View Full Version : Ron "The Mason" Paul

8th February 2011, 02:47 PM
For those that still have a false hope...

Have fun!

(This is assuming you've done some homework already.)


10th February 2011, 12:07 AM
Yup. A comment about a potential gold standard which isn't discussed nearly enough: the bad guys own all the gold, where does that leave us? Also, what about all of the assets that the money changers fraudulently acquired?
Let's say RP somehow got himself elected. Let's even go so far to say that he isn't a member of the illuminati (which he is), what then? My guess is there would be a giant dog and pony show where the RP camp appeared to try to get get things done. Things like appealing the income tax, decentralization of federal power, abolish the Federal Reserve, etc. At the end, we'd be told that no compromise could be reached on the important issues (or very little), but that RP had fought his way to a spending decrease. The spending decrease would most likely focus on the piss ass piece of change that our poor people rely on to avoid freezing and death. Of course, the real spending sinks would never be touched (read: military industrial complex, prison industrial complex, etc).

They've got contingency plans in place for every scenario.


9th April 2011, 08:29 PM
Never made the connection until now that His son Rand is potentially named after Ayn Rand? Atlas SHrugged in 1957 I believe...Randireeeno born in the 60s...hmmm.

10th April 2011, 02:31 PM
For those that still have a false hope...

Have fun!

(This is assuming you've done some homework already.)


yeah, I was a big fan of Ron Paul until I read about his association with Louis Lehrman...

10th April 2011, 03:25 PM
Never made the connection until now that His son Rand is potentially named after Ayn Rand? Atlas SHrugged in 1957 I believe...Randireeeno born in the 60s...hmmm.

"Rand" 's name is "Randall". Supposedly he *wasn't* named after Ayn Rand, according to the Paul family.

10th April 2011, 07:38 PM
Never made the connection until now that His son Rand is potentially named after Ayn Rand? Atlas SHrugged in 1957 I believe...Randireeeno born in the 60s...hmmm.

"Rand" 's name is "Randall". Supposedly he *wasn't* named after Ayn Rand, according to the Paul family.

Double meaning= masonic signature.


4th January 2012, 03:58 PM
Yup. A comment about a potential gold standard which isn't discussed nearly enough: the bad guys own all the gold, where does that leave us?


US gold reserves; 8000 tonnes. Indian housewives (http://blogs.wsj.com/indiarealtime/2011/07/14/indias-600-billion-hidden-treasure/)' gold reserves; 15,000 tonnes. i could certainly see europe/america ending up relatively poorer to Asia under a gold standard, especially given that central banks very likely have less gold than they claim.

anyway, apologies for digging up an old thread, i've been hunting for bad news about ron paul. despite 20 years scepticism to politics, i've lately started to think that ron paul is the last hope for the US constitution, especially in light of how much the MSM appear to despise him.

so my point here is, does anyone know anything about paul's background? given the tendency for american presidents to belong to John Lackland's family, i wonder about RP in this context...is there any history of an involvement from him with skull'n'bones, CFR, other globalist type organisations, does anyone know? i see that he's a mason, and i see him doing masonic handshakes, and that is a warning sign to me, though it's far from a conviction. equally i've seen pics of him doing the devil's hand. i'm sincerely hoping that RP is not just another example of controlled opposition, and judging by the media's reaction to him (and his consistency of message about returning to the constitution), i don't think he is, but wondering what any of you guys might have seen in this regard.

4th January 2012, 04:45 PM
Give me a break.......

4th January 2012, 09:20 PM
Ron is not a mason!


5th January 2012, 04:08 AM
Ron Paul (http://www.dailypaul.com/124082/ron-paul-mason) was initiated in the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity at his alma mater, Gettysburg College, in Pennsylvania. The November 2007 issue of Lambda Chi Alpha’s publication, Cross & Crescent, proudly announced “Ron Paul's Presidential Bid.” Ron Paul was not only a member but a leader of Lambda Chi Alpha. given that's on his own site and there's no attempt to debunk it, it's clear that he is. as i said, i don't necessarily believe that all masons are evil. but being aware of this kind of stuff is important to me, given that i'm putting my personal voice behind the man.

guess i'll need to show the evidence of the devil's hand too, then; about 1min25 into this:


5th January 2012, 04:36 AM
from what i can see, RP is not related to john lackland (http://www.livelyroots.com/kings/d1.htm#i18631) (king john of england); every other US president save one has been related through lackland to the english royal family:


and it seems that he's not a member of the CFR either:


so that's all good. i confess i find him doing the devil's hand more troublesome than the masonry links, but given that i appear to be going against the groupthink of GS-US, i'll continue to check this out and see if i find anything anywhere else.

5th January 2012, 04:58 AM
well here's one that surprised me, this symbol in american sign language means "i love you":


edited to add that the grandfather of the guy who started Ameslan is Peter Wallace Gallaudet, who fought in the american revolutionary war, making him of the one good guys. it does strike me as odd that this hand symbol is used to mean 2 apparently completely contradictory things; only conclusion i can draw is that you can't tell much from someone doing this. turns out that one of RP's grand children is deaf, so i'd be surprised if here didn't know the amslan meaning of the symbol.

alright some more editing, i lol at myself for having to check sites such as these (http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/False%20Religions/Wicca%20&%20Witchcraft/signs_of_satan.htm), but there is a difference between the "devil's hand" sign and the ameslan "i love you"; it appears the former is expressed with the thumb tucked away (presumably to represent just the horns), while the latter is as above. and RP is doing the ameslan version.


Celtic Rogue
5th January 2012, 07:03 AM

5th January 2012, 07:29 AM
I started a thread on this day 1 of the GSUS forum:

Thread: Ron Paul (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?22777-Ron-Paul)

snip from my OP:

His wife is a member of the Eastern Star. This is an organization for Masonic wives. His girls are "Rainbow Girls", a Masonic org for kids.

He is a member of the John Birch Society, a Rockefeller founded gatekeeper organization.

There is a billionaire in his corner, a Bilderberger by the name Peter Thiel.

Thiel is also a money supplier to the Rand Paul campaign.

Yeah I know, not this $h|+ again... :-X

If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal.

5th January 2012, 07:50 AM
I started a thread on this day 1 of the GSUS forum:

Thread: Ron Paul (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?22777-Ron-Paul)

snip from my OP:

Yeah I know, not this $h|+ again... :-X

Damn I'm saddened to recall that was you who made that thread.

Also bummed you quoted some yid instead of the original

"If voting made a difference they wouldn't let us do it" - Samuel Clemens

5th January 2012, 07:54 AM
Damn I'm saddened to recall that was you who made that thread.

Also bummed you quoted some yid instead of the original

"If voting made a difference they wouldn't let us do it" - Samuel Clemens

Sorry LS. I promise to repent.

5th January 2012, 08:03 AM
Also bummed you quoted some yid instead of the original

i got a chuckle from that

5th January 2012, 09:33 AM
I've found that a lot of the most convincing/effective controlled opposition have connections to the John Birch society. Ron Paul is a very dangerous man indeed.


7th January 2012, 06:09 AM
guest writer @ Makow's site,

Ron Paul's Masonic Jewish Economics (http://www.henrymakow.com/austrian_economics_is_masonicjewish_e.html)

January 4, 2012
Whether or not a currency is backed by gold makes no difference.
As long as we pay interest, it is still Masonic Jewish (i.e. Illuminati)
economics. The real alternative is interest-free currency.

by Anthony Migchels

As we know, the Illuminati Jewish Money Power likes playing the Hegelian Dialecticgame and controlling both sides of the conflict. Clearly, they will have their answer ready when their Fiat Empire comes to it's end.
