View Full Version : Pope's organs are too holy to donate to mortals, says Church

5th February 2011, 04:34 PM
Benedict XVI has tried to scotch rumours that he carries an organ donor card after his secretary revealed that his ascension to the position of Holy Father means he is no longer able to bequeath his body parts to lesser mortals.

On the pontiff's instructions, Monsignor Georg Gaenswein, Benedict's personal secretary, fired off a letter to quell the rumours that started in the Pope's native Germany.

"It's true that a simple cardinal can have an organ donor card but, despite public declarations to the contrary, it ceased to apply when he was elected head of the Catholic Church," Mgr Gaenswein said.


5th February 2011, 04:44 PM
Hitler, Zionist and the church..........they are part of the "holy" ones?.........man oh man, I am glad to be only a dumb Cuban refugee and part of the Human race.

5th February 2011, 10:09 PM
Hitler, Zionist and the church..........they are part of the "holy" ones?.........man oh man, I am glad to be only a dumb Cuban refugee and part of the Human race.

Obviously a mere lesser mortal...

willie pete
5th February 2011, 10:13 PM
there's actually not too much an 80 or so year old would be able to donate anyway, after that length of time everything is pretty much worn out

5th February 2011, 10:14 PM
his ascension to the position of Holy Father means he is no longer able to bequeath his body parts to lesser mortals.

5th February 2011, 10:33 PM
there's actually not too much an 80 or so year old would be able to donate anyway, after that length of time everything is pretty much worn out

My dick is the only thing worn out........my liver is 1 1/2 times bigger than the average, heart in top shape, eyes only for reading and comp, have all my hair (hair trasplant anyone?) .......... anyway they are welcome to the left over.

5th February 2011, 10:51 PM
there's actually not too much an 80 or so year old would be able to donate anyway, after that length of time everything is pretty much worn out

My dick is the only thing worn out........my liver is 1 1/2 times bigger than the average, heart in top shape, eyes only for reading and comp, have all my hair (hair trasplant anyone?) .......... anyway they are welcome to the left over.

What the scraps.........

willie pete
6th February 2011, 01:07 AM
there's actually not too much an 80 or so year old would be able to donate anyway, after that length of time everything is pretty much worn out

My dick is the only thing worn out........my liver is 1 1/2 times bigger than the average, heart in top shape, eyes only for reading and comp, have all my hair (hair trasplant anyone?) .......... anyway they are welcome to the left over.

ponce IF you have hepatic hypertrophy, it's certainly NOT a good thing, as for your heart, wasn't it not too long ago you experienced some ataxia with vertigo? you went in and had a CT Scan to R/O an infarct?...didn't the doc mention hypertension? I'll stick by my assessment of an 80 year olds internal organs not being a candidate for donation....Maybe, just maybe you could donate your corneas.........Maybe ;D

6th February 2011, 09:46 AM
The vertigo was because of the dujikis in my ear and not the thingy in my brain.....my heart is just fine and my lungs are free and clear.......so......I don't have any of those weird names that you wrote about... my high blood pressure has been that way all my life and I refuse to take anythng for it, if I have had it all my life and now take something for it it might throw it out of balance.........as a matter of fact, I have allready missed two Dr's appointment (which I didn't asked for) because I know that he will try to push more pills on my that will go into my frig will the rest of my collection of pills.........I could open a darn pharmacy with all the pills that I have there.

Government Chee-tos
6th February 2011, 10:05 AM
Some are more equal than others.

6th February 2011, 10:25 AM
The real story isn't some 80 year old, the real story nobody covers is why a
certain group is always involved the the illegal organ trade, they have the lowest
level of donations on the planet for their own because they don't believe in it
at any usable age, it is easier for them to victimize people. Their gov an military
is involved as well.

6th February 2011, 05:01 PM
The real story isn't some 80 year old, the real story nobody covers is why a
certain group is always involved the the illegal organ trade, they have the lowest
level of donations on the planet for their own because they don't believe in it
at any usable age, it is easier for them to victimize people. Their gov an military
is involved as well.

Open field running if you're a Palestinian near an Israeli checkpoint - can you imagine? You actually get hunted for your body parts. Not to mention if you happen to be a prostitute from eastern Europe. Or a poor Brazilian. Or a Turk. It's Dr. Goldberg's Ginzu knife show and stacking kidneys like ingots at $150k a pop. Who says Palestinian lives aren't worth much?