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View Full Version : 100s of dead, uninjured birds found on Lake Charles LA roadways - vid

13th February 2011, 09:30 AM
Again with the "on/near roadways" shit! Doesn't this ahem, "odd tendency" for these recent mass-dead-bird-discovery (always discovered in the morning IE the event happened overnight) events to be around roadways sort of beg some questions? Of course the friendly gummit biologist woman in the video below notes that these Tree Swallows fly in tight packs, and they were prolly just flying erratically (overnight) and got hit by cars. At 2 different roadways a mile apart. At the same time. And they all died with no apparent physical trauma. 100s of them. No drivers stepping forward to tell the tale of how they were just driving along and suddenly got assaulted by 100s of kamikaze-birdees. Very common, happens every year, move along nothing to see here. :D

Recall the midnight Beebe AR bird die off, they were everywhere-- yards, rooftops, etc. But later bird kills have been on/near roadways...
New Years Omen? Thousands Of black birds, Fish Dead (http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/new-years-omen-thousands-of-black-birds-fish-dead/msg161870/#msg161870)

Here's the story:
Hundreds of dead birds discovered in Lake Charles (http://www.myfoxal.com/Global/story.asp?S=14005986)
