View Full Version : The man whose arms exploded

17th February 2011, 08:19 AM

the ultimate horrors of roid abuse,watch all the parts, plenty of shocking freaky crap,some truths AND lies on which I`ll comment later.
I thought I`ve seen everything when it comes to bodybuilding but I couldnt believe my eyes when I watched this. ???

17th February 2011, 09:15 AM
Oldie but goodie. Where've you been over the years Antonio? I thought you were a big bodybuilder type. His blowout was in like 2001 or something, a decade ago. I'm a scrawny geek and I knew about this when it happened.

17th February 2011, 09:19 AM
Oldie but goodie. Where've you been over the years Antonio? I thought you were a big bodybuilder type. His blowout was in like 2001 or something, a decade ago. I'm a scrawny geek and I knew about this when it happened.

I`m as scrawny as it gets right now, slowly trying to build up my body back from scratch, have lost 45lbs of beef. It`s not the 1st time in my life though.
I`m FAR from a big bodybuilder, I was a bit of a powerlifter in my teens. I always knew that roid abuse was not for me so I quit taking them at 18, started at 16.

Valentino`s arms blew up not from roids but from Synthol. The damn liars in this vid never mention Synthol. They use his Synthol horror story to make roids look bad. They are bad enough and there is no need to lie so blatantly.

18th February 2011, 10:36 AM
That guy is quite the character. I've seen the video you posted and others, read his interviews, etc.

He said he was injecting oil and roids straight into his biceps. He was just going for it without thinking about consequences. A lot of people think it was only the oil that gave him the freak-arms, but as he points out he had huge arms before he decided to look like a freak, and still huge arms after some time in prison when theoretically he couldn't get synthol.

18th February 2011, 10:49 AM
I heard that Synthol "gains" were pretty permanent.

PS. I stopped buying bodybuilding mags in the late 90`s. I lost interest in the superfreaks after I learned about Synthol.
I didn`t know a thing about Valentino story up until a few days ago. My shock at his idiocy is still fresh.
I live a short distance from where he is driving and telling his horror stories.

The superfreaks enjoy their temporary size and power gotten at the cost of their own balls while forgetting that all is needed to deflate their ballooned Synthol/roid/HGH/insulin bodies is a knife 2-3 inches longer than is used to eliminate a regular dude.

18th February 2011, 09:28 PM
I`m as scrawny as it gets right now, slowly trying to build up my body back from scratch, have lost 45lbs of beef. It`s not the 1st time in my life though.

You're fortunate. Rebuilding muscle is much easier than building it for the first time. It's like to difference between walking on a beaten path and trailblazing.

Whenever I hear about BBers making massive gains in short periods using certain methods I always incredulously ask whether they are new gains or regains.