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18th February 2011, 07:00 AM
This is one of the better articles I've seen about vaccine safety. He does recommend Pertussis (acellular, not whole cell) and Polio (the Salk vaccine, cultured in human cells). Vaccines should be given no earlier than age 2 and spaced at least 6 months apart.

An Alternative Vaccination Schedule From Dr. Donald Miller

Vaccine safety became a concern for me again recently when a friend of mine’s 1 year old son received his first vaccine and later that day (after being a perfectly healthy boy) had his first, of many to follow, seizure. My friend fully believes it was related to the vaccine he had received earlier that day. This is so scary. What is a parent to do? To vaccinate or not? As another one of my friends says, “These are really important and tough decisions in the parenting route.”

We are sharing an article, with permissions and updates from Dr. Donald Miller, that we know is of interest to all parents who are concerned with vaccination safety. The article is very informative, and is a must read all the way through.

We asked Dr. Donald Miller, “In your opinion, is the vaccine-autism link an absolute lie?” And his reply, “And with regard to autism, vaccines cause autism.” The numbers below are mind-blowing, the mentioned censorship sad, and the alternative approaches respected.

For any parent facing the decision regarding “to vaccinate or not?” THIS article has all the information you need to know, and additionally links to even more sources. Please share, thank you.
A User-Friendly Vaccination Schedule

by Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD

Vaccination is a controversial subject, and many parents worry about subjecting their children to them. Readers of my article “Mercury on the Mind,” about vaccines and dental amalgams, have asked what vaccines I would recommend their children receive. This article addresses that question.

In the Recommended Childhood Immunization Schedule put out by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), 12 vaccines are given to children before they reach the age of two. Providers inject them against hepatitis B, diphtheria, tetanus (lockjaw), pertussis (whooping cough), polio, pneumococcal infections, Hemophilus influenzae type b infections, measles, mumps, rubella (German measles), chickenpox, and influenza (the flu).

Infectious disease was the leading cause of death in children 100 years ago, with diphtheria, measles, scarlet fever, and pertussis accounting for most them. Today the leading causes of death in children less than five years of age are accidents, genetic abnormalities, developmental disorders, sudden infant death syndrome, and cancer. A basic tenet of modern medicine is that vaccines are the reason. There is growing evidence that this is so, but perhaps not quite in the way conventional medical wisdom would have it.

A 15-member Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices at the CDC decides which vaccines should be on the Childhood Immunization Schedule. It calls for one vaccine, against hepatitis B, to be given on the day of birth; 7 vaccines at two months; 6 more (including booster shots) at four months; and as many as 8 vaccines on the six month well-baby visit. Before a child reaches the age of two he or she will have received 32 vaccinations on this schedule, including four doses each of vaccines for Hemophilus influenzae type b infections, diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis — all of them given during the first 12 months of life. Seven vaccines injected into a 13 lb. two-month old infant are equivalent to 70 doses in a 130 lb. adult.

The schedule states, “Your child can safely receive all vaccines recommended for a particular age during one visit.” Public health officials, however, have not proven that it is indeed safe to inject this many vaccines into infants. What’s more, they cannot explain why, concurrent with an increasing number of vaccinations, there has been an explosion of neurologic and immune system disorders in our nation’s children.

Fifty years ago, when the immunization schedule contained only four vaccines (for diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and smallpox), autism was virtually unknown. First discovered in 1943, this most devastating malady in what is now a spectrum of pervasive developmental disorders afflicted less than 1 in 10,000 children. Today, one in every 68 American families has an autistic child. Other, less severe developmental disorders, rarely seen before the vaccine era, have also reached epidemic proportions. Four million American children have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. One in six American children are now classified as “Learning Disabled.”

Our children are also experiencing an epidemic of autoimmune disorders — Type I diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, and bowel disorders. There has been a 17-fold increase in Type I diabetes, from 1 in 7,100 children in the 1950s to 1 in 400 now. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis afflicts 300,000 American children. Twenty-five years ago this disease was so rare that public health officials did not keep any statistics on it. There has been a 4-fold increase in asthma, and bowel disorders in children are much more common now than they were 50 years ago.


18th February 2011, 07:05 AM
Health officials consider a vaccine to be safe if no bad reactions — like seizures, intestinal obstruction, or anaphylaxis — occur acutely. The CDC has not done any studies to assess the long-term effects of its immunization schedule. To do that one must conduct a randomized controlled trial, the lynchpin of evidenced-based medicine, where one group of children is vaccinated on the CDC’s schedule and a control group is not vaccinated. Investigators then follow the two groups for a number of years (not just three to four weeks, as has been done in vaccine safety studies). Concerns that vaccinations in infants cause chronic neurologic and immune system disorders would be put to rest, and their safety certified, if the number of children who develop these diseases is the same in both groups. No such studies have been done, so vaccine proponents cannot say that vaccines are indeed as safe as they think they are. (One proponent, interviewed by Dan Rather on 60 Minutes, who has financial ties to the vaccine industry that he did not disclose, claims that vaccines “have a better safety record than vitamins.” He neglected to mention that the U.S. government has paid out more than $1.5 billion in its Vaccine Injury Compensation Program to families of children who have been injured or killed by vaccines.)

There is a growing body of evidence that implicates vaccines as a causative factor in the deteriorating health of children. The hypothesis that vaccines cause neurologic and immune system disorders is a legitimate one — vaccines given in multiple doses, close together, to very young children following the CDC’s Immunization Schedule. This hypothesis should be tested by a large-scale, long-term randomized controlled trial.

Rather than obediently following the government’s schedule, there is now sufficient evidence, grounded in good science, to justify adopting a more user-friendly vaccination schedule, one which is in the best interests of the individual as opposed to what planners judge best for society as a whole.

New knowledge in neuroimmunology (the study of how the brain’s immune system works) raises serious questions about the wisdom of injecting vaccines in children less than two years of age.

The brain has its own specialized immune system, separate from that of the rest of the body. When a person is vaccinated, its specialized immune cells, the microglia, become activated (the blood-brain barrier notwithstanding). Multiple vaccinations spaced close together over-stimulate the microglia, causing them to release a variety of toxic elements — cytokines, chemokines, excitotoxins, proteases, complement, free radicals — that damage brain cells and their synaptic connections. Researchers call the damage caused by these toxic substances “bystander injury.” (Pediatricians and other professional colleagues who question this should read these two reviews by the neurosurgeon Russell L. Blaylock: “Interaction of Cytokines, Excitotoxins, Reactive Nitrogen and Oxygen Species in Autism Spectrum Disorders,” in the Journal of the American Nutraceutical Association [JANA 2003;6(4):21—35], with 167 references. And “Chronic Microglial Activation and Excitotoxicity Secondary to Excessive Immune Stimulation: Possible Factors in Gulf War Syndrome and Autism,” in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons [JAPS 2004;9(2):46—52], posted online, with 54 references.)

In humans, the most rapid period of brain development begins in the third trimester and continues over the first two years of extra uterine life. (By then brain development is 80 percent complete.) Until randomized controlled trials demonstrate the safety of giving vaccines during this time of life, it would be prudent not to give any vaccinations to children until they are two years old. From a risk-benefit perspective, there is growing evidence that the risk of neurologic and autoimmune diseases from vaccinations outweigh the benefits of avoiding the childhood infections that they prevent. An exception is hepatitis B vaccine for infants whose mothers test positive for this disease.

Avoid Flu Vaccines

A user-friendly vaccination schedule prohibits any vaccines that contain thimerosal, which is 50 percent mercury. Flu vaccines contain thimerosal, which is reason enough to avoid them. (See my article “Mercury on the Mind” for more on this subject.)

Avoid Vaccines that contain Live Viruses

One should also avoid vaccines that contain live viruses. This includes the combined measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine; chickenpox (varicella) vaccine, and the live-virus polio (Sabin) vaccine. This stricture would not apply to the smallpox vaccine (also a live-virus one), if a terrorist-instigated outbreak of smallpox should occur.

User-friendly Vaccination Schedule

Finally, a user-friendly vaccination schedule requires that vaccinations, after the age of two, be given no more than once every six months, one at a time, in order to allow the immune system sufficient time to recover and stabilize between shots.

Which 3 Newer Vaccines to Avoid

A good case can be made (for example, see Gary Null’s Vaccines: A Second Opinion) for avoiding the three other newer vaccines on the CDC’s schedule — the hepatitis B, pneumococcal conjugate (PCV7), and Hemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccines.

Your pediatrician will not like this schedule. They are taught in medical school and residency training that childhood immunizations are essential to public health. As one pediatrician puts it, “Achieving adequate and timely vaccination of young children is the single most valuable thing a doctor can do for a patient.” They do not question what their professors teach them, nor are they inclined to critically examine studies in Pediatrics and the New England Journal of Medicine that tell them vaccines are safe.

Only 56 cases of Measles in a Population of 290 Million

There were 482,000 cases of measles in the U.S in 1962, the year before a vaccine for this disease became available. Now, with all fifty states requiring that children be vaccinated against measles in order to attend school, there were only 56 cases of measles in a population of 290 million people in 2003.

These facts are well known and proudly cited by vaccine proponents. What is less known, and doctors are not taught, is that the death rate for measles declined 97.7 percent during the first 60 years of the 20th century. The mortality rate was 133 deaths per million people in the U.S. in 1900, and had dropped to 0.3 deaths per million by 1960. Measles caused less than 100 deaths a year in the U.S. before there was a vaccine for this disease (in 1963).

“The best vaccine against common infectious diseases is an adequate diet”-WHO (World Heath Organization)

The same thing happened with diphtheria and pertussis. Mortality rates dropped more than 90 percent in the early 20th century before vaccines for these diseases were introduced. This was due to better nutrition (with rapid delivery of fresh fruit and vegetables to cities and refrigeration), cleaner water, and improved sanitation (removing trash from the streets and better sewage systems), not to vaccines. The World Health Organization promotes mass vaccination, but knowing these facts states, “The best vaccine against common infectious diseases is an adequate diet” — fortified, one might add, with vitamin A.

Since the measles vaccine came into widespread use in this country this disease has virtually disappeared, and it has prevented 100 deaths a year. But now, instead, several thousand normally developing children become autistic after receiving their MMR shot. Termed “regressive autism,” it accounts for about 30 percent of the 10,000 to 20,000 children who are diagnosed with autism in this country each year.

To put to rest concerns that MMR vaccination might cause autism (in a small percentage of children), the New England Journal of Medicine, in 2002, published a population-based study from Denmark, where its authors concluded, “This study provides strong evidence against the hypothesis that MMR vaccination causes autism.” The NEJM did not disclose that the “Statens Serum Institut,” where three of the authors work, is a for-profit vaccine manufacturer, Denmark’s largest, or that four other authors have financial ties to this company. Only one of the eight authors is not associated with this institute, and the CDC employs him. The study compares the prevalence of autism in 440,000 MMR vaccinated and 97,000 unvaccinated children in Denmark born in the 1990s. A statistical slight-of-hand in age adjustment makes the study show no causal effect; but when unmasked and reformatted, the data actually shows a statistically significant association between MMR vaccine and autism (as Carol Stott and her coauthors make clear in “MMR and Autism in Perspective: the Denmark Story,” in the Fall 2004 Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, posted online).

Pediatrics and the Journal of the American Medical Association also have published studies like this supporting U.S. vaccine policy, written by authors with similar, undisclosed conflicts of interest. Looking elsewhere, however, one comes across a number of disquieting facts about vaccines. Investigators have found, for example, live measles virus in the cerebral spinal fluid in children who become autistic after MMR vaccination. Antibodies to measles virus are elevated in children with autism but not in normal kids, suggesting that virus-induced autoimmunity may play a causal role. A study published in Neurology this year implicates hepatitis B vaccine as a causative factor in multiple sclerosis.
“These officials recognize that these vaccines will harm a small percentage of (genetically susceptible) individuals, but it is for the common good.” -Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD

A communitarian ethic increasingly governs health care in the U.S. It places a greater value on the health of the community, on society as a whole, than on the health of particular individuals. Public health officials have put together a vaccination schedule designed to eliminate infectious diseases to which the population is prey. These officials recognize that these vaccines will harm a small percentage of (genetically susceptible) individuals, but it is for the common good. The communitarian code posits that it is morally acceptable, if necessary, to sacrifice a few for the good of the many. Or as one observer more bluntly puts it, “Individual sheep can be sheared and slaughtered if it is for the welfare of their flock.”

In this framework, health care providers become agents of the state charged with injecting vaccines into people that the central planners deem necessary. Physicians who remain true to their Hippocratic Oath and place the interests of their patient above that of the herd are considered to be out of step with the times, if not an anachronism.

Like central planners everywhere, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) promulgates a self-serving, one-size-fits-all vaccine policy. Members of this committee have ties to vaccine makers, such that the CDC must grant them waivers from statutory conflict of interest rules. Even so, and with little evidence to show that it is safe to subject young children to the ACIP’s crowded immunization schedule, states nevertheless dutifully make its vaccine recommendations compulsory.

Vaccine Exemptions

All 50 states require children to be immunized against measles, diphtheria, Hemophilus influenzae type b, polio, and rubella in order to enroll in day care and/or public school. Forty-nine states also require vaccination against tetanus; 47, against hepatitis B and mumps; and 43 states now require vaccination against chickenpox. In order to shield themselves from any liability for making vaccinations compulsory, all states provide a medical exemption and 47, a religious exemption. Nineteen states allow a philosophical exemption. Some require only a letter from a parent and others, from a physician or church leader. (To see the exemptions allowed in your state, their wording and requirements, click here.) Parents, of course, can refuse vaccination; but if they want to enroll their child in public school they will need to obtain one of these exemptions.

Doctors who conclude that the risks of the government’s immunization schedule outweigh its benefits are placed in a difficult position. If they counsel parents not to have their children follow it, health care plans, which track vaccine compliance as a measure of “quality,” will find them wanting. And if their patient should contract and develop complications from the disease the vaccine would have prevented they may find themselves confronting a lawsuit. If a child becomes autistic following a vaccination, however, the doctor is protected from any liability because the government requires it and the child’s parents, if they had chosen to do so, could have obtained an exemption. (Anti-vaccine advocates call developing autism, asthma, and Type I diabetes after vaccinations “vaccination roulette.”)

Parents should have the freedom to select whatever vaccination schedule they want their children to follow, especially since health care providers and the government (except via its Vaccine Injury Compensation Program) cannot be held accountable for any adverse outcomes that might occur. But if parents elect to not follow the CDC’s immunization schedule, delaying some vaccinations, refusing others, or avoiding them altogether, then they must accept the risk that their child might contract the disease that the vaccine against it most likely would have prevented.

Does removing natural infection from human experience have any adverse consequences?

One consideration, which vaccine proponents do not address, is this: Could contracting childhood diseases like measles, mumps, rubella, and chickenpox play a constructive role in the maturation of a person’s immune system? Or, to put it another way, does removing natural infection from human experience have any adverse consequences?

Our species’ immune system — a one-trillion-cell army that patrols our (100-trillion-cell) body — serves two main purposes. It destroys foreign invaders — viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens. And it destroys aberrant cells in the body that run amuck and cause cancer. Behind the barricades of skin and mucosa, our innate immune system (composed of phagocytes, natural killer cells, and the 20-protein complement system), which all animals have, is the body’s first line of defense. It reacts to invaders lightening fast and indiscriminately, but it is not very good at eliminating viruses and cancerous cells. Vertebrates have evolved a second line of defense — the adaptive immune system. It targets specific viruses and bacteria and has better artillery for eliminating cancerous cells. This system matures during childhood, and it has a cellular (Th1) and humoral (Th2) component (Th = helper T cell).
The viruses that cause measles, mumps, and chickenpox have infected countless generations of humans, akin to a rite of passage for each member of our species. Contracting these diseases strengthens both parts of the adaptive immune system (Th1 and Th2 ). Mothers who have had measles, mumps, and chickenpox transfer antibodies against them to their babies in utero, which protect them during the first year of life from contracting these infections.


18th February 2011, 07:08 AM
“Could the fact that cancer has become a leading cause of death in children be a result of vaccinations? Only a randomized controlled trial can conclusively answer this question.” -Donald W. Miller, Jr., MD

Vaccinations do not have the same effect on the immune system as naturally acquired diseases do. They stimulate predominantly the Th2 part of this system and not Th1. (Over-stimulation of Th2 causes autoimmune diseases.) The cellular Th1 side thwarts cancer, and if it does not become fully developed in childhood a person can be more prone to have cancer as an adult. Women who had mumps during childhood, for example, are found to be less likely to have ovarian cancer than women who did not have this infection. Could the fact that cancer has become a leading cause of death in children be a result of vaccinations? Only a randomized controlled trial can conclusively answer this question.

With rare exception, a well-nourished child who contracts measles will recover smoothly from the infection. Fifty years ago almost all children in the U.S. had measles. And after contracting this disease, one has life-long immunity to it. The protection provided by vaccination is temporary. Adults who contract measles (when the protective effects of the vaccine wears off) are much more likely to have neurological, testicular, and ovarian complications. Likewise, rubella is a benign disease in children, but if a woman acquires it during pregnancy fetal malformations may develop. One can argue, heretical as such an argument may be, that it would be better to let children have measles, at an age when the infection helps the adaptive immune system mature in a balanced Th1/Th2 fashion and complications from this disease are minimal, rather than vaccinate them against this disease (especially considering the risks of vaccination).

Pertussis and Diphtheria are a different matter. These diseases are more virulent. Children who contract whooping cough (pertussis) can be incapacitated for more than a month. Polio can be devastating in susceptible individuals. And no one wants to get tetanus (lockjaw). A user-friendly vaccination schedule would include vaccines against these diseases.

Whatever vaccination schedule one chooses, mothers should breast-feed their child for as long as possible — a year or more. Failing that, add Omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA (docosahexanoic acid), to the child’s formula.
Recommended Vaccination Schedule

In summary, this is a vaccination schedule that I would recommend:

No vaccinations until a child is two years old.
No vaccines that contain thimerosal (mercury).
No live virus vaccines (except for smallpox, should it recur).

Top 4 Recommended Vaccines

These vaccines, to be given one at a time, every six months, beginning at age 2:
a. Pertussis (acellular, not whole cell)
b. Diphtheria
c. Tetanus
d. Polio (the Salk vaccine, cultured in human cells)

The top four would be the pertussis (acelluar — aP — not whole cell), diphtheria (D), and tetanus (T) vaccines — given separately (not together, as is usually the case); and the Salk polio vaccine, with an inactivated (dead) virus, one that is cultured in human cells, not monkey kidney cells. Perhaps it should only contain these four vaccines.

Please note Dr. Donald Miller’s updates to these recommendations below.
An Update on Dr. Donald Miller’s Vaccination Schedule

In the newsletter New Developments: New Angles on Developmental Delays¹ , the following entry is in its News and Comments section (p 3), titled “Friendly Vaccine Schedule Encounters a Glitch.” It says,
“Dr. Donald Miller, author of the ‘User Friendly vaccine Schedule’ published in the last newsletter², has discovered that the D and T of the DPT are no longer available separately, without thimerosal. Unless the vaccine manufacturers can be pressured to make separate thimerosal-free D, T, and P vaccines, it will be impossible, unfortunately, to follow the ‘user friendly’ vaccination schedule as written. Miller believes that the risk of the combined DPT vaccine, even after age two, outweighs its benefits, so it is better to do without these shots.”

In my research on this subject, I was persuaded that Dr. Russell Blaylock is correct in recommending that vaccinations only be given after the age of two, one at a time, and no closer than six months apart–and that a “user friendly” schedule should include only D, T, P and polio, the four “traditional” vaccines. I did not think before writing the article to ascertain (assuming it to be the case) that one could indeed obtain separate D, T, and P vaccines without thimerosal.

On further investigation I have found that T and D can be obtained separately, but they contain thimerosal/mercury. GlaxoSmithKline made a separate pertussis vaccine for the APERT trial, but apparently no longer does so. A Japanese company is said to make one without thimerosal, but I cannot determine who it is. If your pediatrician can obtain single-dose vials of D and T then those would have only an inconsequential trace of thimerosal, but they are apparently hard to find as well. That leaves only the polio vaccine.

For a good discussion of why one should avoid most vaccines on the CDC’s schedule I recommend Dr. Sherry Tenpenny’s (3-hour) DVD titled “Vaccines: the Risks, the Benefits, the Choice“.

¹Spring 2005, Vol. 10, No.3
²Copywrite 200LewRockwell.com in 2004


18th February 2011, 07:26 AM
Thanks a bunch, this is exactly the kind of information I was looking for. "Ask and ye shall receive..."

Mrs. Old is pregnant with my first and most information is "all vaccinations, all the time" or "never let your child ever get a single shot."

18th February 2011, 07:41 AM
Thank you, very helpful and informative. I'm expecting a little one in May and vaccine discussions with doctors are entertaining.

My wifes OB/GYN asked why she hasn't taken her flu vaccine. To which I chimed in, because she's supposed to stay away from mercury right? The OB/GYN agreed, I said then why are you wanting to inject mercury intravenously? To which she answered to advert the flu, I said so you tell her not to eat too much fish because of mercury contamination but it's ok to inject it intravenously? No response, and I said yeah she's not getting a flu shot.

18th February 2011, 08:18 AM
When we had our first about a year and a half ago, we told the nurses that we're going to give the HepB at the pediatricians office and they were fine with that. Our second is due in 5 weeks so we'll be going through it again.

18th February 2011, 02:36 PM
We just had our second two weeks ago and never had any problems at the hospital with either.

The oldest is 18 months, and we are going to get him the tetanus shots since we farm and raise animals and are therefore at a higher risk. It looks like the DT vaccine (without pertussis) is the safest and can be had without the thimerosal if you get the individual vials.

What I have read does not give high marks to hte pertussis vaccine. I will read this article in more detail and find out where the differences of opinion lie. If Dr. Miller makes a good enough argument, we may just goe with the regular DTaP instead of the less common and more expensive DT.

Thank you very much for posting this article.

18th February 2011, 02:46 PM
Thank you, very helpful and informative. I'm expecting a little one in May and vaccine discussions with doctors are entertaining.

My wifes OB/GYN asked why she hasn't taken her flu vaccine. To which I chimed in, because she's supposed to stay away from mercury right? The OB/GYN agreed, I said then why are you wanting to inject mercury intravenously? To which she answered to advert the flu, I said so you tell her not to eat too much fish because of mercury contamination but it's ok to inject it intravenously? No response, and I said yeah she's not getting a flu shot.

Good answer, would of made the doc think

18th February 2011, 02:49 PM
Yes getting multi vac in one shot is super dangerous and wrong

And none under age two is better

We didnt vac our kids except for daughters with rubella later on(wife).Kids all grown up and fine now

18th February 2011, 03:30 PM
3 kids (oldest 8 ) 0 vaccines. Hep B maybe later when they get to an age they might be sexually active.

3rd April 2012, 07:14 AM
From some more reading I have done, it looks like the adult dT vaccine has a much lower dose of the diphtheria vaccine than the pediatric DT vaccine. This is because children under 7 tolerate the diphtheria vaccine better than adults. Since the tetanus vaccine is not available by itself, this could be as close to the individual dose as we can get.

A couple of questions I now have:

Does my information match with what the rest of you are finding?
Will a doctor give the adult vaccine to a 2 year old?

I will report back with my findings. In the meantime it would be great if a certain doctor on the forum could chime in.

big country
3rd April 2012, 08:33 AM
My daughter is 19 months and has 0 vaccines so far. We are waiting until she is atleast 2 to possibly start some. I want to give polio since that is life long debilitating and has no cure, so we will be doing that one. Good information on finding the correct version to give. I'll look into that. We had to sign a waiver when declining the HepB Vaccine at the hospital.

We really want to give the pertussis too, but don't want to do the DTaP. We called the health dept and they told us all their vaccines contain thimersol :( the Dr. also told us the same. We do not and have not used a pediatrician. We are likely changing Drs. soon to one that is closer (our current one is impossible to get into)...We'll have to see what they have and what they can obtain.

WV has terrible rules for opting-out of the vaccines, only a medical exemption. No religious and no philosophical or anything like that. And the Dr. can only give the Medical one if they can prove (and submit to the state the proof) that vaccinating will cause issues...how do you do that? We're going to be homeschooling so the "no public school" issue isn't a huge deal to us...

3rd April 2012, 08:44 AM
Why pertussis? From what I've read, it's really only dangerous to infants who are too young for the shot even by CDC standards. By the time they can have the shot, they don't need it anyway. Of course, DYODD.

big country
3rd April 2012, 09:01 AM
pertussis is because it really knocks them out for a month or more...bedridden and can be deadly. Not something I want my child to suffer through if I can help it. (hell, not something I want to suffer through...)

If I can't get it seperately though, likely, we will not get it at all. I think it might only be polio at this point since it appears D, and T are impossible to get by themselves. I remember getting the T shot by itself when I was a child...

3rd April 2012, 09:30 AM
Yes, it is better to wait until they are 2 before injecting toxins in your child. It is even better never to do it.

3rd April 2012, 10:42 AM
All them shots jacked my sons immunity up pretty good, he is 15 now and still fvcked up where his immunity marks his platelets as the enemy. No cure but we can remove parts or nuke his bone marrow til its dead and then try to replace it. Odds are about as good as winning the lottery so I will continue to keep him out of trouble (hospital) with herbs. I can stop bleeding within 20 minutes and raise his platelets in a couple days. Western medicine has nothing on me.

Twisted Titan
3rd April 2012, 12:12 PM

3rd April 2012, 12:45 PM
All them shots jacked my sons immunity up pretty good, he is 15 now and still fvcked up where his immunity marks his platelets as the enemy. No cure but we can remove parts or nuke his bone marrow til its dead and then try to replace it. Odds are about as good as winning the lottery so I will continue to keep him out of trouble (hospital) with herbs. I can stop bleeding within 20 minutes and raise his platelets in a couple days. Western medicine has nothing on me.
Did any MD ever aknowledge, that it was even remotely possible he was injured by vaccinations?

3rd April 2012, 12:56 PM
Did any MD ever aknowledge, that it was even remotely possible he was injured by vaccinations?

Never, back when he was little my 1st ex used to take him to the ped constantly. He amongst the vaccinations was continuously on Claritin which is not approved for kids under 12 (at that time) for of all things... nose bleeds. Then after that she decided to put him on Conserta to keep her life easier, we were at constant war and I took him in for the nosebleeds and there is a side effect. That's when his mother finally calmed down and stopped drugging him. I think the MMR was the contributing factor as the probs started around that time. 25K through legal avenues would not stop that evil woman, it took a life threatening problem to stop her. I am sure between all of these drugs and extreme stress all contributed to it but as any mention of vaccines not once.

3rd April 2012, 05:55 PM
I want to give polio since that is life long debilitating and has no cure, so we will be doing that one.

Guess what? The cure was found back in the 1940s by Dr. Fred Klenner. It's vitamin C. He even gave a talk about it at an AMA meeting and wrote a paper on it in a southern medical journal, but got the not-surprising response: SILENCE.

The Origin of the 42-Year Stonewall of Vitamin C (http://www.seanet.com/%7Ealexs/ascorbate/199x/landwehr-r-j_orthomol_med-1991-v6-n2-p99.htm)

In the late spring of 1949 the United States was in the grip of its worst poliomyelitis epidemic ever. On June 10 a paper on ways to save the lives of bulbar polio victims was read at the Annual Session of the American Medical Association (subsequently printed in its journal, JAMA, September 3, 1949, pages 1-8, volume 141, no. 1). Following the talk members of the audience were invited to comment. The first speaker, a leading authority from Pasadena, focused on details of tracheotomy techniques caused when paralyzed breathing, swallowing and coughing muscles of victims threatened their lives. Why the next person was recognized is puzzling. The only national recognition he had received — and it was obviously very limited — was that his picture appeared in Ebony in 1947 for having delivered of a deaf-mute black woman the first known surviving, identical quadruplets in the country. Here is the abstract of his remarks as recorded in JAMA:

“Dr. F. R. Klenner, Reidsville, N.C.: It might be interesting to learn how poliomyelitis was treated in Reidsville, N.C., during the 1948 epidemic. In the past seven years, virus infections have been treated and cured in a period of seventy-two hours by the employment of massive frequent injections of ascorbic acid, or vitamin C. I believe that if vitamin C in these massive doses — 6,000 to 20,000 mg in a twenty-four hour period — is given to these patients with poliomyelitis none will be paralyzed and there will be no further maiming or epidemics of poliomyelitis.”


The empirical, clinical basis for Klenner’s statement is found in his paper “The Treatment of Poliomyelitis and Other Virus Diseases with Vitamin C”, published in the July 1949 issue of the Journal of Southern Medicine and Surgery. On pages 211-212 he writes:

“In the poliomyelitis epidemic in North Carolina in 1948, 60 cases of this disease came under our care. These patients presented all or almost all of these signs and symptoms: Fever of 101 to 104.6, headache, pain at the back of the eyes, conjunctivitis, scarlet throat; pain between the shoulders, the back of the neck, one or more extremity, the lumbar back; nausea, vomiting and constipation. In 15 of these cases the diagnosis was confirmed by lumbar puncture; the cell count ranging from 33 to 125. Eight had been in contact with a proven case; two of this group received spinal taps. Examination of the spinal fluid was not carried out in others for the reasons: (1) Flexner and Amoss had warned that ‘simple lumbar puncture attended with even very slight hemorrhage opens the way for the passage of the virus from the blood into the central nervous system and thus promotes infection.’ (2) A patient presenting all or almost all of the above signs and symptoms during an epidemic of poliomyelitis must be considered infected with this virus. (3) Routine lumbar puncture would have made it obligatory to report each case as diagnosed to the health authorities. This would have deprived myself of valuable clinical material and the patients of most valuable therapy, since they would have been removed to a receiving center in a nearby town.

“The treatment employed was vitamin C in massive doses. It was given like any other antibiotic every two to four hours. The initial dose was 1,000 to 2,000 mg, depending on age. Children up to four years received the injections intramuscularly. Since laboratory facilities for whole blood and urine determinations of the concentration of vitamin C were not available, the temperature curve was adopted as the guide for additional medication. The rectal temperature was recorded every two hours. No temperature response after the second hour was taken to indicate the second 1,000 or 2,000 mg. If there was a drop in fever after two hours, two more hours was allowed before the second dose. This schedule was followed for 24 hours. After this time the fever was consistently down, so the drug was given 1,000 to 2,000 mg every six hours for the next 48 hours. All patients were clinically well after 72 hours. After three patients had a relapse the drug was continued for at least 48 hours longer — 1,000 to 2,000 mg every eight to 12 hours. Where spinal taps were performed, it was the rule to find a reversion of the fluid to normal after the second thy of treatment.

“For patients treated in the home the dose schedule was 2,000 mg by needle every six hours, supplemented by 1,000 to 2,000 mg every two hours by mouth. The tablet was crushed and dissolved in fruit juice. All of the natural “C” in fruit juice is taken up by the body; this made us expect catalytic action from this medium. Rutin, 20 mg, was used with vitamin C by mouth in a few cases, instead of the fruit juice.

Hawley and others have shown that vitamin C taken by mouth will show its peak of excretion in the urine in from four to six hours. Intravenous administration produces this peak in from one to three hours. By this route, however, the concentration in the blood is raised so suddenly that a transitory overflow into the urine results before the tissues are saturated. Some authorities suggest that the subcutaneous method is the most conservative in terms of vitamin C loss, but this factor is overwhelmingly neutralized by the factor of pain inflicted.

“Two patients in this series of 60 regurgitated fluid through the nose. This was interpreted as representing the dangerous bulbar type. For a patient in this category postural drainage, oxygen administration, in some cases tracheotomy, needs to be instituted, until the vitamin C has had sufficient time to work — in our experience 36 hours. Failure to recognize this factor might sacrifice the chance of recovery. With these precautions taken, every patient of the series recovered uneventfully within three to five days.”

This paper is quoted at length to allow readers to judge for themselves whether or not Dr. Klenner made up all these details. In subsequent publications he gave details about curing life-threatening polio cases, and described his general procedures in his paper “The Vitamin and Massage Treatment for Acute Poliomyelitis”, appearing in the Journal of Southern Medicine and Surgery in August, 1952.

One of the reasons why Klenner’s declaration at the AMA annual session was undoubtedly met with silence was that since 1939 polio experts were quite certain that vitamin C was not effective against polio. There seemed little doubt that Dr. Albert B. Sabin, a highly respected figure in medical research even before he developed his successful vaccines, had demonstrated that vitamin C had no value in combatting polio viruses. In 1939 he published a paper showing that vitamin C had no effect in preventing paralysis in rhesus monkeys experimentally infected with a strain of polio virus. He had tried to corroborate the work of Dr. Claus W. Jungeblut, another highly respected medical researcher, who had published in 1935 and 1937 papers indicating that vitamin C might be of benefit. Sabin could not reproduce Jungeblut’s results even though he consulted Jungeblut during the course of the experiments. It seemed to be a fair trial, and Sabin’s negative results virtually ended experiments with vitamin C and polio.

How then could a Dr. Fred R. Klenner, a virtually unknown general practitioner specializing in diseases of the chest, from a town no one ever heard of, with no national credentials, no research grants and no experimental laboratory, have the nerve to make his sweeping claim in front of that prestigious body of polio authorities?

Around 1942 Klenner’s wife suffered bleeding gums and her dentist recommended pulling out all her teeth. Dr. Klenner thought that solution too Draconian and remembered reading about research using vitamin C to cure chimpanzees with a similar problem. He gave her several injections of the vitamin and the bleeding stopped. Soon, after, this dramatic result encouraged him to try vitamin C on an obstinate man who was near death from viral pneumonia. Klenner described this seminal experience in a 1953 paper “The Use of Vitamin C as an Antibiotic”:

“Our interest with vitamin C against the virus organism began ten years ago in a modest rural home. Here a patient who was receiving symptomatic treatment for virus pneumonia had suddenly developed cynosis [sic: cyanosis]. He refused hospitalization for supportive oxygen therapy. X-Ray had not been considered because of its dubious value and because the nearest department equipped to give such treatment was 69 miles distant. Two grams of vitamin C was given intramuscularly with the hope that the anaerobic condition existing in the tissues would be relieved by the catalytic action of vitamin C acting as a gas transport aiding cellular respiration. This was an old idea; the important factor being that it worked. Within 30 minutes after giving the drug (which was carried in my medical bag for the treatment of diarrhea in children) the characteristic breathing and slate-like color had cleared. Returning six hours later, at eight in the evening, the patient was found sitting over the edge of his bed enjoying a late dinner. Strangely enough his fever was three degrees less than it was at 2 p.m. that same afternoon. This sudden change in the condition of the patient led us to suspect that vitamin C was playing a role of far greater significance than that of a simple respiratory catalyst. A second injection of one gram of vitamin C was administered, by the same route, on this visit and then subsequently at six hour intervals for the next three days. This patient was clinically well after 36 hours of chemotherapy. From this casual observation we have been able to assemble sufficient clinical evidence to prove unequivocally that vitamin C is the antibiotic of choice in the handling of all types of virus diseases. Furthermore it is a major adjuvant in the treatment of all other infectious diseases.”

Again this paper is quoted at length to allow readers to judge for themselves whether or not the author made this up or deluded himself in some way. From 1943 through 1947 Dr. Klenner reported successful treatment of 41 more cases of viral pneumonia using massive doses of vitamin C. From these cases he learned what dosage and route of administration — intravenously, intramuscularly, or orally — was best for each patient. Dr. Klenner gave these details in a February 1948 paper published in the Journal of Southern Medicine and Surgery entitled “Virus Pneumonia and Its Treatment with Vitamin C”. This article was the first of Dr. Klenner’s twenty-eight (through 1974) scientific publications.

Klenner realized, of course, that vitamin C’s effectiveness with viral pneumonia opened up the possibility of curing other viral diseases. “With a great deal of enthusiasm,” in Klenner’s phrase, he tried its effectiveness with all of the childhood diseases, particularly measles. By the spring of 1948, when a measles epidemic came to Reidsville, Klenner was so confident of vitamin C’s efficacy with these diseases that he devised what would ordinarily be an outrageous experiment with his two little daughters. He had them play with children known to be in the contagious phase of measles. When the usual syndrome of measles had developed and his daughters were obviously sick, vitamin C was started. Again Klenner’s words from his 1953 paper:

“In this experiment it was found that 1,000 mg every four hours, by mouth, would modify the attack. Smaller doses allowed the disease to progress. When 1,000 mg was given every 2 hours all evidence of the infection cleared in 48 hours. If the thug was then discontinued for a similar period (48 hours) the above syndrome returned. We observed this off and on picture for thirty days at which time the drug (vitamin C) was given 1,000 mg every 2 hours around the clock for four days. This time the picture cleared and did not return.”

With this background of experiences — with human beings, not experimental animals — Klenner gained confidence in and control over his vitamin C treatment.

One reason he turned his attention early to treating measles was that he knew that measle [sic: measles] viruses were about as small as polio viruses and he hoped massive doses of vitamin C would be effective against the dreaded Crippler. By 1948 he was ready to treat polio with vitamin C, and in that year North Carolina suffered its worst epidemic ever — 2,518 new cases. Dr. Klenner’s hopes were realized when, as has been related above, he cured sixty patients with massive frequent injections of vitamin C.

With seven years of experience behind him one can understand not only why Dr. Klenner had the nerve to speak up on June 10, 1949 but why he undoubtedly felt morally obligated to do so.

After 1949 polio epidemics continued to take their terrible toll. The peak year for The Crippler in the U.S. was 1952 — 57,628 cases. During the 1950s isolated doctors around the world tried Klenner’s cure. Those who used vitamin C at doses below those recommended by Klenner reported no benefit; those who followed his dosages reported good results. Dr. H. Bauer of the University of Switzerland Clinic, Basel in 1952 reported benefits to his polio patients with 10 to 20 grams of vitamin C per day. Dr. Edward Greer, using doses in Klenner’s recommended range of 50 to 80 grams per day, recorded in 1955 good clinical results with five serious cases of polio. Dr. Abram Hoffer recalls that a controlled study, conducted in Great Britain in the late 50s with 70 young polio victims, confirmed Klenner’s cure. All those given vitamin C recovered completely, while a significant number of those not given vitamin C suffered some permanent damage. (This study was not published because of the success of the polio vaccines.) Dr. Klenner himself reported that he received scores of letters from doctors in the U.S. and Canada corroborating his striking results. Some of the letters described how they cured their own children, others, how the doctors had cured themselves.


3rd April 2012, 06:05 PM
Another cure for a lot of these diseases is magnesium chloride, given through an IV or applied on the skin.

MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE IN ACUTE AND CHRONIC DISEASES (http://www.mgwater.com/vergini.shtml)

In 1943 another French doctor, A. Neveu, M.D., used the Magnesium Chloride solution in a case of diphteria to reduce the risks of anaphylactic reaction due to the anti-diphteric serum that he was ready to administer.

To his great surprise, when the next day the laboratory results confirmed the diagnosis of diphteria, the little girl was completely cured, before he could use the serum.

He credited the immuno-stimulant activity to the solution for this result, and he tested it in some other diphteric patients. All the patients were cured in a very short time (24-48 hours), with no after-effects. As Magnesium Chloride has no direct effect on bacteria (i.e.it is not an antibiotic ), Neveu thought that its action was aspecific, immuno-enhancing, so it could be useful, in the same manner, also against viral diseases.

So he began to treat some cases of poliomyelitis, and had the same wonderful results. He was very excited and tried to divulge the therapy, but he ran into a wall of hostility and obstructionism from "Official Medicine". Neither Neveu or Delbet (who was a member of the Academy of Medicine) was able to diffuse Neveu's extraordinary results. The opposition was total: Professors of Medicine, Medical Peer-Reviews, the Academy itself, all were against the two doctors. "Official Medicine" saw in Magnesium Chloride Therapy a threat to its new and growing business: vaccinations.

Dr. Neveu wasn't discouraged by this and continued to test this therapy in a wide range of diseases. He obtained very good results in: pharyngitis, tonsillitis, hoarseness, common cold, influenza, asthma, bronchitis, broncho-pneumonia, pulmonary emphysema, "children diseases" (whooping-cough, measles, rubella, mumps, scarlet fever...), alimentary and professional poisonings, gastroenteritis, boils, abscesses, erysipelas, whitlow, septic pricks (wounds), puerperal fever and osteomyelitis. But the indications for Magnesium Chloride therapy don't end here.

In more recent years other physicians (and I among these) have verified many of Delbet's and Neveu's applications and have tried the therapy in other pathologies: asthmatic acute attack, shock, tetanus (for these the solution is administered by intravenous injection); herpes zoster, acute and chronic conjunctivitis, optic neuritis, rheumatic diseases, many allergic diseases, spring-asthenia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (even in cancer it can be an useful adjuvant).

3rd April 2012, 06:18 PM
But back to polio, another way to prevent it is through a low (or no) sugar and no simple starch diet. In 1951 Dr. Benjamin P. Sandler wrote a book called Diet Prevents Polio (http://www.seleneriverpress.com/archive-articles/421-low-carb-diet-prevents-polio-entire-book).

Low Blood Sugar And Susceptibility To Polio

During my research I observed a large number of patients who had symptoms that were caused by low blood sugar.

They complained of the symptoms previously described, namely:

abdominal pain
frequent sweats
occasional fainting spells.

Most of these patients were malnourished, which, physiologically, meant subnormal liver glycogen storage. Their diet was deficient inprotein and consisted largely of the cheaper starchy foods.

I noted that these patients also had poor resistance to infections such as colds, sore throat, grippe, influenza, bronchitis, and pneumonia. By increasing the protein content of their diet and by reducing the sugar and starch content, they improved considerably. They became stronger, more vigorous and buoyant, and had fewer infections.

A few of these patients had had polio in childhood. Observations of these patients over a long period of time led me to suspect that their susceptibility to infection was possibly due to their poor diet with its high sugar and starch content.

Their increased resistance to infection with a better diet confirmed this suspicion. It then occurred to me that their susceptibility to polio could be explained on a similar dietary basis.
Specifically, I suspected that children and adults contracted polio because of low blood sugar brought on by a diet containingsugar and starch.

I reasoned that the polio virus was able to cross tissue barriers, reach the brain and spinal cord, invade the nerve cells, damage or destroy them and cause paralysis. And I further reasoned that if the blood sugar never fell below 80 mg polio could never result.

I suspected that during a polio epidemic only those children and adults who experienced periods of low blood sugar would contract the disease and that those individuals who were in actual contact with the virus but who maintained normal blood sugar levels would not contract the disease.

Thus, it remained to prove that low blood sugar could be a factor in susceptibility to polio. And, after this had been proved, the following questions had to be answered:

What causes low blood sugar in humans?
How can low blood sugar be prevented?

The prevention of low blood sugar would thus mean the prevention of polio.

Before describing the experiments performed, I should like to make a preliminary summary and state without reserve that:

Low blood sugar is a factor of susceptibility to polio.
Low blood sugar occurs frequently in children and adults and is caused chiefly by a dietary error, namely, the consumption of sugar and starch
Correction of this dietary error will prevent low blood sugar and thus prevent polio.

An experimental method to prove that low blood sugar was a factor of susceptibility to polio was readily available.

In 1938, the only laboratory animal that could contract polio by experimental inoculation was the monkey.

All other laboratory animals were completely resistant to the polio virus.The rabbit is one of these resistant animals.

Without knowing the blood sugar range in the monkey and rabbit, it was suspected that the blood sugar in the monkey reached lower levels than in the rabbit.

These suspicions were found to have a basis in fact through the investigations of Drs. Jungeblut and Resnick of Columbia University who studied blood sugar levels in monkeys, and through the investigations of Drs. du Vigneaud and Karr of Cornell University who studied blood sugar levels in rabbits.

In monkeys, blood sugar values as low as 50 mg. were observed, whereas in the rabbit, values below 100 mg. were never observed. In numerous determinations made on rabbits I have never obtained values below 100 mg.

It was therefore concluded that the susceptibility of the monkey to the polio virus was due to the fact that its blood sugar fell to subnormal values, and that the resistance of the rabbit might be associated with the fact that its blood sugar never fell below 100 mg, and that at this concentration cellular oxidation of glucose in the nervous system and other organs would be maintained at such a level as to enable the cells to protect themselves against invasion by the virus.

Physiologists have stated that the normal blood sugar level of 80 mg. holds true for all mammals.

The next step was to lower the blood sugar of the rabbit to subnormal values with insulin injections, and then inoculate the rabbit with polio virus. This was done and it was found that the rabbits became infected and developed the disease.

The details of these experiments were published in the American Journal of Pathology, January, 1941.

Some rabbits showed signs of infection 8 to 10 hours after inoculation. I wish to stress this short period of incubation in the rabbit because it demonstrates that polio can develop in a short period of time. This is important, as we shall learn later, when we discuss the onset of polio in humans within 24 hours after severe physical exertion.

The rabbit is also resistant to the dog distemper virus. One of the largest research laboratories has conducted much research with this virus and when I informed the members of the staff about my success in inoculating rabbits with polio virus after lowering the blood sugar, they inoculated rabbits with the dog distemper virus after insulin and reported to me that they observed signs of infection in the rabbit for the first time.

This corroborating experiment indicates that low blood sugar may cause susceptibility to many infections.

I was thus satisfied that low blood sugar was a factor of susceptibility to the polio virus in monkeys, and that rabbits could be rendered susceptible after their blood sugar was lowered with insulin (Insulin, as you probably know, is the hormone which diabetics inject into themselves in order to keep their blood sugar within normal range. It is a quick-acting drug and can lower the blood sugar within an hour or so after injection).

I concluded that the concept that low blood sugar created susceptibility to polio in both monkeys and rabbits could be applied to humans as well.

What Causes Low Blood Sugar in Humans?

The next step in the solution of the polio problem was to find out the causes of low blood sugar in humans. Fortunately the answer to this problem was already at hand.

It has been found that the consumption of sugar and starch and foods containing these substances were the chief causes of low blood sugar.

When patients drank a solution of pure glucose they had a period of low blood sugar which began one to two hours after the glucose was taken and which lasted for one to two hours, and longer.

This study of the blood sugar is called the "glucose tolerance test" and is employed for the detection of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia. When they ate a meal containing sugar and starch they also had periods of low blood sugar which came on an hour or so later and which lasted for from one to two hours.

The low blood sugar was more marked and lasted for a longer time after the glucose solution than after a meal containing starch.

It is an established fact that this paradoxic depressant effect on the blood sugar level is more readily exerted by sugar than it is by starches. I have observed these results in hundreds of cases and similar results have been obtained by other investigators.

It is a surprising paradox: the more sugar (and starch) you eat, the more likely you will develop low blood sugar.
Drs. E. P. McCullagh and C. R. K. Johnston have shown how the glucose tolerance test is readily influenced by diet. Thus the second problem: What can cause low blood sugar in the human? was solved.

How Can Low Blood Sugar be Prevented?

The third problem, "How can low blood sugar be prevented?" was the only one left and this, too, was readily solved.

It had been found by other investigators that a meal consisting of protein, fat, and carbohydrates, but with no sugar or starch,NEVER caused low blood sugar.

The addition of sugar and starch to such a meal could readily produce low blood sugar.

Thus I arrived at a simple formula for preventing polio: eliminate from the diet sugar and foods containing sugar, and reduce the consumption of foods containing starch.

Since eating sugar and starch during a meal may cause low blood sugar after one to three hours, and since elimination of sugar and starch prevents low blood sugar, the invasion of the body by the polio virus will be prevented by a diet containing no sugar and no starch. Protection against polio would thus begin on the very day such a diet was started and protection would last just as long as such a diet was adhered to.

I have found that a diet completely free of sugar and starch and consisting of proteins, fats, and non-starchy vegetables:
May be adhered to for years with beneficial effect and absolutely NO harmful effect.

There is NO supporting evidence to indicate that sugar and starch are necessary for health or for energy purposes.
The human is a carnivore and can thrive on protein and fat alone, if necessary.

The Eskimos thrive well on meat and fish which yield only protein and fat, and polio is unheard of among them.

American and European explorers in the Arctic regions have lived on meat and fish for as long as 18 months and have maintained perfect health all the time on such a diet. Vilhjalmur Stefansson, the Arctic explorer, has described his existence on such a diet in great detail. He states that he was in perfect health on such a diet which consisted of protein and fat alone.

Eskimos who live on meat and fish are not susceptible to infectious diseases. They do become susceptible when they live amongst white men and eat the white man’s diet with its sugar and starch. It is true that the Eskimo’s fresh contact with the white man exposes him to infectious diseases to which he (the Eskimo) has not had the opportunity to become immune.

The presence of sugar and starch in the Eskimo's new diet is of greater significance. A US public health officer stationed in Alaska has blamed this dietary factor for the great susceptibility of the Eskimo to tuberculosis.

A low carbohydrate meal elevates and stabilizes the blood sugar levels.

This stabilizing effect is important because some of the symptoms of low blood sugar are due to rapid fall in blood sugar level which accompany wide fluctuations in blood sugar levels following the ingestion of sugar and starch.

Twisted Titan
3rd April 2012, 06:26 PM
great information in this thread..............i have so much to digest