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7th February 2011, 03:36 PM
After I dropped her off at school today I was on my way to the nearest big town, errands to do, so as I am minding my own business I see 2 cops on the side of the road, so I set my cruise control to the speed limit 55, it is dual law-enforcement there cause of the army base, anyhow you just don't speed through there.

So here comes fatty, pulls me over, and I asked why did you pull me over I wasn't speeding or doing anything illegal, He said he clocked me at 76, I told him I had my cruise control set at 55, he said nope clocked you at 76, I said, ok fine I guess I will drive on into town to the mechanic and have it looked at, so he goes back to his truck and runs the license and comes back and says, well I am going to give you a verbal warning this time, I said well I guess I will set my cruise lower then, then he starts flapping his jaw about RPM's bout going uphill, this road is flat,I am not stupid and I know about RPM's and it was running about 1500.

A big fat lying cop. Why didn't he give me a ticket then. He was a BIG FAT LIER.

Really pissed me off.

I guess I just Look Really Stupid !

7th February 2011, 03:40 PM
You're Lucky it's the beginning of the month! ;D

He has allllllllll month to make his quota.

edit: spelling

7th February 2011, 03:43 PM
Ugh! I hate that. I'm glad you didn't get a ticket though.

7th February 2011, 03:47 PM
Maybe he just thought you were attractive and wanted to say HI!


General of Darkness
7th February 2011, 03:49 PM
DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED. I've got two speeding tickets in the last 45 days. I told the last bastard to go arrest some illegals and leave my tax paying behind alone. His response, "He couldn't". :boom :redfc :boom

7th February 2011, 03:49 PM
Actually, there is a very good chance that if you have a receipt dated the same day from a mechanic who could calibrate the speedometer, your argument would be very persuasive in court...

You probably convinced the cop that you were, indeed, headed straight too the mechanic.

7th February 2011, 03:50 PM
Maybe he just thought you were attractive and wanted to say HI!


LOL I doubt that, and he wasn't very friendly either.

I think they were bored, (apparently I look stupid) and they thought I was an easy mark, I would have went and had the cruise control checked and I would have fought the ticket. Bastards !

edit to add ; I agree General, But he was one of them. :redfc :boom

7th February 2011, 03:54 PM
WOW! He was the witness, arresting Officer, Judge and Jury that day for you..........All on the side of the road in a quick manner. How convenient.

Oh how i love Liberty.

7th February 2011, 03:57 PM
I had my licence suspended about 15 yrs ago. I was actually doing 95 in a 45 mile zone and this was my second ticket. The cop who gave me my earned ticket and a court date was so coked up, I thought he was gonna have a heart-attack before finishing writing the damn ticket.
He was screaming curses non-stop,unbelievably fast, pupils dilated like hell, while writing. He made it sound as if he caught Osama.
The motherfucker survived his coke OD and finished writing the ticket, so I had to take 2-3 hr trains to work for the next 6 months or more.

7th February 2011, 04:38 PM
Going to court on the 17.......I can prove that he gave the ticket to the wrong guy.....I was parked on a private driveway when he flew by me with all the Christmas lights on.....he also asked me "Did you stop back there to take a piss?"..........well, I went back next day and did take a piss, it took me 10 minutes and 46 seconds...................I don't believe that he waited by the side of the road all that time till I finished taking a piss. ;D, as a matter of fact, I am going to call him as a whitness......by the way, I know that there are no video of photos........all that the judge will have is his "word".

7th February 2011, 04:45 PM
I just love that our court system is so fucked up in this situation that our word means nothing because we have something to lose (money in the form of fines) in these situations.

Yet these damn cops have everything to gain in their towns and cities in the form of revenue gained from these tickets yet their "word is bond" in the eyes of a judge.

How did this country get so screwed up?

7th February 2011, 04:50 PM
What the ATM machine of the "holocost" is the the "Jews" is what the speed tickets are to the county, only thing is that the judge and the cops are paid by the same employer........if the cop don't give out a ticket and the judge says "guilty" then neither the cop or the judge will get paid.....to me this is a conflict of interest.

7th February 2011, 05:16 PM
...to me this is a conflict of interest.

Yes. That is what the Romans decided 2,000 years ago

In repropriÉ iniquum admodum est alicui licentiam tribuere sententiae. It is expremely unjust that any one should be judge in his own cause.

Not only that but in our law a single judge has only the power to set bail or to release on recognizance. It takes 2 or 3 judges, one being of the quorum, to come to a judicial decision. However, even if they had 100 judges all being paid to convict you the Roman maxim still holds true.

Now in Equity a single judge is the rule. That is why there exists a license (contract) because you agree to the single judge at the time you apply for the license.

Do you have a link where I can study this more? Thankyou

7th February 2011, 05:32 PM
I got pulled over last September for allegedly following to close( behind a CHP ;D ). My court date was a month later but the court extended the date out until I received my bail amount in the mail which was mid December. I used up my two thirty day extensions, and last Friday filed my trial by written declaration which I'll send out along with evidence via certified mail tomorrow. I'm sure the court will not find in my favor, so I'll file a trial de novo and start the process over. (I don't know if I get two more extensions since it's a new trial, but if I'm allowed, I'll use them) I'll plead not guilty then go to the trial where the kangaroo court will find me guilty, and I'll cough up the $240. I figure a year will have passed by the time this is over. The area I was ticketed in is a training area so hopefully Ponch will have been transfered by then.

Zap, I'm glad the highwayman didn't ticket you. I haven't heard of anyone getting a warning anymore in cash strapped CA.

Road Runner
7th February 2011, 05:43 PM
Sorry you had to get hastled Zap. I am afraid there is far more of it to come. I hate going to town, there are so many cops around anymore and when they do stop someone I have noticed that they then have a second police car show up and there two against one. This really ticks me off too!! :redfc :redfc

7th February 2011, 05:53 PM
What you experienced is called a randomized controlled trial. You were randomly selected for stopping, law enforcement used probability theory to assume your compliance, and you didn't know whether you would end up in an arrest situation or not (the blind). He knew going in he had complete control over you, and with total bias he toyed with you like a winged bird looking for vulnerabilities. This is our modern police state - revenue generation is a novelty second to what you just went through. From your description, it appears he threw in a little bit of asshole as well. You did the right thing by being lowly to avoid a confrontation with the epitome of the pig character, and that ironically is what is absolutely wrong with this whole picture.

7th February 2011, 06:25 PM
I guess I am kinda stupid, cause I should have got his Badge # and/or his name, (but how can you forget a short, bald headed, 400 lb hispanic man, in a uniform) then I could have filed something with the Dept.

They are all corrupt around this little town, the county is doing an audit of the local police dept, crooked Sons of Biatchez

7th February 2011, 07:06 PM
palani, "roman" maxims is a jewish lawyer joke to what it should be. What it should be is a true Moses laws (again, not jewish version we know today).

If you look around middle east, there's what people called "ruins of roman theaters" in every city. That's in desert. They sure did like roman theater big time back than, didn't they? :P well, these are not theaters of course (makes 0 sense), serious historians say these are Courthouses built by Moses. The true Moses laws, where people of the town could sue anyone, including the rulers.

That, no doubt, would be too inconvenient of a truth to tell, so they became "roman theaters" (no matter that Rome didn't exist 2000 years ago).

The jews / trading tribe, of course, took it over and made a running joke out of the court of law.

7th February 2011, 07:11 PM
I guess I am kinda stupid, cause I should have got his Badge # and/or his name, (but how can you forget a short, bald headed, 400 lb hispanic man, in a uniform)

I agree, Ponce is unforgettable :)

Just kidding.
PS. Many people here are so thick that one needs to say he is kidding, otherwise all hell breaks loose.

Twisted Titan
7th February 2011, 08:33 PM
I guess I am kinda stupid, cause I should have got his Badge # and/or his name, (but how can you forget a short, bald headed, 400 lb hispanic man, in a uniform) then I could have filed something with the Dept.

They are all corrupt around this little town, the county is doing an audit of the local police dept, crooked Sons of Biatchez

Dont even waste your precious time with that crap as it is a total joke

That goon was doing what he was paid to do: shake down citizens for milk money.

Just burn the two extra dollars in gas if it helps you avoid the area

8th February 2011, 10:27 AM
Zap, I'm glad the highwayman didn't ticket you. I haven't heard of anyone getting a warning anymore in cash strapped CA.

Sorry to hear about your bad experience, Zap. I'm glad you didn't get a ticket too.

There's generally two different types of law enforcement that conduct traffic stops. CHP, or state guys, and local law. If CHP stops you, you are most likely going to get cited. That's what they do, drum up revenue for the state.

Local law however, depending upon where you are, tends to conduct more investigative stops...ie, your car may have matched one that recently committed a crime. The traffic infraction, if there is one, is the cops legal way of investigating further.

It's important to know that a ticket, or citation, is NOT an admission of guilt. It's basically setting a time in the future to argue with the cop in court. This is why you should never argue with a cop that stops you...you are actually asking the cop to cite you.

If more folks would fight tickets, they wouldn't generate revenue for the state..the court time alone would end up costing the state.

If you get pulled over, don't argue. If you get cited, show up to court.

Answer all questions by stating facts, not opinions.

8th February 2011, 10:47 AM
Sorry to hear about your misfortune Zap, but is no one concered about Ponce's 10min 47sec bladder issue?

8th February 2011, 10:49 AM
Zap, I'm glad the highwayman didn't ticket you. I haven't heard of anyone getting a warning anymore in cash strapped CA.

Sorry to hear about your bad experience, Zap. I'm glad you didn't get a ticket too.

There's generally two different types of law enforcement that conduct traffic stops. CHP, or state guys, and local law. If CHP stops you, you are most likely going to get cited. That's what they do, drum up revenue for the state.

Local law however, depending upon where you are, tends to conduct more investigative stops...ie, your car may have matched one that recently committed a crime. The traffic infraction, if there is one, is the cops legal way of investigating further.

It's important to know that a ticket, or citation, is NOT an admission of guilt. It's basically setting a time in the future to argue with the cop in court. This is why you should never argue with a cop that stops you...you are actually asking the cop to cite you.

If more folks would fight tickets, they wouldn't generate revenue for the state..the court time alone would end up costing the state.

If you get pulled over, don't argue. If you get cited, show up to court.

Answer all questions by stating facts, not opinions.

You're joking right? Answering a question is never a good idea.

The Supreme Court has ruled that a cop can lie in order to obtain consent. However it is a felony to lie to a cop. Now even if you answer a question honestly all the pig has to do is infer why he thinks your lying and he has grounds to arrest you. Answering a pigs question even honestly can get you arrested. Don't ever answer a pigs questions.

You are legally obligated to provide license, registration, proof of insurance. That's it, nothing more.

8th February 2011, 10:54 AM
After I dropped her off at school today I was on my way to the nearest big town, errands to do, so as I am minding my own business I see 2 cops on the side of the road, so I set my cruise control to the speed limit 55, it is dual law-enforcement there cause of the army base, anyhow you just don't speed through there.

So here comes fatty, pulls me over, and I asked why did you pull me over I wasn't speeding or doing anything illegal, He said he clocked me at 76, I told him I had my cruise control set at 55, he said nope clocked you at 76, I said, ok fine I guess I will drive on into town to the mechanic and have it looked at, so he goes back to his truck and runs the license and comes back and says, well I am going to give you a verbal warning this time, I said well I guess I will set my cruise lower then, then he starts flapping his jaw about RPM's bout going uphill, this road is flat, I am not stupid and I know about RPM's and it was running about 1500.

A big fat lying cop. Why didn't he give me a ticket then. He was a BIG FAT LIER.

Really pissed me off.

I guess I just Look Really Stupid !

I've had one speeding ticket in my life. I was taking part in a charity footrace (10k) for a children's hospital, and I was part of a team, and I was late. Oh no. I was going about 100 with no other cars around me. A cop found me, pulled me over, said, "Okay I'll make this quick, I saw you going 90 and I'm writing 80. "

I think he expected a "Thank you . . . " instead I said, "Isn't that perjury on a sworn document?"

Yeah, I can be a dumbass sometimes. He shrugged it off like he had never heard the word before.

8th February 2011, 11:03 AM
You're joking right? Answering a question is never a good idea.

The Supreme Court has ruled that a cop can lie in order to obtain consent. However it is a felony to lie to a cop. Now even if you answer a question honestly all the pig has to do is infer why he thinks your lying and he has grounds to arrest you. Answering a pigs question even honestly can get you arrested. Don't ever answer a pigs questions.

You are legally obligated to provide license, registration, proof of insurance. That's it, nothing more.

Answering a question is always a good idea, if you know how to answer it. Don't answer the 'question', answer the question behind the question.

You are right, you can say nothing. You should say nothing if you are in a position to be arrested, or in case of search and seizure, etc.

A traffic stop is not an arrest situation. Too many people look at it that way. Each situation is different, and you need to know who stopped you and why you were stopped.

8th February 2011, 11:06 AM
You're joking right? Answering a question is never a good idea.

The Supreme Court has ruled that a cop can lie in order to obtain consent. However it is a felony to lie to a cop. Now even if you answer a question honestly all the pig has to do is infer why he thinks your lying and he has grounds to arrest you. Answering a pigs question even honestly can get you arrested. Don't ever answer a pigs questions.

You are legally obligated to provide license, registration, proof of insurance. That's it, nothing more.

Answering a question is always a good idea, if you know how to answer it. Don't answer the 'question', answer the question behind the question.

You are right, you can say nothing. You should say nothing if you are in a position to be arrested, or in case of search and seizure, etc.

A traffic stop is not an arrest situation. Too many people look at it that way. Each situation is different, and you need to know who stopped you and why you were stopped.

A traffic stop is a STOP and a STOP is an ARREST.

To ARREST someone is to STOP them.

8th February 2011, 11:08 AM
A traffic stop is a STOP and a STOP is an ARREST.

To ARREST someone is to STOP them.

No it is not, it is a detention. Understand the difference between reasonable suspicion and probable cause.

8th February 2011, 11:11 AM
A traffic stop is a STOP and a STOP is an ARREST.

To ARREST someone is to STOP them.

No it is not, it is a detention. Understand the difference between reasonable suspicion and probable cause.

What if you stopped me (a detention, as you would call it) say, because the plastic housing out my tail light was cracked.

And if when you approached the window I asked "am I being detained?" what would you say?

Doesn't probable cause require a corpus delicti (a victim)?

8th February 2011, 11:24 AM
What if you stopped me (a detention, as you would call it) say, because the plastic housing out my tail light was cracked.

And if when you approached the window I asked "am I being detained?" what would you say?

Doesn't probable cause require a corpus delicti (a victim)?

See, an infraction is not a crime, hence no arrest. Such as a broken tail light. This is why a traffic stop is not an arrest...to begin with. That is, the situation could lead to an arrest, but not because of the initial reason for the stop...the infraction.

This is what you need to know when stopped. If you ask a question such as "am I being detained?" it's a pointless question, because you are detained at that time. You'll most likely get an answer such as "I stopped you because you have a broken tail light, license and registration please."

BTW, there is plenty of victimless 'crimes', but that's a whole other topic.

8th February 2011, 11:27 AM
But rest assured that they will run your license and if any warrants are out , it
will be cuff and stuff time.

8th February 2011, 11:27 AM
What if you stopped me (a detention, as you would call it) say, because the plastic housing out my tail light was cracked.

And if when you approached the window I asked "am I being detained?" what would you say?

Doesn't probable cause require a corpus delicti (a victim)?

See, an infraction is not a crime, hence no arrest. Such as a broken tail light. This is why a traffic stop is not an arrest...to begin with. That is, the situation could lead to an arrest, but not because of the initial reason for the stop...the infraction.

This is what you need to know when stopped. If you ask a question such as "am I being detained?" it's a pointless question, because you are detained at that time. You'll most likely get an answer such as "I stopped you because you have a broken tail light, license and registration please."

BTW, there is plenty of victimless 'crimes', but that's a whole other topic.

What if you stopped me for a broken tail light and I told you to ARREST me or IMMEDIATELY let me be on my way, how would you react?

8th February 2011, 11:33 AM
What if you stopped me for a broken tail light and I told you to ARREST me or IMMEDIATELY let me be on my way, how would you react?

I'd ask you, if you were admitting to having committed a crime. Why would you ask such a question to begin with?

I'd probably just tell you that you were detained because of the tail light. License and registration, and you'll be on your way shortly.

I wouldn't getting into pissing match arguing back and forth, that's for sure.

8th February 2011, 11:36 AM
What if you stopped me for a broken tail light and I told you to ARREST me or IMMEDIATELY let me be on my way, how would you react?

I'd ask you, if you were admitting to having committed a crime. Why would you ask such a question to begin with?

I'd probably just tell you that you were detained because of the tail light. License and registration, and you'll be on your way shortly.

I wouldn't getting into pissing match arguing back and forth, that's for sure.

What if I just drove off?

What will I have done wrong?

What crime had I committed in the first place?

Or better yet, what if you flicked your lights on because of the tail light, but I just didn't stop to begin with?

Would you should my tires out? lol

8th February 2011, 11:38 AM
Also, thanks for being a sport and answering my questions.


Low Pan
8th February 2011, 11:39 AM
After I dropped her off at school today I was on my way to the nearest big town, errands to do, so as I am minding my own business I see 2 cops on the side of the road, so I set my cruise control to the speed limit 55, it is dual law-enforcement there cause of the army base, anyhow you just don't speed through there.

So here comes fatty, pulls me over, and I asked why did you pull me over I wasn't speeding or doing anything illegal, He said he clocked me at 76, I told him I had my cruise control set at 55, he said nope clocked you at 76, I said, ok fine I guess I will drive on into town to the mechanic and have it looked at, so he goes back to his truck and runs the license and comes back and says, well I am going to give you a verbal warning this time, I said well I guess I will set my cruise lower then, then he starts flapping his jaw about RPM's bout going uphill, this road is flat,I am not stupid and I know about RPM's and it was running about 1500.

A big fat lying cop. Why didn't he give me a ticket then. He was a BIG FAT LIER.

Really pissed me off.

I guess I just Look Really Stupid !

Next time the cop says he "clocked" you ask to see the radar (it is your right). It's funny though, the last time I was pulled over I asked if he radared me. He said yes, I asked to see the radar. Then his story changed to he "paced" me. I asked for how long, he said 1/4mi (convenient that's the bare min they need to pace you). That was BS because he was behind me for 12 secs then lit his cherries. Either way 90% of cops are lying a**holes. You catch them in a lie, they just tell another.

Low Pan
8th February 2011, 11:44 AM
I just love that our court system is so fucked up in this situation that our word means nothing because we have something to lose (money in the form of fines) in these situations.

Yet these damn cops have everything to gain in their towns and cities in the form of revenue gained from these tickets yet their "word is bond" in the eyes of a judge.

How did this country get so screwed up?

well remember this, a good defender will use this escpecially in a DWI case. For the cop to appear and testify he is paid for his time, if this time is past his normal hours of duty he is getting paid OVERTIME. Many Defenders successfuly argue that collecting OT is the cops incentive for writing tickets and having to appear in court.

Low Pan
8th February 2011, 11:48 AM
Zap, I'm glad the highwayman didn't ticket you. I haven't heard of anyone getting a warning anymore in cash strapped CA.

Sorry to hear about your bad experience, Zap. I'm glad you didn't get a ticket too.

There's generally two different types of law enforcement that conduct traffic stops. CHP, or state guys, and local law. If CHP stops you, you are most likely going to get cited. That's what they do, drum up revenue for the state.

Local law however, depending upon where you are, tends to conduct more investigative stops...ie, your car may have matched one that recently committed a crime. The traffic infraction, if there is one, is the cops legal way of investigating further.

It's important to know that a ticket, or citation, is NOT an admission of guilt. It's basically setting a time in the future to argue with the cop in court. This is why you should never argue with a cop that stops you...you are actually asking the cop to cite you.

If more folks would fight tickets, they wouldn't generate revenue for the state..the court time alone would end up costing the state.

If you get pulled over, don't argue. If you get cited, show up to court.

Answer all questions by stating facts, not opinions.

You're joking right? Answering a question is never a good idea.

The Supreme Court has ruled that a cop can lie in order to obtain consent. However it is a felony to lie to a cop. Now even if you answer a question honestly all the pig has to do is infer why he thinks your lying and he has grounds to arrest you. Answering a pigs question even honestly can get you arrested. Don't ever answer a pigs questions.

You are legally obligated to provide license, registration, proof of insurance. That's it, nothing more.

Exactly, the more you talk the more evidence they collect. Just like getting pulled over for a DWI, NEVER BLOW. Blowing only adds to the evidence and supports the Officers "observations". If you don't blow all they have to go on is the officers "observation". And if you do get arressted remain silent, sit upright and alert in the squad car, but do not say or do anything. Then the cruiser cam will show you sitting and waiting and nothing more. And remember, when they call another cop before making you the "stupid human tricks" on the side of the road, it is so the other cops cruiser cam can collect data from another POV.

8th February 2011, 11:50 AM
Also, thanks for being a sport and answering my questions.


Cheers, I'm just trying to be as unbiased as I can. I have my own opinions, but the way it is..is just the way it is.

To your other questions, it really depends upon the situation, where you are, high crime area, etc. The times people have just took off, it's always led to some big caper. People who run from cops do so for a reason.

In fact, one situation for example. Same thing like your questions, I stopped a guy for a cracked windshield. He jumps out of the car and starts running, which lead to a foot pursuit. The guy had a loaded, illegal automatic firearm on the passenger seat.

I chased the guy down and caught him, though other officers had written up the arrest. I don't know what he was arrest for, or if he had warrants. It was in a high crime area though.

Low Pan
8th February 2011, 11:51 AM
A traffic stop is a STOP and a STOP is an ARREST.

To ARREST someone is to STOP them.

No it is not, it is a detention. Understand the difference between reasonable suspicion and probable cause.

Right on the nose solid. I suggest all forum members STUDY THEIR 4th AMENDMENT RIGHTS! This is where the cop gets their PC.

8th February 2011, 11:56 AM
Right on the nose solid. I suggest all forum members STUDY THEIR 4th AMENDMENT RIGHTS! This is where the cop gets their PC.

Exactly, I can tell you most people are completely clueless when it comes to search and seizure. It is where cops get their PC. People consent to searches when they shouldn't, or say something stupid to give reasonable suspicion.

There's so much gray area and lot's of it can be articulated based upon interpretations.

To be honest, I hated that job. You have to love drama and butting your nose into other people's business.