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10th February 2011, 07:26 PM

Latest Dees image

10th February 2011, 08:18 PM

10th February 2011, 08:25 PM
I'm just going off memory here, but the Latin Vulgate translation of the scripture does indeed have the word rapture in it, just in Latin, I believe it's "rapturos" or something to that degree. Is it the opinion of Dees that 1 Thess 4:17, "Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord", was added in to the Scofield Bible? Considering this verse is in the King James version I don't see how...

10th February 2011, 08:31 PM
The idea he proposes is that the saints are raptured up before the tribulation occurs... which is not his original idea either.. the idea is early 19th century

10th February 2011, 08:46 PM
But how much is the Scofield bible used? I only read the KJV.

10th February 2011, 09:11 PM
But how much is the Scofield bible used? I only read the KJV.

That was a big surprise. Your boobs are anoying sore in the eye. Would you cover them up?

11th February 2011, 08:40 AM
But how much is the Scofield bible used? I only read the KJV.

That was a big surprise. Your boobs are anoying sore in the eye. Would you cover them up?

There is an option here to not display avatar pictures.

Besides, what is offensive about boobs?

Did your god not create them?

11th February 2011, 03:47 PM
But how much is the Scofield bible used? I only read the KJV.

I think it is more his footnotes and perverted interpretation of Scripture that makes it garbage. AFAIK the whole dispensationalism nonsense was his creation.

They have a good presentation of the criminal scofield here


14th February 2011, 10:59 AM
Besides, what is offensive about boobs?
Did your god not create them?

sirgonzo, there is an intended purpose for your reproductive organ and it does not include flashing it in public. Please explain how a picture of your reproductive organ can add value to this forum.

14th February 2011, 10:12 PM
Besides, what is offensive about boobs?
Did your god not create them?

sirgonzo, there is an intended purpose for your reproductive organ and it does not include flashing it in public. Please explain how a picture of your reproductive organ can add value to this forum.

It brings me joy every time I see it, although it also brings sadness since every time I see it I wish they were at least C's.

15th February 2011, 06:51 AM
Besides, what is offensive about boobs?
Did your god not create them?

sirgonzo, there is an intended purpose for your reproductive organ and it does not include flashing it in public. Please explain how a picture of your reproductive organ can add value to this forum.

Adam and Eve were naked in the Garden, and it wasn't a problem until Eve ate the fruit and got all ashamed for being naked.

If nakedness were a problem in the beginning, why didn't God clothe them or else tell them that they were wrong for being naked (or for not being ashamed)?

15th February 2011, 07:55 AM
Besides, what is offensive about boobs?
Did your god not create them?

sirgonzo, there is an intended purpose for your reproductive organ and it does not include flashing it in public. Please explain how a picture of your reproductive organ can add value to this forum.

Boobs are a reproductive organ? Damn public schools givin' me the wrong info again! Here I was thinking they were milk secreting mammary glands having the main function of providing nourishment for an infant human.

15th February 2011, 08:20 AM
It brings me joy every time I see it, although it also brings sadness since every time I see it I wish they were at least C's.

what is your interpretation of the following passage?

But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

15th February 2011, 08:22 AM
It brings me joy every time I see it, although it also brings sadness since every time I see it I wish they were at least C's.

what is your interpretation of the following passage?

But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

It's kinda funny that it's talking about "lusting after women" and "offensive right hands" together.


15th February 2011, 08:23 AM
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

Every single hetero guy on Earth has sinned then. Without exception.


15th February 2011, 08:25 AM
It brings me joy every time I see it, although it also brings sadness since every time I see it I wish they were at least C's.

what is your interpretation of the following passage?

But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

It's kinda funny that it's talking about "lusting after women" and "offensive right hands" together.


lol ;D

15th February 2011, 08:31 AM
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

Every single hetero guy on Earth has sinned then. Without exception.


According to the doctrine of original sin, everyone who has a man for a father (a man being a male member of mankind) is born a sinner damned to Hell anyway, so you might as well enjoy looking at beautiful women.

15th February 2011, 12:26 PM
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

Every single hetero guy on Earth has sinned then. Without exception.

According to the doctrine of original sin, everyone who has a man for a father (a man being a male member of mankind) is born a sinner damned to Hell anyway, so you might as well enjoy looking at beautiful women.

the same logic could be used to justify rape & murder.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
15th February 2011, 12:34 PM
I learned something new from that pic.

15th February 2011, 12:38 PM
Isn't there someone here who's afraid of penguins?

15th February 2011, 12:47 PM
Isn't there someone here who's afraid of penguins?

Oh yeah,... Kregener: "Penguins scare me" :D :D :D

15th February 2011, 12:50 PM
But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

Every single hetero guy on Earth has sinned then. Without exception.

According to the doctrine of original sin, everyone who has a man for a father (a man being a male member of mankind) is born a sinner damned to Hell anyway, so you might as well enjoy looking at beautiful women.

the same logic could be used to justify rape & murder.

Well, looking at a women doesn't harm anyone else like rape/murder does, but I see what you mean.

This is why the doctrine of "original sin" is silly from the start.

It means a newborn baby is just as much a sinner as a cold-blooded killer, or someone who thinks a girl is pretty.

Sin=sin=sin, and thinking-of-committing-a-sin=sin.

If your father was a man, merely being alive constitutes sinning, but don't kill yourself, 'cuz that's a sin too!

15th February 2011, 02:00 PM
why everything and everywhere has to be turned into a pornography?

if you enjoy looking at boobs or annuses - why don't you go to a pornography website?

no, they have to parade their naked vaginas and dicks all over, in front of me

they have to make "a statement"

Here is the picture of a reproductive organ and it has to be in front of your eyes, because that picture defines us as a person.

Degenerate generation.

If this forum wants to be a pornography website - go ahead and change its Constitution first.

Remove "gold", remove "silver", remove the word "freedom" and add your stinky dicks, asses and boobs.

Let's see how you can compete with professional pornografy websites. Let see how your dismal boobs compare to real stuff.

15th February 2011, 02:11 PM
why everything and everywhere has to be turned into a pornography?

if you enjoy looking at boobs or annuses - why don't you go to a pornography website?

no, they have to parade their naked vaginas and dicks all over, in front of me

they have to make "a statement"

Here is the picture of a reproductive organ and it has to be in front of your eyes, because that picture defines us as a person.

Degenerate generation.

If this forum wants to be a pornography website - go ahead and change its Constitution first.

Remove "gold", remove "silver", remove the word "freedom" and add your stinky dicks, asses and boobs.

Let's see how you can compete with professional pornografy websites. Let see how your dismal boobs compare to real stuff.

Those are penguins...

15th February 2011, 04:57 PM
It means a newborn baby is just as much a sinner as a cold-blooded killer, or someone who thinks a girl is pretty.

Anyone who believes nonsensical doctrines like that is a christian zionist or a moron, pardon the redundancy.

15th February 2011, 05:17 PM

15th February 2011, 05:19 PM
It means a newborn baby is just as much a sinner as a cold-blooded killer, or someone who thinks a girl is pretty.

Anyone who believes nonsensical doctrines like that is a christian zionist or a moron, pardon the redundancy.

When I read the bible, that's the impression I got; that man is a sinner from birth, and sin is sin.

The only reason babies are kinda "exempt" is because of the vague "age of accountability" that they must reach before being held accountable for their sins and lack of belief in Christ.

An honest, hard-working man who doesn't believe in Christ is just as much a sinner and just as damned as a murderous thief.

Actually, according to the bible and my plain reading of it, an honest, hard-working man who doesn't believe in Christ is MORE damned than a murderous thief who "repented and accepted Christ" on his deathbed. The honest man is damned to eternal burning in Hell. The murderous 'christian' thief is awarded with everlasting life in Heaven.

15th February 2011, 06:55 PM
why everything and everywhere has to be turned into a pornography?

if you enjoy looking at boobs or annuses - why don't you go to a pornography website?

no, they have to parade their naked vaginas and dicks all over, in front of me

they have to make "a statement"

Here is the picture of a reproductive organ and it has to be in front of your eyes, because that picture defines us as a person.

Degenerate generation.

If this forum wants to be a pornography website - go ahead and change its Constitution first.

Remove "gold", remove "silver", remove the word "freedom" and add your stinky dicks, asses and boobs.

Let's see how you can compete with professional pornography websites. Let see how your dismal boobs compare to real stuff.


Nobody except YOU looking at the penguins sees a stinky "anus" "dick" "vagina" or "reproductive organ".

:oo--> been in therapy long?

16th February 2011, 08:49 AM
Nobody except YOU looking at the penguins sees a stinky "anus" "dick" "vagina" or "reproductive organ".

:oo--> been in therapy long?

Nobody except me? So what?
Nobody except me owned gold and silver among my friends.
they were sending me to a therapiest too.
now they are eating their words :)
one day same will happen with you, Book

16th February 2011, 09:00 AM
The PTB through the media brainwashed millions like you into porn addicts and sex perverts

there is a purpose:
1. humans that are reduced into beastly sex-addicts are easy to control
2. animal-man will neglect to remember his rights as a child of most High God.

keep publishing the pinguin-dick tits, its all on you

I am through with that ;D

16th February 2011, 11:40 AM
The PTB through the media brainwashed millions like you into porn addicts and sex perverts

there is a purpose:
1. humans that are reduced into beastly sex-addicts are easy to control
2. animal-man will neglect to remember his rights as a child of most High God.

keep publishing the pinguin-dick tits, its all on you

I am through with that ;D

They're only penguins...

17th February 2011, 04:29 PM
The PTB through the media brainwashed millions like you into porn addicts and sex perverts

there is a purpose:
1. humans that are reduced into beastly sex-addicts are easy to control
2. animal-man will neglect to remember his rights as a child of most High God.

keep publishing the pinguin-dick tits, its all on you

I am through with that ;D

I wholeheartedly agree that the jews dominate the porn industry and use their media dominance to push sex on everyone. However I do take exception to calling those of us who aren't offended by a girl with tits smaller than most older men having her chest painted, "sex addicts and perverts" I think that is just overkill.

There is certainly a difference between porn and art, are you offended by Michelangelo's David, because it shows a weiner, or do you admire the art because it is real life, not hidden or distorted by clothes? Do you put the statue of David, on the same plane as ron jeremey's jewish filth?

I sincerely hope people read, and digest these 2 articles

"Extending the subversive thesis, Jewish involvement in the X-rated industry can be seen as a proverbial two fingers to the entire WASP establishment in America. Some porn stars viewed themselves as frontline fighters in the spiritual battle between Christian America and secular humanism. According to Ford, Jewish X-rated actors often brag about their ‘joy in being anarchic, sexual gadflies to the puritanical beast’. Jewish involvement in porn, by this argument, is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion. Astyr remembers having ‘to run or fight for it in grammar school because I was a Jew. It could very well be that part of my porn career is an “up yours” to these people’. Al Goldstein, the publisher of Screw, said (on lukeford.net), ‘The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism.’ Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream (and is no doubt consumed by those very same WASPs), its subversive character becomes more charged. Porn is no longer of the ‘what the Butler saw’ voyeuristic type; instead, it is driven to new extremes of portrayal that stretch the boundaries of the porn aesthetic. As new sexual positions are portrayed, the desire to shock (as well as entertain) seems clear."



17th February 2011, 05:09 PM