View Full Version : Woman Has Worm In Eyeball

9th February 2011, 08:56 PM
CAUTION - Contains graphic images.


willie pete
9th February 2011, 09:07 PM
^^she probably had them other places too :D ....I doubt that was the only one

Still Barbaro
9th February 2011, 09:12 PM
Yes, worms can get into the eye ball.

I take a worm pill every 6 months.

There was once a girl who sold fruit in my neighborhood that head dead worms in the whites of her eyes. I don't know if it's possible to get them out. I doubt it.

10th February 2011, 12:47 AM
A 15hz zapper kills parasites in the whole body, via electricity:

(damp paper tower to avoid direct contact with pulsed copper):

You barely feel it.


10th February 2011, 05:08 AM
Uhh, you may want to do some serious research before using that zapper.

Not to sound like a know-it-all, but electricity takes the path of least resistance, which means it will go from hand to hand, passing directly through the heart (This is fact).

The widely accepted rule is that it only takes 100 milliamps to stop the heart, ans some people say it only takes 50 milliamps.

That's 0.05 amps.

I wouldn't use that thing until you knew the specs of it.

7th trump
10th February 2011, 05:21 AM
Uhh, you may want to do some serious research before using that zapper.

Not to sound like a know-it-all, but electricity takes the path of least resistance, which means it will go from hand to hand, passing directly through the heart (This is fact).

The widely accepted rule is that it only takes 100 milliamps to stop the heart, ans some people say it only takes 50 milliamps.

That's 0.05 amps.

I wouldn't use that thing until you knew the specs of it.

I'm an technician/electrician with 5 years of college in the field. Yes .05amps can kill, but whats the voltage?
Electricity does take the least resistence path as a rule of thumb, but if that was the case, there would NOT be one piece of electronics that would work.

10th February 2011, 05:23 AM
I'm reminded of why one of my greatest role models, the documentary naturalist David Attenborough, said he didn't believe in God. He said something along the lines of, "If you accept that God created all things, then you must accept that God also created all of the horrible parasites as well. Including the worm inside of the eye of a young boy in Africa that is slowly and painfully making him go blind."

10th February 2011, 06:45 AM
Uhh, you may want to do some serious research before using that zapper.

Not to sound like a know-it-all, but electricity takes the path of least resistance, which means it will go from hand to hand, passing directly through the heart (This is fact).

The widely accepted rule is that it only takes 100 milliamps to stop the heart, ans some people say it only takes 50 milliamps.

That's 0.05 amps.

I wouldn't use that thing until you knew the specs of it.

I'm an technician/electrician with 5 years of college in the field. Yes .05amps can kill, but whats the voltage?
Electricity does take the least resistence path as a rule of thumb, but if that was the case, there would NOT be one piece of electronics that would work.

What the hell kind of gibberish is this? "Rule of thumb"?? I MUST be misunderstanding what you posted, if indeed your stated credentials are true.

Sorry dude, Ohm's law is not a "rule of thumb", it's physical reality, predictable and unchanging.

In truth, human skin has a HUGE amount of resistance, so a low application of voltage will not pass a significant amount of current through it. In the picture above of the zapper, current is flowing along the skin from positive to negative.

10th February 2011, 07:57 AM
Well, with the electric (tens) zapper that I use on my head twice a week, I already wrote about it, I know that at least my head has no worms..................I wonder if I should attached also attached to my belly?

10th February 2011, 08:15 AM
I'm an technician/electrician with 5 years of college in the field. Yes .05amps can kill, but whats the voltage?
Electricity does take the least resistence path as a rule of thumb, but if that was the case, there would NOT be one piece of electronics that would work.

Electronics work because of componant isolation. Electricity is forced to flow through certain componants by way of the electrical connection.
Ohms law is Ohms law.

Please don't tell me Murray is reinterpreting Ohms law now too!

And as Brewtech stated, if the voltage is low, the electricity will tavel across the skin.
However that defeats the purpose of the "Zapper" because it certainly won't kill worms in your eyeballs, will it?

If the voltage is high enough to overcome the resistance of the skin, it will make a leap into the bloodstream and follow the shortest route through your body to the exit point, and holding it in both hands is invariably going to let it pass right through your heart, where the greatest concentration of low-electrically-resistant blood is at any given time.

Moisture, sweat, cuts, callouses, and other factors play a role in your own electrical resistance. which you can measure yourself with a meter.

10th February 2011, 08:20 AM
Well, with the electric (tens) zapper that I use on my head twice a week, I already wrote about it, I know that at least my head has no worms..................I wonder if I should attached also attached to my belly?
Nah, keep working on your head! We will tell you when your head is properly de-wormed ;) ;D

7th trump
10th February 2011, 10:53 AM
I'm an technician/electrician with 5 years of college in the field. Yes .05amps can kill, but whats the voltage?
Electricity does take the least resistence path as a rule of thumb, but if that was the case, there would NOT be one piece of electronics that would work.

Electronics work because of componant isolation. Electricity is forced to flow through certain componants by way of the electrical connection.
Ohms law is Ohms law.

Please don't tell me Murray is reinterpreting Ohms law now too!

And as Brewtech stated, if the voltage is low, the electricity will tavel across the skin.
However that defeats the purpose of the "Zapper" because it certainly won't kill worms in your eyeballs, will it?

If the voltage is high enough to overcome the resistance of the skin, it will make a leap into the bloodstream and follow the shortest route through your body to the exit point, and holding it in both hands is invariably going to let it pass right through your heart, where the greatest concentration of low-electrically-resistant blood is at any given time.

Moisture, sweat, cuts, callouses, and other factors play a role in your own electrical resistance. which you can measure yourself with a meter.

YADA YADA Awoke............electricity still flows through the body regardless of blood stream, bone, nerves.
Actually your nerves are the least resistive than blood and why the heart stops because the current coming through heart muscle nerves over powers the signal from the brain to pulse the muscle to make it beat. You can make any resistive network you like and apply any amount of volt/amps to it and you can use ohms law to figure each voltage drop of each resistor in every leg of the network.

10th February 2011, 11:01 AM
What if you just grabbed onto an electric fence? :dunno

10th February 2011, 02:06 PM
I've been using it for years and I'm not dead. It's powered from a single 9V battery. Thanks for the words of caution but I've had good results with it. I use it in burts of 7 minute sessions.

10th February 2011, 03:45 PM
Well, with the electric (tens) zapper that I use on my head twice a week, I already wrote about it, I know that at least my head has no worms..................I wonder if I should attached also attached to my belly?

Ponce, I think we've solved the missing posts mystery. ;D

10th February 2011, 07:43 PM
I'm an technician/electrician with 5 years of college in the field. Yes .05amps can kill, but whats the voltage?
Electricity does take the least resistence path as a rule of thumb, but if that was the case, there would NOT be one piece of electronics that would work.

Electronics work because of componant isolation. Electricity is forced to flow through certain componants by way of the electrical connection.
Ohms law is Ohms law.

Please don't tell me Murray is reinterpreting Ohms law now too!

And as Brewtech stated, if the voltage is low, the electricity will tavel across the skin.
However that defeats the purpose of the "Zapper" because it certainly won't kill worms in your eyeballs, will it?

If the voltage is high enough to overcome the resistance of the skin, it will make a leap into the bloodstream and follow the shortest route through your body to the exit point, and holding it in both hands is invariably going to let it pass right through your heart, where the greatest concentration of low-electrically-resistant blood is at any given time.

Moisture, sweat, cuts, callouses, and other factors play a role in your own electrical resistance. which you can measure yourself with a meter.

YADA YADA Awoke............electricity still flows through the body regardless of blood stream, bone, nerves.
Actually your nerves are the least resistive than blood and why the heart stops because the current coming through heart muscle nerves over powers the signal from the brain to pulse the muscle to make it beat. You can make any resistive network you like and apply any amount of volt/amps to it and you can use ohms law to figure each voltage drop of each resistor in every leg of the network.

Better. Get that from Wikipedia?


(I keed)

Government Chee-tos
11th February 2011, 04:51 PM
I'm reminded of why one of my greatest role models, the documentary naturalist David Attenborough, said he didn't believe in God. He said something along the lines of, "If you accept that God created all things, then you must accept that God also created all of the horrible parasites as well. Including the worm inside of the eye of a young boy in Africa that is slowly and painfully making him go blind."

He who made kittens..
..put snakes in the grass.

-Jethro Tull