5th February 2011, 11:05 PM
Jimmy Carter Sued for $5 Million for Criticism of Israel
Book's Criticism 'Violates NY Consumer Protection Law' Insists Lawyer
by Jason Ditz, February 03, 2011
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In a move that calls back to the attempt by Texas cattlemen to sue Oprah Winfrey for “defamation of beef.” an Israeli lawyer has filed a class-action lawsuit against former President Jimmy Carter, seeking $5 million in damages because his book “Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid” allegedly defamed Israel.
Attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner insisted that Carter’s book violated New York State’s Consumer Protection Laws by asserting things, largely that Israel was not inherently reasonable and Syria was not inherently unreasonable, that “even a child” knows is untrue.
The suit went on to condemn Carter, saying he had an “agenda of anti-Israel propaganda” and condemned publisher Simon and Shuster for advertising the book as a work on non-fiction. The legal complaint insists Carter has the right to publish a book “to put forward his virulent anti-Israel bias” but insisted that such a book could only be sold as a work of fiction.
Lawsuits against authors alleging “defamation” of the government or a key ally, though common in some Mideast dictatorships, have never been particulary common nor successful in the United States. Likewise, it does not appear that New York’s Consumer Protection Law explicitly forbids criticism of Israel in a work of non-fiction, though if true this would surely make for an interesting Constitutional challenge to such a law.
Simon and Schuster spokesman Adam Rothberg condemned the lawsuit as a “chillling attack on free speech” and promised that the company would oppose it in court. Former President Carter has yet to comment.
ponce must owe in fines......................$900,000,000,000,000,00 0:o
General of Darkness
5th February 2011, 11:09 PM
When the Earth is ride of money hungry jew zionists and their goyim crypto jews, the world will be a better place. Don't get me wrong, I have no love to Jimmy "Hates Whitey" Carter, but he's right on Izzy.
6th February 2011, 10:51 AM
America needs a " Israeli ass kissing leader " like Canada has
Criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic, Harper says
6th February 2011, 02:05 PM
I can only guess that if I was living in Canada, and a few more countries, that I would already be in prison for my avatar which has been standing in my front yard for the apst nine years.
22nd April 2012, 01:02 PM
Just ran across this while researching and then found this thread. Listen to Carter about Israel and their war crimes against the Palestinians.....
22nd April 2012, 01:14 PM
Just ran across this while researching and then found this thread. Listen to Carter about Israel and their war crimes against the Palestinians.....
thanks for bumping it.
it's interesting how hard the Jews worked to eject Carter & bring in Reagan in 1980.
since we've been talking about Jim Rickards - he was directly involved in the '79/'80 hostage negotiations. that implies that he had oversight on the negotiations that preceded the hostage release - what is referred to as "October Surprise".
i know a lot of you guys don't like Carter. i think he was one of the most principled presidents we had in the last 50 years.
of course, it's possible that's not saying much. as GA gov., he had to show his "allegiance" by allowing School of America's in his backyard (Georgia).
not unlike Clinton showing his obedience by overlooking covert ops in Mena while gov. of Arkansas.
Dont like peanuts General.............. ;D
side note - the Diesel Engine was designed to run on peanut oil.
i just finished planting about 1/4 acre of peanuts last week.
22nd April 2012, 01:25 PM
The Zionists have stomped all over thr truth and free speech to protect their rotten little experiment: Israel, the first cancerous state. They say you are anti-semitic if you criticize Israel. So Israel must be a Jewish state. Then all non-Jews are second class serfs in Israel. Then Israel is a theocracy, a dictatorship gilded with a religion. Oh no, the pro-Israeli Zionists and their useful idiots say: Israel is a democracy, the only one in the middle east! We must support Israel no matter the cost, no matter how many gentiles must die! These Jews are G-d's chosen people don't you know - they tell us this every day!
So which is it Israel? Are you a democracy or a theocracy? Or maybe you are so damned arrogant you think you can lie to the whole world and commit crime and crime and never be held account? Everyone pays for his sins eventually, everyone.
Israel is a lie, a curse, a cancer, a huge fraud perpretrated on the peoples of the world, and everybody knows it, including them. The only ones who don't are the ignorant useful idiot gentiles and their leaders who have sold their souls for a few shekels. There will be no peace in the world while Israel exists, never.
22nd April 2012, 01:30 PM
The Zionists have stomped all over thr truth and free speech to protect their rotten little experiment: Israel, the first cancerous state.
well, maybe not the first.
So which is it Israel? Are you a democracy or a theocracy? Or maybe you are so damned arrogant
Everyone pays for his sins eventually, everyone.
if only that were true.
Twisted Titan
22nd April 2012, 03:00 PM
Simon and Schuster spokesman Adam Rothberg condemned the lawsuit as a “chillling attack on free speech” and promised that the company would oppose it in court.
Is it just me or do you find it highly amusing that every person envoled in this fiasco is of The Hook nose tribe?
I do enjoy it when these vermin start to feed on themselves
22nd April 2012, 03:10 PM
Simon and Schuster spokesman Adam Rothberg condemned the lawsuit as a “chillling attack on free speech” and promised that the company would oppose it in court.
Is it just me or do you find it highly amusing that every person envoled in this fiasco is of The Hook nose tribe?
I do enjoy it when these vermin start to feed on themselves
except it sort of becomes a Jobs for Jews program.
when there's PLENTY of Gentiles looking for work.
28th June 2013, 08:45 PM
Attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner insisted that Carter’s book violated New York State’s Consumer Protection Laws by asserting things, largely that Israel was not inherently reasonable and Syria was not inherently unreasonable, that “even a child” knows is untrue. [...]
Same beeeotch who represented the "dancing israelis" in a lawsuit which then just quietly went away ( tml)-- just a PR stunt all along. Last month Kevin Barrett interviewed this author, Martin Hill, who made that connection. Advance to the top of the 2nd hour of this 2 hr MP3:
05/29/2013 ( Wednesday - 1st Hour: With Daniel Hopsicker. 2nd Hour: With Martin Hill and Rolf Lindgren.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Daniel Hopsicker joins TJ Radio ( ( ml&ei=5_ycUdPvPPDlyAGsyIDoCg&bvm=bv.46751780,d.aWc&psig=AFQjCNEBr8C-dpl4lgBUxtDWJRyhCq2yng&ust=1369329234828161)
First hour: Legendary journalist and author Daniel Hopsicker, known for his "investigative reporting into drug trafficking, 9/11, and state-sponsored crime," joins us for the first time! His latest pieces include Did the CIA commandeer the Boston bombing investigation? ( Uncle Ruslan’ aided terrorists from CIA official’s home (
Daniel Hopsicker's book Welcome to Terrorland ( is one of the key documents of the real, unofficial 9/11 investigation.
Second hour: Martin Hill ( discusses recent articles including Jews Suing Jimmy Carter over Palestine book represented by 'Dancing Israelis' Lawyer ( lawyer.html), Response to HAARETZ on the Holocaust and Allegations of Anti-Semitism ( tml), 'Holohoax' Girl Featured in Haaretz as "The new anti-Semitism" ( tism.html) , and 1979 ABC News Special ‘Mission Mind Control’ ( And Rand Paul fan Rolf Lindgren joins us to discuss the recent Raw Milk Acquittal: A Victory for Freedom (
( ml&ei=5_ycUdPvPPDlyAGsyIDoCg&bvm=bv.46751780,d.aWc&psig=AFQjCNEBr8C-dpl4lgBUxtDWJRyhCq2yng&ust=1369329234828161)
Posted by Kevin Barrett ( at 7:47 AM No comments: (
Labels: bombing (, boston marathon (, CIA (, daniel hopsicker (, false flag (, graham fuller (, inside job (, israel (, jim mohamed atta (, ruslan tsarnaev (, zionism (
Jews Suing Jimmy Carter over Palestine book represented by 'Dancing Israelis' Lawyer ( lawyer.html)
By Martin Hill (
May 29, 2013
In February 2011, five Jewish individuals sued former president Jimmy Carter ( and his publisher Simon and Schuster for $5 million dollars in a class-action lawsuit over Carter's 2006 book "Palestine, Peace Not Apartheid (" Three months later they withdrew the suit, but vowed to re-file it in state court. And it turns out that their Israeli lawyer took part in another infamous case which was also thrown out of court, the case of the Dancing Israelis!
The 2011 lawsuit against Carter ( alleged, in part, "As a former American president and as a self-proclaimed Middle Eastern affairs expert, and in some cases as a direct participant in the events at issue, the defendant Jimmy Carter knew that substancial and material portions of the Book were untrue, and has failed to advise the public, or other defendants of that fact," continuing "The book is filled with factual inaccuracies and falsehoods."
Alleging "Plaintiffs' injuries are the result of defendants' conduct," the suit claimed that the "Plaintiffs purchased and read the book, on the representation that it was a factual and accurate presentation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In fact, however, numerous respresentations in the book, including, but not limited to the examples provided above, are false, inaccurate, misleading and deceptive and were written, marketed, and promoted intentionally, wantonly, and willfully with the intent to deceive, with a reckless disregard for the truth and to mislead the reader."
Legal Analyst Jonathan Turley (, a law professor at George Washington University Law School, slammed the suit ( in 2011, called it a "bizarre," "disturbing and clearly frivolous lawsuit." Turley opined that the plaintiffs "should be held for Rule 11 sanctions in filing a vexatious and frivolous lawsuit," adding "The complaint is written like a press release without a thin pretense of legal claims. ... I fail to see the good-faith basis for this filing, which seems intended for public consumption. Federal courts are not forums to achieve cathartic satisfaction by venting views against an author.... this filing is neither creative nor excusable in my view. It simply takes objections previously heard in opinion articles and repeats them as legal claims..."
Turley explained "The first claim is breach of contract. The second claim is unjust enrichment. The third claim is negligent misrepresentation. The fourth claim is intentional misrepresentation. The fifth claim is the consumer protection act violations."
David Schoen, attorney for the plaintiffs, responded to Turley's criticism ( at the time in a rambling diatribe, which Turley had the courtesy to publish on his blog. Schoen practices in Montgomery, Alabama and states on his website ( that "David has a deep personal interest in and commitment to Israel and is constantly looking for ways to expand his professional involvement with Israel and Israel related issues."
Attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, listed as 'Israeli co-counsel for Plaintiffs' on the Carter suit, insisted at the time of filing ( that "The lawsuit will expose all the falsehoods and misrepresentations in Carter's book and prove that his hatred of Israel has led him to commit this fraud on the public. He is entitled to his opinions but deceptions and lies have no place in works of history."
In May of 2011, however, only three months after the hysterical federal suit was filed, it was dropped (
Darshan-Leitner, the Israeli lawyer acting as co-counsel for Plaintiffs in the Carter suit, was coincidentally the lawyer who represented the infamous 'Dancing Israelis' who were arrested on 9/11/01. Darshan-Leitner, pictured here (, is director of Shurat HaDin Israeli Law Center ( and according to her bio on the group's website, "has been leading the struggle to fight the Palestinian and Islamic terrorist organizations in the courtroom" since 1997. In 2004, Israelis Paul Kurzberg, Silvan Kurzberg, Israelis Yaron Shmuel, and Omer Gavriel Marmari filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against Attorney General John Ashcroft and wardens of the Federal Bureau of Prisons for their treatment in prison after their 9/11/01 arrests.The four were represented by New York attorney Robert Joseph Tolchin and Darshan-Leitner. They claimed that their detention was illegal and that their civil rights were violated, suffering racial slurs, physical violence, religious discrimination, rough interrogations, deprivation of sleep, and many other offenses. The lawsuit also stated "As Israelis and as Jews, plaintiffs themselves are sworn enemies of al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden."
According to press reports ( at the time the Dancing Israelis case was first filed in 2004, Nitsana Darshan-Leitner said: "The infamous arrest of these young Israelis on 9/11 has been used by anti-Semites worldwide as 'proof' of Israel's involvement in the World Trade Center attack. Our clients are seeking compensation for the harm they suffered in the MDC by prison officials. In addition, the law suit will serve as an important public forum to debunk the lie that Israel or the Mossad was behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks. It will show that there was no Jewish conspiracy as the Arab world continues to claim and put an end to this racist blood libel."
The Dancing Israelis lawsuit, however, was eventually dismissed ( tml) because of the plaintiffs failure to serve the defendants properly as per the rules of the Federal Court; an absurd and completely avoidable reason. It's interesting that Nitsana Darshan-Leitner seems to have a pattern of issuing dramatic, self-righteous proclamations about vindicating the reputation of Israel, only to later slink off into the sunset unnoticed.
Simon & Schuster, who had called the suit against Carter a "chilling attack on free speech," announced ( in May 2011 that the "plaintiffs wisely withdrew their action. We hope that they will consider this the end of the matter." However, Plaintiff's attorney David Schoen said that the suit was dropped on a technicality and vowed to re-file it in New York State Court. That was two years ago. Nothing new about the case was reported until last month, when reported Jews Still Planning to Sue Jimmy Carter over Anti-Israel Book ( (4/10/13).
It should be interesting to see what indignant proclamations Nitsana Darshan-Leitner makes to the media defending Israel, and then watch to see how the far-fetched lawsuit against Carter proceeds, if it does at all. Given the track record, I wouldn't bet on it.
RELATED: "Dancing Israelis" Arrested On 9/11 Later Sued The Govt, But Lost Their Case ( tml) (11/6/12) [Featured on (, and]
Martin Hill is a Catholic paleoconservative and civil rights advocate. He advocates limited Constitutional government, presumption of innocence, and individual liberty. His work has been featured in the Los Angeles Daily News, San Gabriel Valley Tribune,,,,, Economic Policy Journal, FreedomsPhoenix, Veterans Today,, The Wayne Madsen Report,,, The Dr. Katherine Albrecht Show, Jonathan Turley blog, National Motorists Association,, Republic Broadcasting Network, WorldNetDaily, Dr. Kevin Barret's Truth Jihad radio show, The Orange County Register, KNBC4 TV Los Angeles,,, Los Angeles Catholic Lay Mission Newspaper, KFI AM 640,,, The Press Enterprise, Redlands Daily Facts, BlackBoxVoting, The Contra Costa Times, Pasadena Star News, Silicon Valley Mercury News, Long Beach Press Telegram, Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, L.A. Harbor Daily Breeze, Whittier Daily News, and many others. Archives can be found at ( and DontWakeMeUp.Org (
29th June 2013, 12:53 AM
^ it's their specialty; recall their never-ending holohoax "reparations" for the the genocide attrocities the joobankster-controlled US/UK/USSR projected onto the innocent Germans in their epic flipping of the historical script re the joobankster-orchestrated ww2.
Is the over-hyped "Holocaust" a mere Jewish projection of Zionist-perpetrated crimes against humanity onto their Gentile victims? (
Hatha Sunahara
29th June 2013, 07:26 PM
The GALL..............these people are hard too believe
What is an effective strategy for dealing with extreme CHUTZPAH?
Criticism of Israel is analogous to use of the word 'Nigger'. Black people can use that word freely without reproach. Paula Deen can't cuz she's white. Jews can criticize Israel, but goyim can't. For essentially the same reason. Anyone who criticizes Israel for anything is an enemy. Israel can't deal with criticism--only with enemies.
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