View Full Version : Chinese Puzzle

8th February 2011, 01:38 PM
By Professor Antal E. Fekete

There is really just one question about China, the Western mindset’s “enigma wrapped in mystery”. How could the Chinese have made the colossal mistake of investing their hard-earned savings in the debt of the U.S. government — to the tune of $ 1 trillion, the largest sum one country has ever loaned another in all history. (There is only one other puzzle greater than this: How could the U.S. government in good faith allow its debt to accumulate in Chinese hands? But we leave that question for another occasion to discuss.) U.S. debt is easy to buy but hard to get rid of. The harder, the larger are the sums involved.

It is true that a huge bull market in bonds has been rolling on for the past 30 years — since 1981. But putting all of China’s eggs into the same basket was a terrible mistake even if we ignore the reckless fiscal and monetary policy the U.S. government has been pursuing since 1971. Belatedly, the Chinese are trying to correct their mistakes through diversification.

China could have learned from Japan’s sad example. Before the Chinese appeared as buyers, Japan was the largest investor in U.S. debt. In 1971 Japan was running an unprecedented trade surplus vis-à-vis the U.S., and the exchange rate of the Japanese yen was 300 to the dollar. American policymakers and money doctors put enormous pressure on Japan to let the yen float upwards, as this was the “in-thing” to do after the Nixon-Friedman conspiracy made the U.S. default on its foreign gold obligations “respectable”, on the spurious theory that this would first ease, then eliminate the American trade deficit.

Japan, in effect still an occupied country, yielded to the American pressure and the yen rose so that by 1981 only 100 yens were needed to buy one dollar. This was a 3-fold appreciation of the yen, but it did not bring about an improvement in the American trade deficit with Japan, as promised by Friedmanite propagandists. Instead, there was a 10-fold further deterioration! Yet the Americans did not revise their policy recommendations, and continued to insist on floating the yen upwards. It appeared that the Americans had a hidden agenda that was not the elimination of the American trade deficit. Could it have been abatement of the American debt? Indeed, the yen-value of Japan’s foreign exchange reserves held in dollars was cut by two-thirds as a result of foreign exchange policy forced upon Japan.

The Chinese should have seen the writing on the wall: buying dollar-denominated assets was tantamount to kissing good-by to your savings. In terms of the Nixon-Friedman conspiracy this was extortion, an underhanded way of secretly siphoning off the savings of America’s trading partners running surpluses, disguised as exchange-rate policy.

Worse still, when the Japanese wanted to draw on the remnants of their savings held in American banks to tie them over temporary cash shortages, they found that the money wasn’t there. The American money-doctors were ever-ready to come up with a solution. The Japanese government had excellent credit rating and no debt to foreigners. Why not borrow the money it needed? Once more, the Japanese meekly complied. They swapped their temporary need for dollars for permanent government debt in yens. By now the Japanese government has the worst indebtedness on record: it would take 2 years of Japan’s GDP to pay it off. See the vicious combination: selling bonds in an appreciating currency while buying bonds in a depreciating currency? A free one-way ticket to the poorhouse.

China should have seen the trap. The Americans want them to buy all the dollar-denominated bonds. Then they would start twisting arms to let the yuan float upwards, ostensibly as a valid exchange-rate mechanism to rectify trade imbalances. Clearly, it is not a valid mechanism because, well, it does not work. It only makes the trade imbalance worse. Neither are the Americans shooting for elimination of their trade deficit. They are shooting for an abatement of America’s debt. They know that higher exchange rate for the yuan means imperceptibly siphoning off China’s savings. An indigent country, China, underwrote with its savings the profligacy of an affluent country, the U.S. Unbelievably, China appears to be caving in to American demands and let the yuan float upwards.

If the Chinese wanted to draw on the remnants of their savings held in American banks, they might just find out, as the Japanese did before them, that the money isn’t there.

It can be safely predicted that the American debt-mongers would again be on hand to come up with the solution. China has excellent credit rating and zero debt to foreigners. The Chinese should borrow the dollars they needed, to tie themselves over, rather than liquidate their dollar holdings. Like Japan earlier, China, too, could swap its temporary dollar shortage for permanent government debt in the domestic currency. This is debauchery: Mephistopheles trying to corrupt the uncorrupted. This is lacing foreign banking systems with toxic debt.

The Chinese puzzle can be stated as follows. The irrational and masochistic behavior of the Japanese can be explained by the fact that Japan is still an occupied country. But China is not. China could refuse to listen to the siren-song of the American exchange-rate manipulators and debt-mongers. Why doesn’t China stand up to this corruption? “Just say no” to the drug of indebtedness, and expose the debauchery behind it!

Here is the explanation of the Chinese puzzle from a non-Chinese perspective. The 1972 popping up of Nixon in China (which was worth composing an opera on the theme) started the pilgrimage of young uncorrupted Chinese scholars to American universities. Well, at least those among them who were economists, monetary scientists, and banking experts have been thoroughly corrupted and brainwashed. Keynesian and Friedmanite theories have been pumped into them through force-feeding. They have never been told that there is a coherent and respectable body of economic knowledge refuting, point-by-point, the false and corrosive economic theories of Keynes and Friedman. China utterly lacks scholars who are well-versed in Austrian economics and in valid monetary theory, to provide antidote for the Keynesian and Friedmanite poison. China was made a fertile ground for American debauchery.

Friedman’s theory of deliberate use of foreign exchange rates as a tool of balancing foreign trade is vicious, false, and fraudulent. It has never worked. It never will. It is motivated by American self-interest, ready to wage a new opium war on China, to reduce the indebtedness of the U.S. through a disguised devaluation of the dollar, at the expense of its trading partners, and to push the responsibility for the trade imbalance on the surplus countries.

The correct solution to the trade problem is not the flotation of currencies up and down. Quite to the contrary: the solution is the stabilization of foreign exchange rates! China badly needs advisors who are able to show the way in this direction.


8th February 2011, 01:41 PM
China, Inflation and Gold

-- Posted Tuesday, 8 February 2011 |

China created paper money and paper money then created inflation

Ralph T. Foster in his invaluable book, Fiat Paper Money, The History and Evolution of Our Currency, writes that paper money made its first appearance in Szechwan, a remote province of China early in the 11th century.

Because of a shortage of copper coins, provincial officials had begun circulating iron coins; but the difference in value and weight between the two metals caused unexpected problems.

As Foster writes: [housewives needed] one and one-half pounds of iron [coins] to buy one pound of salt…Paper was the answer. People began to deposit their iron money in money shops and exchanged deposit receipts to transact business.

The money shops’ deposit receipts then began circulating as money. But the money shops soon issued more deposit receipts than their supply of coins and by 1022, confidence had eroded in both the notes and the supporting iron money [and] government authorities closed the private note shops.

When the Chinese government intervened, the government quickly discovered the advantages paper money—at least to the issuers. The Sung dynasty immediately banned the issuance of paper notes by private money shops and on January 12, 1024, the Sung court directed the imperial treasury to issue national paper money for general use.

In the beginning, the imperial treasury backed its paper notes with cash coins equal to 29% of the paper money issued. Eventually, however, the Sung, like each succeeding dynasty, would print far more money than it actually possessed in backing.

The consequent loss of confidence in paper money caused Chinese scholars to question the nature of money...Ye Shi (1150-1223) spoke out against excessive amounts of what he called “empty money” when he observed how paper inflation hurt the economy; and scholar Hu Zhiyu (1127-1295) concluded that only backing gave paper value and blamed the retreat from convertibility for the loss of public confidence.. paper money, the child, is dependent on precious metals, the mother. Inconvertible notes are therefore “orphans who lost their mother in childbirth”. (page 19)

For the next 600 years, succeeding dynasties would each attempt to utilize the advantages of paper money and avoid its disadvantages. Not one dynasty was able to do so. All attempts to use paper money ended in runaway inflation and dynastic collapse.

By 1661, China finally learned its lesson and the new Qing dynasty officially outlawed paper money. Regarding China’s 600 year experiment, Foster writes:

Over the course of 600 years, five dynasties had implemented paper money and all five made frequent use of the printing press to solve problems. Economic catastrophe and political chaos inevitably followed. Time and again, officials looked to paper money for instant liquidity and the immediate transfer of wealth. But its ostensible virtues could not withstand its tragic legacy: those who held it as a store of value found that in time all they held were worthless pieces of paper. (page 29)

Today, almost 1,000 years after paper money first appeared and 350 years after China banned its use, China’s is again issuing excessive amounts of paper money; and, once again, paper money’s initial prosperity is about to give way to inflation and economic chaos in the celestial kingdom.

Southern Weekly, a Chinese language publication, recently noted: China has not only been the country that prints money at the fastest rate but also been the country with the largest money supply in the world in the past decade. China’s M2, a broad measure of money supply, was up 19.46% at the end of November from a year earlier...This compares with 3.3% and 2.5% of annual M2 growth in the US and Japan respectively over the same period…

China's money supply, M2-to-GDP ratio over the past decade is the highest in the world. The nation with the longest history of excessive money printing and consequent inflation has clearly forgotten its past. The past, however, has not forgotten China.


Asian nations, China and India in particular, have a long history with gold. Precious metals as a hedge against chaos is deeply embedded in Asian cultures and when chaos takes the form of inflation, gold is the default hedge; and, today, inflation is on the rise.

China raised interest rates for the third time since mid-October ahead of a report forecast to show inflation accelerated to the fastest pace in 30 months.

February 8, 2011, Bloomberg News

This has profound implications for the price of gold. As inflation continues to increase, the buying of physical gold by the Chinese will send the price of gold skyrocketing. In fact, it has already begun.

On February 2nd, the Financial Times reported: Fears of inflation have also driven demand for gold as a retail investment… Precious metals traders in London and Hong Kong said on Wednesday they were stunned by the strength of Chinese buying in the past month. “The demand is unbelievable. The size of the orders is enormous,” said one senior banker, who estimated that China had imported about 200 tonnes in three months.

On February 8th, Karen Maley in Australia’s Business Spectator discussed this growing phenomenon in her article, China’s gold tsunami: It’s not hard to understand the growing Chinese enthusiasm for gold. Officially, China’s inflation rate was 4.6 per cent in December, but many believe the actual inflation rate is considerably higher. But Chinese savers earn a paltry interest rate of 2.75 per cent on one-year deposits, which means that they face negative real interest rates.

Faced with these dismal returns, Chinese households and businesses have been pouring money into physical assets, such as food, real estate, and commodities as a hedge against inflation. Chinese authorities are now trying to quell property market speculation by making it more difficult for buyers to get bank finance for their second and third investment properties, and have begun experimenting with property taxes in some cities.

This has caused Chinese investors to turn to gold. According to the Sprott newsletter, China, which is already the world’s largest gold producer, imported more than 209 metric tons of gold in the first ten months of 2010 alone. This compares with the estimated 45 metric tons it imported in all of 2009.


2011 IS HERE

The response to the 2008 global collapse set in motion an even greater danger—runaway inflation. In 2009 world governments attempted to offset the global collapse in demand with historic levels of liquidity. The excessive printing of money has now led to higher prices.

Prices, especially food prices are rapidly rising. Tyler Durden, www.zerohedge.com, makes this point with stunning clarity: One of the benefits of America finally seeing what Zimbabwe went through as it entered hyperinflation, ignoring for a second that the Zimbabwe stock market was the best performing market, putting Bernanke's liquidity pump to shame, is that very soon everyone will be naked, once companies finally realize they have no choice but to pass through surging input costs. And while some may be ecstatic by the S&P's modest rise YTD, it is nothing compared to what virtually every single agricultural product has done in the first month of 2011. To wit: Corn spot up 7.76%, wheat up 5.63%, Rice up 10.08%, Hogs up 10.16%, Sugar up 5.64%, Orange Juice up 3.33%, and cotton.... up 17.08%. That's in one month!

Rapidly rising food prices have already contributed to governments falling in Tunisia and Egypt. Other governments, well aware of the risk that inflationary food prices pose to their continued rule, are now stockpiling food to prevent further protests.

This buying will only drive the cost of food even higher: Jim Gerlach, of commodity brokerage A/C Trading, said: "Sovereign nations are beginning to stockpile food to prevent unrest." "You artificially stimulate much higher demand when nations start to increase stockpiles."

"This is only the start of the panic buying," said Ker Chung Yang, commodities analyst at Singapore-based Phillip Futures. "I expect we'll have more countries coming in and buying grain.



Even the hardened paper boys on Wall Street are aware of inflation’s impact on the price of gold. The meteoric rise of gold in the late 1970s was caused by rapidly rising prices. In the last decade, however, gold began moving steadily higher as did all commodities in a disinflationary atmosphere. That, however, is about to change.

With gold already moving higher, the increasing inflationary impetus will send the price of gold far beyond its present price. Gold’s spectacular ascent in the 1970s is now about to be dwarfed.

Last night, I, Ralph T. Foster, our wives and another couple had dinner together and the topic turned to the future price of gold. There was agreement that while its ascent was certain, gold’s ultimate price was a matter of pure conjecture since the reference points used to value that price would be virtually worthless pieces of paper money.

History is the context within which our present circumstances present themselves. Of late, change has been so rapid that many believe the past is merely that which preceded the present. They are wrong.

History is about to repeat itself, albeit in a new iteration. Paper money’s journey to the west and back again is about to reach its fatal climax. Paper money’s ten-century drama is almost over; and while a new and better era will replace it, the collapse of the present era will be unprecedented in magnitude.

Ralph T. Foster’s Fiat Paper Money, The History and Evolution of Our Currency, can be ordered at http://home.pacbell.net/tfdf/ . My latest local TV show, Dollars & Sense, can be viewed at http://www.youtube.com/user/SchoonWorks#p/a/u/0/0JB4_lFwi4c

Buy gold, buy silver, have faith.

Darryl Robert Schoon


9th February 2011, 01:47 AM

http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN_DailyWeb/Entries/2011/2/8_China_to_Add_Staggering_5,042_Tons_of_Gold_for_1 0_Reserves.html

On the heels of the Robin Griffiths interview where Griffiths is looking for the Chinese to increase their gold reserves five-fold from 2% to 10%, King World News interviewed Dan Norcini to get his thoughts. “Eric, if you base Chinese reserves on $2.5 trillion, for China to move from 2% to 10% they will have to increase their gold holdings a staggering 5,042 tons at current prices.”

“I’ve been seeing reports and I don’t think that it is any secret that the Chinese officials have been telegraphing their intention to dramatically increase their gold reserves. The reason behind this is that China wants to ultimately position the Yuan for the longer-term as being part of a basket of currencies that would comprise a new official global reserve currency.

A dramatic increase in gold holdings is necessary for China to achieve this goal. By way of comparison, right now both the US and Germany have roughly 70% of their reserves in gold, while China is at a paltry 2%. We don’t want to leave out China’s neighbor Japan which also only holds 2.5% of their total reserves in gold.

Going back to the 5,000 tons, we are talking about two years of global production. Where is the supply going to come from? China is in competition with individuals, funds and other sovereign wealth funds for a portion of the global gold production.

That is why I believe there will be continued buying support on any subsequent retracements in the gold price, because China will be using these opportunities to acquire the metal. I always think back to when India jumped in and bought 200 tons of gold at $1,040. I said at that time that it was doubtful that we would ever see gold below $1,000 again.

That move by India signaled to me that the Asians were serious about increasing the amount of gold that they were going to be holding as part of their official reserves.

What this means to the King World News readers is that if you are looking to acquire gold you need to take advantage of the dips in price because they have been relatively short-lived, now that all of the Asian central banks are on the prowl to acquire more of the yellow metal.”

Interestingly Norcini notes that the Japanese need to increase their gold reserves as well. With so many entities lined up to buy and no major sellers, we should see continued upward pressure on the price of gold for years to come.