View Full Version : Japanese Company Invents Water Fueled Car
6th February 2011, 04:00 PM
Tired of pumping expensive gasoline into your car? Well one Japanese company reveals an eco-friendly car that runs on water, using the company's generating system, which converts water into electrical power - possibly the world's first.
All you need is a liter of water - any kind of water to be exact, whether its river, rain, sea water, or even Japanese tea.
Genepax unveiled a car that runs on water in the western Japanese city of Osaka. They say it's an electric powered car that runs solely on hydrogen dioxide.
[Kiyoshi Hirasawa, Genepax CEO]:
"The main characteristic of this car is that no external input is needed. The car will continue to run as long as you have a bottle of water inside for you to add from time to time."
According to Japanese broadcaster TV Tokyo, once the water is poured into a water tank at the back of the car, the newly invented energy generator takes out the hydrogen from the water, releases electrons and finally generates electrical power.
[Kiyoshi Hirasawa, Genepax CEO]:
"We highly recommend our system since it does not require you to build up an infrastructure to recharge your batteries, which is usually the case for most electric cars."
According to the Genepax, 1 liter of water keeps the car running for about an hour with a speed of 80 kilometers or 50 miles an hour.
The company has just applied for a patent and is hoping to collaborate with Japanese automobile manufacturers to mass manufacture their invention in the very near future.
6th February 2011, 04:07 PM
from you tube comments.........
Genepax insists that the new process produces hydrogen from water for a longer time than the existing method"
"they mounted the 300W system in the luggage room of a compact electric vehicle "Reva" manufactured by Takeoka Mini Car Products Co Ltd, and the vehicle was successfully driven by the system."
"current production cost is about $18,522, it is estimated to be reduced to $5000 and even lower if the company succeeds in mass production."
this video is almost 3 years old: WHERE`S THE CAR? June 14, 2008 |
6th February 2011, 04:10 PM
Just how long will it take the bankers to buy this company out, and you will never hear of again. :whistle
6th February 2011, 04:11 PM
Just how long will it take the bankers to buy this company out, and you will never hear of again. :whistle
Already happened by the looks of it..............
6th February 2011, 04:14 PM
I think I remember seeing this one years ago.
6th February 2011, 04:17 PM
is that the same thing those cats in australia made a video a few years back, claiming to have created unbeliveable energy? never heard any more about that
6th February 2011, 04:26 PM
Cortez....they sold out to big oil I believe ....
and vacuum , you are right ,I remembered after posting, what BS
6th February 2011, 04:41 PM
Terorrists will touch off a nuke in Osaka...
6th February 2011, 05:15 PM
" japanese invent" :lol
they dont invent ANYTHING, they steal ripoff, and claim it as thiers.
tesla had free energy DECADES ago. benton durley invented water run int combustion engines in the 60's.
bottom line, the jews NEED our dependence on midd east oil, so this "invention" will go nowhere and we will still be up to our ass in middle eastern bullsh*t.
6th February 2011, 05:20 PM
Once again "Learn Spanish and Chinese and buy water stock"... Ponce
In the future water will be like gold.
About the Super Bowl........Who the hell is the "Black Pea" and what give them the right to be at the Super Bowl.......nothing more than two yelling black guys with one woman and one indian........anyway.
6th February 2011, 05:30 PM
It would appear that the only way to make "free energy" available is to truly make it free. i.e. open source, nothing proprietary
That's the only way it simply wouldn't be bought out, if every citizen of the planet possessed the technology and/or the means to make it
6th February 2011, 05:31 PM
I saw this years ago and I think the trick was they ripped off another idea which was the water-battery.
Those batteries are in Japan as well - they are batteries that produce voltage when you fill them with water. The water enables a chemical reaction. Once the water has done all it can, you add new water and it happens again. Wow electricity from water! Of course, this only works so many times because the other chemicals aren't unlimited and run out. Until then it looks like magic.
So get a bunch of these batteries and you got a water powered car. Great for going on the news, getting publicity, maybe investors, etc.
Genepax insists that the new process produces hydrogen from water for a longer time than the existing method"
This line suggests to me that this is exactly what is happening here.
Twisted Titan
6th February 2011, 06:56 PM
Bottom Line is this energy and hundread of other forms like it are being supressed so that the status quo can be maintained.
Kinda a like how the Big Three had all the short line trains in Detriot Ripped up so people would be forced to buy cars.
Anything that can reduced short term profits is quickly dispatched.
7th trump
6th February 2011, 07:08 PM
Once again "Learn Spanish and Chinese and buy water stock"... Ponce
In the future water will be like gold.
About the Super Bowl........Who the hell is the "Black Pea" and what give them the right to be at the Super Bowl.......nothing more than two yelling black guys with one woman and one indian........anyway.
Yeah........watched it and thought wow what a bunch of untalented idiots. It just reminded me of the movie "Fifth element" with all the zombies in the back ground walking around aimlessly.
And the glowing suits reminded me of those lumpa lumpa midgets from the original Charley and the chocolate factory.
Total waste of time!
6th February 2011, 07:14 PM
I don't know why but evertime that I see those lumpa lumpa I feel like stepping on them, they make me very nervous.
7th trump
6th February 2011, 07:19 PM
I don't know why but evertime that I see those lumpa lumpa I feel like stepping on them, they make me very nervous.
You know ponce when I first saw the movie I was scared of them, but I couldnt keep my eyes off them. They were the freakiest thing I ever saw at 6 years old.
6th February 2011, 09:44 PM
Why hell trump.......I am seventy and they are still freaky to me.........they must be Zionist "Jews" who die and came back as wonder I feel like stepping on them.
6th February 2011, 11:59 PM
" japanese invent" :lol
they dont invent ANYTHING, they steal ripoff, and claim it as thiers...
Oh yes... preach it, brotha!
Other than Aikido and most other advanced hand-to-hand martial arts, high-tech sword metallurgy, B-Vitamins... those Japanese have invented Nothing!!! Nothing, I tell you! Oh wait... Mathematical Elimination theory, Leplace exansion, the Meson particle, Anamorphic Lens systems, the Compact Disc, polyphonic music synthesizers, the Biplane, and Tailless aircraft... those slanteyed bastards haven't invented ANYTHING.... other than maybe the compact electronic calculator, camcorder, single lens digital reflex camera... blue laser, the world's FIRST digital microprocessor (Intel 4004), videcassette recorder, magnetic resistant steel, android, landmine clearing robot, cultured pearls, blu-ray disc, digital flash memories, perpendicular recording optical technologies... nothing coming to mind. There really isn't ANYTHING those rice-eating buck-teeth japs have contributed to modern technology (well... if you don't count the Quartz watch, Bullet train, flat panel display, pocket television, walkman, yagi and high gain and directional antennas). Other than that, not a single thing I can think of, those copying bastards... who OBVIOUSLY copied the Geisha dancers and Kabuki plays and everything else from some far-off place in France... or something...
fuck it. I give up... they are obviously an inferior race that does not have the ability to invent, let alone think for themselves! ::)
7th February 2011, 12:04 AM
" japanese invent" :lol
they dont invent ANYTHING, they steal ripoff, and claim it as thiers...
Oh yes... preach it, brotha!
Other than Aikido and most other advanced hand-to-hand martial arts, high-tech sword metallurgy, B-Vitamins... those Japanese have invented Nothing!!! Nothing, I tell you! Oh wait... Mathematical Elimination theory, Leplace exansion, the Meson particle, Anamorphic Lens systems, the Compact Disc, polyphonic music synthesizers, the Biplane, and Tailless aircraft... those slanteyed bastards haven't invented ANYTHING.... other than maybe the compact electronic calculator, camcorder, single lens digital reflex camera... blue laser, the world's FIRST digital microprocessor (Intel 4004), videcassette recorder, magnetic resistant steel, android, landmine clearing robot, cultured pearls, blu-ray disc, digital flash memories, perpendicular recording optical technologies... nothing coming to mind. There really isn't ANYTHING those rice-eating buck-teeth japs have contributed to modern technology (well... if you don't count the Quartz watch, Bullet train, flat panel display, pocket television, walkman, yagi and high gain and directional antennas). Other than that, not a single thing I can think of, those copying bastards... who OBVIOUSLY copied the Geisha dancers and Kabuki plays and everything else from some far-off place in France... or something...
fuck it. I give up... they are obviously an inferior race that does not have the ability to invent, let alone think for themselves! ::)
You forgot BOKASHI
Perhaps their greatest invention.....hahaha
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