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10th February 2011, 01:05 PM
Just Had A Breakthrough

This morning I was on the phone with someone near and dear. I have known her for 40 years and have been encouraging her to buy physical silver for the last ten years.

At my suggestion to take social security early at 62, she has done that and expects the money to begin arriving in May, well over $1,000 per month. In fact, Ponce encouraged me to take my own social security early and I am so grateful that he did. It has made my life so much easier with the added income.

So back to the story. She was wondering what to do with the money soon to be pouring in and once again I suggested that she buy one ounce silver rounds. She got so excited that she said she wasn’t going to wait for the SS checks and immediately get out the phone book and look up some local coin stores and call them. She may buy with some of the money she has just lying about doing nothing but losing purchasing power. Funny but I first typed purechasing power. Oops, guess my Freudian slip is showing.

About 8 years ago I gave her some silver rounds which she still has and reminded me about. I told her that I had bought them long ago for about $5 per ounce and now they are about $30 per ounce. Got the feeling that I had just smacked her upside the head with a 2X4. I then told her that several articles had come out with predictions of silver going wild on the upside and possibly soon.

With the early taken SS money converted into physical silver, she may be on the road to building her own REAL retirement program. I hope it works out for her; we sure can’t depend on the stock market or government.

In summation, don’t be discouraged in telling the silver story. You never know what or when their minds will click into gear and hit the throttle. In my case this morning, she left skid marks !

Best wishes,


10th February 2011, 01:11 PM
nice story. i keep hoping i will have one of these moments with my family, but for now, they keep buying AAPL.

10th February 2011, 01:28 PM
I stopped telling folks... two-three years ago I was telling people...

One guy calls me up last November 2010, and starts blaming me,

He says, "why didn't you tell me about silver..."

I said, "I did..."

He said, "No you did not... I could have been buying all this time"

I said, "How did you know I know about silver?"

He said, "You gave me some two years ago"

:-[ :-\ ::)

10th February 2011, 01:45 PM
I stopped telling folks... two-three years ago I was telling people...

One guy calls me up last November 2010, and starts blaming me,

He says, "why didn't you tell me about silver..."

I said, "I did..."

He said, "No you did not... I could have been buying all this time"

I said, "How did you know I know about silver?"

He said, "You gave me some two years ago"

:-[ :-\ ::)
Some people just have a funny way of giving compliments!

10th February 2011, 01:50 PM
the high-tech bubble made thousands reach

the housing bubble made hundredth of thousands reach

jump on silver, because now silver is in a bubble.

silver has not jet made no one reach

that is yet future

therefore jump on silver, silver is in a bubble.
;D :D

10th February 2011, 03:09 PM
nice story. i keep hoping i will have one of these moments with my family, but for now, they keep buying AAPL.

Thanks chad. I think we who know the silver (and gold) story owe it to tell those we care about and can trust. After all, this is life changing stuff.

The more people learn and then buy silver, the sooner it will be exposed and corrected to its true value and price. This is a sort of economic grass roots movement; it can only come by the masses of people voting with their pocketbooks. Otherwise, everyone will eventually become too poor to buy and the precious metals will concentrate in the hands of the rich and powerful (TPTB).

Best wishes and keep the faith that some will in time appreciate what you have been telling them,


10th February 2011, 03:23 PM
I stopped telling folks... two-three years ago I was telling people...

One guy calls me up last November 2010, and starts blaming me,

He says, "why didn't you tell me about silver..."

I said, "I did..."

He said, "No you did not... I could have been buying all this time"

I said, "How did you know I know about silver?"

Hi and thanks Ximmy for the best laugh in a long time.

Isn’t that the way many people think ? That we who know are going to pound on their skull until they give in.

And the punch line was precious, "You gave me some two years ago".

Maybe if you had thrown the silver at him and hit him in the head would have knocked some sense into him.

You might recall what the spot silver price was two years ago to remind him of what he lost by not listening then. No, no… too cruel.

Best wishes and I gave you a thanks; it made my day !


He said, "You gave me some two years ago"

:-[ :-\ ::)

Hi and thanks Ximmy for the best laugh in a long time.

Isn’t that the way many people think ? That we who know are going to pound on their skull until they give in.

And the punch line was precious, "You gave me some two years ago".

Maybe if you had thrown the silver at him and hit him in the head would have knocked some sense into him.

You might recall what the spot silver price was two years ago to remind him of what he lost by not listening then. No, no… too cruel.

Best wishes and I gave you a thanks; it made my day !


10th February 2011, 06:40 PM
I stopped telling people years ago! And as far as the people I did tell I have refreshed their memory that I am into numismatic coins. I am a harmless coin collector not a bullion hoarder.

11th February 2011, 02:02 PM
It'll ALL be "numismatic" silver before long! ;D


12th February 2011, 06:26 PM
the high-tech bubble made thousands reach

the housing bubble made hundredth of thousands reach

jump on silver, because now silver is in a bubble.

silver has not jet made no one reach

that is yet future

therefore jump on silver, silver is in a bubble.
;D :D

Hi G2rad. I agree, silver IS in a bubble. I believe in its infancy as of now. However, how much larger and for how long will it continue to increase ? And will it later pop like real estate or the stock markets ? After all we’re talking about physical MONEY, not some paper hedged product touted by the Wall Street dream/nightmare weavers. And physical silver isn’t like a house, deeply hedged with a mortgage.

George Soros recently stated that gold was in a bubble. But I understand that he is buying large quantities of gold. Sounds contradictory but it isn’t; merely misleading to those who don’t look deeper. As the old saying says “Don’t listen to what I say, listen to what I do.”

Best wishes,


12th February 2011, 07:01 PM
Hi Trinity and Ragnarok. When people asked what my hobby was, I replied that I collected money. That always got a confused look. HaHa

I do collect sterling silver pieces when I can find them. I pay about spot price of the 92.5% silver content. Many of the pieces are 100 years old and have spectacular workmanship. Time will tell if they someday have a premium over their spot silver melt price. Should be interesting and I am in no hurry to find out. Collecting sterling silver at near spot prices can go on only as long as a premium doesn’t begin to develop.

I remember that JoeJeweler of the old GIM website also collected sterling silver. He is the only other member I can recall who was always looking for more sterling.

With silver spot prices around $30 now, it seems that a lot of PM buyers think the price is too high. I believe that it is still a screaming bargain. When I have extra cash around I would be happy to obtain more silver but lately there have been so many other things I have purchased for the future that I have too little left over to buy more silver that the cost of the gas to the coin store. I do have $1,200 worth of nickels but as Ponce says, that coinage is made by the US Treasury Department and NOT by the Feral Reserve. And the metal value in a nickel os over 7 cents right now. Imagine buying money at 40% below face ! Take in a worn out $100 bill and receive a heavy brick of nickels. I’ve heard that banks redeeming paper dollars for nickels and pennies will be discontinued soon; if it hasn’t already in some places.

Right now I’m calculating the additional cost of a home power system. A week ago I bought 24 6 volt deep cycle batteries. They were such a bargain that I couldn’t turn them down. Now I need the inverter, charger and wiring. Later a diesel generator for long term charging and for 220V appliances and the well. At least Noah’s Ark didn’t have electricity to deal with. Candles are more my area of lighting expertise.

I can only guess at the payback time frame for my home power system. Maybe 4 or 5 years. I’m not going heavily into solar panels; too pricey.

Best wishes,


12th February 2011, 07:22 PM
I’ve heard that banks redeeming paper dollars for nickels and pennies will be discontinued soon;

agnut it only makes sense that that will happen. It's just an extension of what happened in 1933 and 1964.
One day they will refuse to redeem debit card (or chip) money for paper dollars. JMHO

13th February 2011, 08:06 PM
Agnut, first, let me thank you for your continuing efforts to educate us, first at GIM1 and now here.

Second, I would like to say that buying 1 ounce of gold , and some silver, and following what is going on, has given me more of an education about how our corrupt financial system REALLY works (or should I say, doesn't work), than all the preceding years of education and reading Forbes, Wall Street Journal, etc.