View Full Version : The American Revolution Episodes 1 - 6

14th February 2011, 03:58 PM
Liberty: The American Revolution Episode 1

EPISODE 1: "The Reluctant Revolutionaries" 1763-1774 In 1763, the capitol city of America is London, George Washington is lobbying for a post in the British army, and no one thinks of Boston harbor when they hear talk of tea parties. In a dozen years, the colonies are on the brink of rebellion. What happens to bring this country so quickly near war with England?

Liberty: The American Revolution Episode 2

EPISODE 2: "Blows Must Decide" 1774-1776 A total break from Great Britain remains hard for Americans to imagine, even after shots are fired at Lexington and Concord. Words push matters "Over the Edge" in 1776. Common Sense argues that it is the natural right of men to govern themselves. The Declaration of Independence declares this same idea a "self-evident" truth. For Americans, there is no looking back. There will be war with England.

Liberty: The American Revolution Episode 3

EPISODE 3: "The Times That Try Men's Souls" 1776-1777 Days after the Declaration of Independence is signed, a British force arrives in New York harbor. Washington and his troops are driven to New Jersey. With only a few days of enlistment left for many of his volunteers, a desperate Washington leads his army quietly across the Delaware River on the day after Christmas, 1776, to mount a surprise attack on a sleeping garrison in Trenton.

Liberty: The American Revolution Episode 4

EPISODE 4: "Oh Fatal Ambition" 1777-1778 The "united" states remain in dire need of funds and military support. Congress dispatches Benjamin Franklin to France in hopes of creating an alliance which will provide both. Meanwhile, a British army marches down the Hudson River trying to cut off New England from the other colonies. The British are crushed by Americans at Saratoga. The French enter the conflict on the American side.

Liberty: The American Revolution Episode 5
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1886145627130631491#docid=47612166 6647804785

EPISODE 5: "The World Turned Upside Down" 1778-1783 The British hope to exploit the issue of slavery and to enlist the support of loyalists in the south. They fail. After a series of brutal engagements, the British army heads for Virginia, only to be trapped by the miraculous convergence of Washington's army and the French fleet at Yorktown. The end of the war is at hand.

Liberty: The American Revolution Episode 6

EPISODE 6: "Are We to Be a Nation? 1783-1788 Peace comes to the United States, but governing the world's newest republic is no simple task. Congress is ineffectual and individual states act like sovereign nations. By the time the Constitutional Convention convenes in 1787, many wonder if the country can survive. The long ratification process helps define what sort of nation the United States is to be—a process that continues to this day.

14th February 2011, 04:33 PM
Marked for later viewing.

14th February 2011, 04:49 PM
uncletonoose, Do you have a link for the 1st one? I can't get it to play but so far the second one is playing fine.

14th February 2011, 05:09 PM
uncletonoose, Do you have a link for the 1st one? I can't get it to play but so far the second one is playing fine.

Here is the link http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5602751196414323436#

16th February 2011, 08:48 PM
After watching this entire series here's a brief overview and some info.

Episodes 1-5 are a fairly well done synopsis of the war and the inclusion of peoples actual words makes it interesting even to a well read student of revolutionary history but it's not a concise and thorough rendition by any means.

Episode 6 on the other hand is excellent, a whole new series based on episode 6 alone with more detailed information would be even better but even as it stands I highly recommend it.

One caveat, the google video in this thread doesn't have the 6th episode but it can be found here.

EPISODE 6: 'Are We to Be a Nation?


16th February 2011, 09:07 PM
Marked for later viewing. Thanks for posting.

16th February 2011, 09:48 PM
Video I

20:00 "The power to tax is the power to destroy."

24:00 "Our buying your manufactured goods depends very much on our affection for you. Pride will cause Americans like me to wear our old clothes, and when we buy new clothes, they will be made by us."

24:30 "What are we doing with our constant insisting on taxing the Americans? We're not getting any revenue from them - instead we're pushing them to disorder and disobedience. We make our money from trade, not taxes. Let the Americans tax themselves."

Twisted Titan
17th February 2011, 09:03 AM
The "united" states remain in dire need of funds and military support. Congress dispatches Benjamin Franklin to France in hopes of creating an alliance which will provide both.

Rothchild agent provacatures where on both sides of the play so no matter who "won" they would be at the better end of it.


18th February 2011, 08:56 AM
Video I

20:00 "The power to tax is the power to destroy."

24:00 "Our buying your manufactured goods depends very much on our affection for you. Pride will cause Americans like me to wear our old clothes, and when we buy new clothes, they will be made by us."

24:30 "What are we doing with our constant insisting on taxing the Americans? We're not getting any revenue from them - instead we're pushing them to disorder and disobedience. We make our money from trade, not taxes. Let the Americans tax themselves."

"we make our money from trade, not taxes"

And one of the first, and most commendable, things our new Constitutional Government did was to impose tariffs and duties upon the goods shipped from foreign shores to ours.

This had two profoundly beneficial aspects, 1) it provided incentives to create domestic industries affording us the ability to become self-sufficient, and 2) it generated the revenues to run the new government without applying a direct tax upon the people.

They understood economics and economy. They knew that our lifespan as a nation would be short-lived if we remained a nation of shopkeepers buying and selling amongst ourselves the products of others. We needed our own industries, not to compete with the industries of other nations, but to provide our nation the economy that would support the population’s future prosperity.

Think about that, and look what the traitorous f--kers have done to us over the past 65 years.

We are, once again, a nation of shopkeepers, totally dependant upon the products of others for our day to day living.

"Free Trade" my ass.

Twisted Titan
18th February 2011, 12:02 PM
If you dont make what you consume........ you are at the mercy of those who do.

And at the time and hour of their chosing they can be pressure or ease expressely for their benefit.