View Full Version : LIBYA, AL ARABIYA REPORTS 10,000 DEAD

24th February 2011, 04:12 AM
Holy Cow..........


23 February , 18:01

(ANSAmed)- ROME - There are at least 10,000 dead and 50,000 wounded in Libya, according to reports by Al Arabiya on Twitter quoting a member of the International Criminal Court. The death toll was reportd by the Libyan member of the ICC, Sayed al Shanuka, who was interviewed from Paris. The official figures provided by the Libyan government yesterday indicated 300 dead, while this morning Italian foreign minister Franco Frattini stated that he believed more in the death of ''more than 1,000 innocents".

After last night's speech on television by Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, who stated that "I will resist until my death", tension emerged today in Libya while foreigners flee and power supplies to Europe are being shut down. The government still controls Tripoli, but has now lost Cyrenaica. This morning Italian foreign minister Franco Frattini mentioned ''civil war'' between ''death units and squads'' and accused Gaddafi of ''horrible bloodshed'', asking him to stop. Even the Italian government, which the opposition accused of not having spoken about Gaddafi's repression, is now attacking the Libyan leader.

Frattini added that, in its relations with Libya, in the past Italy ''did what it needed to do'', but ''there is a limit and in light of what is happening we cannot but make our voice heard". MALTA SOURCES, AISHA GADDAFI ON REJECTED AIRCRAFT - Aisha Gheddafi, daughter of the Libyan leader, was among the 14 people on board a Libyan airplane that was prevented from landing in Malta today. The report was made by sources close to the Maltese government.(ANSAmed).

24th February 2011, 04:17 AM
Scores of Libyan soldiers have been executed for refusing to open fire on pro-democracy protesters, International Federation for Human Rights (IFHR) says.

An amateur video shows the bodies of some 130 slain soldiers with their hands tied behind their backs. The mutinous soldiers were shot dead in al-Baida near the eastern city of Benghazi.

This comes amid more reports of defiance among army ranks and soldiers who have refused to obey orders by embattled Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi to shoot peaceful protesters.

The IFHR said the brutal crackdown on protesters in Libya is "crime against humanity has to be referred to the International Court of Justice," dpa reported on Wednesday.

Medical sources told the rights group that they have seen scenes of carnage in Benghazi, where hospitals remain packed with dead bodies and people injured in attacks by Gaddafi loyalists.

Meanwhile, hundreds of dead protesters have been buried in mass graves at a beach in the capital Tripoli, reports said.

At least 1,000 people have reportedly lost their lives in the security forces' crackdown on civilians since last week, while Gaddafi has vowed not to bow to popular calls to end his four-decade rule, and threatened to crush the pro-democracy protesters.

Security forces used heavy machine guns on Wednesday to stop crowds of protesters. However, more cities, including Tajuraa, Zwaara, Azzawiya, Benghazi, Derna and Tobruk, are falling out of the control of government forces.

Libya has tightened its clampdown by launching a door-to-door search for opposition protesters, reports say.


Twisted Titan
24th February 2011, 04:59 AM
After this the last well known Tin Pot Dictator will be Fidel Castro( and that is if you believe he's still alive)

40+ Years is long time to hold a death grip on a country.

Had to end at some point.


24th February 2011, 06:36 AM
Just watch the little puppets that get installed after these clowns are taken down.

The muslim side of the battlefield will also be controlled by the new world order. Common folk play video games. Global elite play war games using the blood of common folk.

24th February 2011, 08:10 AM
Gaddafi is Jewish - see the other thread ... now he has caused so much trouble that Libyans are killing each other. Think about that.

mick silver
24th February 2011, 08:34 AM
i just wonder if the usa will stand beside the words to not kill there people if this was to happen here ... i think the usa talks out of both sides of there mouth

Twisted Titan
24th February 2011, 08:35 AM
Kinda off topic.......... what has happened to Mubarak since stepping down???

24th February 2011, 08:41 AM
He and Ben Ali (Tunsian president) both had a sudden stroke. Just a coincidence I'm sure.
Rothschilds are busy


mick silver
24th February 2011, 08:42 AM
he moving to ny

24th February 2011, 08:51 AM
He and Ben Ali (Tunsian president) both had a sudden stroke. Just a coincidence I'm sure.
Rothschilds are busy


I wonder if this has anything to do with Gadaffi soadamant about staying in power. Step down you die anyway. Might as well go out with a bang.

24th February 2011, 08:57 AM
He and Ben Ali (Tunsian president) both had a sudden stroke. Just a coincidence I'm sure.
Rothschilds are busy


I wonder if this has anything to do with Gadaffi soadamant about staying in power. Step down you die
anyway. Might as well go out with a bang.
Most likely, Gadaffi is a desert fox, able to stay in power and alive despite everything that have come his way. He knows it is game over if he steps down...

Twisted Titan
24th February 2011, 09:22 AM
I agree Neuro

Kaddaffi is a High Level Sociopath

That Fact that he is blowing up oil pipe lines In Lybia is proof positive.

Anybody that seizes power will have absolute hell on there hands fixxing that while growing resentment against the new leadership will swell to a fever pitch.

24th February 2011, 09:49 AM
After this the last well known Tin Pot Dictator will be Fidel Castro( and that is if you believe he's still alive)

40+ Years is long time to hold a death grip on a country.

Had to end at some point.


Well, El Comandante Fidel Castro has been in power now for 52 years.......he is the only "dictator" that has never kissed the ass of any of the US presidents and that to me means a lot........he lives and does as he says and just as I do.........The only thing that I "could" have against him is the fact that he had my mom in military prison for 2 years.......but........I use the word "could" because she was guilty of conspiring against him.......I do blame the US government for allowing one of their on to be in that situation for two years.

Twisted Titan
24th February 2011, 10:39 AM
Yes he does ........ just takes eyes to see it.

Lets have a quick Geography and Political quiz all rolled up into one simple question shall we??

Where is the US Controlled and Operated CAMP X RAY located???


So follow me now with a Bonus question.


That flies in the face of all common sense. Why would you allow your "enemy" to have a standing MILITARY presence on your soil??

The sad truth is Castro hasnt been fighting shit.......he has just being playing a part in keeping the sheep ( in both countries) on edge

Castro has been getting a sweet Monthly Welfare check From the US for over half a dam century for playing boogey man and he has no intention of letting that milk money go now.

So call it for what it is.

Because Old Man Fidel knows exactly what will happen to him if he ever got uppity and tried to expel The Military.

It would Make Eygpt look like a sandbox tussle

24th February 2011, 10:58 AM
The first evacuated europeans say there were no bombings and that all is pretty peacful. Shops and banks are working.

24th February 2011, 05:50 PM
Conflicting reports so here is another.............

It’s a massacre in there,” said Mohamed Yehia after he crossed into Egypt at the northwestern town of Salloum, speaking of the deadly crackdown by Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi. “He is crazy. The world must know what he’s doing to his people.”

Yehia, 23, is one of thousands of Egyptians working in Libya who gathered their belongings and left the oil-rich country yesterday after Qaddafi’s son, Saif al-Islam, this week accused foreigners, including Tunisians and Egyptians, of inciting the ongoing revolt. Popular uprisings are spreading across the Arab world after mass protests in Tunisia and Egypt ousted their two long-serving presidents.

Egyptians drove from across Libya, from such cities as Benghazi, al-Bayda and Derna. Some came on foot, carrying blankets, suitcases, small pieces of furniture and even ovens. Vans brought men in their 20s and 30s who had worked at manual labor jobs, including construction. A few families with small children also crossed the border.

Egyptian vans drove straight through the checkpoint, while those who arrived in Libyan vehicles had to get out and walk across while carrying all their belongings.

They were met by dozens of buses sent by the Egyptian military, whose officials declared via speakers that the vehicles would drive them to major Egyptian cities for free. About 100 private minivans also lined up at the border, and more waited at two other military checkpoints farther away.

At least 300 people have been killed in the 10 days of the violent crackdown on the protests in Libya, Human Rights Watch says.
Mercenary Soldiers

Many of those arriving said they had seen mercenaries from Africa and elsewhere, some dark-skinned and some fair, some speaking French. They had been deployed to attack anti- government protesters in Libyan cities, including the capital, Tripoli, and Benghazi, which has seen some of the worst violence since the uprising began last week, the eyewitnesses said.

Pro-Qaddafi supporters, largely mercenaries, were indiscriminately attacking anyone in Tripoli who was on the streets, said Nabil Abdel Raouf, 35, an Egyptian construction worker who lived in Derna about 240 kilometers (150 miles) from the border.

“My brother and cousins have been trying to leave Tripoli for four days, but they’re not able to,” Abdel Raouf said. “The mercenaries are in the streets and they’re killing anyone who leaves his house.”

Yehia said he saw 26 corpses at a hospital near his home in al-Bayda on the eastern coast. Several of the people who participated in the protests, which started as peaceful, were killed by live bullets in the chest and the head, he said.
Police, Army

“First the police attacked the protesters, but after they saw many of their people being killed, they sympathized and joined them. The army too,” said Yehia.

Mercenaries were brought in the following day but were repelled by the protesters, he said. He attended several mass funerals, he said.

“We were hearing automatic machine guns and explosions,” said Yehia. “I don’t know where those loud noises were coming from. Everyone was terrified, it was like a war.”

Similar protests were witnessed in Sabratha on the western border, said Hany Khalifa, 26, also a carpenter, who was living in al-Bayda and had friends in Sabratha.

Before reaching the coastal city of Benghazi on the way to Salloum, pro-Qaddafi policemen stopped a van carrying Egyptians, said Hany Abu El Einein, the 32-year-old driver. The passengers were ordered to sit on the ground and look down as the police pointed guns at the back of their heads, he said after reaching Salloum.
‘Destroying the Country’

“They told us Egyptians and Tunisians are responsible for the problems, that we’re destroying the country,” Abu El Einein said.

After Qaddafi’s Feb. 22 speech, in which he vowed to fight the uprising until his “last drop of blood,” thousands of his supporters took to the streets in the city of Sirte. They closed off the city and attacked anti-government protesters, said Yasser al-Badri, a 26-year-old construction worker who resided in Tripoli and was in Abu El Einein’s van.

The roads became safer between Benghazi and Salloum because armed opposition popular defense committees were in control of the eastern region, the passengers said.

“They helped us and showed us the road,” said Mohamed Hassan, 26, also a construction worker. “Since Benghazi, the people have been great with us.”

To contact the reporter on this story: Maram Mazen at the Libyan-Egyptian border at mmazen@bloomberg.net.


24th February 2011, 06:04 PM

Pro-Qaddafi supporters, largely mercenaries, were indiscriminately attacking anyone in Tripoli who was on the streets, said Nabil Abdel Raouf, 35, an Egyptian construction worker who lived in Derna about 240 kilometers (150 miles) from the border.

See this crap ? He is talking about Tripoli and he lived in Derna ? He probably never was in Tripoli. Smells....

On the other had we have people that came from Tripoli in the last two days saying such things never happened, there were no bombings, etc.....
conflicting info indeed.

We also heard reports of Tripoli airport bombings. False. Fail. The airport is open for civilian traffic and even the regular lines are coming and going.

We will see what will happen.

A lot of propaganda going on imho.The article you posted is really insulting my intelligence. Going from Darna to Egyptian border is not "across" freaking Lybia....

Stop Making Cents
24th February 2011, 06:16 PM
Maybe the A-rabs will tear themselves apart the way Western Whites destoryed themselves in 2 world/civil wars.

26th February 2011, 03:49 AM
1000s die in Libya, reports of poison gas
Sat Feb 26, 2011 3:35AM

Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi
Libya's deputy ambassador to the UN says thousands of people have been killed during protests, as unconfirmed reports have come in claiming the regime has used poison gas on demonstrators.

Ibrahim Dabbashi, who has turned against the Gaddafi regime, said the death toll is expected to rise as Muammar Gaddafi continues his bloody crackdown against the opposition.

"There are already thousands of people who have been killed, we expect more. They are gathering all the bodies and they are taking them to the desert or somewhere. No one knows where are the bodies of the victims," AFP quoted Dabbashi as saying.

His comments came ahead of a UN Security Council meeting on the crisis in Libya.

Dabbashi said the "psychologically unstable” Gaddafi has the choice between being killed or committing suicide. “He might seek to send some of his family members abroad but I believe he prefers to die in Libya because of his narcissistic character, he wants to act like a hero."

Meanwhile, there are reports that forces loyal to Gaddafi's crumbling regime have mounted attacks in towns west of Tripoli.

The regime has already lost control of Misurata and Zuara in the west. Opposition protesters are now in control of major cities in the east, including Benghazi.

According to reports, security forces loyal to Gaddafi have stormed hospitals in Tripoli and murdered protesters who were being treated.

There are also unconfirmed reports that the regime has used poison gas against demonstrators in Misarata.

The United Nations Security Council is set to meet to discuss sanctions against Gaddafi and those loyal to him at the request of the French and British missions to the UN.

The United States and Europe plan to consider the possibility of freezing the assets of Gaddafi and some of his top officials responsible for the deadly crackdown on the people.

26th February 2011, 04:07 AM

This web site is too graphic for me but here it is,,,,,,,,,,,

26th February 2011, 06:31 AM
This web site is too graphic for me but here it is

After seeing that my guess is the Africans they hired to come gun down protesters aren't big fans of that agreement to use FMJ rounds only. Some of the victims are literally blown in half.

26th February 2011, 07:55 AM
Gaddafi shows his zio-tool credentials when he blathers on about his "belief that the source of the protests are Osama bin Goldstein and al-CIAduh". I've seen a couple MSM news accounts claiming this now. If MSM's not just bold-faced lying, and that's a big IF, then Gaddafi's fully ZiOwned.

Gordon Duff churns out many interesting articles & opinion essays, but for various reasons I've never fully trusted him, and this latest from him speaks to why,
VETERANS TODAY: AMERICA MUST ATTACK GADDAFI NOW! (http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/02/25/veterans-today-america-must-attack-gaddafi-now/)
"Redeem our sacred honor", pfff, Duffy knows better than to believe or propagate such political emotion-tugger slogans...

26th February 2011, 08:21 AM
The entire realignment of power taking place in North Africa and the Middle East is paving the way for eventual open western control (vs. covert, which has been in place for some time). Look for this to extend beyond the region to other theaters - the Asian subcontinent and the various "-Stan" regions. It's a two-fer: oil and hegemony at the expense of killing thousands to disguise the real intent here. I suspect all of these supposed "people's revolutions" have been on the drawing board for some time and now it's the end game. The only exception I see is Saudi Arabia, which is already a puppet for the west and needed as an anchor chess piece in the strategic theater of the mind taking place. At a minimum I totally disbelieve any of what we've witnessed in the past month has been independent or the result of populist unrest. More like an orchestrated and metered program under the management of western intelligence and governments to retrench their grasp in a deeper hold across the entire region. The remainder of this year will likely see Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan, and yes, I'm calling it, Iran, as the eventual late-comers to the party.

mick silver
26th February 2011, 08:24 AM