View Full Version : The Sound of Insanity

8th February 2011, 06:29 AM
Sometimes I wonder if the whole world has gone mad. Days like today, for instance.

I was on the train for my morning commute today, standing room only on the train. I could overhear a group of 3 people in their seats having a conversation.

The gist of the conversation is as follows:

Man1: "Yes it's that easy!"
Lady1: "So all I have to do is go to the doctor, and they will put the chip in my hand?"
Man2: "Yep, it's just like e-zpass"
Man1: "All your medical info, medicine you are on, it will all show up. All they have to do is scan your hand."
Lady1: "That's it? Wow, it is easy. I would love an easy way to store my information."

I overheard this part of the conversation just before it was time to exit. I walked off shaking my head at the madness I just heard.

It truly is no measure of health, to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.


mick silver
8th February 2011, 06:34 AM
most people in this country are unable to think for there selfs . why would anyone think this would be great . anyone could scan your hand and have your info

8th February 2011, 09:42 AM
Well, you have a iPod (or something like that) that when they touch each other the info from one goes to the other one.....I can see a lot of people shaking hands.

midnight rambler
8th February 2011, 09:58 AM
If I was close enough to engage those people in conversation I would have interrupted them and begun talking about how unhealthy it is to inject questionable foreign objects into one's body and that the corporations pushing this nonsense don't give a diddlely-squat if it makes them very sick, all they care about is profits. Something. You cannot allow this sort of thing to go on unchallenged around you, you have to be a faithful witness. At least try to connect with them on their level and explain to them in terms they comprehend how doing such a thing is NOT in their best interests - e.g. if they adhere to the Word of God it amounts to taking the mark of the beast. Perhaps the seed will take root, perhaps it won't, but you HAVE to make an effort. Maybe it won't even have an effect on those knuckleheads, but at least it will have an impact upon those who overheard that load of malarkey. Whining about the situation doesn't do jackshit. Go out there and engage the competition.

8th February 2011, 10:07 AM
If I was close enough to engage those people in conversation I would have interrupted them and begun talking about how unhealthy it is to inject questionable foreign objects into one's body and that the corporations pushing this nonsense don't give a diddlely-squat if it makes them very sick, all they care about is profits. Something. You cannot allow this sort of thing to go on unchallenged around you, you have to be a faithful witness. At least try to connect with them on their level and explain to them in terms they comprehend how doing such a thing is NOT in their best interests - e.g. if they adhere to the Word of God it amounts to taking the mark of the beast. Perhaps the seed will take root, perhaps it won't, but you HAVE to make an effort. Maybe it won't even have an effect on those knuckleheads, but at least it will have an impact upon those who overheard that load of malarkey. Whining about the situation doesn't do jackshit. Go out there and engage the competition.

“Beware of being too rational. In the country of the insane, the integrated man doesn’t become king. He gets lynched.” Aldous Huxley

I'd rather avoid lynching from strangers on a crowded train, thank you.

8th February 2011, 10:12 AM
"All that you need to one of them is to say nothing"

midnight rambler
8th February 2011, 10:16 AM
“Beware of being too rational. In the country of the insane, the integrated man doesn’t become king. He gets lynched.” Aldous Huxley

I'd rather avoid lynching from strangers on a crowded train, thank you.

I ain't skeered.

"Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." -Matthew 3:2

"at hand" as in HERE AND NOW, not some *glorious* day in the future.

I would suggest you study Barbara and develop your own froggy style. Barbara doesn't back down, and she's such a hoot.

"I'll whip your ass on (general principle)."


midnight rambler
8th February 2011, 10:19 AM
Aldous Huxley

Wasn't Huxley an insider?

8th February 2011, 10:28 AM
Aldous Huxley

Wasn't Huxley an insider?

Yeah, but that doesn't make his quotes any less applicable... maybe even makes them apply more.

midnight rambler
8th February 2011, 10:34 AM
Aldous Huxley

Wasn't Huxley an insider?

Yeah, but that doesn't make his quotes any less applicable... maybe even makes them apply more.

Care to elaborate on how the quote “Beware of being too rational. In the country of the insane, the integrated man doesn’t become king. He gets lynched.” is applicable to our state of affairs particularly in situations such as in the OP?

8th February 2011, 10:35 AM
If I was close enough to engage those people in conversation I would have interrupted them and begun talking about how unhealthy it is to inject questionable foreign objects into one's body and that the corporations pushing this nonsense don't give a diddlely-squat if it makes them very sick, all they care about is profits. Something. You cannot allow this sort of thing to go on unchallenged around you, you have to be a faithful witness. At least try to connect with them on their level and explain to them in terms they comprehend how doing such a thing is NOT in their best interests - e.g. if they adhere to the Word of God it amounts to taking the mark of the beast. Perhaps the seed will take root, perhaps it won't, but you HAVE to make an effort. Maybe it won't even have an effect on those knuckleheads, but at least it will have an impact upon those who overheard that load of malarkey. Whining about the situation doesn't do jackshit. Go out there and engage the competition.

I`m with you on this one. If I heard crap like this on a train that was stuffed with normal citizens, not gang members as is the case in NYC, I would`ve said a few loud sardonic words like "ever hear of New World Order?". I would be addressing not the dumb bitches but those around them who might be awake, could probably catch a few laughs. Then I would try to analyze how many laughs if any I heard and make my mental notice of just how many
fukin brain-dead people are stuffed in an average train car today. Then onto the macroanalysis of the possible current State of The Union.

8th February 2011, 10:36 AM
Aldous Huxley

Wasn't Huxley an insider?

Yeah, but that doesn't make his quotes any less applicable... maybe even makes them apply more.

Care to elaborate on how the quote “Beware of being too rational. In the country of the insane, the integrated man doesn’t become king. He gets lynched.” is applicable to our state of affairs particularly in situations such as in the OP?

Quite applicable. You made the claim I should have interrupted those folks with talking points ABC. I'm telling you doing so would have created quite a scene on the train.

midnight rambler
8th February 2011, 10:40 AM
Aldous Huxley

Wasn't Huxley an insider?

Yeah, but that doesn't make his quotes any less applicable... maybe even makes them apply more.

Care to elaborate on how the quote “Beware of being too rational. In the country of the insane, the integrated man doesn’t become king. He gets lynched.” is applicable to our state of affairs particularly in situations such as in the OP?

Quite applicable. You made the claim I should have interrupted those folks with talking points ABC. I'm telling you doing so would have created quite a scene on the train.

I agree one should always be discrete depending on the circumstances however 'creating a scene' doesn't deter me in the least. I maintain my sense of humor at all times. And as the world around me becomes more absurd I find it easier to laugh about it all.

BTW, your reply was unresponsive as it was not an elaboration.

8th February 2011, 10:41 AM
Have you noticed how the words "easy" and "convenient" can convince people to buy just about anything? It makes me wonder what people are so busy doing, that they need all of these easy and convenient (fast food) meals, easy and convenient (toxic) cleaning supplies, etc.

It's not like they're spending time making their own cheese or building a house or anything. OK, some choose to (or have to) work a lot. Maybe a small percentage have hobbies or even play with their children, but the rest of the them just want to have more time to watch TV.

It's not that hard to keep your medical records without getting a chip implant. Ask your doctor for a copy of your files. Bam! Now that's convenient, and no needles required.

8th February 2011, 10:52 AM
Engaging a group of tards in that setting is a waste of time and breath, unless you want to have a shout down with the chronically stupid for shits and giggles. You'll never be able to talk sense into those fuckers, they've already made their bed and RFID chips are the least of their concerns.

midnight rambler
8th February 2011, 02:32 PM
I really think you guys are not getting it. What was happening in the OP is that DMac was observing a wave function collapse (or IMO more than one wave function collapse) and he failed to seize the initiative and influence it [all of them] into a more positive outcome.


As a refresher, a wave function collapse is where energy manifests itself into material existence thus creating what we perceive as *reality*.

midnight rambler
8th February 2011, 03:17 PM
"Be the change you want to see in the world." -Gandhi

Gandhi had a firm grasp on the concept.

8th February 2011, 03:22 PM
What you failed to realize is that causing a scene like that on a crowded train in the morning commute, about 2 minutes before the mad dash exit would have been the height of stupidity on my part.

Maybe the real mistake was sharing this anecdote with the forum and not expecting to get trolled.

I've engaged the public before in scenarios similar to this and it has never gone well. I've learned my lesson - and today a new one.

8th February 2011, 03:23 PM
"Be the change you want to see in the world." -Ghandi

Sometimes I think my time would be best spent by going around NYC, walking into every bathroom I can find and write on the walls:

I think carving it on wooden doors would have a more permanent effect,thought of using a tungsten carbide pen to scratch Rense.com on steel and glass surfaces.

PS.You gotta open your mouth once in a while, it feels good, almost as good as having thrown a good punch.

midnight rambler
8th February 2011, 03:25 PM
Maybe the real mistake was sharing this anecdote with the forum and not expecting to get trolled.

I've engaged the public before in scenarios similar to this and it has never gone well. I've learned my lesson - and today a new one.

Congratulations, you just observed another wave function collapse. Didn't turn out like you preferred? Perhaps you should reflect upon that...

midnight rambler
8th February 2011, 03:30 PM
FWIW, I've engaged your T.A. MITS (the average man in the streets) for years on the fly. I generally don't have trouble capturing their imagination even momentarily, but the trick is to drive the point home while you still have them in your grasp. I've also found that the higher the 'education level' the more difficult it is to reach them, as if being 'highly educated' draws them deeper into the illusion. And sometimes the seed take root, and sometimes it doesn't.

8th February 2011, 03:37 PM
FWIW, I've engaged your T.A. MITS (the average man in the streets) for years on the fly. I generally don't have trouble capturing their imagination even momentarily, but the trick is to drive the point home while you still have them in your grasp. I've also found that the higher the 'education level' the more difficult it is to reach them, as if being 'highly educated' draws them deeper into the illusion. And sometimes the seed take root, and sometimes it doesn't.

Now take a look at our e-karma ratios and given-received thanks ratios?

No wonder we kinda agree on basic things ;)

8th February 2011, 05:01 PM
Well, you have a iPod (or something like that) that when they touch each other the info from one goes to the other one.....I can see a lot of people shaking hands.

What happens if they have sex....... ;D

8th February 2011, 05:04 PM
No body should have the right to put anything into another human being,,,,,,,,,,,

midnight rambler
8th February 2011, 05:27 PM
No body should have the right to put anything into another human being,,,,,,,,,,,

Precisely, but if one volunteers it's another matter entirely.

8th February 2011, 05:40 PM
I've learned my lesson - and today a new one.


The ankle biters are well known here.


8th February 2011, 06:00 PM
DMac, I think you're thinking Midnight_Rambler was asking you to make a scene and attempt to evangelize or convince them of something. I take it that just anonymously dropping a few words to them of your disapproval was all that was needed to potentially get them thinking. If they respond irrationally to you there is no use making a scene or trying to prove some point to them that they will never accept. But if they are unbiased and have a positive experience by talking to a stranger that's got a different point of view of something, then at worst when they see 'dissenters' portrayed as crackpots on TV they will at least remember there are reasonable people around them who share the same opinion and are not crackpots.

General of Darkness
8th February 2011, 06:15 PM
Oh I can see it now.

"Ohhhhhhh so you're Mishko Novosel, we've been looking for you"

And whamo, I turn into a vietcong and no more Mishko. >:(


midnight rambler
8th February 2011, 07:11 PM
Oh I can see it now.

"Ohhhhhhh so you're Mishko Novosel, we've been looking for you"

And whamo, I turn into a vietcong and no more Mishko. >:(


We're already VC. lol

8th February 2011, 07:26 PM
Alright, real quick, last Sunday I was a party to this insane converstion:

Guy1: You're so smart and have everything going for you, why don't you ever tell me what to invest in?
Me: I told you to buy physical silver and palladium two years ago.
Guy1: What? I didn't think you were serious. How do you buy silver and piladaleum? (he couldn't pronounce)
Me: I told you exactly how two years ago.
Guy2: How can you guys talk about that crap, when the greatest game in the world is on TV?
Me: Sigh...

Yes, I know I'm preachin' to the choir here.

8th February 2011, 07:45 PM
Alright, real quick, last Sunday I was a party to this insane converstion:

Guy1: You're so smart and have everything going for you, why don't you ever tell me what to invest in?
Me: I told you to buy physical silver and palladium two years ago.
Guy1: What? I didn't think you were serious. How do you buy silver and piladaleum? (he couldn't pronounce)
Me: I told you exactly how two years ago.
Guy2: How can you guys talk about that crap, when the greatest game in the world is on TV?
Me: Sigh...

Yes, I know I'm preachin' to the choir here.

I reckon I've had that similar conversation too many times to remember. The ones I remember most are the ones I had with some well off dudes I know that were invested heavily in the stock market in 08, they laughed like hell at me for scoffing at Wall St and lauding gold/silver. Funny thing is, when I talked to them after I got back from Costa Rica they were bitchin about the financial beating they were taking but somehow couldn't remember chiding me for my views.

8th February 2011, 07:56 PM
I begged my one of my closest friends to buy since gold was 340$, I`m still begging in fact but he never bought a silver dime. He lost 20k in the stock market about 1 year after gold was 340$.

He told me buying stocks was easy, just listen to the analysts.

This monumental moron is a purest Jew you can find.

Now 10yrs laters he whins:"I`m so unlucky in those money matters".

I hate to tell him he is simply a brainwashed coward.

midnight rambler
9th February 2011, 01:49 PM
Regarding the OP - if by simply saying something which would have changed even a single life, wouldn't that be worth it? The question is: the next time the call goes out will it get answered...?
