big thing?
Have to do it to the Media.
Look at the great response Newt gets when he shoots back at them.
People know the press is phony, they just don't realize how much.
"5 corporations control most of all media."
Hatha Sunahara
29th February 2012, 11:24 AM
Ron Paul is using his membership in the Republican party to demonstrate how the MSM isx losing power over the American people. Here's an article that makes such a claim:
Ron Paul has Brilliantly Turned the Tables on the Political Establishment
Paul's campaign is using the closed two-party control structure and their media gatekeepers, previously utilized to control public opinion and elections, against them. For example, the state presidential primary and caucus system, televised debates and related campaign news coverage was formerly a GOP establishment monopoly. Today, thanks to the Internet it has become the Trojan horse used by Paul's campaign and liberty supporters to get inside the closed walls of the GOP to educate millions of Americans about freedom and free-market ideas.
The establishment news media has been powerless to stop this infiltration. The real battle in 2012 isn't the visible political campaign but rather the hidden impotence of the media elites to protect establishment control. This is why the media so hates and fears Ron Paul. His campaign is the new road map for how pro-liberty candidates and forces, together with the alternative media, can and will eventually defeat the power elites' main protectors and gatekeepers, which is the media establishment.
The February 22nd GOP presidential debate could well have been the last in this campaign cycle. In fact, it could be the last GOP presidential debate in your lifetime if future freedom candidates follow the Ron Paul model of turning a major campaign into an educational effort against the GOP establishment.
The existing closed political system will not survive another GOP presidential nomination campaign in which the truths and views of a major candidate like Ron Paul are repeated in numerous debates night after night to a voting public armed with Google search and the alternative media. Traditional campaigns and managed elections with predetermined outcomes are over as the media establishment can no longer control the debate, limit information flow and defend the political establishment.
This 2012 GOP presidential nomination campaign ritual (that actually began in early 2011) is coming to a close. Historically, presidential campaigns and the pre-approved chosen-ones battle in the arena of democracy, with the candidate finally chosen by the false holy sacrament of democracy through a controlled electoral process, is designed to convey a measure of legitimacy to those who rule over us and nothing more. It is pure entertainment, just like the old Roman circuses, coliseum diversions and free bread during the latter days of the Roman Empire to calm the public while their empire fell and their wealth and liberties were destroyed.
Contrary to the lies from rightwing radio, leftwing experts and most political party hacks and leaders, most elections are fraudulent and a waste of time for voters. I suggest readers research campaign promises from Wilson and Roosevelt on keeping us out of war to modern-day presidents like Bush II, Obama, etc. and you'll see their campaign promises are literally never kept. Yet after each election, the press almost never mentions this fact of modern-day political life. It is an inside establishment joke and the job of the establishment press is to protect, defend and advance the interests of the establishment.
The internet, it seems is like the six-gun in the old west--the great 'equalizer'. You don't need to break up the media monopoly if it becomes ineffective.
29th February 2012, 06:02 PM
The media machines will break when the big banks break. Big media's downfall would coincide with .gov's.
Gen. McCaffrey privately briefs NBC execs on war with Iran ( th_iran/singleton/)
Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon’s Hidden Hand (
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