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12th February 2011, 07:52 PM

Still Barbaro
12th February 2011, 08:39 PM
Yup. the Elites send in the military when all else fails. I'm reading "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" by John Perkins, now.

The old question: how benefits?

Twisted Titan
12th February 2011, 09:26 PM
From the YouTube Comments

The Enemy is whomever the people who you swore an oath to obey tell you it is. Media whore. All he wants is his 15 minutes. Shouldn't have enlisted if you didn't want to serve.

I am former US Army. I did what I had to. I followed orders. THAT was my job. That was my occupation that I (Just like this person speaking) volunteered for.

There will plenty of work for this Fellow in Law Enforcement or at the local FEMA camp

12th February 2011, 10:33 PM
From the YouTube Comments

The Enemy is whomever the people who you swore an oath to obey tell you it is. \


Hahaha....the only difference is the guy in the VID woke up while he was there....

13th February 2011, 06:05 AM
The Enemy is whomever the people who you swore an oath to obey tell you it is.

?!?!? Good God, exactly who does this guy think he swore an oath to obey????? ?!?!? Scary.
BTW, I sent the video to a bunch of diehard republican types I know. You know, the type of person who thinks you are not an American, if you question the use of the military in any way (brainwashed by FOX and the Neo-cons). I'm sure it will be well received. ;D

Still Barbaro
13th February 2011, 07:55 AM
Military men are ZOGBOTS.

Nothing more; nothing less.

Don't sign the dotted line.

The civilian gov and military want young, uneducated men to be the puppets of the elites.

Same 2,000 years ago, as today.

13th February 2011, 08:09 AM
Excellent video...Well spoken and true.

13th February 2011, 08:57 AM
Military men are ZOGBOTS.

Nothing more; nothing less.

Don't sign the dotted line.

The civilian gov and military want young, uneducated men to be the puppets of the elites.

Same 2,000 years ago, as today.

And then they poison them with vaccines...