View Full Version : US Government Will Confiscate Gold When It Touches $2000.

18th February 2011, 10:45 AM
Well, I am safe........own no gold and only a few oz of silver :oo-->
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US Government Will Confiscate Gold When It Touches $2000.

Author: Mac Slavo- February 18th, 2011.

It’s no secret that the US government is broke, the US dollar is crashing and losing credibility globally, and the IMF, China, France and others have publicly stated their desire to eliminate the dollar as the world’s primary reserve currency.

The IMF, for example, recently issued a call to replace the Federal Reserve’s fiat paper, ironically suggesting that it should be replaced with yet another synthetic instrument known as the SDR, or Special Drawing Right. The SDR is essentially a monetary unit made up of a basket of other global monetary units that include the euro, Japanese yen, pound sterling, and U.S. dollar. Incidentally, prior to the collapse of the Bretton Woods gold-backed US dollar monetary system in 1973, the SDR was actually ‘backed by gold,’ with one SDR being worth roughly 0.88 grams of gold, or at the time, $1 US dollar.

It’s been suggested that a new SDR, which would likely include the Chinese Yuan within the basket, may also require some non-synthetic units of exchange such as gold.

We’ve learned from well known metals analyst and commentator Roger Wiegand, in an email to silver analyst David Morgan which was subsequently published in Morgan’s latest Silver Investor newsletter available only to subscribers, that several of Wiegand’s high level inside sources have reported that the puppeteers behind the US government, in order to facilitate a move into a new world currency are considering, or may have already begun moving forward with, a plan to confiscate gold and silver from the American public.

The following “Red Alert” was sent by Wiegand to other precious metals experts and analysts and is republished verbatim:

via Sherri Questioning All:

Editor: There is a plan to use the IMF (AKA US Treasury and Wall Street) to be the front man for the new world order and one currency.We also got disturbing news yesterday from an impeccable source that when gold touches $2,000 it’s confiscated in the USAfor about $200. Then it’s to be reissued by the Treasury for $10,000 per ounce to back the new IMF world currency using SDRS in 2011. Large physical gold is being moved to Canada.

We’ve previously commented on the possibility of gold confiscation and other steps that may be taken by our financier controlled government in the event that gold does reach certain thresholds. Reaching these new thresholds, for example $2000 or $5000 per ounce, would suggest that the US dollar has likely crashed or begun a final collapse into oblivion, at which point, all credibility for this unit of exchange will have been lost in the eyes of the rest of the world.

Will this lead to confiscation? Even David Morgan himself, in a recent Youtube interview, suggested that confiscation in the traditional sense was “ridiculous” and an argument that he doesn’t buy.

Confiscation, however, may happen in other forms, as has been suggested by trend forecaster Gerald Celente and precious metals expert Jerry Western.

Celente, who has been forecasting $2000 gold for years, says that governments will intervene if the price gets too high:

We are projecting gold to go to $2000. It can go way higher, but we think that’s going to be the limit because the world governments will do something to push the price down.

The free market will certainly value gold appropriately over the long-term, but in the short-term we cannot underestimate the power of interested banking conglomerates and their marionettes within the halls of Congress and the White House to force the price of gold to whatever value they choose through the use of price controls, much like governments have attempted to do with things like rents and food in various parts of the world throughout history. In the case of Mr. Wiegand’s red alert email, it could be as low as $200 per ounce.

In his timely book Got Gold? Get Gold! covering everything you ever needed to know about precious metals, author Jerry Western writes:

So, will it happen again? I’d have to say overtly, probably not. Never say never, but I believe that covertly it has already begun.

Mr. Western suggests that, while the government will not overtly confiscate, as they did in 1933 when the US dollar was backed by gold, there are other ways that the financial powers that be, who essentially own our government, will strip the people of their precious metals.

…there’s the matter of gold and silver Exchange Traded Funds. Many of these funds, including the largest, are thought by many informed individuals, not to hold the metal they are purported to. At some point, if they don’t have the metal, they will default on their obligations to shareholders. Those shareholders who thought they owned gold will not…They will have had their gold taken from them. Confiscated.

The two largest gold and silver ‘backed’ commodity ETFs currently have a total of nearly $70 billion in market capitalization. If the gold and silver aren’t there, as the fund managers claim, then if and when investors start requesting delivery of the physical metals, the funds will crash in the style of Ponzi and the paper representing their physical holdings will become worthless.

The other real possibility will be confiscation through taxes, writes Western:

The final implementation of confiscation will probably be in the form of confiscatory taxes. If taxes rise to 90% on any profit I must report, then it will be discouraging and not worth the effort to hold the metal.

With the passage of President Obama’s health care bill, the American people found out, after the fact as usual, of the new 1099 requirements which will force gold/silver merchants to declare all precious metals transactions over $600. Thus, the mechanism for tracking and taxing even small cash transactions has already been put into place.

We cannot, however, dismiss outright the suggestion that precious metals will be physically confiscated from the people. The reasoning behind the 1933 confiscation and ban on owning gold until the mid 1970’s was primarily because the US dollar was backed by gold. One US dollar represented a specific amount of gold, 0.888 grams in fact. Today, no such backing exists, and gold has been called a relic of the past by modern day monetary experts.

However, if the IMF gets its wish, and it very well may if the US dollar’s long term plunge continues unabated, then gold will become a part of the new world reserve currency unit, currently being referred to as the SDR.

If the United States is to retain a portion of that SDR basket, we will not be able to do it with our current monetary unit, the Federal Reserve Note, and a new currency domestically would be required. Sure, it may still be called the dollar, but it will likely need to be pegged to some physical asset, at least in part, for it to have any credibility globally and within the SDR basket. This means that the government is going to need to get its hands on some gold. There are supposed to be tons of it in Fort Knox, but we really don’t know because no accounting of those assets have been done for some 50 years. In the event we don’t have as much gold as the Federal Reserve says we do, then those precious metals are going to need to come from somewhere.

For this reason, we can’t dismiss the idea that confiscation may become reality.

So, if you’ve taken our past advice and hold physical precious metals, we recommend looking into some creative ways of making sure they don’t exist if someone ever comes knocking.


18th February 2011, 10:55 AM
I think they'll confiscate more lead than gold this time around.

18th February 2011, 10:56 AM

1oz of Ag or even less will buy you this item today,including shipping and will end your worries.

18th February 2011, 11:04 AM
Articles like this one are psyops intended to get the conspiracy minded to not buy gold. Period.

Silver Shield
18th February 2011, 11:43 AM
The more they try to suppress it the more it will rise.

The Elite would be wise to just cut to the chase have a debt jubilee and reset the system

They would still be in control and we would be happy.

The Catholic Church did it, the Babylonians did it.

I have the feeling they are playing for keeps this time.

And it will blow up in their face.

Publico Pro Se
18th February 2011, 04:27 PM
You all do know that gold is a barbaric metal. You do know that, don't you?

18th February 2011, 04:35 PM
Yeah, you can really do nothing with gold.....piece of crap.........if you have any sent it to me and I'll burried for you.

18th February 2011, 04:45 PM
This means that the government is going to need to get its hands on some gold.


We could point them to a few lakes and oceans . . . I've heard there's been a rash of Boating Accidents. ;)

Publico Pro Se
18th February 2011, 04:49 PM
This means that the government is going to need to get its hands on some gold.


We could point them to a few lakes and oceans . . . I've heard there's been a rash of Boating Accidents. ;)

Boating accidents??? Slumming with the riff-raff are you? If my bullion can't fall off a yacht well life really ain't worth living now is it?

18th February 2011, 05:37 PM
Articles like this one are psyops intended to get the conspiracy minded to not buy gold. Period.

Yes and buy silver...hahaha...called a backfire

18th February 2011, 05:52 PM
No one hears this stuff and then we get to hear about it ..just dosnt happen

18th February 2011, 08:34 PM
I think the IMF's SDR's are what we can look forward to in the future,
and they probably will be partially gold backed, but that doesn't mean confiscation.

They'll want us to have and keep a little token gold to make us feel like we're
participants in the new upcoming global monetary system.

Similar to our participation in publicly traded stock shares on Wall St. that makes
us believe we own a piece of the great fortune 500.

Of course we don't, it's just another Ponzi scheme as well, but it placates us with the
hope of becoming overnight winners.

No, they already hold the bulk of the worlds gold and they will determine its worth just as they always have.
They will tell us how much they have and we'll nod our heads in agreement. What else can we do? Storm the vaults?

There will be no accounting or accountability.

They will set a floating value, a tiny handful of people will profit and the Global economy will resume at breakneck speed
with great fanfare.

It'll still be a fractional reserve fiat debt based system by the BIS et al., it'll merely afford the illusion of being gold backed.

18th February 2011, 09:26 PM
There is no way they even try to confiscate anytime in the near future. That strategy does not work out for them. A ton of things must happen long before they could even think trying it. Right now they would rather just not even mention the metals issue, that and the oil or energy issue are about the same - "let's just not talk about it," is their platform. The war is the same.

The issue in the USA is the middle class and an armed one at that. Their best strategy is to try and destroy the economy to the point that ammo becomes too expense for the average worker. This is the strategy that we are seeing and that strategy is likely to continue. I do not expect TPTB to pursue a full ramp up to a functioning and total control police state (ala NK) so quickly. These things take decades and the elite are pretty well off already and have no need to speed anything up and risk some kind of severe blow back.

Twisted Titan
18th February 2011, 10:42 PM
The final implementation of confiscation will probably be in the form of confiscatory taxes. If taxes rise to 90% on any profit I must report, then it will be discouraging and not worth the effort to hold the metal.

19th February 2011, 05:22 AM
They could pass a 90% tax tomorrow, about 1% of the public would be outraged. After all, only the rich who can afford to pay more have that stuff. It's coming.

19th February 2011, 12:50 PM
They could pass a 90% tax tomorrow, about 1% of the public would be outraged. After all, only the rich who can afford to pay more have that stuff. It's coming.

The taxes are already very high, they don't want to rock the boat more than required. "The less anyone brings up the subject of gold and silver the better," is their thinking. They would really rather everyone just forget the canary in the coal mine. Just like the never ending wars.

If they made the mistake of trying to raise the taxes on PMs directly or make use of confiscation then they would start a run towards black markets that would make craigs list look like a garage sale on the weekend. Compared to the trillions in debt and yearly expenses, the amount of money in PMs that is actually up for possible sale anytime in the near future doesn't even amount to one-tenth of one percent of what the govt needs to get out of their financial mess.

Taxing or going after small amounts of gold and silver that gold bugs might decide to sell from time to time won't do anything for the elite at this point. They must go after the really big amounts, they must go after worker productivity and draw more from the middle class, they must create global currency wars and real wars - and this is exactly what they've been doing and what they will continue to do.

19th February 2011, 12:52 PM
FunnyMoney?......what are you so worried about?, after all, your are FUNNY MONEY :oo-->

19th February 2011, 06:51 PM
Articles like this one are psyops intended to get the conspiracy minded to not buy gold. Period.

I've got a hunch that "Sherri Questioning All" is a psyop and organized disinfo campaign.

Just a hunch.

Walter Mitty
20th February 2011, 06:14 AM
This is a praphrase from something I read on another site.
There is maybe 5 billion in gold they can confiscate. Alot is held in private hands.
There is 4 trillion in 401k's and IRA's all held in finiancial institutions.
Which do you think they are going to confiscate?

20th February 2011, 10:32 AM
they wont confiscate ANYTHING,would cause civil disobedience and riots, they arent stupid. Evil,yes,Stupid,no.

20th February 2011, 10:56 AM
I think a lot of times they float these stories with the aim of testing public reaction; then act accordingly. If they feel like they can get away with it, they will do it.


20th February 2011, 04:38 PM
This is a praphrase from something I read on another site.
There is maybe 5 billion in gold they can confiscate. Alot is held in private hands.
There is 4 trillion in 401k's and IRA's all held in finiancial institutions.
Which do you think they are going to confiscate?

I think this is spot on.

Why would the gov't risk an admission that fiat is crap, just so that they can add a few billion dollars to their coffers, which they spend in less that a day? Just doesn't make any sense.

20th February 2011, 05:53 PM
I don't think that it's a fait accompli that confiscation would trigger a breakdown in fiat currency due to loss of faith in paper. Look at it this way, it hasn't happened yet even though there is more readily available information than there ever has been. Again, if they think they can get away with it with an acceptable amount of collateral damage, it will be done. Personally, I think that it's more likely than most people realize. If you are TPTB, which would you rather have- a few hundred dollars worth of toilet paper disguised as money, or a few billion worth of real money?


This is a praphrase from something I read on another site.
There is maybe 5 billion in gold they can confiscate. Alot is held in private hands.
There is 4 trillion in 401k's and IRA's all held in finiancial institutions.
Which do you think they are going to confiscate?

I think this is spot on.

Why would the gov't risk an admission that fiat is crap, just so that they can add a few billion dollars to their coffers, which they spend in less that a day? Just doesn't make any sense.

20th February 2011, 05:59 PM
Sparky?........is not a matter that they want it but rather that they don't want you to have it........ they rather give you insecurity rather than security.

20th February 2011, 06:12 PM
I don't think that it's a fait accompli that confiscation would trigger a breakdown in fiat currency due to loss of faith in paper. Look at it this way, it hasn't happened yet even though there is more readily available information than there ever has been. Again, if they think they can get away with it with an acceptable amount of collateral damage, it will be done. Personally, I think that it's more likely than most people realize. If you are TPTB, which would you rather have- a few hundred dollars worth of toilet paper disguised as money, or a few billion worth of real money?


What reason would they give to the public? Any reasoning would imply that fiat is inferior to or a lame excuse for the real thing that they are trying to confiscate. They would need to provide a credible spin for the people.

During the Depression, they convinced people that it allowed the gov't to control the money supply in the best interest of the people, because gold determined the money supply. Now? They have no excuse. There are too many watchdogs that would rip their reasoning to shreds. They would have too little to gain. What better situation could they have than to create and destroy money however they see fit? If they want all the people's gold, they could simply print money and go on the open market and buy it the same way they are buying bonds.

mick silver
20th February 2011, 08:14 PM
dam i am so glad i didnt get none of those metal ... i just buy usa bond with my funds

21st February 2011, 08:07 AM
My guess is that they will say that the gold will be used as collateral to shore up social security 'forever'. As far as fiat=inferior, the vast majority doesn't even know what fiat is. If confiscation happens, you can bet that for every resulting reasoned watchdog analysis, they will use their 'full spectrum dominance' and IO (information ops) technology to create 5 shill counters used to parrot the company line and discredit anybody the watchdogs. Hell, they probably already have them in place. The watchdogs will look like the outliers to the untrained mind. As far as what they have to gain, I don't think they look at it as insignificant.


I don't think that it's a fait accompli that confiscation would trigger a breakdown in fiat currency due to loss of faith in paper. Look at it this way, it hasn't happened yet even though there is more readily available information than there ever has been. Again, if they think they can get away with it with an acceptable amount of collateral damage, it will be done. Personally, I think that it's more likely than most people realize. If you are TPTB, which would you rather have- a few hundred dollars worth of toilet paper disguised as money, or a few billion worth of real money?


What reason would they give to the public? Any reasoning would imply that fiat is inferior to or a lame excuse for the real thing that they are trying to confiscate. They would need to provide a credible spin for the people.

During the Depression, they convinced people that it allowed the gov't to control the money supply in the best interest of the people, because gold determined the money supply. Now? They have no excuse. There are too many watchdogs that would rip their reasoning to shreds. They would have too little to gain. What better situation could they have than to create and destroy money however they see fit? If they want all the people's gold, they could simply print money and go on the open market and buy it the same way they are buying bonds.