View Full Version : 19 Scary Facts About Getting A Job In America

12th February 2011, 06:24 PM
19 Scary Facts About Getting A Job In America


Be thankful if you have one.

Americans say unemployment is a bigger crisis today than at any time since Reagan, according to Gallup.

Although hiring is improving, that improvement is gradual and the outlook for many Americans is bleak. Especially the record number of 99ers, the baby boomers with no money saved for retirement, the college debt slaves who can't get a job, and the factory workers who don't have skills for the new economy.

Getting a job today means going up against terrifying odds.

Doom Slideshow: http://www.businessinsider.com/getting-a-job-in-america-2011-1##ixzz1Dnli0Lrt

12th February 2011, 06:25 PM
Be an illegal and you won't have to work.....mi no piki ingli........

12th February 2011, 06:43 PM
19 Scary Facts About Getting A Job In America


Be thankful if you have one.

Americans say unemployment is a bigger crisis today than at any time since Reagan, according to Gallup.

Although hiring is improving, that improvement is gradual and the outlook for many Americans is bleak. Especially the record number of 99ers, the baby boomers with no money saved for retirement, the college debt slaves who can't get a job, and the factory workers who don't have skills for the new economy.

Getting a job today means going up against terrifying odds.

Doom Slideshow: http://www.businessinsider.com/getting-a-job-in-america-2011-1##ixzz1Dnli0Lrt

I have always had to be flexible when looking for a job, sad that some folks are only trained for one thing in one field, I guess I learned well from my elders, you gotta be a good bullshitter and flexible to get hired.

From slopping hogs to dental asst, swather/bailer tractor driver, waitress, weigh-master, secretary, CNA, to running our BBQ resturant, to sheet metal girl, to running my own business.

12th February 2011, 06:52 PM
I'm going to start collecting benefits as an underprivileged white Christian male...

12th February 2011, 06:53 PM
Damn, MNeagle, those are some scary facts! I don't know which one is the worst, but the one that really got me was that 47% of the USA is fully employed. Wow!

zap, I am one of those people who has only done one thing their entire adult life. I may get lucky and be hired out of pity for something else, but I only really know how to do one thing. I've never even waited tables or anything. It's as if I was born writing code.

And let me tell you all about scary . . . I am a contractor, so if I no longer have work, I don't even get unemployment. Yikes! My solution: Do the very best work that I can, in a timely and pleasant manner, and enjoy my life while I can, because it could become very different at any time.

the biss
12th February 2011, 08:03 PM
Lord this frustrates the living daylights out of me! We've been sold a bad bill of goods here in America since WWII. Here's how success was defined for me by my babyboomer parents as I grew up: Go to school and get good grades so you can get into the college of your choice. Graduate with honors so you can get a good job. Work that job and save so you can retire at the age of 65 and enjoy your twilight years in an RV or in Florida.

HORSE HOCKEY! Fortunately for me, I've always been of the mind to observe what everyone else is doing, then do the exact opposite. Here is a great blog article I read entitled: End of Work, End of Affluence III: The Rise of Informal Businesses

The kind of thinking I grew up with is NOT what made America great. We WERE a nation of small, privately owned enterprises. We WERE a place where community members worked together, all members engaging in pure free enterprise and Capitalism. Success was defined then by OWNING YOUR OWN BUSINESS!

Nowhere in The Good Book is retirement mentioned. I realize that I am probably going to work until I die. I am a small business owner and I work hard to ensure my business' success. I make enough money to cover my family's expenses and put some away. We're not rich, but we're happy, and that seems like success to me.

12th February 2011, 08:12 PM
& biss, your business is a GREAT business imo.

You really should put its website in your sig (and post more often too). Every little bit helps right?

12th February 2011, 08:21 PM
I am beggining to see the sheeps running around with nowhere to hide..........

Still Barbaro
12th February 2011, 08:31 PM
Lord this frustrates the living daylights out of me! We've been sold a bad bill of goods here in America since WWII. Here's how success was defined for me by my babyboomer parents as I grew up: Go to school and get good grades so you can get into the college of your choice. Graduate with honors so you can get a good job. Work that job and save so you can retire at the age of 65 and enjoy your twilight years in an RV or in Florida.

Yes. This was the expected eventuality. It was a process. It was automatically believed, and not questioned. So common and strong were these expectations, that no one really discussed them.

I was born in 1970, and around 1991 at Uni I started studying the changes that were happening with the middle class decline, jobs, disappearing pensions, outsourcing, etc.

But my friends that stayed in my hometown were not aware and thought they would live like their baby boomer parents. Golfing and fishing every day at 65. It was almost a right.

Now they are 40, and they know that they will be working until they drop. They chose to have lots of debt, also. Ambitious yes, but they never had a good job (they just didn't realize it wasn't a good job until much later).

HORSE HOCKEY! Fortunately for me, I've always been of the mind to observe what everyone else is doing, then do the exact opposite. Here is a great blog article I read entitled: End of Work, End of Affluence III: The Rise of Informal Businesses

I do the same thing. I observe what everyone else is doing. in 2006, 06, 08, and 08 people told me to take out a mortgage again and go into the housing market (buy a house). I would be down 25% if I would have done that.

Knee-jerk following of the heard. Fortunately for me, I've never done that.

the biss
12th February 2011, 08:34 PM
& biss, your business is a GREAT business imo.

You really should put its website in your sig (and post more often too). Every little bit helps right?
Done! And a tacky picture uploaded to boot!

12th February 2011, 08:38 PM
That's a great avatar, they look well-fed on healthy foodstuffs from your store!!


12th February 2011, 08:50 PM

12th February 2011, 11:46 PM

couldn't rtesist

13th February 2011, 07:43 AM
The kind of thinking I grew up with is NOT what made America great. We WERE a nation of small, privately owned enterprises. We WERE a place where community members worked together, all members engaging in pure free enterprise and Capitalism. Success was defined then by OWNING YOUR OWN BUSINESS!

Nowhere in The Good Book is retirement mentioned. I realize that I am probably going to work until I die. I am a small business owner and I work hard to ensure my business' success. I make enough money to cover my family's expenses and put some away. We're not rich, but we're happy, and that seems like success to me.

Somewhat agree, wrong understanding of concepts.

OWNING YOUR OWN BUSINESS is what USA stands for. You can make yourself into a success in this country, it is not HARD although it is hard work. If you are accustomed to 9-5 office job in front of a computer with 2 hour coffee breaks - foggetaboutit, indians and chinese can do it too.

pure free enterprise and Capitalism

Here's where the idea is wrong. this is a definition of USURY. This is what Banksters hide in the definition they want you to think it is some other obscure "private ownership of the means of production", but it is USURY that defines "free capitalism". Pure free enterprise and Capitalism is what made America, and generally self-proclaimed "1st world" suffer and collapse into Socialist Kleptocracies, with Communism for a few superrich oligarchs and slavery for many.

7th trump
13th February 2011, 08:06 AM
The kind of thinking I grew up with is NOT what made America great. We WERE a nation of small, privately owned enterprises. We WERE a place where community members worked together, all members engaging in pure free enterprise and Capitalism. Success was defined then by OWNING YOUR OWN BUSINESS!

Nowhere in The Good Book is retirement mentioned. I realize that I am probably going to work until I die. I am a small business owner and I work hard to ensure my business' success. I make enough money to cover my family's expenses and put some away. We're not rich, but we're happy, and that seems like success to me.

Somewhat agree, wrong understanding of concepts.

OWNING YOUR OWN BUSINESS is what USA stands for. You can make yourself into a success in this country, it is not HARD although it is hard work. If you are accustomed to 9-5 office job in front of a computer with 2 hour coffee breaks - foggetaboutit, indians and chinese can do it too.

pure free enterprise and Capitalism

Here's where the idea is wrong. this is a definition of USURY. This is what Banksters hide in the definition they want you to think it is some other obscure "private ownership of the means of production", but it is USURY that defines "free capitalism". Pure free enterprise and Capitalism is what made America, and generally self-proclaimed "1st world" suffer and collapse into Socialist Kleptocracies, with Communism for a few superrich oligarchs and slavery for many.

Capitalism is not usery.
Communism is usery..........................havent ya notice lately whats been going on with the current affairs?

Nobody has forced you to go buy the most expensive laudry soap on the shelf to say you got used. Usery is when you are left with the only laudry soap available under government control at the price they say it will be. Nor has anybody stopped you from making your own laundry soap.......yet!

13th February 2011, 10:22 AM
pure free enterprise and Capitalism

Here's where the idea is wrong. this is a definition of USURY. This is what Banksters hide in the definition they want you to think it is some other obscure "private ownership of the means of production", but it is USURY that defines "free capitalism". Pure free enterprise and Capitalism is what made America, and generally self-proclaimed "1st world" suffer and collapse into Socialist Kleptocracies, with Communism for a few superrich oligarchs and slavery for many.

Actually FreeEnergy, if I understand your point, you are correct. Free Market Capitalism is being used as a comforting euphemism for outright usury.

There is a huge and intentional cognitive dissonance that has occurred in our thinking. The Hegellian dialectic of Capitalism,> Socialism, Fascism and< Communism. The assumption that these ideas oppose one another is false.

The two counter poised concepts of capitalism and communism were thought up by the same people at the same time and have been used to great advantage for over a 150 years. Corporatism, or Fascism is a sophisticated variant of political Capitalism.

Free Market Capitalism, which is what we currently live under, was designed to control and monopolize the marketplace by maintaining a "privately owned" Centralized International fractional reserve Banking Cabal that produces and distributes capital (money) through the monetary system that is currently being foisted on the world.

This same banking cabal has been the financier(lender) for all the large multinational Corporations(debtors) brought about through fraud, acquisitions and mergers.

"Free enterprise" is what we all wish for, but it cannot exist under a Capitalist or a Communist system because they both operate under the same central banking monetary system methodology.

Free enterprise, or Americanism was what Adam Smith was referring to in the early days of the US, not Capitalism.

"Capitalism was a pejorative term supposedly coined by Karl Marx in the mid to late nineteenth century to describe the class of men he called the "elite" or bourgeois who owned and controlled all of “society’s capital resources,

so ‘Capitalism’ was a word and a phenomenon neither used by, nor known to Adam Smith. Capitalism was a wholly late 19th-century experience. The Oxford English Dictionary (Vol II, p 863) locates its first usage in English in 1854 by William Makepeace Thackeray in his novel, The Newcomes. Thackeray wrote it in satire to point to the gluttony of the elite class.

Karl Marx published, in German, Das Kapital, in 1867 and subsequent translations introduced the word ‘capitalism’ to his readers some years later (Moscow's 'Marxist' editors during the Soviet era ‘interpolated’ the new word of capitalism into his works as if Marx himself had written it).

While Marx may have read Thackeray, it is unlikely that Thackeray read Marx in time to include the word, capitalism, thirteen years earlier in his novel.

Of the word ‘capitalist’, this was first used in English in 1792, by Arthur Young (Travels in France) and it was used by Turgot (in French) in his ‘Reflections on the Formation and the Distribution of Riches’ LXIII-IV, 1770.

If Adam Smith is ‘known’ as the ‘father of capitalism’, it is 20th-century accolade of which he knew nothing, nor, to be accurate, deserved. This is an example of projecting modern notions onto the past. In other words, a lie to glorify Capitalism and con the populace.

I only make these points to show that modern Capitalism has little to do with what so many breathlessly and erroneously claim it to mean. A moral imperative toward self and property ownership or personal freedom, which is of course what we assuredly don't have under Free Market Capitalism.

Capitalists are TPTB. Not you and I. Capitalists are the International Banksters and the heads of Multinational Corporations. The "elite," not the hard working people of free and sovereign countries.

In other words, we were all sold a bill of goods, both east and west.

the biss
13th February 2011, 03:09 PM
I would argue that what you've made a macro economic situation out of my statement. Ultimately, capitalism is where business is privately owned and operated in order to turn a profit. In the event of my business, that profit is paid to my family and covers the day-to-day operational expenses of that family.

Notice your use of a capital C vs my use of a lowercase c. Ya'll are arguing that Corporatism is capitalism. I had this same conversation with a fellow vendor at the farmer's market a few months ago. She made the comment that capitalism was bad, and to blame for all the woes our country is experiencing. I turned to her and said, "You know Jann, you're a capitalist."

I thought she was going to crawl out of her skin.

I said, "Look. You're in a farmers market, selling your free range eggs and organic chicken meat for a profit. You raised the animals of your own free will, and are offering them to our market in the hopes that your sales will cover your operational expenses and give you some additional money to live on."

"Your customers get to choose between your chicken products and the chicken products of the gal across the way. You can influence their decision by offering a better product or higher customer service, or a variety of other things. That makes you a capitalist, and there is nothing wrong with that."

"Your issue is with Corporatism, just one step below Fascism... and that's what we're beginning to experience in the US right now... the collusion of large scale Capitalistic business with labor groups and government. We see it all the time with the success of the lobbying trade in DC. The corporatists are lobbying the gov't to legislate small scale capitalists like you and I out of business."

And then I mentioned Monsanto and the conversation went off in a different direction all together...

13th February 2011, 04:33 PM
Very good point. There has been a concerted effort to conflate the term 'capitalism' as being synonomous with corporatism (and other bad isms). I'm always shocked at how many people fall for the word association trick... that is, the propaganda strategy of discrediting a person or group by repeatedly mentioning the person or the group along with something negative in the same sentence or breath. The best example is the justification for the Iraq war back in the day based on mentioning 'Iraq' and 'terrorist' in the same sentence.


I would argue that what you've made a macro economic situation out of my statement. Ultimately, capitalism is where business is privately owned and operated in order to turn a profit. In the event of my business, that profit is paid to my family and covers the day-to-day operational expenses of that family.

Notice your use of a capital C vs my use of a lowercase c. Ya'll are arguing that Corporatism is capitalism. I had this same conversation with a fellow vendor at the farmer's market a few months ago. She made the comment that capitalism was bad, and to blame for all the woes our country is experiencing. I turned to her and said, "You know Jann, you're a capitalist."

I thought she was going to crawl out of her skin.

I said, "Look. You're in a farmers market, selling your free range eggs and organic chicken meat for a profit. You raised the animals of your own free will, and are offering them to our market in the hopes that your sales will cover your operational expenses and give you some additional money to live on."

"Your customers get to choose between your chicken products and the chicken products of the gal across the way. You can influence their decision by offering a better product or higher customer service, or a variety of other things. That makes you a capitalist, and there is nothing wrong with that."

"Your issue is with Corporatism, just one step below Fascism... and that's what we're beginning to experience in the US right now... the collusion of large scale Capitalistic business with labor groups and government. We see it all the time with the success of the lobbying trade in DC. The corporatists are lobbying the gov't to legislate small scale capitalists like you and I out of business."

And then I mentioned Monsanto and the conversation went off in a different direction all together...

13th February 2011, 06:05 PM
Biss, I'm not inferring anything about your business, and really quite admire it from what I can tell.

I also agree that we need to be careful and properly understand the meaning of these terms.

You make a good point about Corporatism, but doesn't corporatism still fall within the broader definition of capitalism?

Is there one without the other? I mean, while we have been existing under the notion that we have a free market because you and I and anyone can invest in those publicly traded Corps. The fact of the matter is they aren't really even public and the average investor doesn't really own anything. The fact is those Corps are "privately owned" by a handful of shareholders. The same people that own the Banks. The market is really just a Ponzi scheme.

I'm telling ya, I pray these farmers markets can hang in there. I pray your fellow capitalist vendor can raise up her children before better funded competition wipes out her little gig. Or yours.

No, I think that while we congratulate ourselves for our wonderful capitalist system, our monetary system becomes privatized, our resource base becomes privatized, our infrastructure becomes privatized, and our government becomes privatized, all under the guise of Capitalism, till one day we wake up and discover that we ourselves are property.

13th February 2011, 06:09 PM
Capitalists are TPTB. Not you and I. Capitalists are the International Banksters and the heads of Multinational Corporations. The "elite," not the hard working people of free and sovereign countries.

Capitalists Jews are TPTB. Not you and I. Capitalists Jews are the International Banksters and the heads of Multinational Corporations. The "elite," not the hard working people goyim of free and sovereign countries.


13th February 2011, 07:17 PM
No, I think that while we congratulate ourselves for our wonderful capitalist system, our monetary system becomes privatized, our resource base becomes privatized, our infrastructure becomes privatized, and our government becomes privatized, all under the guise of Capitalism, till one day we wake up and discover that we ourselves are property.

The government won't be privatized. That would force things to actually happen. What happens now is the people in charge get basically whatever they want by manipulating the simple minds of people to vote for whatever they want. Like playing chess against a kid - just throw a bishop out on the board and the kid will go for it thinking he's winning the game while he's actually just doing what you want him to. An adult in life is a lot like a kid playing chess - they think 2 moves ahead a most.

What we have now is people vs people. That's the beauty of it. No one would stand to discover that they were property, but we can stand that it's people in control. And it truly is just people in control. Anyone can basically do anything they wish. Everyone really could vote for a random third party candidate next election. They won't, but that hope and knowledge that they could is what keeps things simple. Everyone could turn their TV's off tomorrow. They won't, but they could, and that's what makes TV appear different than big brother.

No one's forcing anyone to take loans, or watch TV, or eat junk, or vote for stupid crap, or any of it. People are just so simple that they do it all to themselves. We have the internet here that will tell you how to fix anything you want, build whatever you want, solve your health issues if you want, talk to anyone you want... and it doesn't matter. It doesn't need to be censored because the majority censors it for themselves. People are simple, never plan ahead, always just reacting. There's no cunning out there. Remember, we're not supposed to be cunning, that's a nasty trait. Just win that chess game with good sportsmanship... yeah right...

13th February 2011, 08:33 PM
The government won't be privatized.

The government is already privatized.

Granted, while government busy work is done by the malleable masses, the big moves are made by the owners for the sake of growth and profit.

Government, as the parent corporate entity, is compelled to expand and profit just like any other corporation.