View Full Version : Is Obama Reinventing the Middle East?

17th February 2011, 11:25 AM
The more I hear about "spontaneous" uprisings in Egypt and the Middle East, the less I believe it. Obama, a dark horse, was picked by the establishment for a reason. What did he bring to the table?

1. Muslim background
2. Raised in Indonesia
3. Possible spook background (Business International Corporation )

Think about his 1980 trip to Pakistan. Was that an "official" unofficial trip? His whole natural born citizenship issue may tie to various identities that he has used, and this may be why it is so hushed up.

People want to tie this to the CIA, but I wonder if it does not originate in the White House (possibly with CIA help). Thoughts?

17th February 2011, 11:39 AM



http://radioislam.org/islam/english/jewishp/usa/Barack_Obama_and_Rahm_Emanuel_in_the_Oval_Office.j pg

Totally kosher.

17th February 2011, 12:31 PM
30 year dictatorship in Egypt uprooted by 18 days of protest and a few rocks? I don't think so.

Something going on in the background, but I don't think it's O.

17th February 2011, 12:35 PM

I think that kind of talk could cause a forum accident. ;) Do we have an official hard drive starter or taste-tester here?

17th February 2011, 06:25 PM
What did he bring to the table?

A ludicrously disproportionate number of kikes in his cabinet.

They pull the strings and he dances, no more no less.

midnight rambler
17th February 2011, 06:49 PM
Absolutely nothing changed in Egypt except the puppet.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Still Barbaro
17th February 2011, 07:31 PM
The more I hear about "spontaneous" uprisings in Egypt and the Middle East, the less I believe it. Obama, a dark horse, was picked by the establishment for a reason. What did he bring to the table?

1. Muslim background
2. Raised in Indonesia
3. Possible spook background (Business International Corporation )

Think about his 1980 trip to Pakistan. Was that an "official" unofficial trip? His whole natural born citizenship issue may tie to various identities that he has used, and this may be why it is so hushed up.

People want to tie this to the CIA, but I wonder if it does not originate in the White House (possibly with CIA help). Thoughts?

What's happening in the Middle East has bee predicted to happen by many, even in the late 1980s, in political science classes.

Obama has nothing to do with it.

The current regimes in the Middle East are mostly (but not all) American allies and puppets that have placated their citizens by giving them money for many years.

What's happening is no surprise: dictatorships, high youth unemployment, massive corruption, and little hope for the future, unless you are one of the few that are connected, in these societies.

Hopefully the Americans will - finally - stay out of it.

21st February 2011, 05:26 PM
The more I hear about "spontaneous" uprisings in Egypt and the Middle East, the less I believe it. Obama, a dark horse, was picked by the establishment for a reason. What did he bring to the table?

1. Muslim background
2. Raised in Indonesia
3. Possible spook background (Business International Corporation )

Think about his 1980 trip to Pakistan. Was that an "official" unofficial trip? His whole natural born citizenship issue may tie to various identities that he has used, and this may be why it is so hushed up.

People want to tie this to the CIA, but I wonder if it does not originate in the White House (possibly with CIA help). Thoughts?

What's happening in the Middle East has bee predicted to happen by many, even in the late 1980s, in political science classes.

Obama has nothing to do with it.

The current regimes in the Middle East are mostly (but not all) American allies and puppets that have placated their citizens by giving them money for many years.

What's happening is no surprise: dictatorships, high youth unemployment, massive corruption, and little hope for the future, unless you are one of the few that are connected, in these societies.

Hopefully the Americans will - finally - stay out of it.

I don't know if it was as much "predicted" as as proposed (as an alternate to the just collapsed US-Soviet cold war). The proposition was accepted somewhat by Clinton, and big time by Bush Jr. Clearly Obama is extending it. What I am saying is that Obama may have been chosen and backed as a candidate specifically to manage this situation.

I find one of his first speeches very interesting. He went to Egypt in 2009. While talking he read a passage form the great books of the three western religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam).

For Christians he read from the Bible (New Testament)
For Islam he read from the Koran.

What do you think he read from for Judaism? The Old Testament? NO

He read from the talmud.

This basically severed the grouping Christian-Judaism (read Chrisitan-judaic values, etc.) vs. Islam into Christianity, Judaism and Islam. Three groups with three indiependent interests.

mick silver
21st February 2011, 05:30 PM
i think he part of the nwo if that helps . yes i would say he playing a part , but what part is he playing . is the new boss going to like us here ?

21st February 2011, 05:34 PM
Absolutely nothing changed in Egypt except the puppet.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

We are awaiting if the change occurred.

Mubarak was staunchly against any attack on Iran.

I guess we will find out how the current ruling General thinks.

21st February 2011, 05:40 PM
Obama has nothing to do with it.

This has all been planned and engineered for a long time.

The following will be hard for most of you, but put away your websites and instant news sources and degenerative entertainment outlets and READ (you will learn, I promise):

World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilization (http://www.archive.org/details/worldrevolution00websgoog)

If you need a visual presentation, watch this seminar. You will understand EVERYTHING that is happening in the Middle East right now. Just not the hidden system behind it.
