View Full Version : A Disillusioned 99'er Shares His Disappointment With The American Dream

14th February 2011, 03:48 PM
Welcomes Death

"Mark", a member of the ever growing cadre of disillusioned, disenchanted and disgruntled millions of American unemployed, has written a letter shared by A Company of One, in which he explains the plight of 99'ers (those whose extended unemployment benefits are set to expire) in which he chronicles his plight and his terminal disappointment with the American system. One can only imagine how all the "99'ers" would feel if they did not have the benefit of living at least partially subsidized for 2 years in the socialist state of America. If Bahrain is any indication, where the government's attempt to purchase the love of its people just failed today, pretty soon not even the 99 weeks of EUCs will do much to suppress what is an unmistakably rising anger among the broad US population.

From Mark's letter:

To the unemployed, sick, disabled and poor:


I'm unemployed over two years now, a 99er without any benefits for three months. I followed Unemployed Friends almost from its start, never posted until now, but am grateful for my time with you all. I did as asked with calls and e-mails, etc. I've a confession to make to you all. I'm a criminal.

I've obeyed the 10 commandments and all laws except: I'm unemployed and that's now a crime, I'm poor and that's a crime, I'm worthless surplus population and that's a crime, I'm a main street American Citizen born and raised in the USA and that's now a crime, and I'm euthanizing myself as I write this note -- so arrest my corpse. This isn't a call for help, the deed is done, it's not what I wanted. Death is my best available option. It's not just that my bank account is $4, that I've not eaten in a week, not because hunger pangs are agonizing (I'm a wimp), not because I live in physical and mental anguish, not because the landlady is banging on the door non-stop and I face eviction, not that Congress and President have sent a strong message they no longer help the unemployed. It's because I'm a law abiding though worthless, long-term unemployed older man who is surplus population. Had I used my college education to rip people off and steal from the elderly, poor, disabled and main street Americans I would be wearing different shoes now -- a petty king. Hard work, honesty, loving kindness, charity and mercy, and becoming unemployed and destitute unable to pay your bills are all considered foolishness and high crimes in America now. Whereas stealing and lying and cheating and being greedy to excess and destroying the fabric of America is rewarded and protected -- even making such people petty king and petty queens among us.

Since the end of 2008, when corporate America began enjoying the resumption of growth, profits have swelled from an annualized pace of $995 billion to the current $1.66 trillion as of the end of September 2010. Over the same period, the number of non-farm jobs counted by the Labor Department has slipped from 13.4 million to 13 million -- there is no recovery for the unemployed and main street. We taxpayers have handed trillions of dollars to the same bank and insurance industry that started our economic disaster with its reckless gambling. We bailed out General Motors. We distributed tax cuts to businesses that were supposed to use this lubrication to expand and hire. For our dollars, we have been rewarded with starvation, homelessness and a plague of fear -- a testament to post-national capitalism.

Twelve years ago, I lost the last of my family. Ten years ago, I lost the love of my life, couldn't even visit him in the hospital because gays have no rights. I fought through and grieved and went on as best I could. Seven years ago, I was diagnosed with Diabetes and Stage 2 high blood pressure with various complications including kidney problems, mild heart failure, Diabetic Retinopathy. These conditions are debilitating and painful. I am on over eight prescribed medications, which is very difficult without insurance and income. But I struggled on and my primary caregiver was very pleased with my effort overtime with my A1C at seven. Still these physical disabilities have progressively worsened, and I have had a harder and harder time functioning in basic ways. All the while, I give thanks to God because I know there are many more worse off than me -- and I tried to help by giving money to charities and smiling at people who looked down and sharing what little I had.

I am college educated and worked 35 years in management, receiving written references and praise from every boss for whom I worked. Yet, after thousands of resumes, applications, e-mails, phone calls, and drop ins, I've failed to get a job even at McDonalds. I've discovered there are three strikes against me -- most 99ers will understand. Strike one -- businesses are not hiring long-term unemployed -- in fact many job ads now underline "the unemployed need not apply." Strike two -- I am almost 60 years old. Employers prefer hiring younger workers who demand less and are better pack mules. Strike three -- for every job opening I've applied, there are over 300 applicants according to each business who allow a follow up call. With the U3 unemployment holding steady at 9.6percent and U6 at 17 percent for the past 18 months, the chances of me or any 99er landing a job is less than winning the Mega Million Jackpot. On top of that, even the most conservative economists admit unemployment will not start to fall before 2012 and most predict up to seven years of this crap.

I believe the Congress and President have no intention of really aiding the unemployed -- due to various political reasons and their total removal from the suffering of most Americans, their cold-hearted, self-serving natures. Had they really wanted to help us, they could have used unspent stimulus monies or cut foolish costs like the failed wars or foreign aid, and farm subsidies. The unspent stimulus money alone cold have taken care of ALL unemployed persons for five years or until the unemployment rate reached 7 percent if Congress and the President really wanted to help us -- and not string us all along with a meager safety net that fails every few months. In any case, if I were to survive homelessness (would be like winning the mega-millions) and with those three strikes against me, in seven more years, I'll be near 70 with the new retirement age at 70 -- now who will hire an old homeless guy out of work for nine years with just a few years until retirement?

So, here I am. Long term unemployed, older man, with chronic health problems, now totally broke, hungry, facing eviction. My landlady should really be an advocate for the unemployed -- she bangs on my door demanding I take action. A phone call and a "please" are not enough for her -- she is angry. She is right to be angry with me, I am unemployed -- as apparently everyone is now angry with us unemployed.

Two hundred and eleven and social services cannot help single men. Food banks and other charities are unable to help any more folks -- they are overwhelmed with the poor in this nation. So I have the "freedom" to be homeless and destitute and "pursue happiness" in garbage cans and then die -- yay for America huh? It's the end of November and cold. A diabetic homeless older person will experience amputations in the winter months. So I will be raiding garbage cans for food, as my body literally falls apart, a foot here, a finger there. I have experienced and even worked with pain from my diseases -- hardship I can face. I just cannot muster the courage to slowly die in agony and humiliation in the gutter.

I have no family, I have no friends. For the past two years, I've had nobody to talk with as people who knew me react to the "unemployed" label as if it were leprosy and contagious. I am not a bad person, in fact people really like me. But everyone seems to be on a tight budget these days and living in incredible fear. It is hopeless since we all are hearing more and more that we unemployed are to blame for unemployment, that we are just lazy, that we are no good, that we are sinners, that we are druggies, yet we are the victims who suffer and are punished while the robber baron banksters and tycoons become senators, congress, presidents and petty kings. So the only option left for me is merciful self euthanasia.

It is with a heavy heart that I have set my death in motion, but what I am facing is not living. So off I go, I have made peace with God and placed my burden on Jesus and He forgives me. This nation has become evil to the core, with cold-hearted politicians and tycoons squeezing what little Main Street Americans have left. It is not the America into which I was born -- the land of the free and the home of the brave with kind folks who help neighbors -- it is now land of the Tycoon-haves and the rest of us have-nots who march into hopelessness and despair.

Every unemployed person I have met over these past two years have been saintly. Sharing what little they have, and being charitable -- being kind and patient and supportive. Isn't it amazing that we Americans who suffer so much, have not taken to the streets in violence, riots or gotten out the guillotines and marched on tycoons and Washington in revolt as would happen in most other nations? But rather we plead with deaf politicians to please help us. We don't demand huge sums -- just 300 bucks a week, barely enough to cover housing for most. Most of all we say, please help us get a job, please allow us dignity.

I can't help but juxtapose our plight to the tycoons and politicians. They are never satisfied with their enormous wealth, and always want more millions no matter whom it hurts. They STEAL from pension funds, banks, the people and government, and little Wall Street investors. Then rather than face punishment, they become petty kings in this world. They are disloyal to America, unpatriotic, and serve their own foreign UN-American greedy causes and demand more and more and more. I feel that this is not the nation into which I was born. I was born in America, the land of the free and the home of the brave. America, where people give as much as they receive. America, where all people work for the common good, and try to leave a better and more prosperous nation for the next generation. America, where people help their neighbors and show charity and mercy. This new America is alien to me -- it is an America of greed and corruption and avarice and mean spirited selfishness and hatred of the common good -- it is an America of savage beasts roaring and tearing at the weak, and bullying the humble and peacemakers and poor and those without means to defend themselves. I am not welcome here anymore. I don't belong here anymore. It's as if some evil beast controls government, the economy, and our lives now.

I must go now, my home is someplace else. Goodbye and God bless you all. God bless the unemployed and poor and elderly and disabled. God bless America and the American people except the tycoons and politicians -- may God retain the sins of tycoons and politicians and phony preachers and send them to the Devil.



14th February 2011, 04:11 PM
Very sad but, I don't know what reaction to have to the letter, I feel sorry for ( Mark ) in one way, and then on the other hand he says he is almost 60 and been out of work for 2 years, What did he do with his money his entire adult life? He says no family so he wasn't raising kids. and I understand his anger at TPTB, But.....

Nobody is going to take care of you, you can't depend on anybody, you better have a plan B,C,D.

14th February 2011, 04:14 PM
dude just needs a few acres, a winter's supply of food, a half-cord of plywood, and a few friends. then go from there.

14th February 2011, 04:26 PM
We can expect more of the same... Like Dmitri Orlov said in the video below, those who survive have connections with friends/family or people they know who are able to help them... and that many will die without so much as a thought, unless you work for a morgue or hospital.

Reliance on the dead gooberment will yield you dead.


14th February 2011, 05:14 PM
If he wanted to live, he would live. He could make himself useful somewhere, somehow, if he truly wanted to be productive. It might not be the job he once had at the pay he once enjoyed, but life just isn't fair that way. I don't blame him for wanting to check out considering his disease, pain and lack of loved ones, but it's his choice.

I hope he goes in peace.

14th February 2011, 05:22 PM
First of all I believe that forum has now been shut down. I used to be a member, (I was not unemployed at the time) but I got banned. For the longest time the mods all beat the 'let's be positive' drum, even as many of the members became homeless, lost their children to CPS, and even commited suicide. There were a surprising number of people on that forum that were starting to wake up, but the mods were compromised; so they actively censored posts that told the truth. As more of the members started to wake up, more posts got censored (keep in mind the mods censored posts secretly, they never divulged why they were doing it or even when they were doing it); and people started getting pissed off. Once enough people complained, they shut it down under the guise of 'volunteer mods are only trying to do the right thing and don't need this abuse'. You can still view some of the forums (some have been deleted, the most important ones with the best information), but I don't think you can post on there anymore.

Next, unemployed benefits are NOT an entitlement; they are a forced insurance program (and a very shitty one at that). I find it pretty damn reprehensible that anyone would suggest that it is immoral for an employee to file an insurance claim against a policy they were forced to buy. Yes, I am aware that the policy is technically paid for by the company, but the company just passes the cost onto the employee in the form of lower wages. The employee pays for the policy by proxy. If you want to argue that it was a bad idea in the first place, I agree. Really, it was just a stealth tax increase in the first place since the surplus earned by the 'insurance company' (read: government) went the way of the social security trust fund.


14th February 2011, 05:25 PM
What a whiner. Why bother the world with your own personally misery? He put the blame on everyone under the sun except himself.

Did it take him 100 weeks to understand that things are definitely not rosy all over?

I keep imagining someone sending out the minimum amount of resumes to stay eligible for benefits. Then a couple of months before it all goes kaput, a frenzy of scrambling was put into motion that bore no fruit.

Zap got it right above. You need contingencies for the contingencies.

14th February 2011, 05:30 PM
If you must be a nomad, so be it. Move to the food or die. A man alone is weak. A man with a clan is strong. Find a clan man.

14th February 2011, 05:39 PM
Ten years ago, I lost the love of my life, couldn't even visit him in the hospital because gays have no rights.

Seven years ago, I was diagnosed with Diabetes and Stage 2 high blood pressure with various complications including kidney problems, mild heart failure, Diabetic Retinopathy.

I am almost 60 years old.

So, here I am. Long term unemployed, older man, with chronic health problems, now totally broke, hungry, facing eviction.

I have no family, I have no friends.

Gee...maybe he shoulda married a female and fathered a few children to create the support system he now found himself without.

14th February 2011, 05:47 PM
He was forced to pay his insurance premiums; so he has every right to collect his claim now that he can't find a job. By the way, I highly doubt that he wasn't looking for a job until his benefits were about to run out. I'm not sure why you would make that assumption based on the collapse of full time employment we've seen in this country.


What a whiner. Why bother the world with your own personally misery? He put the blame on everyone under the sun except himself.

Did it take him 100 weeks to understand that things are definitely not rosy all over?

I keep imagining someone sending out the minimum amount of resumes to stay eligible for benefits. Then a couple of months before it all goes kaput, a frenzy of scrambling was put into motion that bore no fruit.

Zap got it right above. You need contingencies for the contingencies.

14th February 2011, 05:49 PM
Ten years ago, I lost the love of my life, couldn't even visit him in the hospital because gays have no rights.

Seven years ago, I was diagnosed with Diabetes and Stage 2 high blood pressure with various complications including kidney problems, mild heart failure, Diabetic Retinopathy.

I am almost 60 years old.

So, here I am. Long term unemployed, older man, with chronic health problems, now totally broke, hungry, facing eviction.

I have no family, I have no friends.

Gee...maybe he shoulda married a female and fathered a few children to create the support system he now found himself without.

Wow, I missed that the first read... Now I understand we taxpayers clearly are to blame.. If the HOmosexual had more rights within our evil heterosexually inclined society, he would not have to suffer so... ::) Where is Elton when you need him

14th February 2011, 06:06 PM
This OP article was never about the long-term unemployed. Even the title is deceptive.

The Delusional (http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&biw=1280&bih=573&q=gay+retirement&gbv=2&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=iw)


Twisted Titan
14th February 2011, 06:10 PM
He is better off.

At least he met death on his own terms with a sound mind.

Many will not have that luxury.

And many will not go as quitely


14th February 2011, 06:38 PM
He was forced to pay his insurance premiums; so he has every right to collect his claim now that he can't find a job. By the way, I highly doubt that he wasn't looking for a job until his benefits were about to run out. I'm not sure why you would make that assumption based on the collapse of full time employment we've seen in this country.


What a whiner. Why bother the world with your own personally misery? He put the blame on everyone under the sun except himself.

Did it take him 100 weeks to understand that things are definitely not rosy all over?

I keep imagining someone sending out the minimum amount of resumes to stay eligible for benefits. Then a couple of months before it all goes kaput, a frenzy of scrambling was put into motion that bore no fruit.

Zap got it right above. You need contingencies for the contingencies.

I don't doubt the fact that his owed what he payed into the UE benefit/insurance scheme. I would not object to giving the guy a lump sum payment with interest of what he paid into S.S. Unfortunately, the money has not been there for a long while. Either way, I don't look at this as what is rightfully his.

All I see is whining of the situation, no taking responsibility for the 40+ years where he could have improved himself to avoid this situation. So instead of becoming a "beacon" of hope for those unemployed, he helps perpetuate the victimization feeling.

I make the assumption that he took a vacation from the multiple people I have met with that attitude.
"I'll take it easy for a bit, while I suck back what was rightfully mine."

14th February 2011, 06:45 PM
My take is he's old, failing in health, and depressed. They all go hand in hand. Sad part is his body is letting him down, and advancing his state of depression.

Physical health is priority #1.

14th February 2011, 07:21 PM
35 years in management, no kids, and not a pot to piss in? I assume his partner had a job as well? Sounds like he lived high on the hog, travelled the world, etc. and never saved a penny. Now he wants the gov't (our taxes) to support him for the rest of his miserable life? He basically lived with no responsibilities all his life (no kids, no mortgage, no land, nothing), and now wants us to be responsible for him because he wasn't.

14th February 2011, 08:10 PM
I don't see it that way. First of all, he is a victim. If you force someone to participate in ill conceived money sucking rackets like social security and unemployment insurance; and then after the fact refuse to give them their rightfully earned money... well, that's the very definition of a victim in my book. What really pisses me off is that companies and individuals that lend money do it WILLINGLY. In the event that government spends themselves upside down and someone is to get screwed, it should be the parties that willingly took a risk and not the entities that were forced to participate in mandatory scams (especially when you consider that even if they get paid for these scams, a large percentage of their 'contribution' is syphoned off the top, anyway). The issue of whether or not he had poor spending habits is a red herring. It doesn't matter based on the reasons given above. But people with medical problems get wiped out but quick in this country... so the 'he is irresponsible argument' wouldn't work even if it wasn't a red herring.
Here is an idea that I never see debated that I would support. Eliminate all government sponsered unemployment insurance for future employees. Try to work in some sort of corporate concession to hire new people in exchange for the abolition of this tax. Private insurance companies can fill this role if they can find a market for it (I don't personally support any type of insurance, but this would be a good political sell and it's even true). This should be a great way to loosen up the labor market. Will it actually happen? Never.


14th February 2011, 08:24 PM
The issue is responsibility. A person with 35 years of a well paying management job shouldn't need gov't support. I certainly know I cannot depend on .gov to look after me...

14th February 2011, 08:36 PM
No friends, no work, no family, no health? How about some end of life care?


Sorry for those who think it harsh, but there comes a time. Management job for 35 years? Jesus, no money saved? Talk about irresponsible.

14th February 2011, 08:59 PM


Copycat con job?


14th February 2011, 09:17 PM
Let's say a 60 old has been buying Tbills for the past 35 years. Then he gets laid off and goes broke. Next, he goes to cash in his tbills so he can retire. But the government won't let him redeem. Would you come on this forum and say "a person with 35 years of a well paying management job shouldn't need gov't support?" If so, why not? What if he put his money in the bank, the bank went bust, and the FDIC either went bust or wouldn't pay him off? Would you say he lacks responsibility then?
My argument is that a person that voluntarily risks their money is far more to blame when the risk doesn't pan out, as opposed to the person that is FORCED to enroll in a certain insurance or savings program. This is the entire reason government doesn't belong in the insurance business, or the pension business, or ANY private business. For some reason, when governments go into these types of businesses the people looking to recoup their forced investments are looked upon as greedy or irresponsible.


The issue is responsibility. A person with 35 years of a well paying management job shouldn't need gov't support. I certainly know I cannot depend on .gov to look after me...

14th February 2011, 09:30 PM
Personally I'm not into any kind of gov't handouts. However, as you stated he paid into unemployment for almost all his working life (I assume) so he should be able to collect, realizing that it is for a short term only (99 weeks?). The gov't old age pension is another thing he should be able to collect when he reaches the qualifying age. However, surely he could do something to generate income in the meantime. Perhaps write a book/column/newsletter/etc. instead of complaining on an online forum. I guess that would take initiative and responsibility though...

I'm with you that any gov program is a waste and way to control people. If I had my preference I wouldn't have any gov safety nets to steal money from productive people.

14th February 2011, 09:34 PM
Thanks Book for the link to the Huff. I throw up everytime that site loads and Obummer's mug pops up. :(

I think you're right about the copycat. Simple minds.

14th February 2011, 09:37 PM
I'd trade my unemployment insurance for a policy like the Bankers and Wall Street boys have.

Talk about not being held for personal responsibility

15th February 2011, 07:38 AM
Ten years ago, I lost the love of my life, couldn't even visit him in the hospital because gays have no rights.

Seven years ago, I was diagnosed with Diabetes and Stage 2 high blood pressure with various complications including kidney problems, mild heart failure, Diabetic Retinopathy.

I am almost 60 years old.

So, here I am. Long term unemployed, older man, with chronic health problems, now totally broke, hungry, facing eviction.

I have no family, I have no friends.

Gee...maybe he shoulda married a female and fathered a few children to create the support system he now found himself without.

60-ish gay man?



7th trump
15th February 2011, 07:55 AM
I don't see it that way. First of all, he is a victim. If you force someone to participate in ill conceived money sucking rackets like social security and unemployment insurance; and then after the fact refuse to give them their rightfully earned money... well, that's the very definition of a victim in my book. What really pisses me off is that companies and individuals that lend money do it WILLINGLY. In the event that government spends themselves upside down and someone is to get screwed, it should be the parties that willingly took a risk and not the entities that were forced to participate in mandatory scams (especially when you consider that even if they get paid for these scams, a large percentage of their 'contribution' is syphoned off the top, anyway). The issue of whether or not he had poor spending habits is a red herring. It doesn't matter based on the reasons given above. But people with medical problems get wiped out but quick in this country... so the 'he is irresponsible argument' wouldn't work even if it wasn't a red herring.
Here is an idea that I never see debated that I would support. Eliminate all government sponsered unemployment insurance for future employees. Try to work in some sort of corporate concession to hire new people in exchange for the abolition of this tax. Private insurance companies can fill this role if they can find a market for it (I don't personally support any type of insurance, but this would be a good political sell and it's even true). This should be a great way to loosen up the labor market. Will it actually happen? Never.


Hey dys,
Show everyone here where Social Security is forced on anyone of us!
I mean prove your position with statute, laws or code! Just prove your point damnit.
I'd like to see it because I can show you where SS is not forced on anybody and the reason why its not forced on anybody.

7th trump
15th February 2011, 07:57 AM
Let's say a 60 old has been buying Tbills for the past 35 years. Then he gets laid off and goes broke. Next, he goes to cash in his tbills so he can retire. But the government won't let him redeem. Would you come on this forum and say "a person with 35 years of a well paying management job shouldn't need gov't support?" If so, why not? What if he put his money in the bank, the bank went bust, and the FDIC either went bust or wouldn't pay him off? Would you say he lacks responsibility then?
My argument is that a person that voluntarily risks their money is far more to blame when the risk doesn't pan out, as opposed to the person that is FORCED to enroll in a certain insurance or savings program. This is the entire reason government doesn't belong in the insurance business, or the pension business, or ANY private business. For some reason, when governments go into these types of businesses the people looking to recoup their forced investments are looked upon as greedy or irresponsible.


The issue is responsibility. A person with 35 years of a well paying management job shouldn't need gov't support. I certainly know I cannot depend on .gov to look after me...

Lets establish something here dys!
Show us where SS is mandatory on all Americans?

15th February 2011, 08:06 AM
Ss may not be forced on you but you still require a tax number from the IRS unless yu do not pay taxes. Do you not pay taxes?

po boy
15th February 2011, 08:11 AM
7th is right about SS being voluntary, however most people have been educated to think it is required.

po boy
15th February 2011, 08:12 AM
Ss may not be forced on you but you still require a tax number from the IRS unless yu do not pay taxes. Do you not pay taxes?

If one has no income why would they need to pay taxes?

15th February 2011, 08:18 AM
You do not have to pay but are still required to file

7th trump
15th February 2011, 08:19 AM
Ss may not be forced on you but you still require a tax number from the IRS unless yu do not pay taxes. Do you not pay taxes?

Do you know why you pay taxes? Ever reversed engineered the code to see why you pay taxes on your pay?
I'll tell you why!
Its because you volunteer into SS to earn quarterly credits which labels your pay into "wages", 3121(a) "wages" to be exact.
These 3121(a) "wages" are taxed federally and state (in most cases state) in chapter 24.
3121(a) wages are also included in 3401(a) "wages" of chapter 24 which the feds have authority to impose a tax and states also.

7th trump
15th February 2011, 08:19 AM
You do not have to pay but are still required to file
The requirement to file is if a W3 was reported to the SSA from the employer.
The IRS gets all of its information from the system which the SSA inputs into.
If no W3 is reported because the employer is not paying in the form of 3121(a) "wages" then no requirement to file because the empoyer by law is not reporting a W3 transmittal.

15th February 2011, 08:23 AM
Let's just lay it out 7. Do you or do you not have some form of tax I'd (Ssn or tax number) and do you or do you not file with the IRS?

7th trump
15th February 2011, 08:24 AM
Let's just lay it out 7. Do you or do you not have some form of tax I'd (Ssn or tax number) and do you or do you not file with the IRS?

I have a ssn assigned to me but not in use with the employer. I do not earn 3121(a) "wages".

7th trump
15th February 2011, 08:30 AM
(d) Obtaining a taxpayer identifying number(1) Social security number.

Any individual required to furnish a social security number pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section shall apply for one, if he has not done so previously, on Form SS5, which may be obtained from any Social Security Administration or Internal Revenue Service office. He shall make such application far enough in advance of the first required use of such number to permit issuance of the number in time for compliance with such requirement. The form, together with any supplementary statement, shall be prepared and filed in accordance with the form, instructions, and regulations applicable thereto, and shall set forth fully and clearly the data therein called for. Individuals who are ineligible for or do not wish to participate in the benefits of the social security program shall nevertheless obtain a social security number if they are required to furnish such a number pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section.

Now go look up section (b) to see if you are required to get a ssn for working and getting paid for it?
You cannot file a 1040 without a ssn and the IRS doesnt give tax id # for earning SS 3121(a) wages.

So now you are in a bind arent you!

15th February 2011, 08:32 AM
I bet your employer files wiu the state and has an Ssn and pays Ssn taxes. So I do not see how you can be so critical of people who use it or have one. If it was so easy to go without it I definitely would
But the way the system is geared here is duress involved if one forgoes. I am sure you will admit Any duress involved in any contract makes the contract void

willie pete
15th February 2011, 08:42 AM
^^I've never researched it, but it would seem difficult not to have a SS#, if you were born in the US, unless you were born "off-grid"

As for the individual in the story, seems strange he worked for 35 years in mgmt and is broke now...what about a pension?

7th trump
15th February 2011, 08:43 AM
I bet your employer files wiu the state and has an Ssn and pays Ssn taxes. So I do not see how you can be so critical of people who use it or have one. If it was so easy to go without it I definitely would
But the way the system is geared here is duress involved if one forgoes. I am sure you will admit Any duress involved in any contract makes the contract void

Bet you are wrong!
To do so violates certian protections the Constitution forbids the governments from doing.
My employer is happy that he now can compete with nonunion bids. Its that much overhead he doesnt have to add in on the bid.
SS is not a contract. And duress cant nullify any voluntary signiture you are to know fully. Willfull ignorance is not an excuse!

15th February 2011, 09:04 AM
Haha the fed has openly stated the constitution is null and void. Not only that Bu the constitution went bankrupt in 1913. Your constitution is like x-mas or the eAster bunny. It is pageantry to keep the domestic masses somehow to yearn for like he Egyptians clamoring for freedom and democracy.

General of Darkness
15th February 2011, 09:08 AM
Do ass pounding faggots go to heaven?

15th February 2011, 09:26 AM
^^I've never researched it, but it would seem difficult not to have a SS#, if you were born in the US, unless you were born "off-grid"

SS# are not issued at time of birth, I didn't get one until I was 7

7th trump
15th February 2011, 09:50 AM
Do ass pounding faggots go to heaven?

Technically yes, they do, but I wager they are on the side of the gulf (Read Luke. "Gulf" surgical term used by Luke, being a physician, used to describe a rip or gnash down the middle with the bad on one side and the good on another) you dont want to be on.

7th trump
15th February 2011, 09:54 AM
Haha the fed has openly stated the constitution is null and void. Not only that Bu the constitution went bankrupt in 1913. Your constitution is like x-mas or the eAster bunny. It is pageantry to keep the domestic masses somehow to yearn for like he Egyptians clamoring for freedom and democracy.

Call it want you want, but its in place and is the Law of the land.

§ 1983. Civil action for deprivation of rights

Every person who, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage, of any State or Territory or the District of Columbia, subjects, or causes to be subjected, any citizen of the United States or other person within the jurisdiction thereof to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured by the Constitution and laws, shall be liable to the party injured in an action at law, suit in equity, or other proper proceeding for redress, except that in any action brought against a judicial officer for an act or omission taken in such officer’s judicial capacity, injunctive relief shall not be granted unless a declaratory decree was violated or declaratory relief was unavailable. For the purposes of this section, any Act of Congress applicable exclusively to the District of Columbia shall be considered to be a statute of the District of Columbia.

Dont think this statute didnt change minds when I went after those telling me I couldnt NOT participate.
Do you feel stupid as you made yourself out to be!
You should, but I doubt you are man enough to admit you are a fool.

1. One who is deficient in judgment, sense, or understanding.2. One who acts unwisely on a given occasion: I was a fool to have quit my job.
3. One who has been tricked or made to appear ridiculous; a dupe: They made a fool of me by pretending I had won.
4. Informal A person with a talent or enthusiasm for a certain activity: a dancing fool; a fool for skiing.
5. A member of a royal or noble household who provided entertainment, as with jokes or antics; a jester.
6. One who subverts convention or orthodoxy or varies from social conformity in order to reveal spiritual or moral truth: a holy fool.
7. A dessert made of stewed or puréed fruit mixed with cream or custard and served cold.
8. Archaic A mentally deficient person; an idiot.

15th February 2011, 10:58 AM
Oh I readily admit I am a fool and ignorant of many things but you are the bigger fool. You dont dven realize it. That statute you quoted is no recelation to me and in fact proves this world isnt run by law and order but run by power and force which you obviously sbscribe to though your lips will say otherwise. You sit up on your ivory tower acting so hoity-toity like you know everything just because you liveout in the backwoods somewhere as someone who admis he is employed by an employer but doesn't pay taxes because he doesn't get paid a wage yet i bet you use dollars and credits which are not even yours. Oh wait let me guess you send gold and silver to pay for your Internet connection? People like you are what out me off this alternative lifestyle because you act so arrogant and know it all when in fact you are just as guilty as the fed except you lack the subtlty and sophistication. I'm done with you, you Israelifirster, and while you're at it go show that statute to all your Zionist kindred who go around killin indiscriminately. I am sure you will excuse their mass murdering while completely ignoring christs first commandment

7th trump
15th February 2011, 11:20 AM
Oh I readily admit I am a fool and ignorant of many things but you are the bigger fool. You dont dven realize it. That statute you quoted is no recelation to me and in fact proves this world isnt run by law and order but run by power and force which you obviously sbscribe to though your lips will say otherwise. You sit up on your ivory tower acting so hoity-toity like you know everything just because you liveout in the backwoods somewhere as someone who admis he is employed by an employer but doesn't pay taxes because he doesn't get paid a wage yet i bet you use dollars and credits which are not even yours. Oh wait let me guess you send gold and silver to pay for your Internet connection? People like you are what out me off this alternative lifestyle because you act so arrogant and know it all when in fact you are just as guilty as the fed except you lack the subtlty and sophistication. I'm done with you, you Israelifirster, and while you're at it go show that statute to all your Zionist kindred who go around killin indiscriminately. I am sure you will excuse their mass murdering while completely ignoring christs first commandment

I guess his ego over powers his ignorance.

Must be really embarassing for you now