Road Runner
10th February 2011, 06:42 AM
We have a good friend/neighbor who was diagnosed with this. He is young. My thoughts in asking here were in the hope that someone out there has known someone with this and knows of some treatment that has worked in slowing the symptoms. Thanks for taking the time to read it.

Large Sarge
10th February 2011, 06:54 AM
ozone therapy (ozone saunas are great to detoxify the body)

look into orthomolecular medicine, high dose niacin (build up to nausea tolerance), vitamin C, fresh ground flax seed

mineral & multivitamin support also

10th February 2011, 07:05 AM
We have a good friend/neighbor who was diagnosed with this. He is young. My thoughts in asking here were in the hope that someone out there has known someone with this and knows of some treatment that has worked in slowing the symptoms. Thanks for taking the time to read it.

I watched a good friend die of this a few years ago. There is no cure nor treatment. And I can't imagine a worse way to die. Long and drawn out, the patient becomes unable to move anything from the neck down. And towards the end it gets even worse. He could live for another 7 years or so, but it's hard to call it living.

I doubt I'll ever know of another friend to die in a more drawn out way.

Large Sarge
10th February 2011, 07:13 AM
high dose niacin might surprise you....

I know they have cured/treated M.S. with it.

linus pauling, and abram hoffer believed in niacin and vitamin C



10th February 2011, 07:22 AM
i, like lib guard, lost a friend to it. pretty much what lib guard said, it's a very bad way to go.

when my friend was diagnosed we went and did all sorts of crazy stuff because he knew. rock climbing, chartered fishing trips, etc. he really live it up for a year or so.

anyway, condolences to both you and your friend.

Twisted Titan
10th February 2011, 07:37 AM
Tag for later

My wife son had a form of MS she was able to reverse with some powerful cocktails.

I will talk with her tonite to get a better grip on the story.

My former Boss died from LG

Very sad way to go....... but what was even sadder was that he did it to himself.

He got a Flu shot and one of the side effects is LG.

10th February 2011, 08:43 AM
I think Marijuana may be one of the best counter measures for this horrible disease. One of it's hall marks is lack of apetite and depression, which speeds up the associated muscle wasting. Further Marijuana has some neurotrophic effects in it's stimulation of blood flow to the brain. Better to eat it, than to smoke it, especially in this disease which tend to have negative effects on lung function.

Road Runner
10th February 2011, 10:42 AM
Thank you all so much, I talked to our friend this morning and he is willing to try something different. He hasn't had flu shots. He hasn't heard of any niacin treatments so I will wait a few days to see how many people respond and use the information to possibly come up with something to help him. I appreciate each and every person here helping out. It always amazes me how people who don't know each other will pull together to help someone else out. |--0--|

10th February 2011, 01:38 PM
Cure zone is a good forum for health issues...........

http://www.google.com/custom?hl=en&client=pub-0846790371736460&cof=FORID:1%3BGL:1%3BLBGC:336699%3BLC:%230000ff%3B VLC:%23663399%3BGFNT:%230000ff%3BGIMP:%230000ff%3B DIV:%23336699%3B&domains=curezone.com&sitesearch=curezone.com&oe=ISO-8859-1&&sa=X&ei=ZVpUTfy8LY7MuAO-7YWcBQ&ved=0CAgQBSgA&q=lou+gehrig%27s&spell=1

10th February 2011, 02:08 PM


April 27, 1999

This article was posted at


and we thank the author, John, for his excellent research. The article has since been taken down, and we have been unable to reach the author to request his permission, but we respectfully give credit to the source.

According to the manufacturer, Thyodine contains about 40 mcg. (micrograms) of Iodine per tablet. The manufacturer has now added 50 mcg. of selenium per tablet. Thyodine now contains a relatively balanced amount of selenium and iodine. We recommend a total daily intake of 200-400 mcg./day of selenium, depending upon body size.

Selenium and iodine are two minerals which are critically important in the proper functioning of the thyroid. While the importance of iodine has been known a long time, the importance of selenium has only been discovered and explored since 1990. Much research is presently being conducted on the functions of these two minerals in thyroid function and it is becoming clear that there is an interaction between the two. Iodine has a seemingly simple role in the thyroid-it is incorporated into the thyroid hormone molecule.

A deficiency of iodine will cause hypothyroidism and if this is severe and occurs during pregnancy, the offspring will be mentally damaged and is called a cretin. Cretinism, or myxeodematous cretinism as it is sometimes called, is not only caused by an iodine deficiency, but is also influenced by a selenium deficiency. Iodine apparently has just one function in the body-in the thyroid.

Selenium, on the other hand, performs many functions. At the beginning of the 1990s it was discovered that the deiodinase enzymes which convert T4 (thyroxin, the thyroid prohormone) into T3 (triiodothyronine, the cellularly active hormone) and also convert T3 into T2, thereby degrading it, are selenium enzymes (formed with the amino acid cysteine). This discovery has led to a lot of research studies on the effects of selenium, iodine, and their interactions.

Selenium also performs other important roles in the body. The most important of these is probably as its role as the body's best antioxidant (anti-peroxidant). It performs this role as part of glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx or GPX). As part of GPX, selenium prevents lipids and fats from being peroxidized (oxidized), which literally means that it prevents fats from going rancid (this can be seen on your skin as "age spots" or "liver spots" (autopsies show that skin "liver spots" are accompanied by similar spots of peroxidized fats in the liver.) Therefore selenium protects all of the cellular membranes, which are made up of fats, from peroxidation. Peroxidation of cellular membranes reduces the ability of the membrane to pass nutrients including minerals and vitamins, so selenium deficiency is the first step toward developing the many problems caused by nutrient deficiencies.

Joel Wallach considers a selenium deficiency combined with high intake of vegetable oils (salad dressings, margarine, cooking oils) as the "quickest route to a heart attack and cancer." It seems that the body uses a lot of selenium to protect the fats from peroxidation. Polyunsaturated fats which are hydrogenated or heated become the same as rancid fats and large amounts of selenium are then needed to protect the body. Consumption of these dietary fats can thus lead to a selenium deficiency.

Selenium is also essential for the production of estrogen sulfotranserfase which is the enzyme which breaks down estrogen. A deficiency of selenium can thus lead to excessive amounts of estrogen, which may depress thyroid function, and also upset the progesterone-estrogen balance.

Wallach also lists other effects of selenium deficiency: anemia (red blood cell fragility), fatigue, muscular weakness, myalgia (muscle pain), muscular dystrophy (white muscle disease in animals), cardiomyopathy (sudden death in athletes), heart palpitations, irregular heartbeat, liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, Lou Gehrig's and Parkinson's diseases (mercury toxicity), Alzheimer's Disease (high intake of vegetable oil), sudden infant death syndrome (and possibly "breathlessness" in adults, jj), cancer, multiple sclerosis, and sickle cell anemia.

10th February 2011, 02:11 PM
Has he tried fasting? A 5382 day fast with nothing but air will do wonders.

11th February 2011, 09:59 AM
Has he tried fasting? A 5382 day fast with nothing but air will do wonders.

Yes, a 14.74 year fast will do wonders!

Should look great in the casket after about 3 months.

Must be that city air. Have you tried pure himilayan mountain air? :D

11th February 2011, 11:18 AM
It's not funny. Stop joking about it.

If you doubt some of the cures mentioned, that's fine. I'm not convinced either, but this person has nothing to lose, so they might as well try something.

Your mocking serves no purpose and only exposes you as an asshole.

Road Runner
11th February 2011, 02:09 PM
I don't want to take a chance and say much here as I don't want this thread to take off in a distasteful direction. I sent some pm's to some of you. I read cthulu's post yesterday and thought it surely was about a fast, but I thought the same thing as MNeagle, maybe something worded wrong or some code to the numbers I didn't get. So I thanked him for his input and figured I would come back today when I had more time and re-read it. Anyways thats all I will say here. Thanks everyone.

11th February 2011, 04:07 PM
coenzyme Q10 a lot of it
