View Full Version : Power lines down, testing new equipment........

16th February 2011, 11:29 AM
Well, I am now working with my solar panels, and so on, from Harbor Freight......all that I have connected is my lap top and the moden for the on line connection.........let's see for how long it will work

16th February 2011, 11:30 AM
what size battery storage do you have them connected to?

16th February 2011, 11:36 AM
Read you loud & clear Ponce. Good job.


16th February 2011, 12:03 PM
Great Work Ponce. Surfing the web in a power outage...

Your new nickname can be MR. Preps....

16th February 2011, 02:23 PM
Egypt? that would me "Mr tp prep" to you mister hahahahaa.

Hook up to one 12 v deep cycle battery........ power just came back up but still snowing like hell, will probably loose it again.........the read out went down from 13.1 to 12. 8, not bad.....have another battery charged and ready to go upstairs, that one is for my alarm systems.

This is my worse winter in my eleven years of living here......where the heck is all that snow coming from? there must be a anti-Ponce or anti-Cuban somewhere around here.

By the way, if the sun is not out I then top off the battery with a regular charger.

16th February 2011, 02:39 PM
I know you already know this but, make sure you have good ventilation with batteries in the house ! ;)

edit to add; you really shouldn't have those batteries in the house anyhow !

16th February 2011, 03:39 PM
LOL Zap, maybe that's why I feel so high? hahahahahahah

I can see that mother Earth is really angry with everyone and something soon is going to happen, the falling snow is going right, left, up and sideways......really weird, is now falling like rain but rather than water they are really BIGGGGGGGG snow flakes.......they should fall nice and soft but it looks to me like if they are weighted with something.

Going to court tomorrow for the so called traffic violation.....will have to take my RAV-4.......already loaded my winter emergency equipment.......food, water, heat, light, monkey coveralls, winter boots, knife and so on.

16th February 2011, 05:54 PM
Going to court tomorrow for the so called traffic violation.....will have to take my RAV-4.......already loaded my winter emergency equipment.......food, water, heat, light, monkey coveralls, winter boots, knife and so on.

Good Luck with that Ponce, let us know how it turns out. :D

16th February 2011, 06:32 PM
LOL Zap, maybe that's why I feel so high? hahahahahahah

I can see that mother Earth is really angry with everyone and something soon is going to happen, the falling snow is going right, left, up and sideways......really weird, is now falling like rain but rather than water they are really BIGGGGGGGG snow flakes.......they should fall nice and soft but it looks to me like if they are weighted with something.

Going to court tomorrow for the so called traffic violation.....will have to take my RAV-4.......already loaded my winter emergency equipment.......food, water, heat, light, monkey coveralls, winter boots, knife and so on.

...they are weighted with something...powdered aluminum, barium, and all the other shit they've been dumping in our atmosphere with chem-trails....

16th February 2011, 06:38 PM
Don't bring a knife into the courtroom Ponce!!

16th February 2011, 08:51 PM
I am talking about the back pack that I carry in the car in winter time......already saves my butt once when coming back from CA about six years ago.

16th February 2011, 08:57 PM
Sorry, didn't know what an RAV-4 was. Sounded like an off-road vehicle to me.

16th February 2011, 09:05 PM
Sorry, didn't know what an RAV-4 was. Sounded like an off-road vehicle to me.

you got it right, MNeagle...RAV-4, made by toyota...

17th February 2011, 09:32 AM
To my compadres (buddies) Americanos..........well, doesn't look like I'll be able to go to court today, can't even get out of my property and much less go down hill while going to the big town about 32 miles away, snowing for 2.5 days and snow about 2.5 feet and still snowing.........snow is so heavy on the trees and power lines that the snow keeps falling down on it own.................last night power was out between 10 pm and about 5am...........this happened only one time before in the 11 years that I have been living here but that time it waesn't as bad as now.

I called city hall (traffic division) about not been able to go to trial today at 13:30 and they are supposed to call me back, the only thing is that I missed it once before, on the 11 of last month, when my little old truck broke down......I could try going in my four wheel drive Toyota but why take a chance?

Last time that I saw so much snot was in 1959-62 while stationed in Alaska.

First snowy post of the day...........good morning to one and all.

17th February 2011, 09:36 AM
Good Morning !

mick silver
17th February 2011, 09:37 AM
ponce do you have the wood stove going .

17th February 2011, 09:51 AM
No mick, I have a wonderfull "Toyo" kerosine heather that I had for the past ten years and burns about 0.04 gallons a day (year average).......and now that I curtain off the living room and bathroom from the rest of the house the heather should be burning less fuel.

In a few minutes I'll be going out to knock some of the snow from my car port........about six years ago I was doing that and the WHOLEEEEEEE car port caved in and almost got me, cost me $2,800 to fix my two Toyotas.

17th February 2011, 10:06 AM
The Traffic Court House just called me.............the trial will be conducted by phone and the Sheriff that isued me the summons will be present.............anyone ever heard of this before?........I know that sometimes this is done for inmates in jail but not for a traffic citacion........over.

17th February 2011, 10:08 AM
The Traffic Court House just called me.............the trial will be conducted by phone and the Sheriff that isued me the summons will be present.............anyone ever heard of this before?........I know that sometimes this is done for inmates in jail but not for a traffic citacion........over.

happens all the time. about 99% of unemployment hearings are done by phone as well.

17th February 2011, 10:10 AM
are you going to record the proceedings? you know they will be on the other end....

good luck to you

mick silver
17th February 2011, 10:12 AM
ponce why not used wood and save your kerosine . you said you live by the wood and wood cost nothing

17th February 2011, 10:16 AM
The Traffic Court House just called me.............the trial will be conducted by phone and the Sheriff that isued me the summons will be present.............anyone ever heard of this before?........I know that sometimes this is done for inmates in jail but not for a traffic citacion........over.

Look on the bright side, you can Moon the judge and not get cited with contempt ;D

17th February 2011, 10:21 AM
Mick? why worry about running back and forward putting logs in the stove when all that I have to do is to sit back and relax?....besides, less than half a gallon a day is a bargain........this is about the only treat that I give myself where I don't even go out....I do have three (whatchamacallit) of wood in stock, for emergency, that has been there for the past eight years.

Spirit? thanks for the idea.......I'll be recording the trial.

Chad? thanks for the info.

Cobalt? no way Jose, they might have a camera in my home.........I will wear a coat and tie ::)

17th February 2011, 11:58 AM
OK people, power out once again and using my "Harbor Freight" solar gizmo........I was on my antique rotatory phone and that's why I din't noticed that the power was out......I suggest that you get one because they will work even when the power is out.........so think about the solar array and the old style phone.

Still snowing like mad, went outside to take down some of the snow from my car port and a big chunk came down and almost burred me.......they would probably find my body sometime next spring.

Feels good to be back on line with the power out ;D ;D ;D

17th February 2011, 03:20 PM
Traffic Court Trial by phone was a cangaroo trial where I was guilty even before it started......the sheriff did nothing but to lie.....all cars have a video equipment and he said that he did not, all sheriff tape the conversation that they have with those that they stop and he said that he didn't....... he even said that he tag me where I was not at and there was nothing that I could do about it.........at least he and the judge will be paid at the end of the month >:( >:( >:(

Went to the mail box to pick up my mail with snow above my knees and fell down three times.........boy oh boy am I pissed.