View Full Version : ron paul

7th February 2011, 06:43 AM

7th February 2011, 06:44 AM
The historic first hearing of Chairman Ron Paul’s monetary policy committee, to expose the Fed as the prime creator of unemployment and so much human suffering, will take place at: 10:00AM on Wednesday, February 9, 2011, in Room 2128 of the Rayburn House Office Building, the main hearing room of the Financial Services Committee.

7th February 2011, 06:46 AM
ron paul is controlled opposition. his little shows are meant to give the impression that something is "being done." in reality, the game continues.

7th February 2011, 08:21 AM
ron paul is controlled opposition. his little shows are meant to give the impression that something is "being done." in reality, the game continues.

So you would prefer it if we had NOONE from congress speaking out on our behalf, speaking out against the TSA, against the FED, against all of the ridiculous bill, etc.?

7th February 2011, 08:40 AM
yes, i would prefer it. it would force all of the people pacified by "the ron paul show" to get off their ass and actually do something instead of posting links to dailypaul.com. as it is, their anger and actions are supressed because ron paul "is doing something for them."

ron paul is a stalking horse.

7th February 2011, 08:44 AM
yes, i would prefer it. it would force all of the people pacified by "the ron paul show" to get off their ass and actually do something instead of posting links to dailypaul.com. as it is, their anger and actions are supressed because ron paul "is doing something for them."

ron paul is a stalking horse.

Wrong. Without Ron Paul there would be way less people who even "get it". Do something.......what do you suggest we should do?

7th February 2011, 08:45 AM
yes, i would prefer it. it would force all of the people pacified by "the ron paul show" to get off their ass and actually do something instead of posting links to dailypaul.com. as it is, their anger and actions are supressed because ron paul "is doing something for them."

ron paul is a stalking horse.

Wrong. Without Ron Paul there would be way less people who even "get it". Do something.......what do you suggest we should do?

"Vote 'em out!"


7th February 2011, 08:47 AM
yes, i would prefer it. it would force all of the people pacified by "the ron paul show" to get off their ass and actually do something instead of posting links to dailypaul.com. as it is, their anger and actions are supressed because ron paul "is doing something for them."

ron paul is a stalking horse.

Wrong. Without Ron Paul there would be way less people who even "get it". Do something.......what do you suggest we should do?

get the message out about what a fraud he is. wake people up for real instead of getting them to buy silver rounds with his face on them.

midnight rambler
7th February 2011, 08:47 AM
ron paul is controlled opposition. his little shows are meant to give the impression that something is "being done." in reality, the game continues.

So you would prefer it if we had NOONE from congress speaking out on our behalf, speaking out against the TSA, against the FED, against all of the ridiculous bill, etc.?

So where was "the champion of the Constitution" with respect to 0bunghole failing to meet the eligibility for the office of POTUS?? Not a fucking single word out of him on the matter.

7th February 2011, 08:52 AM
yes, i would prefer it. it would force all of the people pacified by "the ron paul show" to get off their ass and actually do something instead of posting links to dailypaul.com. as it is, their anger and actions are supressed because ron paul "is doing something for them."

ron paul is a stalking horse.

Wrong. Without Ron Paul there would be way less people who even "get it". Do something.......what do you suggest we should do?

get the message out about what a fraud he is. wake people up for real instead of getting them to buy silver rounds with his face on them.

Ron Paul himself is not a fraud. Sure, he's being used as controlled opposition.

But when it comes down to it, he's one man, his vote record is flawless - what else is he supposed to do? Waltz into the Capitol building wrapped in dynamite?

If Congress were full of Ron Pauls, we wouldn't be in the shitty place we are today.

I understand where you are coming from about him not being a real answer or anything, but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me to malign the ONLY Congressman who is actually properly doing his job.

midnight rambler
7th February 2011, 08:58 AM
it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me to malign the ONLY Congressman who is actually properly doing his job.

Kindly elaborate on how you think not speaking up about an ineligible candidate for the top national office ('going along to get along') fully qualifies Ron Paul as "actually properly doing his job." Sounds to me a lot like being "a little bit pregnant".

7th February 2011, 08:58 AM
i guess we'll have to agree to disagree ;)

FWIW everytime i was ever banned (excpet for once for arguing with sukhoi abut social security) at GIM it was for saying something bad about ron paul. at least he + i kind of agree this time. LOL.

7th February 2011, 09:03 AM
it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me to malign the ONLY Congressman who is actually properly doing his job.

Kindly elaborate on how you think not speaking up about an ineligible candidate for the top national office ('going along to get along') fully qualifies Ron Paul as "actually properly doing his job." Sounds to me a lot like being "a little bit pregnant".

Maybe he likes his life, and fears its loss if he "crosses certain lines"?

I don't really know.

I'm not saying he's perfect, just that his vote record is perfect and he's not NEARLY as bad to even be considered in the same ballpark as the rest of the congresscritters.

Can you kindly point out a Congressman who is better, or more properly does his job than Ron Paul?

7th February 2011, 09:06 AM
i guess we'll have to agree to disagree ;)

FWIW everytime i was ever banned (excpet for once for arguing with sukhoi abut social security) at GIM it was for saying something bad about ron paul. at least he + i kind of agree this time. LOL.

OK then.

Yeah, I know that G-Khan at GIM always supported Ron Paul, and naysayers would get the boot - I didn't approve of that, but I think that was a personal thing with the mods (or maybe just Khan).

I am not waiting for or expecting Ron Paul to save anything... but at the same time, I will recognize him as the least sleazy motherfucker in Congress.

7th February 2011, 09:14 AM
The fact is that he has woke a lot of people up.

No Ron Paul then No Tea Party. No first baby steps in awaking for millions of people.

Awaking is a very, very, very slow process.

Many say it is to late to "save" the Republic, but something like Egypt or Weimar is going to happen here.

How do you want people to React? Should they have a basic understanding on how they got there and what caused it? And the most important thing is what to replace it with?

Ron Paul has allowed YOU to make contact with people in your LOCAL area to know who are of like mind. Under the guise of a "campaign", you can walk your neighborhoods and find out who understands. Do you understand how important this is?

Gatekeepers are created through networking, and they will be self preserving. Only a fool would think they can go this alone against the gatekeeping organizations.

"Ron Paul - American Power Structure : 1988 part 1"

7th February 2011, 09:20 AM
it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me to malign the ONLY Congressman who is actually properly doing his job.

Kindly elaborate on how you think not speaking up about an ineligible candidate for the top national office ('going along to get along') fully qualifies Ron Paul as "actually properly doing his job." Sounds to me a lot like being "a little bit pregnant".

The whole issue is a distraction.

So instead of focusing on the real power structure, you want him to focus on the irrelevant.

What if Obama was born in Hawaii? What if somehow Obama did travel legally to Indonesia? What if a Congressman goes after a puppet and then is shown to be a fool?

midnight rambler
7th February 2011, 09:25 AM
it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me to malign the ONLY Congressman who is actually properly doing his job.

Kindly elaborate on how you think not speaking up about an ineligible candidate for the top national office ('going along to get along') fully qualifies Ron Paul as "actually properly doing his job." Sounds to me a lot like being "a little bit pregnant".

The whole issue is a distraction.

So instead of focusing on the real power structure, you want him to focus on the irrelevant.

What if Obama was born in Hawaii? What if somehow Obama did travel legally to Indonesia? What if a Congressman goes after a puppet and then is shown to be a fool?

Here's an example of the 'go along to get along' mentality. Nice.

midnight rambler
7th February 2011, 09:35 AM
Can you kindly point out a Congressman who is better, or more properly does his job than Ron Paul?

All of the elected officeholders in the US Congress who have "actually properly done their job" in recent history (Hansen, McDonald, Trafficante, et al) have either ended up dead or in prison.

All the more reason to just ignore all their shenanigans and recognize them for what they truly are.

"Don't believe them, don't fear them, don't ask anything of them." --Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

7th February 2011, 09:35 AM
it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me to malign the ONLY Congressman who is actually properly doing his job.

Kindly elaborate on how you think not speaking up about an ineligible candidate for the top national office ('going along to get along') fully qualifies Ron Paul as "actually properly doing his job." Sounds to me a lot like being "a little bit pregnant".

The whole issue is a distraction.

So instead of focusing on the real power structure, you want him to focus on the irrelevant.

What if Obama was born in Hawaii? What if somehow Obama did travel legally to Indonesia? What if a Congressman goes after a puppet and then is shown to be a fool?

Here's an example of the 'go along to get along' mentality. Nice.

No it is not. Actually, you have the 'go along to get along' mentality.

You actually think that something CAN be done even if proven to be true.

You still believe the illusion.

7th February 2011, 09:37 AM
Midnight, is there anybody WORSE than Ron Paul in Congress?

I understand your gripe with him, but his campaign DID awaken lots of people, and brought certain issues to the mainstream that weren't there before he ran for President.

I see that Ron Paul is controlled opposition, but by the same token he has accomplished some good in that he has gotten people to think about some things. And he shows how lacking the other congressjerks are by showing them what a perfect voting record looks like.

I can think of 434 bigger problems than Ron Paul, and that's just the House.

7th February 2011, 09:55 AM
It's a well known fact that RP has woken tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of people up and started them on a path of knowledge. RP has vehemently warned the status quo, people and elites alike of the ramifications of continuing on our current course, monetary collapse, riots, police state and all out tyranny, past, present and future. These are facts, not hyperbole or conjecture, his track record and voting record substantiate this.

No one man can fight all the battles on every front, sometimes you have to pick and choose your battles or you run the risk of spreading yourself so thin as to ultimately be ineffectual in all respects. The birther issue is but one out of hundreds and it seems Pastor Manning and others have taken up this venue to the best of their abilities.

Ron Paul is just one man.

7th February 2011, 09:59 AM
Just once I would love to see Ron Paul stand before Congress and say "Look you sons o bitches, I just got my paycheck and once again they deposited those fukkin worthless pieces of paper into my account, from this day forward you will instruct the payroll dept that they will only pay me with gold or silver coin!"

midnight rambler
7th February 2011, 10:15 AM
by the same token he has accomplished some good

And I assert that Hitler, Caligula, Charlemagne, Attilla the Hun, Genghis Khan, Chairman Mao, Ariel Sharon, etc. ALL 'accomplished some good*' if even only for a flash of a nanosecond.

*somewhere, somehow, in the perception of even one single soul

I will not suffer liars, and Ron Paul is a liar - he 'campaigned' not for the office of the presidency, but in order to start what ultimately ended up with the name 'Campaign for Liberty'. (I got this straight from Ron Paul's long time Congressional campaign manager who quit the national campaign in disgust in early '07 when advised of this by that pole smoking Kent Snyder**).

**and another thing, Ron Paul has a deep affinity for faggots

7th February 2011, 10:20 AM
by the same token he has accomplished some good

And I assert that Hitler, Caligula, Charlemagne, Attilla the Hun, Genghis Khan, Chairman Mao, Ariel Sharon, etc. ALL 'accomplished some good*' if even only for a flash of a nanosecond.

*somewhere, somehow, in the perception of even one single soul

I will not suffer liars, and Ron Paul is a liar - he 'campaigned' not for the office of the presidency, but in order to start what ultimately ended up with the name 'Campaign for Liberty'. (I got this straight from Ron Paul's long time Congressional campaign manager who quit the national campaign in disgust when advised of this by that pole smoking Kent Snyder**).

**and another thing, Ron Paul has a deep affinity for faggots

Is there anybody worse than Ron Paul in Congress?

midnight rambler
7th February 2011, 10:22 AM
by the same token he has accomplished some good

And I assert that Hitler, Caligula, Charlemagne, Attilla the Hun, Genghis Khan, Chairman Mao, Ariel Sharon, etc. ALL 'accomplished some good*' if even only for a flash of a nanosecond.

*somewhere, somehow, in the perception of even one single soul

I will not suffer liars, and Ron Paul is a liar - he 'campaigned' not for the office of the presidency, but in order to start what ultimately ended up with the name 'Campaign for Liberty'. (I got this straight from Ron Paul's long time Congressional campaign manager who quit the national campaign in disgust when advised of this by that pole smoking Kent Snyder**).

**and another thing, Ron Paul has a deep affinity for faggots

Is there anybody worse than Ron Paul in Congress?

Oh hell no, he fits right in. It's all theater.


7th February 2011, 10:26 AM
by the same token he has accomplished some good

And I assert that Hitler, Caligula, Charlemagne, Attilla the Hun, Genghis Khan, Chairman Mao, Ariel Sharon, etc. ALL 'accomplished some good*' if even only for a flash of a nanosecond.

*somewhere, somehow, in the perception of even one single soul

I will not suffer liars, and Ron Paul is a liar - he 'campaigned' not for the office of the presidency, but in order to start what ultimately ended up with the name 'Campaign for Liberty'. (I got this straight from Ron Paul's long time Congressional campaign manager who quit the national campaign in disgust when advised of this by that pole smoking Kent Snyder**).

**and another thing, Ron Paul has a deep affinity for faggots

Is there anybody worse than Ron Paul in Congress?

Oh hell no, he fits right in. It's all theater.

So Ron Paul is worse than Barney Frank, Joe Lieberman, Rockefeller, et al?

Not "as bad as", but "worse"?

Care to point out what in his voting record makes you think he is worse than the rest of those assholes?

midnight rambler
7th February 2011, 10:30 AM
So Ron Paul is worse than Barney Frank, Joe Lieberman, Rockefeller, et al?

Not "as bad as", but "worse"?

Care to point out what in his voting record makes you think he is worse than the rest of those assholes?

Now you're trying to put words in my mouth. I never said he was worse than any of those other asshats, he's just another team player albeit a gadfly.

7th February 2011, 10:33 AM
this doesn't really add anything to the conversation, but i had to share it.


midnight rambler
7th February 2011, 10:40 AM
'Hope for America'

Sounds familiar...where have I heard that meme before?

Oh yeah...


7th February 2011, 10:47 AM
So Ron Paul is worse than Barney Frank, Joe Lieberman, Rockefeller, et al?

Not "as bad as", but "worse"?

Care to point out what in his voting record makes you think he is worse than the rest of those assholes?

Now you're trying to put words in my mouth. I never said he was worse than any of those other asshats, he's just another team player albeit a gadfly.

I'm not trying to put words in your mouth, I'm just trying to understand why you have so much disdain for Ron Paul when he has the most honorable voting record in Congress. Yes he is a gov't employee and they are ALL awful by virtue of their being gov't employees, BUT, he is the LEAST sleazy of any of them.

I asked you:

Is there anybody worse than Ron Paul in Congress?

And you responded:

Oh hell no, he fits right in. It's all theater.

midnight rambler
7th February 2011, 10:48 AM
he has the most honorable voting record in Congress.

Relative to WHAT?!?!?!

I'm just trying to understand why you have so much disdain for Ron Paul

BECAUSE HE'S A LIAR. He hornswoggled thousands of good people out of millions of dollars under completely false pretenses. Money taken from people WHO COULD NOT AFFORD TO DO SO, people who spent their grocery money on his shenanigans, along with making other HUGE sacrifices 'cause in their hearts they felt like it was the right thing to do ('cause he was conning them into that mindset with his pretenses). I witnessed this up close and personal with literally hundreds of good people.

7th February 2011, 10:54 AM
he has the most honorable voting record in Congress.

Relative to WHAT?!?!?!

All the other Congressmen.

If you want, try to go find a vote that he cast that wasn't the most honorable option.

7th February 2011, 10:57 AM
he has the most honorable voting record in Congress.

Relative to WHAT?!?!?!

I'm just trying to understand why you have so much disdain for Ron Paul

BECAUSE HE'S A LIAR. He hornswoggled thousands of good people out of millions of dollars under completely false pretenses. Money taken from people WHO COULD NOT AFFORD TO DO SO, people who spent their grocery money on his shenanigans, along with making other HUGE sacrifices 'cause in their hearts they felt like it was the right thing to do ('cause he was conning them into that mindset with his pretenses). I witnessed this up close and personal with literally hundreds of good people.


So because he didn't win the presidency, he lied and cheated people out of money?

You think he's sitting at home counting it now?

Hell, I even donated some cash even though I KNEW he didn't actually have a snowball's chance in hell at winning.

He didn't make me do it. If someone couldn't afford it, they shouldn't have given $$$ to his campaign.

7th February 2011, 11:08 AM
We all know there are infiltrators, paid agents on liberty sites such as this. Idiotic threads like this confirm that , IMO.

7th February 2011, 11:11 AM
midnight rambler...99.9% of the time I learn something from ya or agree with ya but this is one topic we will have to agree to disagree. I too worked in the 08 campaign and was privy to the same info. Was I pissed? Yes. Disheartened? Yes. He knew that he was fighting a losing battle and made the most of it and IMHO was stacking the cards for a 2012 run. Letting the economy further deteriorate and other issues boil up until that/this time.

Personally, I believe RP to be our last, best chance for a statesman to occupy the office of President, though I'll not hold my breath on that either. To you, I might be deluded, but to me it's a small light of hope and I will continue to adhere to it, because I have nothing to lose by doing so. RP himself advocates gold, silver, food and self protection for the coming storm, I don't know of anyone else in his position who has done the same.

midnight rambler
7th February 2011, 11:11 AM
So because he didn't win the presidency, he lied and cheated people out of money?

You think he's sitting at home counting it now?

Hell, I even donated some cash even though I KNEW he didn't actually have a snowball's chance in hell at winning.

He didn't make me do it. If someone couldn't afford it, they shouldn't have given $$$ to his campaign.

The points are: 1) Ron Paul *knew* from about March/April '07 that in order to continue with his (and Snyder's) plan of starting a lobbying organization (which became the C4$L) he was going to have to completely misrepresent his intentions, and 2) he INTENTIONALLY undertook a 'campaign' of shining people on so he and Snyder could pull in as much ca$h as possible. Had he been honest with folks about his intentions I seriously doubt he would have raised more than 20-25% of what he did raise over the course of the campaign. It's all about the money.

If someone couldn't afford it I hope you get it now - had he been *honest* about his intentions folks would NOT have made the sacrifices they did. I was there, I witnessed it up close and on a very personal level - I talked with grassroots folks all over the country, folks who spent HUNDREDS of dollars on his shenanigans (in some cases thousands). You know what *really* pisses me off? Ron Paul's crony in the campaign materials business was making money literally hand over fist selling yard signs for twice as much and bumper stickers for THREE TO TEN times as much as could be had elsewhere - all while taking up to six weeks to get those overpriced materials out during a crucial phase of the 'campaign'.

midnight rambler
7th February 2011, 11:18 AM
I too worked in the 08 campaign and was privy to the same info.

No, I submit you were not privy to the 'same info'. If you think you were, then tell us who the owner of the RPforums is, and what roles Penny Langford and Michael Nystrom played. And who's Larry Lawrence?

7th February 2011, 11:21 AM
I too worked in the 08 campaign and was privy to the same info.

No, I submit you were not privy to the 'same info'. If you think you were, then tell us who the owner of the RPforums is, and what roles Penny Langford and Michael Nystrom played. And who's Larry Lawrence?

As per those criteria, I humbly acquiesce.

7th February 2011, 11:25 AM
Ron Paul himself is not a fraud. Sure, he's being used as controlled opposition.

But when it comes down to it, he's one man, his vote record is flawless - what else is he supposed to do? Waltz into the Capitol building wrapped in dynamite?

If Congress were full of Ron Pauls, we wouldn't be in the shitty place we are today.

I understand where you are coming from about him not being a real answer or anything, but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me to malign the ONLY Congressman who is actually properly doing his job.

Exactly what I came to this thread to type.

As for mr, I would worry about him gonzo, he is a downer nothing is good unless he says it is, video games are satanic, nobodies actions but his are worthy. As you can see by his smite/applaud ratio nobody takes him seriously. So I commend you for indulging him but it's futile IMO.

Anyone wanna kidnap some dogs with me?

midnight rambler
7th February 2011, 11:32 AM
I too worked in the 08 campaign and was privy to the same info.

No, I submit you were not privy to the 'same info'. If you think you were, then tell us who the owner of the RPforums is, and what roles Penny Langford and Michael Nystrom played. And who's Larry Lawrence?

As per those criteria, I humbly acquiesce.

Penny Langford was Ron Paul's long time congressional campaign manager. In April '08 (thereabouts) she met with Ron and Carole and told him, "Get rid of the faggot and I'm come back to work for you." (Carole got really pissed about that and Ron made her go sit in the car for 30-40 minutes - when she told me that I'm thinking to myself, "Wow, now that's really odd, few wives would put up with such a thing.") Michael Nystrom is a close friend and he owns dailypaul.com Michael was 'in the loop' i.e. as close to the inside as an 'outsider' can get and was invited to participate in the discussions regarding the direction of the 'campaign' in about May of '08. I cannot elaborate on what went down in that meeting (keeping a confidence here), but let's just say it fully supports my assertions. Larry Lawrence is the millionaire who paid for the full page ads in USA Today.

7th February 2011, 11:35 AM
Penny Langford was Ron Paul's long time congressional campaign manager. In April '08 (thereabouts) she met with Ron and Carole and told him, "Get rid of the faggot and I'm come back to work for you." (Carole got really pissed about that and Ron made her go sit in the car for 30-40 minutes - when she told me that I'm thinking to myself, "Wow, now that's really odd, few wives would put up with such a thing.") Michael Nystrom is a close friend and he owns dailypaul.com Michael was 'in the loop' i.e. as close to the inside as an 'outsider' can get and was invited to participate in the discussions regarding the direction of the 'campaign' in about May of '08. I cannot elaborate on what went down in that meeting (keeping a confidence here), but let's just say it fully supports my assertions. Larry Lawrence is the millionaire who paid for the full page ads in USA Today.

So you've seen the documentary "For Liberty" which interviews those people and added some of your own unverifiable information and you think you are some inside player? ::)

midnight rambler
7th February 2011, 11:50 AM
Penny Langford was Ron Paul's long time congressional campaign manager. In April '08 (thereabouts) she met with Ron and Carole and told him, "Get rid of the faggot and I'm come back to work for you." (Carole got really pissed about that and Ron made her go sit in the car for 30-40 minutes - when she told me that I'm thinking to myself, "Wow, now that's really odd, few wives would put up with such a thing.") Michael Nystrom is a close friend and he owns dailypaul.com Michael was 'in the loop' i.e. as close to the inside as an 'outsider' can get and was invited to participate in the discussions regarding the direction of the 'campaign' in about May of '08. I cannot elaborate on what went down in that meeting (keeping a confidence here), but let's just say it fully supports my assertions. Larry Lawrence is the millionaire who paid for the full page ads in USA Today.

So you've seen the documentary "For Liberty" which interviews those people and added some of your own unverifiable information and you think you are some inside player? ::)

If it's about Ron Paul then I wouldn't bother watching the garbage.

FYI, I financed, produced, and distributed over 100,000 cloroplast yard signs with stands and over 500,000 highest quality silk-screened bumper stickers, along with tons of other materials. And you know, you're so inconsequential to the overall scheme of things (imo) that I really don't give a diddlely-squat what you think.

7th February 2011, 11:56 AM
And you know, you're so inconsequential to the overall scheme of things (imo) that I really don't give a diddlely-squat what you think.

Hey, I feel the same way about you! ;D

I knew we'd find some common ground.

Now hop in my truck and let's go kidnap dogs across state lines whaddaya say?

midnight rambler
7th February 2011, 11:59 AM
Now hop in my truck and let's go kidnap dogs across state lines whaddaya say?

Kindly explain to me how recovering personal property which lawfully and legally belongs to me (documented) is against the law, so long as I'm not breaking any law in the process (e.g. breaking and entering, burglary, etc.)

FYI, I had one lawyer outright tell me, "Just go get your dogs!"

7th February 2011, 12:03 PM
Kindly explain to me how recovering personal property which lawfully and legally belongs to me (documented) is against the law, so long as I'm not breaking any law in the process (e.g. breaking and entering, burglary, etc.)

FYI, I had one lawyer outright tell me, "Just go get your dogs!"

If it was so cut in dry, then cops or lawyers could've straightened it out without a plea to the GSUS community.

midnight rambler
7th February 2011, 12:08 PM
Kindly explain to me how recovering personal property which lawfully and legally belongs to me (documented) is against the law, so long as I'm not breaking any law in the process (e.g. breaking and entering, burglary, etc.)

FYI, I had one lawyer outright tell me, "Just go get your dogs!"

If it was so cut in dry, then cops or lawyers could've straightened it out without a plea to the GSUS community.

FYI, you don't have nearly enough info to draw ANY reasonable conclusions about the matter. Also, I wasn't the one who made the 'plea' to this forum. I had already run through all my options at that point.

The matter continues and ultimately we will prevail 100%, I'm absolutely certain of that. There are very few serious working dogs of this caliber existing in the world today.

7th February 2011, 12:12 PM
FYI, you don't have nearly enough info to draw ANY reasonable conclusions about the matter. Also, I wasn't the one who made the 'plea' to this forum. I had already run through all my options at that point.

The matter continues and ultimately we will prevail 100%, I'm absolutely certain of that. There are very few serious working dogs of this caliber existing in the world today.

Well the information I do have is this.

You have documented proof that someone kidnapped your dogs, yet friends of yours solicit help from an internet forum in order to take these dogs back. When if it is so crystal clear this matter wouldn't even need to go to court, it would be someone stole my property, here is the proof, and show that they have possession of it. They would be under arrest and you would have these magnificent dogs back.

No need to involve anyone from the internet as far as I can tell.

7th February 2011, 12:13 PM

ron paul stickers, got any extra left over?

midnight rambler
7th February 2011, 12:14 PM
FYI, you don't have nearly enough info to draw ANY reasonable conclusions about the matter. Also, I wasn't the one who made the 'plea' to this forum. I had already run through all my options at that point.

The matter continues and ultimately we will prevail 100%, I'm absolutely certain of that. There are very few serious working dogs of this caliber existing in the world today.

Well the information I do have is this.

You have documented proof that someone kidnapped your dogs, yet friends of yours solicit help from an internet forum in order to take these dogs back. When if it is so crystal clear this matter wouldn't even need to go to court, it would be someone stole my property, here is the proof, and show that they have possession of it. They would be under arrest and you would have these magnificent dogs back.

No need to involve anyone from the internet as far as I can tell.

Clearly you're very inexperienced with the judicial/legal process.

7th February 2011, 12:23 PM
Clearly you're very inexperienced with the judicial/legal process.

Surely, nobody is as experienced in any way as midnight rambler amirite?

I don't know if you are familiar with the term (why of course you are who am I kidding you probably invented it) ultimate topper, someone who has done everything better, no matter how cool something is that you do, this person has done it bigger better faster and stronger.

You midgnight rambler are an ultimate topper, although you are one up from that you are the rare ultimate topper downer since you don't necessarily have to top everyone so long as you cut them down.


7th February 2011, 01:26 PM
[quote=midnight rambler ]

If it's about Ron Paul then I wouldn't bother watching the garbage.

FYI, I financed, produced, and distributed over 100,000 cloroplast yard signs with stands and over 500,000 highest quality silk-screened bumper stickers, along with tons of other materials. And you know, you're so inconsequential to the overall scheme of things (imo) that I really don't give a diddlely-squat what you think.

Like all campaigns, mistakes will be made.

So why be bitter? You certainly did your part. You sent me 1,000 Ron Paul bumper stickers, for less than $150. My wife and I contributed a lot of money & time, but so what? We did our part. If just 5 or 10 percent of the population would have jumped on board and contributed a fraction of what many people on this board contributed, Ron Paul would have won in a landslide, regardless of his campaign flaws.

7th February 2011, 01:45 PM
The lesson the libertarian movement learned, finally, was this one: "Leave the issues that marginalize you at the door." We can rant and rave all we want while the two controlling parties continue to move the ball in the wrong direction, or we can engage. I got tired of watching the ball going the wrong way, carried by both so-called "opposing teams."

midnight rambler
7th February 2011, 02:14 PM

ron paul stickers, got any extra left over?

Toward the end I was very generous with how many I shipped out in orders so I only have a handful (maybe a couple of dozen) left which say:

Ron Paul
President 2008

and appear like this with white letters on a dark blue background and red star in center


midnight rambler
7th February 2011, 02:19 PM
So why be bitter? You certainly did your part.

Thank you for your kind words.

IMO in hindsight Ron Paul fits the profile of a sociopath (surely like the bulk, if not all, of the CONgresscritters): no empathy, no feelings of guilt, remorse, or shame, pathological liar, a sense of entitlement, etc., and he hurt good people (on a wholesale basis) as a result of his lying/misrepresentation.

7th February 2011, 02:50 PM
So why be bitter? You certainly did your part.

Thank you for your kind words.

IMO in hindsight Ron Paul fits the profile of a sociopath (surely like the bulk, if not all, of the CONgresscritters): no empathy, no feelings of guilt, remorse, or shame, pathological liar, a sense of entitlement, etc., and he hurt good people (on a wholesale basis) as a result of his lying/misrepresentation.

First, check your messages.

Second, if you are who I think you are. THANK YOU. What the "official" campaign did to you was bull.

But do you think it was Ron Paul directly or those he surrounded himself with. As anyone close knows that there was a mole and this person ended up selecting many of the main organizers of the States. And to this day some of that hasn't been fixed.

7th February 2011, 04:04 PM
this doesn't really add anything to the conversation, but i had to share it.




midnight rambler
7th February 2011, 04:16 PM
First, check your messages.

Second, if you are who I think you are. THANK YOU. What the "official" campaign did to you was bull.

But do you think it was Ron Paul directly or those he surrounded himself with. As anyone close knows that there was a mole and this person ended up selecting many of the main organizers of the States. And to this day some of that hasn't been fixed.

Thank you for your kind words.

I think it was Ron Paul going along passively with Snyder's program, but that's JMO.

The whole thing has me completely disgusted, to the point of not even wanting to think about it. I just spoke with my associate about your inquiry and when we discussed Ron Paul and his intentions he expressed his disappointment in him as well. He said that in hindsight if he had known what his intentions were he would not have done as much for him as he did - if anything (and what he did in support of Ron Paul was very likely more than what I did, frankly, the guy is an untiring workhorse)

7th February 2011, 04:22 PM
First, check your messages.

Second, if you are who I think you are. THANK YOU. What the "official" campaign did to you was bull.

But do you think it was Ron Paul directly or those he surrounded himself with. As anyone close knows that there was a mole and this person ended up selecting many of the main organizers of the States. And to this day some of that hasn't been fixed.

Thank you for your kind words.

I think it was Ron Paul going along passively with Snyder's program, but that's JMO.

The whole thing has me completely disgusted, to the point of not even wanting to think about it. I just spoke with my associate about your inquiry and when we discussed Ron Paul and his intentions he expressed his disappointment him in as well. He said that in hindsight if he had known what his intentions were he would not have done as much for him as he did - if anything (and what he did in support of Ron Paul was very likely more than what I did, frankly, the guy is an untiring workhorse)

Sure, the Presidency wasn't gained, but the campaign and your efforts weren't a total loss either.

How many thousands or millions more Americans are now interested in sound money, the Constitution, and know what the Federal Reserve is?

Rand Paul is now in the Senate, which couldn't have happened if it weren't for Ron Paul's campaign in 2008.

Rand is no superhero either, but he has a high profile and is in a position to at least do more than his father could ever do in the House.

midnight rambler
7th February 2011, 04:26 PM
Sure, the Presidency wasn't gained, but the campaign and your efforts weren't a total loss either.

How many thousands or millions more Americans are now interested in sound money, the Constitution, and know what the Federal Reserve is?

Rand Paul is now in the Senate, which couldn't have happened if it weren't for Ron Paul's campaign in 2008.

Rand is no superhero either, but he has a high profile and is in a position to at least do more than his father could ever do in the House.

You talk as though if there was no Ron Paul that NO ONE would step into the breach.

And you think that a war-monger (he stated clearly on is official website that DoD's budget was not only sacred, but should be INCREASED [paraphrasing]) like Rand Paul in the Senate is a good thing?!?!?

7th February 2011, 04:34 PM


midnight rambler
7th February 2011, 04:42 PM
We produced those signs seen in the balcony.


It was the early version artwork.


7th February 2011, 04:49 PM
i just think that Ron Paul sweating fed and tresury persons some god dammed good tv

midnight rambler
7th February 2011, 05:02 PM
i just think that Ron Paul sweating fed and tresury persons some god dammed good tv

Well, it at least makes for good theater, huh?


7th February 2011, 05:54 PM
We produced those signs seen in the balcony.


It was the early version artwork.


Do you have any of the signs left? I might be interested in buying all that you have left. PM me prices.

Publico Pro Se
7th February 2011, 05:55 PM
Haven't posted for a while but I've got to put my two cents worth in here.

First, I was the meetup group organizer for Des Moines. I was the first group organizer campaign people (Lew Moore and Joe Seehusen) met with west of the Mississippi (except for any crazy fvcks who traveled to D.C.).

It is my belief that RP ran with the idea of starting up the C4L with "no chance" of winning. They never shifted to "win" mode, which I can understand because had RP won the the nomination and beat BHO then RP and the liberty movement would have been blamed for the economy. However, had the campaign moved into a higher gear then the liberty movement would have been 10 times bigger and the Tea Party would not been hijacked by the neo-cons.

Example: The Monday after the Iowa Straw Poll in Aug 07, Lew Moore, Joe Seehusen, Drew Ivers, (future Iowa campaign manager, now co-manager of the Iowa CFL), Dave Fischer ("Dave" over at RPF, now co-manager of the Iowa CFL), Paul Dorr (Campaign Field dude) met over dinner with Jan Mickelson and his producer Ross. (Sorry I'd post a link to Mickelson's WHO 1040 radio's page but I'm not about to fight to learn how, sorry - one reason I'm don't post much here, but I digress). WHO radio is the 50K watt sandblaster in Iowa. It's daytime coverage is much of Iowa except for the east and west border counties. At night it can be heard in Salt Lake. The station swings heavy conservative. Last December 2010 the Des Moines Register pointed out the 2012 caucus winners needs to go thru WHO studios.

The meeting was set-up by Joe Seehusen, Drew Ivers, and Paul Dorr who are all friends with Mickelson. As the group sat down Mickelson, without needing to be asked, offered the campaign one hour every other week for a long in-depth interview and 10 minutes the opposite weeks for "hot topics". My calculations put that in the range of 17 free hours of airtime from September to the end of December on the prime station conservative caucus goers listen to. Paul did not take up offer until mid-December and by then it was way, way too late. Mickelson loves Paul - loves ending the FED, IRS, talks about gold and silver, etc. - needs Paul to hold his hand over the scary Moolums but he's a trooper. --- Conversely, the WHO afternoon drive time guy, Steve Deace ran a daily three hour Huck-a-thon. Now Deace ain't so much of a Huck supporter and if Paul ran I'd would give it a 55% chance that Deace would support Paul or at least show him a great amount of respect.)

Looking at the counties Huck won they were non-border counties and Mitt won the river border counties (they're more liberal-ish.) The counties Huck won matches the coverage area of WHO (Washington County is the weird exception that Paul won - it's a special case). I don't want to hear that Mickelson's 9 am to 11:30 am time slot is an inconvenient time to call (Congress in session and such) as I have it on good authority that sometimes, just sometimes, parts of Mickelson's and Deace's shows are prerecorded.)

Since then Mickelson has offered Paul the chance to come on once a month for an hour. The number of times Paul has taken up the offer I can count of one hand. As explained to me, paraphrasing: "It's like Paul is the star stud high school quarterback. Mickelson is the cute cheerleader who loves Paul and wants to dance with him at the high school dance. We've taken Paul out on the dance floor with Mickelson, put their hands together, they've danced a couple of times but Paul doesn't know what comes after that."

Anywho, I just hope if Paul runs again it isn't a match-making service for any of his grandchildren like it was last time (or at least have the courtesy of waiting until after January 20).

I could go on but I'm lazy right now.

7th February 2011, 06:02 PM
Sure, the Presidency wasn't gained, but the campaign and your efforts weren't a total loss either.

How many thousands or millions more Americans are now interested in sound money, the Constitution, and know what the Federal Reserve is?

Rand Paul is now in the Senate, which couldn't have happened if it weren't for Ron Paul's campaign in 2008.

Rand is no superhero either, but he has a high profile and is in a position to at least do more than his father could ever do in the House.

You talk as though if there was no Ron Paul that NO ONE would step into the breach.

And you think that a war-monger (he stated clearly on is official website that DoD's budget was not only sacred, but should be INCREASED [paraphrasing]) like Rand Paul in the Senate is a good thing?!?!?

Do you think as many people would have spontaneously developed an interest in Liberty if Ron Paul had not run for President?

I figure having Rand Paul in office is better than not.

He said that defense should constitute a bigger portion of the total budget than it currently does (he means to reduce both military and non-military spending). This is because "defense" is one of the legitimate uses for the federal gov't.

He's calling for $500 billion in budget cuts, including cutting off all foreign aid, including aid to israel.

I'd say it's better than having some jewish gun-grabbing commie in there, but you may not agree.

midnight rambler
7th February 2011, 06:03 PM
Anywho, I just hope if Paul runs again it isn't a match-making service for any of his grandchildren like it was last time (or at least have the courtesy of waiting until after January 20).

Ouch! The truth hurts! lol

midnight rambler
7th February 2011, 06:13 PM
We produced those signs seen in the balcony.


It was the early version artwork.


Do you have any of the signs left? I might be interested in buying all that you have left. PM me prices.

Wish I could help you out. Check your messages.

7th February 2011, 06:18 PM
