View Full Version : Stupid
9th February 2011, 06:03 PM
What I see here is .......................................
Good people but , .................
Think people................
Shit heads you have on one to blame but yours sele
9th February 2011, 06:04 PM
you lost me dogman. are we shitheads, stupid, or both? :conf:
9th February 2011, 06:07 PM
Forgot to take your meds?
9th February 2011, 06:07 PM
Last time you were writing like this you were fighting with Rich over that thing that happened in the past.
Try to let it go brother.
There are better avenues for you to expend your energy.
9th February 2011, 06:12 PM
Probably a mix of drugs and booz... sorry if your feeling bad Dogman... :-[
9th February 2011, 06:14 PM
lemme guess, someone spiked your beer with acid?
Are you still in college?
Cause shit like this usually happens in colleges.
9th February 2011, 06:15 PM
I might be a dickhead but I am not stupid............hey, hey, I didn't asked you.
9th February 2011, 06:30 PM
Do you say anything that makes sense?
9th February 2011, 06:41 PM
We can all try only so much
9th February 2011, 06:48 PM
OMG !!!!!!!!! I'm going insane.
That picture in Ratholer's avatar looks just like me when I was younger !!!!!!!
I thought I was seeing my twin for a second.
Dam!! girl .. you're hot!!!
9th February 2011, 06:59 PM
OMG !!!!!!!!! I'm going insane.
That picture in Ratholer's avatar looks just like me when I was younger !!!!!!!
I thought I was seeing my twin for a second.
Dam!! girl .. you're hot!!!
Ooooops e daisy i forgot da :sarc:
It couldn't have been more sarcastic... :P ...or witty!!!
9th February 2011, 07:45 PM
Dogman, are you blinded by your hatred again??
9th February 2011, 08:02 PM
Dogman, are you blinded by your hatred again??
Dogman is having one of those dog days, he's a good man. This too shall pass.
9th February 2011, 08:08 PM
Dogman, are you blinded by your hatred again??
Dogman is having one of those dog days, he's a good man. This too shall pass.
Yep, leave him be and it will pass.
9th February 2011, 08:17 PM
I've missed you, Golddust.
Please don't kiss off.
9th February 2011, 08:18 PM
The dog draws a lot of water in this town...
9th February 2011, 08:19 PM
I've missed you, Golddust.
Please don't kiss off.
Dogman we ever meet for beers the beers are on me. :)
9th February 2011, 09:20 PM
What I see here is .......................................
Good people but , .................
Think people................
shit heads you have on one to blame but yours sele
You are the troll from hell on here going back,
Some here can remember . mid 60's to 70?? and ink cartages , right before the real ball point
bic did concor all
RichG. suck Ass.
your half brother.. ;D
shit head. ;D
You are the troll from hell going back , is that it, you rejoin and now you have mod powers.
You need to go , go flush yourself .
9th February 2011, 09:32 PM
lemme guess, someone spiked your beer with acid?
Are you still in college?
Cause shit like this usually happens in colleges.
You can eat shit and die..rusky...
my fight is a no win but worthy fight to the bitter end.
and the hell with any forums,
then we have the peanut people.
I warned these forums about the inflamatory antonio who has a huge history.
We got a selfadmitted clown here trolling Hillbilly, egged on by the other troll from hell on here,
who also egged on another troll that hates us, who also egged on antonio.
All of you are the same.
One bullshit thread after another, YOU , Dogman, if you really are RichG brother.
After what you did you have no business here, nobody here opened more baloney
and trolling threads than you.
Some people think you have mod powers, I want to know exactly what is going on here.
You need to get lost along with the rest of the trolls.
You people should go to gim2 and try that shit over there.
You, Santa, CedarChopper, Antonio, Hillbilly.
Imagine what 100 skyvike drama queen rats could do.
9th February 2011, 09:40 PM
What I see here is .......................................
Good people but , .................
Think people................
shit heads you have on one to blame but yours sele
You were allowed back on this forum after your previous incarnation ban on ONE CONDITION - that this type of insane mental/drunken/whatever drama was in the PAST.
You've broken your word...
I'm giving you a month to think about this... see you in March.
9th February 2011, 09:42 PM
What I see here is .......................................
Good people but , .................
Think people................
shit heads you have on one to blame but yours sele
You were allowed back on this forum after your previous incarnation ban on ONE CONDITION - that this type of insane mental/drunken/whatever drama was in the PAST.
You've broken your word...
I'm giving you a month to think about this... see you in March.
How about I bump all his past threads so people know who this person is ?
These people are here to fucken mock us.
One monkey troll after another.
IF OLD SCHOOL POSTERS , want to join the trolls, be my guest, be their fool.
9th February 2011, 09:42 PM
MAGNES fighting the trolls...
they never stood a chance in HELL!!!...
9th February 2011, 09:52 PM
I am not the only one, his old posts and threads on here were very disturbing.
LibertarianGuard and others spoke out, these are lies, we are being played , trolled,
even if that is not the case the guy is pinning crimes on his brother RichG and
claiming he was in the mob, posting total jibberish one thread after another,
we all thought he was goned, meanwhile we have people here asking who Dogman
is and if he has any mod powers, why should he have any power here, he does
have some control, keeper of the library , please.
I just got in from work and I see stupid threads and a past troll openly admitting who he is.
9th February 2011, 09:54 PM
RichG or anyone in his family I would never welcome here.
9th February 2011, 09:55 PM
I am not the only one, his old posts and threads on here were very disturbing.
LibertarianGuard and others spoke out, these are lies, we are being played , trolled,
even if that is not the case the guy is pinning crimes on his brother RichG and
claiming he was in the mob, posting total jibberish one thread after another,
we all thought he was goned, meanwhile we have people here asking who Dogman
is and if he has any mod powers, why should he have any power here, he does
have some control, keeper of the library , please.
I just got in from work and I see stupid threads and a past troll openly admitting who he is.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't RichG one of Skyvike's sock puppets?
9th February 2011, 10:04 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't RichG one of Skyvike's sock puppets?
RichG was a mod on gim a real person with a real name known to many.
He is total enabler of skyvike bans against us, so because of that he does
not belong here IMO.
Dogman is that troll, claiming to be against RichG as his half brother.
Accusing his brother of all kinds of nasty stuff involved in mob.
wtf is that about ? I don't know and I don't care, it's non of our busines,
does not warrant one thread after another on here.
And it is totally unfair to RichG too as a real person.
Very good chance we are being played as well, who knows,
LibertarianGuard on here said so strongly I believe it was him,
some one correct me if I am wrong.
9th February 2011, 10:19 PM
Sorry folks, just don't enjoy your enthusiasm.
I like the Dogman. I considered him an asset, to this forum..and a friend. He will be missed.
Forum life shouldn't be this tough on folks.
9th February 2011, 10:20 PM
Dogman has shown every indication of being one of us for a long time, but occasionally gets drunk, or worse, and has some pretty heavy emotions, mixed with curt, short typing. I for one, Dogman, don't feel like it is my fault, I have felt like something was deeply wrong in society all my life and I have pursued that and it has brought me here among many other places. I am everyday trying to start a spiritual revolution among people, encouraging them to pursue any avenue of value and improve their station in life. I would die a happy man if I could convince people to improve their own stations.
I remember chatting with Gold dust (Dogman) on GiM1 in the crawfish thread. It wasn't until the schism that he made any mention of being related to Rich G. I was under the impression that while GiM1 was in operation, he was required to keep it a secret.
Dogman is no master troll. What kind of master troll makes threads like this? This doesn't unravel me a bit. At worst it's just one less thread that is informative, we're already pumping out the information here.
This is probably a real guy, who we have been chatting with for years, who is not doing so great right now.
That's what I got, I see no reason to assume the worst in this case.
9th February 2011, 10:23 PM
Bump his old threads, people are here for that shit.
Why would you trust someone that is trying to pin crimes on his brother ?
Trolls are humorous, it's funny say some trolls.
Deceiving people is cool. Posting stupidity is cool.
If Dogman was speaking ebonics someone may understand him.
9th February 2011, 10:25 PM
This is probably a real guy, who we have been chatting with for years, who is not doing so great right now.
That's what I got, I see no reason to assume the worst in this case.
This is how I feel. We...have a MAN down, and this forum turns it's back on that.
It's not right.
9th February 2011, 10:26 PM
This is probably a real guy, who we have been chatting with for years, who is not doing so great right now.
That's what I got, I see no reason to assume the worst in this case.
This is how I feel. We...have a MAN down, and this forum turns it's back on that.
It's not right.
Why don't you bump his old threads ?
9th February 2011, 10:30 PM
Why don't you bump his old threads ?
Why don't you kick him in the balls now that he's banned?
9th February 2011, 10:36 PM
The man is no troll. He is drunk or whatever, and posting here. I've been there more times than I would like. He has been banned, let him take it and that's it. To me there is no reason to question his sincerity.
9th February 2011, 10:39 PM
The man is no troll. He is drunk or whatever, and posting here. I've been there more times than I would like. He has been banned, let him take it and that's it. To me there is no reason to question his sincerity.
This should end this thread.
The Dogman will return, and he will be welcome. IMO.
9th February 2011, 10:40 PM
And now Dogman is gone? I am old and blind because I didn't see the why of it.
Gaillo? please explain to me, in private or in public, why he was banned, for which post?........I really would like to know, I now feel like if I were to blow my nose that I also would be in danger...........I have never lived with a gun at my head and never will.
9th February 2011, 10:42 PM
No harm no foul, right?
9th February 2011, 10:45 PM
And now Dogman is gone? I am old and blind because I didn't see the why of it.
Gaillo? please explain to me, in private or in public, why he was banned, for which post?........I really would like to know, I now feel like if I were to blow my nose that I also would be in danger...........I have never lived with a gun at my head and never will.
Jesus Ponce, read his posts. Gaillo's explanation is here in this thread. Or maybe it disappeared...
9th February 2011, 10:48 PM
And now Dogman is gone?
He was already banned or gonned a long time ago.
Better people than him have been banned.
Next people will be asking for mayhem to come back,
trolls on here will support him.
What is this thread about, same as all the other bullshit ones.
Create problems of one kind or another.
9th February 2011, 10:50 PM
This is how I feel. We...have a MAN down, and this forum turns it's back on that.
It's not right.
You can eat shit and die..rusky...
9th February 2011, 10:51 PM
No harm no foul, right?
You can eat shit and die..rusky...
9th February 2011, 10:51 PM
And now Dogman is gone?
You can eat shit and die..rusky...
9th February 2011, 10:51 PM
The man is no troll.
You can eat shit and die..rusky...
9th February 2011, 10:53 PM
Magnes, you are not being fair to the Dogman.
The man has earned respect. Give it to him.
9th February 2011, 10:57 PM
I don't like Antonio, I have never ever spoke to him this way,
and he does not like me, and he has never ever spoken this way
to me. And we had a couple of threads of beat downs.
And we were on a forum agora, where he could of if he wanted with no ban.
You can eat shit and die..rusky...
9th February 2011, 11:00 PM
Magnes, you are not being fair to the Dogman.
The man has earned respect. Give it to him.
9th February 2011, 11:02 PM
Magnes, you are not being fair to the Dogman.
The man has earned respect. Give it to him.
solid... the Dogman freaked out from 6 to 8pm... on a complete rampage...
This was his answer to one of my posts but I don't know what he meant, or if he was calling me a shit head...
"Personality I think you an d solid an a base leevel would work.
The last dam thing I have a thought obout/.;
small people, smite me, hehehe, just, a bunch of shit heads.
and no your shit does stinnk. shit heade"
I don't dislike him, but he was definitely, UNRESPECTABLY, out of line.
9th February 2011, 11:07 PM
My douchebag detector tells me there's a couple of prime candidates pushing for perma ban status. One is happily hanging himself on the rope he is being given. Pretty pathetic life existence to say the least, whether genuine or not.
My advice. Get a job, go outside and do something, make friends, volunteer somewhere, get a constructive hobby, be someone worth knowing. You're failing at life.
Make sure to grab their mac addresses. ;)
9th February 2011, 11:07 PM
And now Dogman is gone? I am old and blind because I didn't see the why of it.
Gaillo? please explain to me, in private or in public, why he was banned, for which post?........I really would like to know, I now feel like if I were to blow my nose that I also would be in danger...........I have never lived with a gun at my head and never will.
No worries'll never be banned or any guns held to your head.
You will though be dismissed as a drama whore and another cubano victim wanna be martyr....but that's your choice.
9th February 2011, 11:08 PM
and no your shit does stinnk. shit heade"[/b]
I don't dislike him, but he was definitely, UNRESPECTABLY, out of line.
You need to see the posts behind the posts...IE, the meaning behind the meaning...
The Dogman, has HIS days. It's about understanding that, and acceptance.
It's about seeing a man's intentions, for being true. Dogman has good intentions, I'd swear on it.
9th February 2011, 11:08 PM
Magnes, you are not being fair to the Dogman.
The man has earned respect. Give it to him.
solid... the Dogman freaked out from 6 to 8pm... on a complete rampage...
This was his answer to one of my posts but I don't know what he meant, or if he was calling me a shit head...
"Personality I think you an d solid an a base leevel would work.
The last dam thing I have a thought obout/.;
small people, smite me, hehehe, just, a bunch of shit heads.
and no your shit does stinnk. shit heade"
I don't dislike him, but he was definitely, UNRESPECTABLY, out of line.
I can cause a shit stir just by bumping his old threads if I can find them.
I don't like RichG and he does not belong here IMO but I actually stood
up for RichG and the attacks his " half brother " was making, totally
uncalled for on here , I think he even posted RichG's real name,
and I spoke out about that, RichG is not responsible for gim,
he was a mod , helper supporter, etc, totally uncalled for to have
his name posted here.
Solid, why don't your read through first, be careful, Dogman may post your real name.
Mayhem did shit like that too, I don't know if Dogman had IP data, email, if he did that is total garbage.
9th February 2011, 11:14 PM
Make sure to grab their mac addresses. ;)
BB, can you elaborate please, I don't think he is a mod, but I have no clue what info he has available.
This guy gives away personal information of his brother while accusing him of being in mob on here.
Mayhem did similar shit giving out personal information or pretending too.
These people are snakes and some here tell me I may be overdoing it.
9th February 2011, 11:15 PM
Solid, why don't your read through first, be careful, Dogman may post your real name.
Mayhem did shit like that too, I don't know if Dogman had IP data, email, if he did that is total garbage.
I think you are reaching. I think Dogman was a normal guy, who had good and bad days. I can relate to that.
I think Dogman should be unbanned. My opinion.
9th February 2011, 11:18 PM
Seems to me like he's got some type of substance or alcohol problem. I'd just give him a 3 - 5 day ban whenever he goes off the deep end.
It seems the only real damaging thing he's done is post people's personal information. There should be a harsher punishment for those types of actions.
9th February 2011, 11:32 PM
Take a look at his post history:;sa=showPosts
Scrolling down, before what the forum calls 4pm, his posts are intelligible and his normal up-beat personality shows through. He doesn't post for a few hours, then his post at 6:11 pm seems normal, with possibly a couple small oddities. After that he can no longer spell and his posts don't make any sense. They get less intelligible after that and his spelling gets worse with each post.
Clearly he was using some type of alcohol or drug and just needs to sober up.
9th February 2011, 11:35 PM
Wholly smokes !
He has two old accounts on here.
Please STOP posting these GIM1 related messages in General Discussion. ALL threads related to GIM belong in the "Discuss GIM" section. Thank you.
MOVED: sucking air
MOVED: LeVING STINKY TRAILS've-been-had!/ ('ve-been-had!/);D
9th February 2011, 11:39 PM
Magnes, you could put a man down if you wanted too..
I think Dogman/Golddust is a good person, I just feel it.
If you want to put him put me down too.
I'll take one for him.
9th February 2011, 11:43 PM
See if you can dig up any of his batshit crazy posts that are posted before 6pm. My theory is that they all occur after 5 or 6pm.
9th February 2011, 11:47 PM
Wholly smokes !
He has two old accounts on here.
Please STOP posting these GIM1 related messages in General Discussion. ALL threads related to GIM belong in the "Discuss GIM" section. Thank you.
MOVED: sucking air
MOVED: LeVING STINKY TRAILS've-been-had!/ ('ve-been-had!/);D
Wow MAGNES... good catch... the Libertarian Guard was onto this long ago...
9th February 2011, 11:48 PM
I am not doing anything , sorry solid, people post and it is fair game.
You want me to be quiet.
This is disturbing to me this guy can weasel his way back and have privileges here.
That's bullshit.
9th February 2011, 11:54 PM
Make sure to grab their mac addresses. ;)
BB, can you elaborate please, I don't think he is a mod, but I have no clue what info he has available.
This guy gives away personal information of his brother while accusing him of being in mob on here.
Mayhem did similar shit giving out personal information or pretending too.
These people are snakes and some here tell me I may be overdoing it.
The technical description:
"A MAC (Media Access Control) address, sometimes referred to as a hardware address, or physical address, is an ID code that's assigned to a network adapter or any device with built-in networking capability. While an IP address can potentially be assigned to any device, a MAC address is "burned into" a given device from the factory. A MAC address takes the form of six pairs of hexadecimal digits, usually separated by colons or dashes and will look something like this: 01:1F:33:69:BC:14. Hexadecimal digits can include only the numbers 0-9 and letters A-F"
In a nutshell, IP addresses are typically assigned on a lease duration of 7 days on average. MAC address changes require physically changing hardware. Depending on the level of trolling this can get very expensive rather quickly.
With some simple subnet allocation lookups for a particular ISP, it can become an even more effective method.
Disclosure: I'm undecided on the Dog. Personally I've never been messed up enough to call everyone around me a shit head, as the thought does not process regardless of what I consume. Just the same, I'm not familiar with any past histories. Still undecided.
My general rule in life is I make a point to evaluate people over a one month period before making up my mind on future predictability.
People have this absolutely wonderful tool in front of them to learn, discover, and share ideas. Why it is routinely abused against others is something I have yet to understand.
9th February 2011, 11:58 PM
I think Dogman/Golddust is a good person, I just feel it.
What a cogent epistemology! I feel X therefore X is true.
9th February 2011, 11:59 PM
Wow MAGNES... good catch... the Libertarian Guard was onto this long ago...
This is the exact BS that's going on here. This is how Dogman gets judged.
It's all a bunch of BS. There is no secret shill troll trying to infiltrate this ever so important forum.
It doesn't exist. It's a bunch of folks, like us, sharing information...that's it.
It would be pointless to try and even cause trouble....trouble of what? Like minded folk? It just makes no when the "masses" here try to out Dogman/Golddust....
I just ask, when is it your turn next? Are we not all on the chopping block?
Dogman is a good man. Ban him, ban me too.
10th February 2011, 12:01 AM
I think Dogman/Golddust is a good person, I just feel it.
Dogman is a good man.
Faulty epistemology confirmed.
10th February 2011, 12:10 AM
I think Dogman/Golddust is a good person, I just feel it.
Dogman is a good man.
Faulty epistemology confirmed.
Honestly....WTF is that supposed to mean?
What I see is a forum turning it's back on a member, Dogman.
This is what I see.
Ban him, ostracize him, your voice is what is being said.
I'm just speaking out. My opinion.
10th February 2011, 12:13 AM
This thread is turning out like the light skinned guy (Belfort) in my avatar.
Edit: Actually that's dogman, black guy is GSUS.
Edit edit:"Black guy is GSUS" LOL
10th February 2011, 12:15 AM
I think Dogman/Golddust is a good person, I just feel it.
Dogman is a good man.
Faulty epistemology confirmed.
Honestly....WTF is that supposed to mean?
I would advise finding out using a dictionary.
10th February 2011, 12:16 AM
I think Dogman/Golddust is a good person, I just feel it.
Dogman is a good man.
Faulty epistemology confirmed.
10th February 2011, 12:18 AM
This thread is turning out like the light skinned guy (Belfort) in my avatar.
Dude, I just watched 126 tonight.
Savage front kick.
10th February 2011, 12:19 AM
Wow MAGNES... good catch... the Libertarian Guard was onto this long ago...
This is the exact BS that's going on here. This is how Dogman gets judged.
It's all a bunch of BS. There is no secret shill troll trying to infiltrate this ever so important forum.
It doesn't exist. It's a bunch of folks, like us, sharing information...that's it.
It would be pointless to try and even cause trouble....trouble of what? Like minded folk? It just makes no when the "masses" here try to out Dogman/Golddust....
I just ask, when is it your turn next? Are we not all on the chopping block?
Dogman is a good man. Ban him, ban me too.
I joined GIM1 right when things were getting nasty there... bannings, accusations, internal things from the administration on down... the result of which was the creation of GSUS...
The disruptive personalities followed along like snakes and wormed their way into the top ranks here... This is when I started to see the good guys and the bad guys... Gaillo took the brunt of the attacks, even to the point of it affecting his personal health, he never gave up... I saw trolls pitting Gaillo against JQP... Magnes and others (including myself) stood firm with Gaillo against foes who had access to GSUS internals, they manipulated settings and targeted users... I myself, was targeted.
Just trying to offer some background info as to why this seems so intrusive... there are still some sensitive feelings about it and some of the original (disruptive) trolls are still with us... they desire to see the GSUS forum fail.
10th February 2011, 12:21 AM
This thread is turning out like the light skinned guy (Belfort) in my avatar.
Dude, I just watched 126 tonight.
Savage front kick.
I watched the "fight" again and it even surprised me after having already seen it.
10th February 2011, 12:23 AM
Dogman is a good man.
I am sure he is in real life maybe with some problems,
Why aren't you talking like him, telling someone to die ?
Why are you not doing what he does and did on here ?
Why take ownership of his behavior the way you are ?
Why should we make things more difficult for Gaillo on here ?
Why should he put up with people like that ? Being put in
bad spots for more trolls to attack him ? What is this forum
about, one troll and drama thread every day for trouble ?
I am just asking questions, don't expect answers, but some thought provoking.
Solid, if he was my brother or best friend in real life,
I would correct him, do you have a brother ? It's tough.
I would kick his ass if he embarrassed me in front of others.
Sorry solid, I understand what you are saying to a certain
degree but not totally.
I don't even like RichG and I am embarrassed for him and defended him.
He can pick up the phone and write a letter ,not inflame , what does that solve ?
10th February 2011, 12:25 AM
This thread is turning out like the light skinned guy (Belfort) in my avatar.
Dude, I just watched 126 tonight.
Savage front kick.
I watched the "fight" again and it even surprised me after having already seen it.
I put a link to the fight in the Ladies forum (Ladies MMA fights)
It still works... ;D
10th February 2011, 12:37 AM
Solid, if he was my brother or best friend in real life,
I would correct him, do you have a brother ? It's tough.
I would kick his ass if he embarrassed me in front of others.
He can pick up the phone and write a letter ,not inflame , what does that solve ?
I have 3 brothers. They never embarrass me and I would die to protect them.
10th February 2011, 12:40 AM
Solid, if he was my brother or best friend in real life,
I would correct him, do you have a brother ? It's tough.
I would kick his ass if he embarrassed me in front of others.
He can pick up the phone and write a letter ,not inflame , what does that solve ?
I have 3 brothers. They never embarrass me and I would die to protect them.
That is your business, and is not pertinent to the business that is on this forum.
I see this as a matter of property rights: JohnQPublic rents the server space where the forum is located. We ultimately use it as his discretion.
10th February 2011, 12:46 AM
I see this as a matter of property rights: JohnQPublic rents the server space where the forum is located. We ultimately use it as his discretion.
So help me God my opinion may be part of this forum...maybe a small part.
This forum is a collection of US, you and me, and everyone who chooses to post/lurk here.
Get off your high horse..and let it evolve.
10th February 2011, 12:50 AM
I see this as a matter of property rights: JohnQPublic rents the server space where the forum is located. We ultimately use it as his discretion.
So help me God my opinion may be part of this forum...maybe a small part.
This forum is a collection of US, you and me, and everyone who chooses to post/lurk here.
Get off your high horse..and let it evolve.
Via OED - forum (n.) a place, meeting, or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged (e.g.) it will be a forum for consumers to exchange their views on medical research
No, your opinion is not a part of this fourm, it is rather something that is exchanged in the medium of the forum. By the same definition, the forum is not a 'collection of us'.
Finally, do not presume to order me about. Might I suggest measuring your horse in lieu?
10th February 2011, 01:00 AM
No, your opinion is not a part of this fourm, it is rather something that is exchanged in the medium of the forum. By the same definition, the forum is not a 'collection of us'.
Finally, do not presume to order me about. Might I suggest measuring your horse in lieu?
My opinion is part of this forum. I am part of this forum, I am a member here.
This forum, believe it or not, is a team. We are a collection of individuals who give our opinions and voice our free men.
So. You are challenging our freedom. That's my conclusion. That is fine, as I, and others are up for challenges.
Be honest with your challenge, that is all that I ask.
10th February 2011, 01:00 AM
This thread is turning out like the light skinned guy (Belfort) in my avatar.
Edit: Actually that's dogman, black guy is GSUS.
Edit edit:"Black guy is GSUS" LOL
10th February 2011, 01:06 AM
No, your opinion is not a part of this fourm, it is rather something that is exchanged in the medium of the forum. By the same definition, the forum is not a 'collection of us'.
Finally, do not presume to order me about. Might I suggest measuring your horse in lieu?
My opinion is part of this forum. I am part of this forum, I am a member here.
This forum, believe it or not, is a team. We are a collection of individuals who give our opinions and voice our free men.
So. You are challenging our freedom. That's my conclusion. That is fine, as I, and others are up for challenges.
Be honest with your challenge, that is all that I ask.
Reiterating the prior argument is a poor form of counterargument. Please refer to the earlier posts addressing these matters, which one could consider challenges. Again, I consider this an issue of property rights (Rothbard et. al.).
10th February 2011, 01:13 AM
Reiterating the prior argument is a poor form of counterargument. Please refer to the earlier posts addressing these matters, which one could consider challenges. Again, I consider this an issue of property rights (Rothbard et. al.).
Honestly, counterarguments and property rights are not my concern right now.
I am loving FREE SPEECH, the bread and butter of this forum. So, you can kiss my ass, I am a free man with my own opinions, and the damn right to voice them, if I choose.
I'll consider THIS discussion, closed.
BTW: Orion, how are the EMD's, I hope when you transfer fuel from the 1's you get prime.
10th February 2011, 01:22 AM
This thread is turning out like the light skinned guy (Belfort) in my avatar.
Edit: Actually that's dogman, black guy is GSUS.
Edit edit:"Black guy is GSUS" LOL
Awesome, exactly what I was envisioning :)
10th February 2011, 01:29 AM
Reiterating the prior argument is a poor form of counterargument. Please refer to the earlier posts addressing these matters, which one could consider challenges. Again, I consider this an issue of property rights (Rothbard et. al.).
Honestly, counterarguments and property rights are not my concern right now.
I am loving FREE SPEECH, the bread and butter of this forum. So, you can kiss my ass, I am a free man with my own opinions, and the damn right to voice them, if I choose.
I'll consider THIS discussion, closed.
BTW: Orion, how are the EMD's, I hope when you transfer fuel from the 1's you get prime.
Counterarguments are property rights my concern. You have argued that my opinion is a 'part of this forum', we are all a 'team', etc. Given this response, it was all empty, sanctimonious rhetoric to give your position an air of legitimacy.
I suppose this thread was named in honour of Solid's conduct (ALL CAPS, unlettered style, blatant hypocrisy).
10th February 2011, 01:39 AM
Isnt this a stupid name for a thread....... :sun:
10th February 2011, 01:39 AM
Counterarguments are property rights my concern. You have argued that my opinion is a 'part of this forum', we are all a 'team', etc. Given this response, it was all empty, sanctimonious rhetoric to give your position an air of legitimacy.
I suppose this thread was named in honour of Solid's conduct (ALL CAPS, unlettered style, blatant hypocrisy).
You didn't answer my question, Orion. Did you properly blow down the EMD's, and make sure the DT was topped off? As long as the sherfy pad was tucked, you probably had a good shift. Or...did you forget to prelube the mains?
Damn, son...
10th February 2011, 01:43 AM
Solid and Orion,
You both just earned a 1 week timeout. I'm on the warpath tonight, NO patience for any more of this BS! >:(
C'mon, folks... you ALL know better than this by now - do you really think this kind of back-and-forth baiting and bickering amounts to civil, productive discussion among brothers in arms united in the fight against tyranny?
What the hell is up with the forum lately? World events not interesting and bizarre enough for people here... to the point they feel the need to create this wall of petty drama against each other? ???
10th February 2011, 05:56 AM
Solid and Orion,
You both just earned a 1 week timeout. I'm on the warpath tonight, NO patience for any more of this BS! >:(
C'mon, folks... you ALL know better than this by now - do you really think this kind of back-and-forth baiting and bickering amounts to civil, productive discussion among brothers in arms united in the fight against tyranny?
What the hell is up with the forum lately? World events not interesting and bizarre enough for people here... to the point they feel the need to create this wall of petty drama against each other? ???
why were they banned?
I didn't see any rules broken.
10th February 2011, 06:02 AM
Isnt this a stupid name for a thread....... :sun:
Seems fitting to me.
General of Darkness
10th February 2011, 06:16 AM
10th February 2011, 06:43 AM
If Magnes is looking for trolls, he might want to look into the hunter. 30 posts and 7 of them are on this thread ripping one long time member and baiting another into a ban.
Oh, sorry, I just realized that Orion agrees with Magnes so he can't be a troll.
Seriously, Magnes, I really appreciate the work you have done earlier in outing some of the worst trolls. You did research that noone else could or would do. But lately it seems that your troll-dar is a little overactive and you are finding them under every rock.
10th February 2011, 07:00 AM
I probably should stay out of this thread 3 pages deep, but...
Dogman has made consistently good posts with occasional drunken ramblings, totally out of character where he attacks anyone and everyone. I'm willing to forgive and forget, but I'd like a sober explanation from HIM when he is off the sauce.
I believe the old adage "In vino veritas" (In wine there is truth). Inebriated ramblings expose much.
Personally I think the ban should only last as long as he's under the influence, and then he owes us an explanation. If he's in need of compassion we should give it, but if he really has a deep disdain for us, he should go.
10th February 2011, 07:38 AM
Some times many parents wished that they could kill one of their kids and we here are also like a family where the "father" is killing his kids one by one...........however the last two had to be put in a corner till they cooled down...........................last month Gaillo was very proud when he told me that he had banned only two members in the last three months.......well, it looks to me that is going to be more from now on.
"Freedom of speech does not mean abuse of speech"... Ponce
10th February 2011, 08:05 AM
Just browsed the first page of this thread, and wanted to say that RichG was teh only moderator from GIM that I have any respect for.
Magnes, you may not agree, but I saw him grow in the time I was there. I taught him a lot about the true conspiracy, and he was not adverse to facing the hard truths involved.
Yes, he allowed the FMC to control GIM, but AFAIC RichG was not one of the top mods, and was basically powerless to stop it, and not only that, I doubt he even knew what was going on.
10th February 2011, 08:30 AM
This is 2011. This isn't Mayberry anymore. The unstable are nothing more than a grave liability wtshtf. The title of this thread is perfect.
10th February 2011, 08:34 AM
I'd just give him a 3 - 5 day ban whenever he goes off the deep end.
10th February 2011, 08:36 AM
Gaillo is the best mod I've seen to date.
Arguing in a thread that already has earned bannings, and ironically about the bannings in particular, is suicide.
10th February 2011, 08:52 AM
Bob? it all depends how you express yourself when doing me freedom of speech means just that ............unless ,of course, that you think that the monitors at this site are like the ones at GIM.
10th February 2011, 08:56 AM
I'd just give him a 3 - 5 day ban whenever he goes off the deep end.
Please don't post anymore of these child-abuse pics. They are VERY disturbing, to say the least. Sickening.
Thank you.
10th February 2011, 09:40 AM
Bob? it all depends how you express yourself when doing me freedom of speech means just that ............unless ,of course, that you think that the monitors at this site are like the ones at GIM.
Yes I would agree it's a fine line, and depends completey on circumstances. The circumstances were at limit imo.
It's like someone coming up to you 100 times a day and asking you the same innocent question. At some point there's going to be an episode, while an outsider will say whoa?!! what's the problem, it was such an innocent question?!?!
When a friend is peaked, it's usually a bad time to ask for a favor, or push the envelope (argumentitive factor) my experiences anyway.
10th February 2011, 09:54 AM
It's gonna be pretty lonely in the fitness section 'til solid and Antonio are back. :'(
10th February 2011, 09:58 AM
Where is Solid?
10th February 2011, 09:58 AM
It's gonna be pretty lonely in the fitness section 'til solid and Antonio are back. :'(
Never a good idea to take physical advice from someone emotionally unfit.
I vote permaflush for the latter.
10th February 2011, 09:59 AM
If Magnes is looking for trolls
This guy was a douce bag troll on here going back, that only came out after this retarded thread
where he attacks everyone, even wishes death on people.
I didn't know who he was, he admitted it himself on 2 stupid threads.
This guy comes back after 3 incarnations and earns peoples trust, disturbing.
And he has privileges on here of some kind.
Wholly smokes !
He has two old accounts on here.
Please STOP posting these GIM1 related messages in General Discussion. ALL threads related to GIM belong in the "Discuss GIM" section. Thank you.
MOVED: sucking air
MOVED: LeVING STINKY TRAILS've-been-had!/ ('ve-been-had!/);D
This guy was let off easy by Gaillo, Gaillo didn't even mention this.
I don't like Antonio, I have never ever spoke to him this way,
and he does not like me, and he has never ever spoken this way
to me. And we had a couple of threads of beat downs.
And we were on a forum agora, where he could of if he wanted with no ban.
You can eat shit and die..rusky...
10th February 2011, 10:06 AM
It's gonna be pretty lonely in the fitness section 'til solid and Antonio are back. :'(
Never a good idea to take physical advice from someone emotionally unfit.
I vote permaflush for the latter.
He actually didn't have bad fitness advice. But for politics I agree. He should be confined to non-political, non-scatological topics.
10th February 2011, 10:18 AM
Where is Solid?
He's banned at the moment...
10th February 2011, 10:23 AM
Bob? it all depends how you express yourself when doing me freedom of speech means just that ............unless ,of course, that you think that the monitors at this site are like the ones at GIM.
If "free speech" was absolute here:
10th February 2011, 10:29 AM
This guy was a douce bag troll on here going back, that only came out after this retarded thread where he attacks everyone, even wishes death on people.
Drop it man or you will be the fourth one to earn a ban on this thread. Go outside and do something real with real people, and lay off the internet forum for a while.
10th February 2011, 10:33 AM
This guy was a douce bag troll on here going back, that only came out after this retarded thread where he attacks everyone, even wishes death on people.
Drop it man or you will be the fourth one to earn a ban on this thread. Go outside and do something real with real people, and lay off the internet forum for a while.
Read his past trolling from this summer, people have a short memory.
All these trolls and troll threads I have spoken out against and people still let it divide.
I had no idea who this guy was, he admitted who he was.
People should be held accountable.
Posting to their past behavior if it shames them we need more of it.
I have a right to respond to other people and I will when I see them being deceived.
I want to know what this persons privileges were on these forums.
This thread he comes in attacking everyone, he is fair game.
Again there are links.
Enough already, we've been had!'ve-been-had!/
10th February 2011, 10:36 AM
Bob? it all depends how you express yourself when doing me freedom of speech means just that ............unless ,of course, that you think that the monitors at this site are like the ones at GIM.
If "free speech" was absolute here:
"Free Speech" does not mean there are no consequences to what one says...
willie pete
10th February 2011, 10:50 AM
Bob? it all depends how you express yourself when doing me freedom of speech means just that ............unless ,of course, that you think that the monitors at this site are like the ones at GIM.
If "free speech" was absolute here:
"Free Speech" does not mean there are no consequences to what one says...
Right, it's like yelling "FIRE" in a theatre or making death threats towards someone
14th February 2011, 05:43 AM
Where is Solid?
He's banned at the moment...
14th February 2011, 06:46 AM
Take a look at his post history:;sa=showPosts
Scrolling down, before what the forum calls 4pm, his posts are intelligible and his normal up-beat personality shows through. He doesn't post for a few hours, then his post at 6:11 pm seems normal, with possibly a couple small oddities. After that he can no longer spell and his posts don't make any sense. They get less intelligible after that and his spelling gets worse with each post.
Clearly he was using some type of alcohol or drug and just needs to sober up.
I just found this thread and read through it. Don't know why I missed it earlier.
Maybe he took one of these pills....
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