View Full Version : OMG, can Fox News kiss more zionist booty?

General of Darkness
7th February 2011, 07:04 PM
That POS Hannity and his panel are more concerned about Izzy than Egypt.

If memory serves me correctly General Electric are part owners, and they are war profiters to it makes sense.

YES, I watch Fox, just to see the talking points that the sheep are absorbing.

7th February 2011, 07:12 PM
That POS Hannity and his panel are more concerned about Izzy than Egypt.

If memory serves me correctly General Electric are part owners, and they are war profiters to it makes sense.

YES, I watch Fox, just to see the talking points that the sheep are absorbing.

GE is part owner in Fox? Never heard that.
I know of their ownership of NBC, MSNBC, and formally CNBC (comcast deal).
Fox is all rupert murdoch.

7th February 2011, 07:19 PM
That POS Hannity and his panel are more concerned about Izzy than Egypt.

If memory serves me correctly General Electric are part owners, and they are war profiters to it makes sense.

YES, I watch Fox, just to see the talking points that the sheep are absorbing.

GE is part owner in Fox? Never heard that.
I know of their ownership of NBC, MSNBC, and formally CNBC (comcast deal).
Fox is all rupert murdoch.

Isn't Murdoch a jew?

7th February 2011, 07:22 PM
osoab, rothschilds own rupert murdoch. Andrew S B Knight, a chairman of the Rothschild Capital Management Limited and a director of Rosthchild Family investment trust is a member of the Newscorp's board and a non-executive director.

BTW, Freud is related to Murdoch Sr.

8th February 2011, 02:40 AM
He had Pat Buchanan on his radio show yesterday, same thing, Israel,Israel, Israel, never mind that the whole region is about to become a Caliphate.

mick silver
8th February 2011, 06:23 AM
what get me is if they all love Israel so much why in the hell are they still living here . get the f... on the plane and move you whole family there . hell we have some much going on in this country why cant they just work on telling the truth about what going on here

Half Sense
8th February 2011, 11:10 AM
Yeah the Neocon Network was trying to pin Egypt on the Iranians last week, but it didn't stick. People are wising up.

8th February 2011, 12:05 PM

8th February 2011, 01:29 PM
what get me is if they all love Israel so much why in the hell are they still living here . get the f... on the plane and move you whole family there . hell we have some much going on in this country why cant they just work on telling the truth about what going on here

Well, you know, it's because in reality, the MSM talking heads could give two shits about Israel, but it sure is profitable to pretend like you do. Acting!

willie pete
8th February 2011, 01:47 PM
what get me is if they all love Israel so much why in the hell are they still living here . get the f... on the plane and move you whole family there . hell we have some much going on in this country why cant they just work on telling the truth about what going on here

Well, you know, it's because in reality, the MSM talking heads could give two shits about Israel, but it sure is profitable to pretend like you do. Acting!

they all KNOW the score, it seems there's an un-written (or written) code in that you have to keep israel in the headlines and everything in the ME revolves around the well-being of israel ....I actually heard a little bit of Buchanan on Hannity, and Buchanan was talking about Egypt but Hannity kept steering the conversation back to israel and how the situation in Egypt is going to affect israel..Hannity just kept going on and on with "what if's" ..like what if israel's arab neighbors attack them and all that ( I thought to myself, they aren't going to attack, because israel HAS nukes, it's that simple) ...and even Buchannan said the same thing about a minute later