View Full Version : US Air Force C17 transport caught smuggling arms and drugs into Argentina

15th February 2011, 04:42 PM
This is the English source. I linked the original Spanish source below. Is this from a couple more joke websites like Debka?
I looked at a couple Spanish sites and all of them are quoting the Pagina/12 site.

US Air Force C17 transport caught smuggling arms and drugs into Argentina (http://alethonews.wordpress.com/2011/02/14/us-air-force-c17-transport-caught-smuggling-arms-and-drugs-into-argentina/)

Translation by Aletho News:

Argentina’s foreign ministry has issued a press release stating that it will be making a formal protest over undeclared weapons and drugs brought into the nation at Ezeiza last Thursday.

A manifest provided by the US did not list war materiel and drugs which were seized by Argentine authorities.

Among the confiscated materiel were communications interception equipment , encrypted communications equipment, sophisticated GPS devices, high power rifles, a machine gun and narcotics as well as a full trunk of expired pharmaceuticals including stimulants. All boxes had the stamp of the 7th Army Airborne Brigade based in North Carolina.

The Argentine government estimates the value of the goods and the C17 transport expenses to exceed $2 million.

The unreported contents also included an odd brochure with the phrase “I am a United States soldier. Please report to my embassy I have been arrested by the country.” translated into fifteen languages.

US documents described the shipment as intended for an Argentine government approved Federal police training course.

Argentina reiterated that it does not wish for the internal security practices of Rio’s favelas or El Salvador’s gangs to be the model for the Argentine nation.

The Argentine government will be suspending the police training program.

Argentina’s ambassador to the US described the situation as “a shameful embarrassment” before returning the cargo to North Carolina.

It is noted that any Argentine, civilian or military, who attempted to smuggle weapons and drugs into the US would be arrested immediately.


Spanish language source:

La Argentina “formulará una protesta” formal ante los Estados Unidos por el intento de ingresar de forma ilegal “material camuflado” en un avión militar que llegó a Ezeiza el jueves pasado, tal como informó ayer Página/12. Según un comunicado de prensa difundido anoche por Cancillería, entre el material que se incautó tras la inspección “hay desde armas hasta diferentes drogas” que no habían sido declaradas en el manifiesto… continuarse

More Spanish language source material (http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/elpais/1-162332-2011-02-14.html)

15th February 2011, 04:47 PM
This is actually a fairly common occurrence in South America.

15th February 2011, 05:09 PM
This is actually a fairly common occurrence in South America.

Right you are - ongoing manufacturing and distribution of arms and drugs worldwide is commonplace - they are the building blocks of oligarchs.

15th February 2011, 05:52 PM
this is a double thread http://gold-silver.us/forum/general-discussion/argentina-seizes-us-military-plane-cargo-for-undeclared-weapons-and-drugs/

anyways as I wrote in the other thread....

I use to live in a village in southern Mexico. One day the front page of the local newspaper said "Another CIA drug plane crashes in Central America"

Back when the Europeans were pissed about the secret CIA prisons people would stand outside these prisons and record the numbers on the planes. Later these planes would occasionally be found crashed in central America filled with drugs, that's how the connection between the CIA and these drug planes were made. The prevailing opinion was the right palms didn't get greased at their destination airports or there was a shift change so the planes had to be scuttled.

15th February 2011, 08:25 PM


16th February 2011, 02:22 PM


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